InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snow storm ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warm and cozy. That's how Kagome felt and she didn't want to leave that state. But unfortunately, her bladder had other ideas, and she couldn't pass its protesting.
Hesitating, she opened her eyes and the light blinded her temporarily, as her head ached. She looked around, groggily, and she observed that she was in an unfamiliar place. She groaned as she tried to push herself in a sitting position. Her eyes searched the room hoping to see someone familiar. She felt relief when she saw Inuyasha in front of the fire, feeding it a piece of wood.
A cold breeze came upon her bare flesh and she looked down in alarm and recognized that she was naked. A startled “eep!” came out of her mouth, as she pulled the covers on her. She was relieved that she wasn't completely naked, but it was still embarrassing.
Kagome looked up and saw Inuyasha handing her clothes. She took them hesitantly from him. They were warm from being in front of the fire.
-“Sit boy!” she yelled in anger as she didn't remembered when he had undressed her.
Inuyasha went crashing into the floor with a “slam!”
-“Damn…bitch…what are you doing!” he growled from the hole he made.
-“How did I get naked?!” she asked as she put her shirt over her head. “Did you undress me?!”
-“What is your problem?!” he spat as he lifted himself from his hole. A smirk developed on his face though. She was acting like herself.
-“Ungrateful bitch…” he scowled at her. “I saved your life. You should be thanking me, stupid!”
Kagome's face softened.
-“You saved my life?”
-“You fell in a snow bank!” he turned from her. “You were almost dead when I found you. I had to remove your wet clothes in order to save you from freezing to death.”
Kagome paused as she tried to remember the events of the day before. She didn't remember very much. Not even how she got here.
-“I just remember about the demon escaping ...Then it got very cold…and then, nothing.”
Inuyasha nodded, his attention to the fire burning in front of him.
-“I…I don't remember anything after that…I…I'm sorry, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha paused, the tone of her voice sounded almost lost and he felt sorry for her.
-“It doesn't matter anymore. Here,” he handed her a cup with something in it. “Drink this.”
She took the cup and looked in it. It was full with a foul smelling liquid. It smelled disgusting.
-“What is this?” she asked while holding her nose.
-“What does it look like? It's tea!”
-“This is tea! It smells like dirty socks! I can't drink this!”
-“You've drunk it for most of the day!”
-“I…I have?!” she couldn't believe it. She had been brought to this place, she had been undressed without her knowing and this thing was given to her? She pushed her uncertainty aside and brought the cup to her mouth. The stench came up her nostrils and made her stomach turn.
-“Can I go first to the bathroom?”
-“No. First drink it, then you can do your needs!” his tone was he wouldn't let her do her things until she drank it. And he was getting impatiently.
-“Tell me what it is first.”
-“It's tea! I told you!”
-“What is it made from?”
-“Feh! It's made of some medicinal herbs, I can't remember all the names though, but one is wildrose. It's good for illness. My mother used to make it when I was sick. Just hold your nose and drink it already!”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha before looking in the cup. She raised the cup to her lips, determined to drink it. Her bladder told her that she hadn't much time and Inuyasha wouldn't leave her until she drank it. With one quick move, she swallowed the liquid and almost threw up. Inuyasha almost smirked at her, and then he turned his attention to the fire.
-“Are you hungry?”
-“I'm starving,” she said after her body passed from his reaction to the horrid-tasting tea. She tried to stand, willing to go and finish her job, but when she stood, her head started to whirl. She closed her eyes and stood her ground waiting for the dizziness to pass. When she opened them again she was nearly nose-to-nose with Inuyasha. Her heart jumped in surprise.
-“Are you okay?”
-“Yeah, I stood up too fast, that's all.”
She turned her eyes to her backpack, which was at the other side of the room and opened it. His eyes were aware of her every move.
-“Have you seen my…oh!” she saw her shoes lying next to the fire. She put them on quickly. “I'll be back.”
-“I'm going with you.”
-“What?!” she yelled in shock. “You can't come with me when I go to the bathroom!”
-“You just had a dizzy spell and almost fell on your ass. You can't do anything alone! You're too weak!”
She watched him with fear and embarrassment knowing that he would go with her.
-“No, you will not!”
-“Yes I will!”
-“Inuyasha…” she glared at him.
-“I don't care what you say! I'm coming!”
-“I'll say the S-word, and then you won't go anywhere!” she eyed him.
Inuyasha froze in his tracks and glared at her. She assured him
-“I'll be back. Don't worry.”
He crossed his arms and looked away.
-“Fine. Do what you want. If you're not back in five minutes I'll...”
The sound of Kagome bolting out the door cut Inuyasha off before he could finish. He rolled his eyes and threw some meat on the fire for the girl muttering curses all the while.
Kagome chewed harshly on the rabbit meat. Sometimes she wished she had Inuyasha's incisors. When she returned from the bathroom, Inuyasha handed her a barely cooked piece of meat. Just the sight of raw meat almost made her vomit. She had argued with him for a few moments telling him that he had to finish cooking it before she could eat it. Unfortunately she didn't think he would burn it as badly as he did, but she was so hungry it almost didn't matter.
Inuyasha sat over his side on the other side of her, near the fire, his hair covering his face. He had his eyes closed, giving the appearance that he was sleeping, but every time Kagome coughed or wheezed, he looked up and watch her with a expressionless face, then he would look down at he ground again. He was comforted that Kagome felt better than last night. He wouldn't forgive himself if something bad happened to her.
When she finished her piece of meat, Kagome watched him.
-`Surely he has something on his mind. He surely is still angry on me for letting the demon escape with the Jewel shard. He always has a grudge if something goes wrong!'
In the end, she broke the silence.
-“Okay, Inuyasha, I'm sorry that the demon escaped with the Jewel shard! Just sat it already! I know that it was my fault, and I know we've lost time searching for it because my illness!”
Inuyasha snapped his eyes to her.
-“Would you stop it already! It wasn't your fault that the demon escaped, okay!? We'll catch him in the end! Don't worry so much for a darn Jewel shard!”
Kagome remained speechless. Inuyasha wasn't one who would pass over a loss of a Jewel shard without doing something. Inuyasha continued, his voice being softer.
-“Plus, you've fallen sick because my wish of finding the shard.”
Kagome gasped silently. Did Inuyasha have a pint of guilt in that voice? Was he really worried about her? After a few moments, Inuyasha continued:
Kagome looked at him with questioning eyes. He continued.
-“After we defeat Naraku and collect the Jewel shards, will you go back to your time, or will you stay here?”
His question took her by surprise. She remained a few moments thinking hard. She wished to stay, close to her friends, close to him, but the only problem was Kikyou. She knew that Inuyasha still loved her and she knew that he promised her to go to hell with her. Plus, after the Jewel will be completed, she would be of no use anymore. Finally, she talked:
-“I don't know what to say, Inuyasha. I wish to stay; I really do want to stay here with all of you.”
Inuyasha relaxed a little knowing that she wished to stay, but he tensed when she spoke:
-“But?” his voice had a tint of worry.
-“After we collect all the shards, there will be no use of me here anymore. My mission will be over.” She turned to him and with a plastered smile she said, “You will be able to become a true demon and find someone to care for you.”
He didn't need someone to care for him if she wasn't near him. He didn't care if he became a full demon if she wasn't beside him! Kagome thought that if her mission is finished here, she wouldn't have a place here anymore. It was all wrong! They all needed her: Shippou, Sango, especially him! He needed her much more that he needed Kikyou. Since he met her, he met the world's good side. Since he met her, he didn't felt alone and isolated. Beside his mother, she was the only one who smiled to him; she loved him how he was. A hanyou. Kikyou wished that he turned into a human in order to be happy. But Kagome didn't. Without realizing, he thought out loud:
-“That's right. I will become a full demon and I will find someone who will care for me. But no one will care for me like you did…”
-“What did you say?” Kagome asked surprised.
Realizing what he did, he put his hands on his mouth and turned around, with his back at her. Kagome blinked confused. Inuyasha blabbered:
-“Um…uh…n-nothing! Forget what I said!”
Then he thought:
-`Idiot! Me and my big, fat mouth! I've ruined everything!'
Kagome remained still, watching the cursing form of Inuyasha. Surely she heard him saying that no one cared for him like she did. Inuyasha…his mouth was always before his mind. But sometimes, she liked it that way. She rose, hoping to go near him and comfort him, but when she did, her head began to whirl again. Not finding her balance, she fell on him.
-“Ita…” they both spoke, with their eyes closed, trying to recover from their impact.
In the same time, they both opened their eyes and blushed when they saw in what position they were. Inuyasha was on his back, his silver hair being under his head like a pile of fresh snow with Kagome upon him. His haori was hanging from one shoulder because in the fall, Kagome, trying to find something to hang from, she grabbed it. Kagome's heartbeat began to speed up when she looked in his fire-reflected eyes. Even his hair had yellow reflections. Inuyasha was also awed. The light of the fire gave Kagome's pale face an unearthly color, her eyes and her hair which hanged over her shoulders also had the reflection of the fire. Even if she was sick, Inuyasha could admit now that she was truly beautiful. Kagome began to back from him like she was backing from a viper.
-“Sorry…I didn't…”
Inuyasha's eyes shimmered. Before Kagome could react, he pulled her back on him and embraced her tightly. Kagome's heart began to beat wildly feeling so close to him.
-“Inuyasha? What are you doing?'
-“You shouldn't get up. You should be resting.”
Kagome smiled and nuzzled at his chest. She still was surprised of Inuyasha's reaction but she gave in. She closed her eyes and listened his heartbeats. She felt this strong emotion just when she was close to him. It soothed her profoundly.
Inuyasha rose in a sitting position and leaned on the cabin's wall. He pulled Kagome to his chest and wrapped her in his haori. Kagome bathed in his warmth. How did she liked to be beside him, but because of the others, she didn't have the chance.
Inuyasha held her close until he heard that her breathing became slow and regular. He realized that she had fallen asleep. She looked so angelic, the light of the fire dancing on her face. Something spelled him. He leaned closer to her face until he felt her breath on his lips. He stopped for a moment, hesitating, but the temptation was too strong. He closed the space between their lips with a light kiss. He didn't let the kiss to last, afraid that she might wake up. He smiled when she nuzzled more at his chest.
-`I'm such a coward! How I wish that I can tell her how much she means to me. But not yet…not before we defeat Naraku and collect all the Jewel shards. Until then, I will protect her with my life! Until then…I can't tell her that I love her.'
Like the night before, feeling her beside him, Inuyasha closed his eyes, letting his person join her in the night's slumber.
-“Come on” Inuyasha said as he motioned to Kagome, indicating that he was ready for her to climb onto his back. The morning sun hung brightly on the horizon; it was time to return to their friends waiting for them in the village, and to their quest.
She nodded and she climbed on his back, her heart making a flip-flop for being so close to him. Last night, when he kissed her, she wasn't fully asleep, and she did sense it. She was happy. Happy that he felt the same emotion to her like she did to him. But she knew that Inuyasha won't make the big step any time sooner. But they had all the time in the world. He hefted her up into a more secure position and then retrieved her backpack.
She took a last look to the cabin that protected them through the storm, sweet memories coming to her mind. But now it was time to return to their friends and continue their journey for the search of the Shikon no Tama.
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That's all folks! School has started and I'm a little bit sad that summer it's over. But I can't wait the next vacation.