InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Simple and Clean ❯ Teen Severely Damaged from Too Much Shopping ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8
Teen Severely Damaged From Too Much Shopping
“Erm… hey Inuyasha, what're you doing here?” Kagome stuttered, but forced the sentence out none the less. Kagome felt his amber eyes sweep up and down her body. Blushing, Kagome's face began to burn, the bathing suit ties loose in her hands. It was bad enough that Inu Yasha just happened to be at the same beach, at the same time that Hojo was her with her on a DATE, and now she couldn't even get her bathing suit tied, not to mention it seemed as if there was a wad of cotton stuck in her air pipe. Why was this so uncomfortable? She didn't usually do this around Inuyasha!
Inuyasha looked annoyed and aggravated, but Kagome couldn't tell for sure. He knelt down beside her, and to her surprise deftly began to retie her bathing suit. A tremor went down her spine at the feeling of his hands against her back. As he worked, he reprimanded her, “You can't just wave that thing around you know, do you know how much it's worth?” He finished with her ties and pointed to the very ominous jewel hanging around Kagome's neck.
She blushed a little, but contained her embarrassment as well as her sudden annoyance. “It's not like it's worth money or anything, it just has sentimental value. Stop nagging on me!” Inuyasha looked at her like she had gone insane. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, which made him look like a fish.
“That,” He said, his voice shaking slightly, his hand still pointing at the jewel, “Is the Shikon no Tama.” Inuyasha, seeing Kagome's blank look, explained, “It is a legendary jewel formed up to ten centuries ago by the warrior priestess Midoriko. In old myths, it was said that Midoriko had the power to purify demons so they would be rendered harmless.” Inuyasha dove into the story. It seemed to Kagome as if she were transported back to Sengoku Jidai, watching the story of Midoriko unfold. She fingered the jewel absently.
“One day, Midoriko was overcome by demons. She fought bravely, but there were too many for her to handle, therefore, the Shikon no Tama burst from her body, containing the spirits of both Midoriko and the demons. To this day they supposedly fight on inside that very jewel.”
Inuyasha finished his tale, and Kagome closed her astonished mouth. “This is over ten hundred years old?” She asked in amazement, looking at the jewel in awe. She focused her attention on Inuyasha once more, “And why didn't you tell me this to begin with?” She demanded.
“I guess I-”
“Forgot? How could you have just forgotten that it was worth that much?”
“I didn't mean-” Inuyasha stuttered, surprised at her sudden outbreak.
“What? Was that information too good for me?” Before Inu Yasha could answer though, Hojo returned with the hot dogs. He looked slightly surprised, and a little bit perturbed to see Inu Yasha there. “Oh, hello Inuyasha, imagine seeing you here.” Inu Yasha made a strangled little noise and glared menacingly at Kagome before waving curtly goodbye. Kagome watched his receding back, noticing that it was turning a slight shade of pink. “Better put some sunscreen on Inuyasha!” She called after him.
Turning around on his heels, Inuyasha glared at her even harder. If looks could kill, Kagome might have already been six feet under. “I don't need a mother, thank you very much!”
(AN: Usually I only do scenes with Kagome present in them, but this was important so this is a Sango scene, hint hint)
Sango knocked on the art classroom door, hoping that Miroku had decided to do some extra work or something and was present at school, at noon, on a Saturday. Miraculously, the door opened and Miroku leaned out, an inquisitive look on his face. “If you would please not bother me right now I-”
He cut his sentence short, noticing who he was talking to. His face became confused. “Sango, why are you here? It's a Saturday…” Sango smiled, waving a blue paper in front of his nose. “I have to ask you about my grade.” She looked at him expectantly, hoping that he had time to talk.
A look of realization spread across Miroku's face. “Of course! Silly me, I thought you had come to visit your favorite teacher!” Sango looked at him, and said in a sarcastic tone, “Well of course Miroku, you are so my most favoritist teacher!” Miroku rolled his eyes and made a pft noise as he opened the door to let Sango in. Once she was inside, Miroku closed the door silently behind her. Sango helped herself to Miroku's cushioned chair, so he pulled up a spare. He shifted uncomfortably on the plastic chair. These kids have to sit on crap…
“Most favorite.” He corrected her grammar from before, “Can you please refrain from referring to me in a casual manner; I am still your teacher you know.” He told her sternly, though half-heartedly. Sango looked up from ruffling through papers on his desk, clearly not listening to anything he had just said. “Yeah, sure, whatever Miroku.” Miroku sighed heavily.
“So your grade, yes, can I see that?” Miroku asked, meaning Sango's grade sheet. She handed it over to him, and as she did, her hand brushed against his. She blushed, but Miroku didn't react. If he hadn't noticed, or if he just didn't care, Sango couldn't tell. She frowned, Does he…no, he couldn't…
“Ah, I see what happened.” He said, looking up at her and smiling. For some reason this made her blush even more. “Because you were absent the first month, I counted all the assignments for that month an F. Don't worry, I'll make sure to fix that by Monday, okay?” Setting aside the paper he stood up to let her out of the classroom.
“Thank you Mr. Miroku.” Sango muttered. She looked up, and her eyes met with Miroku's. He smiled mysteriously, “No, thank you.”
Sango walked quickly out of the classroom and didn't stop until she heard the door close behind her. As soon as she heard it click into place she turned around. Looking at the door for a while, she thought to herself in shock, was he flirting with me? Sango shook her head. She was just imagining things.
Sitting back down in his comfier chair, Miroku sighed. As if to some third person, or just to comfort himself, he said aloud, “There's something familiar about that girl.”
Kagome hefted a large book under her arm. She had to carry books for four out of the six of her classes, and they were pretty big books. Each one weighed at least five pounds. With all of her school supplies, the last book (and the biggest), ended up residing under her arm as she staggered to and from her classes.
Kagome swept into her art class, flouncing unceremoniously into her seat. She turned to say a hello to Inuyasha, only to find that instead of Inuyasha sitting there; it was a giant red tomato with a tan line outlining what looked like sunglasses.
“I told you you should have put on sunscreen.” She told him crossly. Inuyasha looked at her, his face was totally relaxed. Opening his lips slightly he forced out, “I dund ten esly.” Kagome realized that Inuyasha couldn't move his face at all because the sunburn was so bad.
“You dun tan esly?” Kagome asked him sweetly, putting on an innocently evil face. Inuyasha opened his mouth a little wider. “I-don't-”He said slowly, making sure Kagome could understand him, “-tan-easily.”
Smiling Kagome answered, “Oh! Why didn't you just say so?” If Inuyasha could frown, the look on his face might have blown Kagome out of her seat. “Would you like some aloe vera?” She asked, pulling a little blue tube out of her bag, “It works wonders!”
Inuyasha looked at her like she was crazy. “I don't need any of your aloe vera crap, damn it!” Scowling at him while she stowed the tube, Kagome turned to her other side, hoping for a more cheerful welcome.
Instead she got a very dazed Sango. Who was, at the moment, staring off into space. What was she staring at? Kagome followed her gaze, finding only that it landed on their substitute teacher, Mr. M. Definitely staring off into space, Kagome decided. She tapped Sango lightly on the shoulder. She didn't respond, so Kagome turned away and gazed about the classroom distractedly. She spotted Hojo, who waved. She jerked her head in a kind of barbaric greeting.
Kagome quickly turned away, mentally gluing Hojo to his seat. Don't come over here… don't come over!!! Kagome saw Hojo begin to rise out of his seat. She glanced at the clock; five more minutes until the bell rings… it was like watching a tennis match; from hojo, to the clock, and then back to the clock again.
“Hey Kagome,” Whatever happened to `saved by the bell'??? “Umm, are you free on Friday? Because I thought we could-” Great, one date and he's already clingy… Kagome forced herself to smile. She knew that it was such a fake smile that anyone besides Hojo would catch on real fast that she wasn't actually enjoying herself. Anyone except Hojo…
Kagome interrupted Hojo, “You know, actually, I'm-” She struggled with an excuse, any excuse to get out of this date with Hojo. “I'm doing something with-” She grappled with a name, choosing the first on that came to mind, “Inuyasha!” Kagome immediately realized her mistake. The one guy that she would never want to go out with; the one guy that Hojo would be most jealous of, and she had to say it. Her and her mouth. I seriously need to start thinking before I talk…
“Really, well, another time then?” Hojo asked looking strained. Kagome nodded happily, feeling like a complete idiot. Actually, she was smiling so awkwardly that she wouldn't be surprised if she looked like a teletubby or something. *shudder*
Kagome turned around to face Inuyasha. He was looking at her like she was a complete lunatic. She smiled guiltily, “You didn't by any chance hear that whole entire conversation did you?” She asked hopefully. Inuyasha just kept staring at her. Laughing nervously, Kagome turned around to face the front of the classroom. Two more minutes and class would start… come on clock!!!
Inuyasha cleared his throat. Kagome made a conscious decision in her mind. Crazy, yes. Completely out of the question, sadly, no. “Inuyasha, you wouldn't by any chance be free on Friday, would you?”
Inuyasha gave her a pained expression. “Aloe Vera?” He managed to croak. Kagome smiled, holding the tube of aloe vera in front of Inuyasha tauntingly. “Only if you'll go out with me Friday, after school.” A fail-proof plan…
“I cannot believe I agreed to do this with you guys!” Inuyasha complained as Kagome and Sango dragged him happily through all of the shops in the mall. “This could be considered abuse you know! I can see the headlines now: `Teen Severely Damaged from Too Much Shopping'.”
Kagome just smiled at him sweetly, holding up a frilly pink hat with the words `DRAMA QUEEN' written across it. “Inuyasha, you're drawing too much attention to yourself with those ears. Either take them off, or-” she smiled mischievously, “-put this hat on.” He made a grunting noise and rolled his eyes.
“…Or else.” Kagome growled, lowering her eyes and glaring.
“Alright, alright!” Inuyasha stuck his tongue out, but pulled the hat roughly over his ears. A small child playing with an acorn walked by. Looking up, his mischievous eyes filled with naughtiness. His small, red tail twitched with amusement. Kagome adored the little kitsune instantaneously.
Smiling innocently up at Inuyasha he said, “I like your hat,” His voice was as innocent as a child with a stolen cookie behind his back. “Mister Gay Man.” He added. The fox pranced away from Inuyasha, who was currently trying to massacre the poor kid.
“Come here so I can smack you one upside the head!” Inuyasha glared. A few people stopped to look as the tall teenager with the pink hat yelled death threats after the small boy. Sango was doubled over in silent laughter as she watched the drama unfold.
“Inuyasha, stop it!” Kagome yelled, “Don't hurt him; he's only a little kid!” Inuyasha scowled over his shoulder, “Yah, that's part of the fricking problem!”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome had had enough. Running over to the kitsune, who was aiming his acorn at Inu Yasha's head, she scooped him up and stood upright. Inuyasha skidded to a halt on the tile floor. “You stay right there Inuyasha.” Kagome ordered.
“I'm not a dog you know.” Inuyasha pointed out. Kagome's scowl deepened even more, and her lips were pressed tightly together. Close enough… At that moment, the small kitsune launched his acorn missile, hitting its target squarely in the forehead. “Bad gay dog.” The kid chided. And the drama started all over again.
Sango watched the hilarious trio. Inuyasha chasing Kagome with the Kitsune, Kagome yelling at Inuyasha, the kid getting loose from Kagome, the kid kicking Inuyasha, the kid finding out the hard way that kicking Inuyasha was a bad idea, and finally, Kagome slapping Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha really does fit his hat…” Sango said thoughtfully. Kagome had settled down with the kitsune on her lap and Inuyasha gone off to the ice-cream parlor to get ice for his head and ankle, both thanks to the small, adorable ball of joy now residing on Kagome's knee.
“So what's your name?” Kagome asked in a Hi-I'm-your-camp-counselor kind of voice, “I'm Kagome.” The child, smiling lovably, answered back in the cutest voice he could manage, “I'm Shippo, and I'm eight years old.” Kagome beamed at Shippo and patted him on the head, at which he scowled. Sango smiled, “You're just like Kohaku at that age...” She trailed off.
“So, anyone want ice cream?” Kagome asked quickly, trying to stop the awkward silence before it began. A large grin spread across Shippo's small features. “I haven't had ice cream since… since…” The kitsune screwed up his face trying to remember the last time he had ice cream. Realization flowed across his small features, “Since I ran away from the orphanage. But that was crappy ice cream anyways.”
Kagome and Sango exchanged uneasy glances, but Shippo seemed totally unfazed by the whole thing. “You ran away from the orphanage?” Kagome asked in shock. Shippo nodded proudly and pointed to himself, “I can be imdabendent too, just like a grown-up.”
Sango laughed as she relaxed, “Exactly like Kohaku at that age.” Taking hold of Shippo's hand in a sisterly fashion, Sango led the exited kitsune in the general direction of the ice-cream parlor. Kagome paused to watch the two of them, smiling. It reminded her a little of her and her own brother.
“So, where do you live?” Kagome heard Sango ask when she caught up with the two. Shippo motioned over his shoulder, towards a large potted plant. Kagome was very confused, “You sleep in the plant?” Shippo smiled happily at her while nodding his head proudly. Obviously, he was proud of himself for finding such a great bed. Sango rolled her eyes.
“I guess I'll just have to take you home then, you can't keep going on sleeping in a plant you know,” She smiled secretively as she whispered in the kitsune's ear, “You'll start growing leaves!” Shippo put a hand over his mouth, a scared expression on his face.
“Really?” He asked quietly. Sango nodded, “Really, really.” Patting Shippo on the head again, much to his discomfort, She said, “C'mon let's go find Gay Man.”
* * *
Ahhh… the sweet feeling of success! Another chapter finished!! Ahhh… the sweet feeling of success! Another chapter finished!! Okay, so, since I have standardized tests and final exams coming, I won't be writing for a while, so don't kill me, okay? I need to actually study (*gasp* really???) so I can't write, as much as that sucks. In the meantime amuse yourselves with stories from my most favoritist authors on RozeFire and Aurora_thorn. ^.^