InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Stuck between Wolf Fur and Prayer Beads ❯ Denying Growing Feelings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I definitely do not own Sango, Miroku, Kouga or any other character from Inuyasha, anime/manga.

Well what ON EARTH am I writing another story? I already have three fanfics out and I need to finish them first. I don't know why but I suddenly have this spark of inspiration. I better get this idea out before I forget. I have a very short, short term memory. Lol. So here's a new fic, this time involving a love triangle of Miroku, Sango and Kouga. Enjoy my new fic!

`Stuck between Wolf Fur and Prayer Beads'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 1: Denying Growing Feelings

An eighteen-year-old girl gazed into the deep ocean blue eyes of a man of twenty-one years as they sat near the campfire. Their companions were nowhere in sight on that beautiful night, not that they minded. The stars were shining brilliantly as if they were celebrating the presence of the monk and the taijiya together. The moon was reflected off the clear crystal lake just a few paces away from where they sat.

Her chocolate brown eyes reflected many emotions as the man pointed out the strongest emotion from them. The man smiled a genuine smile and said softly to her, as if trying to draw her full attention to him and at the same time, making sure that she could hear every word, "I love you with all my heart, Sango."

Her heart fluttered and beat faster as her face starting glowing a little red. She had wanted to hear those words from his lips for a long, long time. After all she had suffered in her life, she had finally come to know what true happiness was. Now that she had the chance to grasp that happiness forever, she wouldn't, couldn't let the chance slip away. Her heart spoke out for her, "I love you too Miroku."

She couldn't believe it. Something was not quite right about their surrounding. There was a nagging feeling that this was not the guy she had come to know. This has got to be a dream.


Sango jerked out her dream at the same moment she felt a hand crept to her butt. On instinct, she quickly turned around and the palm of her hand collided with Miroku's cheek.

She jumped up and stared down at him. "What are you doing???!!!!!" she shouted to the monk who was still half asleep in the early morning.

Everybody else awoke on full alert when they heard the scream. Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo and Kirara yawned and sighed tiredly when they realized what or more precisely what had caused the outburst.

Miroku sat upright, rubbed the spot on his cheek that had become red and smiled a boyish smile. "Why Lady Sango, I have not done that on purpose. I was asleep. Surely I should not be punished for something I have not consciously done?" `Jeez, Miroku, you must have had it bad if your hand could still find its way to her even in your sleep,' he thought to himself.

Sango was turning red. By her expression, everybody else would have thought that she was red from anger; they couldn't have gotten it more wrong. The demon eliminator was actually turning red because she remembered the details of last night's dream.

Pushing the memories of the dream aside for a moment, she glared at the monk and muttered one word, "Pervert", and walked off to a stream nearby. The stream far enough from the campsite so she could at least have a little privacy so it was there where she recalled her dream.

`Why did I dream of Miroku? I do not love him. Sure it was hell annoying when he wastes his time with every female that he comes across, asking him to bear his child when we could have done something more useful. Shouldn't he be paying attention to his situation anyway. Anyhow why should I care? No matter what, I'm getting my revenge on Naraku for killing my village and I'm going to save my brother. Anyway as soon as this is over, he'll probably settle down and I'll be on my way to start a new life,' she thought.

For some reason, something just something in her mind told her that what she had just told herself was not entirely true.


Hey people how was it? Good start? Bad start? Anyway I would like you readers to vote who should be with Sango. Miroku or Kouga? I would think that a Kouga/Sango pairing would be more original since there are so few. But I also like Miroku/Sango fics so I'll let you decide.

PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!!!!! They do help me update faster if more people like it.


Fenikkusu Ice