InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Spark ❯ Strawberry Witchery ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three
Strawberry Witchery
He was really trying to kill her, Kagome decided.
Sesshomaru's sword hacked away mercilessly against the barrier she'd erected just seconds before he'd swung down. Sparks flew off the near translucent pink shell surrounding her. With every blow, she flinched.
She really wanted to yell for InuYasha, but all she could manage was a pained grunt. It took all her effort to keep the barrier up. Her arms shook as she ground her teeth, trying to blink the sweat out of her eyes.
“Please!” she gasped. “Stop it!”
Sesshomaru hesitated for one moment, then continued his brutal attack on her barrier. She wouldn't be able to hold it much longer. A wave of dizziness sparked her vision.
With a fizzle, her barrier fell, and so did she.
He'd waited at the miko's hut, not really sure what he was waiting for exactly. He supposed he was waiting for the girl. He just didn't know why.
Something was very wrong with him. Exhilaration rushed through him, his blood buzzing with it. At the same time, Sesshomaru felt strangely disconnected from rational thought. He just wanted…something. And apparently, somewhere along the line, he'd decided that the miko had that something.
He had watched her approach, a wistful smile on her face. The cool evening air stirred her ebony tresses and brought more of her scent to him. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply. In that moment, he nearly forgot his original purpose for seeking the miko and his half-brother out.
The miko had not been happy to see him. Not that he expected her to be, so he was puzzled when he felt a twinge of disappointment.
She was yelling at him again, hurting his ears. Her voice, he decided, was terrible. He studied her and came to the conclusion that he didn't like anything about her at all. Her demeanor was uncultured and rude, she wasn't that pretty, rather plain in fact. The one thing he'd allowed himself to notice on the few occasions he was forced to be in her presence, her legs, were currently covered in a coarse dark blue fabric.
Sesshomaru supposed that for a stinking human, she had nice legs. And he doubted he was the only one who had ogled them from time to time. It wasn't as though he could help it. She was always wearing that ridiculous kimono that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. It was like stumbling upon a mutilated corpse…one couldn't help but stare.
The more she talked, the more he wanted to silence her. His fingers itched to grab his sword, but he decided that killing his bastard half-brother's woman was not going to make InuYasha bend to his will.
He'd gotten in her face to intimidate her, make her remember herself and her manners. But something went terribly wrong.
Her eyes, which were an unremarkable brown, were so wide…and he supposed the way her dark lashes framed them was pleasing…in its own common sort of way. Sesshomaru could feel her panicked breaths on his face which made him notice her mouth. Her pink tongue darted out to wet her dry lips. He was certain she hadn't meant it in an erotic way, but the act had done strange things to his insides.
Horrible cataclysmic realization washed over him in an icy wave. He'd nearly kissed that appalling woman. The miko was staring at him in shock and revulsion. He shook his head, as if that act alone could return the logic he seemed to have misplaced.
Heart racing, Sesshomaru decided that he was perhaps attracted to the miko.
That. Would. Not. Do.
There was only one way to cure this curious affliction. He would kill her.
He had hoped to take her by surprise, but the moment he'd drawn his sword, she erected a barrier. Sesshomaru smirked. It would have been more fortuitous to attack. It had been her purifying powers that had killed Naraku in the end. And though he highly doubted she could do him any permanent damage, she might've been able to escape, but just as he suspected she lacked any real intelligence. Pathetic.
It didn't take long to deplete her energy. In grim satisfaction, he watched her face pale, her dark lashes flutter on her cheeks. With a soft moan, her barrier fell and she collapsed in a disgusting heap at his feet.
Excellent. He'd be rid of this nuisance in mere moments.
Somehow, killing her with a sword didn't appeal to him. So, he decided that his bare hand would do. Using a booted foot, he nudged her prone body until she flopped onto her back. Sesshomaru kneeled over her, claws at the pulse at her throat.
His hand twitched. A tiny bead of crimson marred the pale skin of her neck.
A tiny whimper escaped her lips, her brows knitting together. The whole situation infuriated him. So, he hoisted her up by her throat and stood holding her eye level.
Her eyes flew open, and she began to struggle in earnest, trying to claw at his hand with her pathetic nails. Her feet kicked at him, but he barely felt the blows. So weak, he thought with a sneer. So weak…so vulnerable.
“Please,” the miko choked out, eyes wide. Yes, he liked when she begged him. “Please,” she said again, her bottom lip quivering.
Logically, he knew she was begging for her life, but a strange part of him he didn't understand (or like, for that matter), might have thought she was begging for something else. That part of him liked the idea so much, it decided to just act on it.
He leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers.
It wasn't a proper kiss, but the effect was just as devastating.
The miko went stiff and gasped. Sesshomaru drew back as though he'd been bitten by something poisonous and dropped her unceremoniously to the ground. Deciding that he would think about and be ashamed of this later, he drew his sword again, leveling it at her throat.
His arm shook so bad the hilt of his blade rattled. “Stand up!” he hissed, voice thick with some emotion he didn't want to put a name to.
The girl got to her feet, her fingers on her lips. He licked his own. Strawberries. She tasted faintly of strawberries. He didn't know what kind of witchery could make lips taste like something other than lips, but he determined there was only one way to find out.
He'd just have to kiss her again.
Sesshomaru was kissing her again. But it wasn't the timid press of lips like it had been the first time.
He was actually running his rough tongue over her mouth. And…and groaning. She kept her eyes squeezed tightly shut, her entire body taut, her lips clamped together.
She heard his sword clatter to the stone path that led to her small hut. The hand that slid up her neck to cup her cheek was trembling.
The potion. It was the damned potion.
Kagome couldn't think of anything else that would make him behave like this. Which meant…that he'd been attracted to her all along.
Had his lips not been covering hers, she would've laughed. Not that it was funny necessarily, just completely unbelievable…if not a little flattering.
Timidly, she placed her hands on his chest and gave him a gentle push. Sesshomaru pulled back a little and looked at her as though he didn't even know where he was.
“Sesshomaru….” She shook her head. She doubted he'd be thrilled to hear that she had inadvertently charmed him into believing he was desperately in love with her.
He had her back pressed against her hut, blocking her escape with his body. With a snarl, he moved in to kiss her again, but she turned her face away, still pushing at his chest only she wasn't being gentle anymore. Kagome used all of her strength to try and get him off her. He wasn't budging. The youkai's grip was iron on her upper arm, just short of bruising.
“What have you done to me?” he whispered against her skin, the movement of his soft lips making her shudder.
Think fast, Kagome! How do I get out of this? The answer drained all the color from her face. The only way to break the enchantment…was to sleep with him. If she didn't…would he just follow her around trying this kind of stuff for the rest of her life?
Because she couldn't. Never in a million years.
Then, there was the matter of what he would do to her if she caved and consummated the will of the spell. Somehow, she thought he'd be rather upset with the fact that he'd been tricked into sleeping with a human.
There just had to be another way. Unfortunately, she couldn't think much beyond his warm lips and firm calloused fingers gliding over the bare skin of her arms.
Kagome suddenly hated her treacherous hormone-laden body. It happily went along with all of Sesshomaru's increasingly aggressive touches. Her heart was another matter entirely.
I could go home, she thought as she struggled to keep his roving hand off her breast. She failed. But that isn't fair to Sesshomaru! It isn't his fault this happened. Kagome groaned.
“Maybe this is some sort of spell?” she offered weakly.
He drew away from her, pinning her with a hard glare. “You dare to think this Sesshomaru is weak enough to be influenced by a spell?”
Before she could answer, he slammed his lips over hers again. It hurt a little.
And she realized that spell or no, he shouldn't be taking this many liberties with her person. Focusing a little of her power into her palms, she shoved him as hard as she could.
Sesshomaru stumbled backwards, his eyes bleeding crimson at the corners. But Kagome was too angry to notice the warning. She drew back her hand and slapped him.
Her hands balled into fists, and she shook from the force of her fear and anger. “How dare you kiss me like that? I didn't want you to do that!” Mostly, she thought.
Okay, so it had been her first real kiss with tongue. Even if she hadn't kissed him back. And, if pressed, she would have to admit she could think of worst things that had happened to her.
She was certain that slap would be the last thing she'd ever do judging by the angry glower he was giving her. Kagome bit her lip, gaze darting out into the growing darkness. Maybe she could run for it? No, that wasn't any good. He'd catch her for certain.
“I…I'm sorry I slapped you.” She apologized instead. Kagome peered at his cheek. The imprint of her hand looked like an angry burn on his previously flawless face. Her miko powers had hurt him. She hung her head in guilt. It really wasn't his fault. Resorting to violence probably wasn't a wise decision, especially since the person…er demon she'd just assaulted wasn't likely to forget it anytime soon.
Taking a deep breath, she approached him with caution. His breathing was ragged, his lip curled over his teeth. Offering him a timid smile, she watched in an equal mixture of shock and horror as the hard glint in his eyes softened just a little.
She knew it was probably a stupid thing to do, but it was just her nature. When someone was hurt…she couldn't just leave well enough alone.
Before the rational part of her brain that valued her life could intervene, Kagome brushed her fingers gingerly over his reddened cheek. “Does it hurt? I didn't mean to-“
Sesshomaru snatched her wrist and drew her hand away from his face. He stared at her fingers as though it were covered in something gross. He sighed then placed it back on his cheek and leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. “It is nothing,” he said, his voice back to being void of emotion. “You will tell no one of this.”
She nodded. “I promise I won't.” Of course she wouldn't! Who would she tell, InuYasha? He'd explode in rage. The very thought made her stomach clench.
He opened his eyes. They were so cold. “I will kill you if you do.” The soft grip on her wrist tightened so much that the small bones were ground together. She clamped down on her whimper of pain.
“I know,” she whispered.
In a flash of white, he was gone, swallowed by the newborn dark. Kagome stumbled. Her hand tingled from where it had been pressed against his cheek.
As she sunk to her knees in the damp grass, she wondered if she'd see him again, though she wasn't sure she wanted to.
If his feelings were so intense that it had made him behave so…so unlike his usual stoic calm…could he just get rid of them so easily? With the spell, was that even possible?
She had an image of Sesshomaru silently bearing the heart ache all alone. Wasting away, growing wan and despondent.
She laughed.
The image was replaced by an angry taiyoukai on a killing rampage. That seemed more appropriate. Once he had some time to stew over the humiliation she was causing him…Kagome couldn't bear to think about it.
And she didn't even want to dwell on the fact that Sesshomaru had kissed her. Twice. And copped a feel. Her cheeks burned in shame. She pressed her cool palms to her face, trying to still the thundering of her heart.
She buried her face in her hands. “What have I done?”
A warm hand settling on her shoulder frightened her so badly that she flung herself away screaming.
“Oi, Kagome! Why're you so jumpy?” InuYasha said as he extended a hand to help her to her feet.
She gave him a nervous laugh and a weak smile. “Sorry. You just startled me.”
“I've been…thinking.”
Kagome arched a brow at him. “You have?”
“Can it, wench,” he grumbled.
He sighed. “You in love with someone else?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
InuYasha was looking everywhere but her face. Then, without any warning at all, he planted a swift peck on her open mouth.
It was too much. Her emotions were raw and shredded. And more importantly, it felt very wrong.
Kagome sucked in a deep breath…and burst into tears, fleeing for the safety of her hut.
From his vantage point safely downwind in a tall tree with a heavy canopy of leaves, Sesshomaru smiled broadly.
It wasn't a nice smile. It was full of menace and the promise of grave bodily harm.
The hanyou surely had smelled his scent all over the miko, yet there InuYasha was, kissing her. But it was the miko's reaction that pleased him.
She hadn't fled or cried when he kissed her. In fact, judging by her accelerated pulse and dilated pupils, Sesshomaru maintained that she had enjoyed herself. Even if she didn't know it yet.
Sesshomaru dimly realized he should forget the whole mess. He was certain the miko wouldn't breathe a word of his temporary moment of complete insanity.
The taste of her. The feel of her tender flesh trembling under his claws. The heady smell of her arousal intermingled with her fear. It was intoxicating.
The miko had mentioned a spell. Perhaps he was the victim of some random curse. It certainly would explain his current affliction, but it mattered not.
Sesshomaru refused to lose yet another thing he desired to InuYasha. The sword and a father's regard was enough.
He would have the miko, if only to get her out of his thoughts and to vex InuYasha.
As he stalked off to hunt to release his pent up tension, Sesshomaru paused.
He'd come to InuYasha's forest for a reason. Surely it hadn't been the miko. No…it had been something else, something of dire importance.
For the life of him, he couldn't remember what it was.
A/N: Just so my readers know…I've written up to chapter fifteen. So my posts will be daily for awhile…Hopefully until the end. This will not be a short fic. As if it could be…with all the potential for shenanigans.
Thanks for reading. I'm glad the story is being enjoyed so far! Take care!