InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ She Saw ❯ And She Saw ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome saw. She watched the entire time, frozen in place as time stopped. Saw her arrow fly through the barrier Inuyasha had just broken, and pierce Akago. Saw all of Naraku's reincarnations fall to dust. Saw his eyes widen in surprise, then fear as he too began to fade. She saw his tentacles thrash wildly about, with the last of his power. And she saw those tentacles pierce her hanyou's chest. She saw them retract, leaving a gaping hole. And she saw Inuyasha looking down in surprise for an instant, right before he fell. She watched the entire time.
“Ka… Kagome…” Inuyasha choked, as Kagome rushed to his side.
“Shh, I'm here, we'll get you to Kaede's, she'll patch you up in no time…” Kagome crooned, her words laced with hysteria.
“Too… late… for Kaede…” He gasped, watching as the pool of blood around him grew.
“No, no, it'll be alright, you'll be fine.” She soothed repeatedly, trying to drag his limp body away from the battleground. She glanced desperately over at Miroku, hunched over Sango's still form. His back was to her, and he was shaking. Little whimpering noises escaped his mouth every so often, filled with the deepest kind of pain. Her blood formed a pool around him, staining his purple robes black. Kagome couldn't ask him for help, that much was obvious…
“Kagome… don't be too sad…” Inuyasha croaked, his voice getting softer by the second.
“NO! You are going to be alright! You have to be! You are going to be fine!” Kagome screamed.
“I'm sorry Kagome… so sorry that I have to leave you…” His voice was barely audible.
“NO, no, no, no, no, no…” She whimpered, pressing her hands to his chest, trying to stop the blood from leaking out.
“You can't die! I need you here…”
Inuyasha stroked her long black hair, matted with the filth of battle.
“I know… I'm so sorry…” He whispered, tears leaking from his golden eyes.
“Don't go! I love you!”
His eyes widened, and then softened.
“I love you too.” He breathed, inhaling her scent for the last time.
His eyes slowly drifted shut.
And she saw.