InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Thing's Are Better Forgotten ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Some Things Are Better Forgotten
Chapter 5
Last Time On Some Things Are Better Forgotten
She looked up and smiled at Inuyasha. “Did I answer your questions?”
He nodded. Inuyasha stood up all of a sudden, and looked over into the trees.
There walking out of the forest was non other then…
Tazuni quickly stood on her feet. “Sesshomaru?!”
He was standing right in front of her! She couldn't believe it! He was really standing right there!
“Sesshomaru! What are you doing here?” Inuyasha quickly pulled out his sword.
He ignored him, and glared at Tazuni. “You're supposed to be dead!”
Inuyasha stepped in front of Tazuni. “You're not going to hurt her!”
She smiled at Inuyasha's back, “Inuyasha, it's all right, he won't hurt me.” She stepped out from behind Inuyasha.
“Are you out of your mind? Like hell, he's not going to hurt you, he wanted you dead!”
In a flash Sesshomaru had Tazuni pined to a tree, his right hand at her throat, her feet barley touching the ground. “Why aren't you dead?!”
A growl came from Inuyasha, “Let go of her!”
“Inuyasha! Stay out of this!” Tazuni growled back at him.
“Dammit! Answer me!” Sesshomaru tightened his grip on her neck and slammed her into the tree.
`His eyes! So…cold! Did I cause this coldness in him? I don't believe so. I couldn't! He didn't care about me! He never did! …No, it can't be me.
`Is he as heartless as Inuyasha said? Can he try to kill me again?'
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, and his hand tightened more, making his claws sink into her skin.
`Yes, I think he can!'
She looked Sesshomaru, straight in the eye, and glared, “Sesshomaru, if you had really intended for me to die, you would have at least made sure I was dead, instead of walking away. Now let me go!”
His grip loosened then tightened again. “No, not until your dead!”
“You will not hurt her!” Inuyasha moved forward.
“Inuyasha, stay put!” Tazuni glared at Inuyasha. “Let go of me, now!”
Sesshomaru dug his claws into her throat, drawing blood.
Tazuni took hold of his arm and squeezed. His claws on her neck started to turn green.
`Oh, shit.'
She pulled to her right, trying to get out of his grip, and she succeeded. Jumping back away from him, and she pulled her swords out of their sleighs, pointing the blades at Sesshomaru.
“Do you intend to fight me? You'll just end up like you did last time.” Sesshomaru looked calmer then he was before.
“Sesshomaru, you do not realize that I may have become stronger since the last time we saw each other.”
Sesshomaru pulled out his sword. “You have no right to live!”
Bastard! Leave the past behind you!” She held her swords in front of her and they merged together, forming one sword.
She ran towards him, head held up high.
He stood still.
She jumped into the air and swung her sword at Sesshomaru, he dodged, making her sword connected with the earth.
She jumped in front of him and swung her sword from her left to her right, aiming for his stomach, messing she swung the other way. But he kept dodging.
She shoved her sword forward; he dodged, so she aimed for his head, again he dodged, that was the only thing he was doing.
Sesshomaru jumped into the air, Tazuni going with him, and their sword connected with each other. Tazuni repeatedly hit his sword, and Sesshomaru held his sword in front of him, and he twisted his sword around hers and pushed her back to the ground.
Tazuni landed on her feet, and Sesshomaru swung his sword down on her, it was her time to dodge, the tip of Sesshomaru's sword hit the earth, and he pulled the handle of his sword down, the tip bringing dirt with it, making the dirt hit Tazuni in the eyes.
Sesshomaru pushed his sword towards her; she jumped and landed one foot on his sword, pushing it down into the earth.
She swung her sword at his head, he dodged, leaning backwards, and jumped into the air, doing a back flip, but not without getting his bangs nipped.
They ended up being a few meters apart, and again they glared at each other.
“Inuyasha, stop them!” Kagome begged him.
“I can't do anything! Tazuni doesn't want me to interfere. And don't worry she'll be alright.” I think…
“I'm going to make you regret you even tried to kill me!” The air around her started to move, making her cloths look like there was a wind blowing.
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed, and he put his sword in front of him, the tip aiming at Tazuni. And ran.
Tazuni ran at Sesshomaru, her sword aiming at him.
Their swords connected, and they past each other, Sesshomaru lifted up his arm, and found that his right sleeve was torn. Suddenly Tazuni swung her sword at Sesshomaru, he blocked it, she moved back, and then went at him again, this motion went on a couple of times.
Sesshomaru stuck his sword into the ground.
Tazuni looked at his left arm. `Wha? What happened to his arm?'
Sesshomaru tore his sleeve off, and throw it at Tazuni, and she pushed it to the side with her sword, but it gave Sesshomaru an opening and he toke it, picking up his sword, he swung his sword at her over and over, and first she was able to kept up with him until he had push her against a tree, he swung his sword at her and she ducked, making him cut the tree down. Tazuni moved behind Sesshomaru and sliced at his armor, making it crack.
Sesshomaru turned and glared.
“See? I'm not as weak as I was before.” She growled at him.
“I'm still going to kill you!”
She frowned.
The wind picked up, and Tazuni pointed her sword at Sesshomaru, jumped forward and slashed at him. She went faster then the human eye could see.
Sesshomaru moved.
No one could keep their eyes on them, they where moving to fast, all they could see was two blurs. It went on for a while, they didn't even slow down.
The two blurs stopped, Tazuni shoulders leaned forward slightly, her breathing harsh. She had scratches all over; but her most serious wound was on her back, it was deep and ran from her right shoulder to her lower back.
While Sesshomaru, kept his posture straight and graceful, his breathing fine. He barley had any wounds on him.
They stared at each other, standing still for a few minutes.
Sesshomaru sleighed his sword, and walked toward Tazuni.
When Sesshomaru stopped, their noses were almost touching. He whispered in her ear, “You have to die.”
Her eyes widened.
Sesshomaru stuck his claws into her stomach, letting his poison seep into her veins.
She stood there shocked.
Why? Why does this have to happen? Why do I love him? Why does he have to do this? No, I will not let him do this! He can't…I can't move?! Move body! Move!
Her head leaned on Sesshomaru shoulder, she couldn't move, all she could do is cry.
“Sesshomaru!” Inuyasha yelled.
“Your getting what you deserve! Now die!” Sesshomaru let go of Tazuni, took a step away from her, and let her fall.
He walked away into the forest, towards the north.
“Tazuni?!” Kagome ran to her, and rolled her onto her back.
Tazuni sobbed.
No, let me die! He doesn't want me! Why should I live? Don't let me live! I don't deserve it! Why let me live?
Kagome toke some cloth out of her backpack, and moved to put it on her stomach.
But Tazuni pushed her back; she rolled onto her side and hugged her stomach, “Leave me alone!”
“Tazuni let me clean your wound, the poison will move threw your blood stream. We don't want that. Please let me help you.” Kagome bagged.
“No!” She hugged herself tighter. “I don't want it.”
Inuyasha knelt down, “Tazuni! She wants to help you. Now let her do it!” Inuyasha pushed her on her back and held her arms over her head. “Kagome, you can do it.”
Kagome looked at him, then at Tazuni, and started cleaning her wound.
“Let go of me!” Tazuni was trying to get out of his hold but she didn't have the energy to try very hard.
“Stay still!” Inuyasha held her arms tighter.
“Tazuni, please stay still for me.” Kagome was trying to stop the blood, but Tazuni was making it hard for her.
`This is going nowhere!'
Tazuni sighed. “In my bag I have herbs for poisons, get them out and crush them. And while you're at it, boil some water.” She looked at Miroku and Sango.
“Yes.” Miroku went to get some firewood for the fire, and Sango told Shippo to get Tazuni's bag, then she went to get water.
“Inuyasha, you can let go of me.”
“Are you going to stop Kagome from cleaning your wound?” Inuyasha asked her.
Inuyasha let go of her. And she wiped her tears from her face. But again she started crying.
“Why?” Tazuni whispered.
“Tazuni, try to relax.” Kagome said, “You're shaking.”
She nodded.
A/N Hoped you like it! Review if you wanna!