InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soul Mates Saga I: The Defeat of Naraku ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well here's the next chapter of my story, introducing my original character. I hope you like. Please R&R!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Chapter 2:
“Lady Keiseki, you must be very excited!”
Keiseki stared at Sumi, one of her more mindless maids, as she giggled. Keiseki on the other hand looked anything but excited.
“Oh, I'm ecstatic,” Keiseki replied sarcastically.
Sumi looked at Keiseki with a confused look, contemplating why Keiseki wouldn't be happy about her pending marriage. Sumi tossed it up to nerves, and continued chattering as she did Keiseki's hair.
Keiseki drowned Sumi out. She was thoroughly depressed; her fiancé, Lord Kanaye of the Southern lands, would be here the next day and Keiseki wanted anything but to marry him. Her parents, on the other hand, wanted this match very badly. They needed this alliance with the Southern lands; afraid that the Youkai lord of the Western lands would one day choose to attack their own land, the Northern lands, they wanted powerful allies.
But Keiseki didn't want any of this, ever since she was a child she'd wanted an adventure, wanted to roam the lands, battle bandits and evil youkai. She was never able to sit still for very long, something that dismayed her parents. But they loved her and allowed her to train with the commander of their small army and for that she was grateful. They'd even forged her her own sword.
Her fiancé had made it quite clear from the start that he wanted a proper wife. Once they were married she'd not be allowed to practice with her sword, or train whatsoever.
Keiseki let out a loud depressed sigh that stopped Sumi's efforts of taming her wild two toned hair, black streaked with red.
Just then her mother walked in to hear the end of her sigh.
“Keiseki, still not feeling well?” her mother asked concernedly.
Keiseki looked up to see her mother, the elegant Lady Minako, frowning at her slightly. “Hello mother.” She couldn't disguise the dismay in her voice.
“Sumi, leave us please,” her mother commanded.
“Certainly my lady,” Sumi instantly replied, leaving at once.
Lady Minako walked towards her daughter kneeling down next to her. Keiseki refused to meet her mother's gaze.
Lifting Keiseki's chin with her hand she spoke up, “I've never seen one so depressed as you two days before their wedding. What is it that you want Kei?”
Keiseki looked straight into her mother's eyes and replied, “You know what I want mother.”
Her mother saw the desperation in her daughter's eyes. It broke her heart to tell her daughter that she could not have what she wanted.
“Kei, as a daughter from a noble house you must make some sacrifices for your people. We need this alliance,” her mother strained to inform her.
“Why? Why do we need this alliance? The lord from the western lands has never threatened us. Half the time he's not even at his castle, or so they say. He has no interest in us,” Keiseki replied adamantly.
“That is all true,” her mother replied, sighing before continuing. “But this could all change in the future. Who knows how a youkai's mind works, maybe next year he'll suddenly consider us in his way and decide to attack.”
Keiseki walked away from her mother and flopped down onto her bed. “Not all youkai are bad,” she muttered.
She had a vague recollection of a beautiful man with long silver hair picking her up after she'd fallen down a hill and being returned to her parents. Somehow she knew that he was a youkai.
Her mother wandered over to her. “If you don't want to do this for your people, or the future of your home, do it for your father and me.”
Keiseki looked at her mother, totally shocked. Her mother knew that they were the only ones Keiseki would not openly defy. Asking her to do it for them was as good as having it done.
Keiseki's shocked face looked a mixture of hurt and anger. She couldn't look at her mother anymore. She heard Lady Minako sigh very loudly and then heard footsteps retreat out of the room.
Her tears came the second her mother was out of the room.
`What can I do?' she thought frantically. She looked around her room hoping for some kind of answer, but none came.
She'd never defied her parents before, well not openly, and not on something so important. She couldn't do it now, could she? She'd be a disgrace to her family if she didn't go through with it.
But if she did she'd be Mrs. Pompous snob. Keiseki really didn't think she could spend her whole life with him, as handsome as he may be.
“I can't marry him,” she told herself. “I can't be a perfect noble wife, at least not yet.”
`I'm sorry mother, father.' She hung her head down.
“Do you sense any shards close by?”
“No,” Kagome replied, looking at Inuyasha in apology.
“I don't get it. Naraku has been heading this way for the past week and all of the sudden there's no trace of him?” Inuyasha replied, angrily.
“I'm not sure Inuyasha,” Miroku replied from behind Sango, both on Kilala's back. “But I'm certain Naraku is near.”
“Oh yeah, how can you be so certain monk?” Inuyasha snarked back.
“Can't you feel it Inuyasha, that dark aura?” Sango asked.
Kagome shuddered from her position behind Inuyasha's back. “It feels like something bad is going to happen. I'm glad we left Shippou with Kaede.”
Despite the bad feelings around, Kagome felt considerably better. Better than she'd felt in weeks, all due to a certain hanyou's confession of love. Inuyasha's gruff demeanor and bad tempered ways had not changed, but just knowing that Inuyasha really did care about her brought a smile to her face.
After a week long break, where there was no lead in finding Naraku, Naraku himself had only just shown himself to the group at the beginning of the new week. He taunted them, hinted at his real location, and caused a path of destruction that he knew too well that they'd follow. But the path of destruction had ceased and now they did not know which way to go.
“What should we do?” Kagome asked.
“I think that Naraku wants to come to us and not the other way around,” Miroku answered logically. “We should stay put?”
“And be easy targets? No way!” Inuyasha scoffed.
“Then which way should we go Inuyasha? There's no clue to which direction Naraku is in. All there is is this dark aura,” Miroku argued.
“Fine,” Inuyasha muttered.
They all fell silent as Inuyasha continued to run forward, with Kilala flying close by until Kagome exclaimed, “Look there's a village up ahead, maybe we can find somewhere to stay for the night.”
Nobody said anything, but they headed that way none the less.
Well that's it. I hope you enjoy and stick around for the rest of the story or at least the next few chapters.
Thanks for all the great reviews for the last chapter. I hope to get some more.