InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sneaking through the forest ❯ Sneaking through the forest ( Chapter 1 )

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Sneaking Through the Forest
Kagome effortlessly jumped out of the Bone Eaters well. Once again she was back into the Feudal era of ancient Japan. She looked around for any sign of anybody or anything. Kagome saw no one, though she didn't expect anyone to be there at 1 o'clock in the morning. The stars were still decorating the sky and no sign of dawn came from the east. The moon, however, was nowhere to be seen. Which brought Kagome to the reason she had gone through the well at such hours.
Grabbing her bow tightly she cautiously ran in the direction of Kaede's hut. She approached the hut quietly not wanting to wake anyone up. She slowly opened the door to the hut, and slid her head in to take a peek inside. She could see Kaede asleep by the dieing fire in the middle of the hut. Kagome could tell she was fast asleep because of her slow and deep breathing. On the other side of the fire lay Sango with Kilala and Shippo. Behind her sat the monk, Miroku, sound asleep as well. Kagome smiled at the couple. How cute they looked together. She took one last look around the hut and saw no sign of who she was looking for.
Alert and aware of the dangers that lay beyond, Kagome walked into the forest just outside of Kaede's hut. She was looking for a specific tree, she knew, was just beyond the clearing that was a few 100 yards ahead. Kagome reached the clearing, so far no sign of any danger.
Suddenly she felt a rush of air pass behind her. “Inuyasha?” she called out hopefully to the darkness behind her.
No one responded. So she continued to walk further into the clearing. Not so far away she began to see the outline of the huge oak tree. She felt another rush of air behind her. This time she was ready. Clutching her bow she grabbed and arrow from her back, aimed, and fired in the direction the rush of air, she felt, went.
“Ow! You bitch! What was that for?!” a familiar voice protested.
“Inuyasha!” dropping her bow, Kagome rushed over to the red figure a few feet away. She bent over putting her hands on Inuyasha's shoulders, only to be pushed off by him.
“Leave me alone, you just shot me! You wench!” he shouted getting up and walking away from her.
Kagome watched him walk away. She noticed he was clutching his right arm and… Kagome gasped… blood! “Inuyasha! Your bleeding, I have to take care of that!”
“Yes, no thanks to you, I am bleeding. You did this to me wench. Just leave alone! Would ya' ?” he said, continuing on walking towards the oak tree.
“No! You need that taken care of!” she protested following him.
“Back off! Leave me alone!!” he yelled, disappearing behind the huge tree.
“Inuyasha! SIT!!” she commanded.
Kagome heard a thud followed by muffled grunt and curses. She ran to his side, kneeling down to take a look. Suddenly a hand shot up and grabbed one of Kagome's hands with brutal force.
“Inuyasha?!” exclaimed Kagome with surprise and concern, this time for her own life. Inuyasha tightened his grip, “Inuyasha you're hurting me,” she whined once more.
As soon as she said that, Inuyasha's head shot up, rage in his eyes. He sat against the old oak tree, without letting go of her hand. “And you think THIS doesn't hurt?! Wench!”
“Well if you would just let me take a look at it! At least I said sorry!” she protested.
“The hell you did!” Inuyasha exclaimed
Kagome gasped, “ I didn't, did I?”
“Feh!” Inuyasha grunted, looking the other way. After what felt like seconds, he heard sniffs, tears and muffled cries. His head shot back to Kagome. Guilt now tugged on his heart. `I made her cry again,' he thought. He hated when she cried, especially if it was him who made her cry. And in most cases it was him.
Slowly, Inuyasha let go of Kagome's hand, which she used to dry tears off her face. After he heard her calm down and her breathing come back to normal. He cleared his throat, getting her attention. “So are you gonna get this goddamn arrow head out of my shoulder, or are you just gonna sit there and cry about it?” he said in no particular tone.
Kagome again dried more tears from her face, put a fake smile on and started to examine his shoulder. Inuyasha had broken most of the arrow off, leaving the arrowhead engraved into his flesh. Blood now stained most of his robes and was now dripping down his arm.
Inuyasha gave and impatient grunt, “So are you going to take it out? Or will I have to do it my self?”
“No! You don't have any patience or idea of how to get it out!” Kagome replied, authority in her voice. Then her face became soft and she mumbled something.
“What?” Inuyasha grunted, `stupid human ears, can't hear anything!' he thought.
Kagome sighed and advanced towards Inuyasha, attempting to untie his robes. Inuyasha, wide eyed, recoiled away from her, clutching his robes shut.
“What the hell do you think your doing?!” he asked, in an uncharacteristic high pitched voice.
“You need to-“ Kagome mumbled the rest.
“What?!” `Damn ears!' he thought again.
“You need to take off your robes! There! OK! Happy? I said it!” she yelled, blushing furiously.
Inuyasha almost laughed at her innocence. “OK, but only the top part,” he said amused.
Kagome shot him a dangerous look. Inuyasha's smug look immediately was off his face.
Robes discarded, (except for the pants) Kagome went to work. The tip of the arrow was deeper than she thought it would be. She recalled `sitting' him. Her heart sank at the thought of hurting him, and then sitting him after. She knew that she would hurt him once more when she pulled the arrow out, but if she didn't it would get infected.
Inuyasha studied the face of the priestess in front of him. It had been so long since she first came out of the well. She had grown so much since then too. Now, though he would never admit it, he thought of her as a young woman, and not a pesky, annoying, arrogant, think-only-of-herself, stupid, clumsy, weak, whining little girl. She looked to be deep in thought, debating in her head. Her eyebrows danced over her captivating brown eyes, and she bit her bottom lip in frustration. How he loved when she did that, secretly, of course.
“May I help?” he asked quietly.
Kagome looked at him. She noticed how his, for tonight, brown eyes sparkled, even though; the stars were the only light in the sky. She blushed at the thought and looked back down. Inuyasha smiled, he had caught her and her dreamy look, noticing her reaction. Kagome cleared her throat, “I'm just thinking… trying to find a way to get this out-“
“Just pull it out,” Inuyasha interrupted.
“Without hurting you more,” Kagome finished, her blush getting a deeper shade of pink.
“Oh…” was all Inuyasha could come up with. They stayed quiet for a while. “Just pull it out, it's hurting me now, besides I'm strong, I can handle it,” he said with a smug face.
“Inuyasha your human at the moment,” announced Kagome, as if he wasn't aware of it.
Inuyasha took this as an insult, “I know I'm human. Yes, I'm weak, now, compared to my super strength as a demon. But that doesn't make me a weak human!” he protested.
“I guess your right,” Kagome admitted.
“You're damn right, I'm right!” Inuyasha exclaimed, “so could you just pull this thing out of me?!”
“Ok… here it goes, but don't blame me for your pain'” Kagome warned.
“You shot me!” Inuyasha protested. “If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here, freezing my ass off, with an arrow stuck in my shoulder!”
“Well if it weren't for you sneaking around behind me, I wouldn't of shot!” answered Kagome, raising her voice.
“Sneaking around! Me? You! You were the one sneaking around in the forest, In the middle of the night! What are you doing here anyway?!”
“I was-“ she said mumbling the rest.
“God damn it! Stop mumbling!” he yelled.
“I was worried about you!” she yelled and quickly took great interest on the grass leaves by her folded knees.
Inuyasha was taken of guard. `She was worried about me?' Inuyasha went into deep thought. `She was worried… about me?' `Yes stupid! She said so almost 2 whole seconds ago. Get a grip would ya' ?' he mentally slapped himself.
Suddenly, unbearable pain shot through his shoulder. He looked over to see Kagome with an arrowhead in her, now bloody, hand. Inuyasha grimansed in pain. Kagome was amazed at how much tolerance for pain he had. Not even a squeak came out of him.
“There happy now?!” she asked in an annoyed tone. She took one arm out of a sleeve of her uniform shirt and started tugging on it.
“What the hell! What are you doing?!” Asked Inuyasha, in his high pitched voice once again, wide eyed.
“Oh! Don't even! You're spending too much time with that monk!” Protested Kagome, rolling her eyes. She continued to tug on her sleeve, until the stitches broke. She put her arm back into her now ruined shirt and started shredding the sleeve. She did the same with her other sleeve. “These are now your bandages.”
She tied them together and stared wrapping them around his shoulder and under his arm. Satisfied with her handiwork she looked over to Inuyasha's face. Realizing he was asleep, Kagome smiled. She could now study his face without him noticing. She listened to his slow steady breathing, the breathing that had many times helped her fall asleep in the most dangerous of places. She admired hit muscular chest, wanting to rest her head on it, as if it was a pillow and fall asleep.
Inuyasha slowly began to open his eyes. He had been hypnotized by Kagome's touch and had fallen asleep. The first thing he noticed was that the pain in this shoulder was now almost nonexistent. The second thing he noticed was how bright Kagome's blush became when she noticed he was awake.
“What are you blushing for?” he grunted, putting his robes back on.
“Nothing,” Kagome replied, shaking her head. Looking anywhere; but Inuyasha.
They stayed in awkward silence.
“Thank you,” whispered Inuyasha, after awhile.
Amazed at what she just heard, she turned to look a t him. “You're welcome. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-“ Kagome stopped when she felt Inuyasha put his finger over her lips. She felt her blush come back.
“Its OK, I was the one sneaking around. I'm sorry I worried you,” he whispered, slowly closing the gap between them.
Before she knew it Inuyasha had put his lips over hers. After the initial shock, Kagome returned the kiss.
Inuyasha awoke with taunting pain in his shoulder. He turned his shoulder, and then noticed it didn't hurt anymore. Thanks to his demonic powers and… Inuyasha blushed at the thought… his Kagome. As he did, he looked down at the sleeping figure sleeping peacefully against his chest. Inuyasha smiled remembering what happened the night before. `Our first kiss,' he thought.
The sun shone through the branches of the old oak tree. His now sensitive eyes squinted adjusting to the light. Letting his nose fill up with Kagome's wonderful scent, he fell asleep once more. Happy that there was someone, in this world of wars and greedy demons and humans, who was aware of his existence, and most importantly, cared for him, as much as he did for her.
-Nienna Yavetil
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or all of his other friends.