InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sightless in Seattle ❯ Wedding Day ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wedding Day
Inuyasha and Miroku were sitting in the groom's room, while Sango and Kagome were in the bride's room.
It had been about a year since Inu industries had almost gone under, and Inuyasha and his brother were co- owners of 2 multi-billion dollar companies. Shikon Inc. and Inu Industries.
Kikyo was put in the women's correctional facility, and Naraku was, not surprisingly, never heard of again, although police did find some of his blood on his apartment wall, it was not investigated.
It seemed, that he had called some of the crime scene investigator some awful names and they didn't see what the harm was in "letting this one go".
As for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru they are two of the wealthiest brothers that ever lived, they were prosperous, and their chief advisor was to be wed soon. Inuyasha had proposed to Kagome the following year, and with many tears of joy, she said yes.
And today is their Wedding Day.
"Are you nervous Inuyasha?" Miroku said. Miroku was his best friend, and had been ever sense he met him. Miroku had also married Sango earlier that year, and has since then he had founded Lecherous Anonymous.
For all those times you stood by me,
For all the truth that you made me see,
For all the joy you brought to my life,
"Yeah, what do you think?" Inuyasha said sarcastically.
"I'm sorry Miroku, it's just-"
"Nerves, that is all it is", Miroku said, to his friend, after putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, nerves I guess", he said.
For all the wrong that you made right,
For every dream you made come true,
For all the love you made come true,
"So are you nervous Kagome?" Sango asked her best friend, as she looked in the mirror.
"No, I love Inuyasha, but I don't want him to regret anything…" she said, drifting off as Sango pushed her in front of the mirror.
I'll be forever thankful baby,
You're the one who held me up,
Never let me fall,
"How could he regret you Kagome?" Sango said as she looked.
You're the one who saw me throughthrough it all,
Kagome's dress was expensive, and breathtakingly beautiful on her. White, with lace straps, a white rose veil attached to her hair that was in a bun, with perfectly placed tresses hanging down, white elbow gloves, and a brilliant long and flowing train, Kagome was gorgeous. Not to mention the magnificent bouquet of white lilies.
Today she wore no glasses, as Sango would not permit her, saying," You've got beautiful eyes Kagome, and you shouldn't cover them up".
"I wish I could see, Sango", she said, close to tears.
"Do you think Inuyasha would want you changed at all", Sango said seriously.
"I-I guess not", Kagome said, after awhile smiling.
"That's right Kagome, you are beautiful in every way, so don't let anyone tell you differently." Sango said, close to tears herself.
"Thanks Sango, hey you think I could go to him, I know we aren't supposed to see each other…but I'm no danger of that", Kagome said.
"Sure", Sango said, as she led Kagome to her husband to be.
You were my strength when I was weak,
You were my voice when I could'nt speak,
You were my eyes when I couldn't see,
You saw the best that there was in me,
You lift me up when I couldn't reach,
You gave me strength coz you believed,
"Inuyasha!" Kagome hissed his name, sitting down on the other side of the room wall.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha said, his head lifting surprised.
"I just wanted to hear your voice.," she said.
"Kagome", he said, remembering why he loved her suddenly, and his nerves were lost in sea of love and adoration.
"Let's do this Kagome", he said.
I'm everything I am,
Because you loved me,
Sango was Kagome's bridesmaid, and Miroku was Inuyasha's best man. It was a small wedding, but it had the best of everything. It was held in a beautiful cathedral, opposed to a closed in church, and it was decorated lavishly, but simply.
You gave me wings and made me fly,
You touched my hand I could touch the sky,
The music began, as Inuyasha sat at the alter eagerly awaiting his bride to be. The pretty young flower girl, Rin as she was called, was busy spreading the white rose petals generously about the room.
Then the ring bearer, Shippo came, in his tuxedo and waited patiently. (I bet you thought I was going to say Frodo)
The music became monotonous, as the doors slowly opened and everyone's breath caught in their throat, as they saw the beautiful bride, enter with her eccentric Grandpa in tow.
He walked her down the aisle and she wished her father were here, to see his daughter married, happy.
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me,
You said no star was out of reach,
You stood by me andI stood tall,
When Kagome had made her way to him his breath was stuck in his throat, he dared not breath, if he did, this world might shatter and he would surely die from the pain of losing his love…Kagome.
I had your love I had it all,
I'm grateful for each day you gave to me,
Within a few moments the vows were finalized, and they were legally…married. Inuyasha had found his mate.
A small tear might have been seen rolling down the cheek of Inuyasha, solidifying his extreme bliss.
Maybe I don't know that much,
But this much I know is true,
I was blessed because I was loved by you,
Then the time came for the festivities to start. Cake, games, dancing, all of this went on as a shadowed figure was seen in the background, leaned up against the wall, watching.
You were my strength when I was weak,
You were my voice when I couldn't speak,
The newly wedded couple danced together, and it was just like the first time, except now he would not leave her.
You were my eyes when I couldn't see,
You saw the best there was in me,
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach,
You gave me faith coz you believed,
I'm everything I am,
Because you loved me,
When it came for the bouquet toss, everyone clamored to the beautiful brides back, hoping that they would catch it. Kagome turned around, and then tossed it high in the air. It flew for what seemed an eternity, and then it landed.
A striped hand was seen through the shadows as the bouquet flew into the unsuspecting hands of none other than Sesshomaru himself.
You were always there for me,
A tender wind that carried me,
A light in the dark shinning love into my life,
Kagome could not have been happier, as she heard that the reluctant participant of this wedding, and inuyasha's brother, had caught it.
She looked in his direction, was she heard him grunt, in acknowledgement of his capture of the famed bouquet, and then called laughingly towards her boss, and her brother.
"Your next, Sesshomaru!"
There was a loud roar of laughter as he shook his head. He could have been working, and Inuyasha called him out for this.
You've been my inspiration,
Through all the lies you were the truth,
The world's a better place because of you,
"I'll see you at work after your honeymoon Kagome"; he said, and then walked away, a small smile threatening to cross his face as he looked at the bouquet and got in the car.
Kagome smiled brightly at Inuyasha, who was by her side, and she kissed him delicately.
You were my strength when I was weak,
You were my voice when I couldn't speak,
You were my eyes when I couldn't see,
You saw the best there was in me,
She was his, and he was hers from now on and nothing would change or come between that, ever in their lifetime. Like the sea to the sky, they were truly meant to be.
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach,
You gave me faith coz you believed,
I'm everything I am,
Because you loved me,
"Do you love me Inuyasha?" she asked him.
"Do birds fly, Kagome?" he purred in her ear happily.
"Can sightless birds fly?" she said, an air of finality in the air.
"Sightless birds fly the highest"
"And you are the wind beneath my wings"
I'm everything I am,
Because you loved me.
Celin Dion- "Because you loved me"- a fitting song, for a fitting ending
I dedicate this in loving memory, to our blind dog that recently passed away. Brail will always be in my heart.
I also want to dedicate this to my wonderful trip to Seattle, the beauty of it all being my inspiration for finishing this in 5 days.
Please Review- "All Good Things Come To An End", and this is the End.