InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surprise my mind ❯ Part IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four, Part IV
(Warning! I'll be digging deeper into Rin's past, so if you can't handle minor details of rape, beating, ect, ect, then I suggest you skip over that part.)
Sesshomaru moved through the town restlessly, his aims futile. The small bit of information he had found out from that agency - however blunt and depressing as it was - helped him none in his new intentions. Though, he had left before the man at the agency could have continued. Sesshomaru wasn't interested in the woman's complaining about Rin. What his young servant could have done to the woman - Gloria, he remembered the man calling her - he didn't know. Rin didn't seem any bit of harm to a mere human. After all, she was only a kid while this Gloria woman was taller and stronger. Sesshomaru frowned harder, strolling more swiftly through the snow-laden streets. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he intended on finding out just who had harmed his new servant. Sesshomaru paused, seeing Jarnec slide through an alley, glancing behind him warily. Hmm... Eyes narrowing, Sesshomaru followed him, making sure his footsteps made no sound on the ground. Thankful that the snow had not hardened on the ground, he hastened his pace, before he cut through a different alley.
“Jarnec.” The demon let out a yelp, seeing Sesshomaru step out from the connecting alley. Cursing him and all his ancestors, Jarnec bowed his head in respect, trembling for fear that the latter would cut him into pieces. “Just what are you up to, sneaking around in the alleys?” Jarnec observed Sesshomaru's rigid form and his narrowed eyes and knew that if he even thought of lying to him, the demon would know so instantly. Not wishing to risk his head, Jarnec swallowed and gave a shaky smile. “Jarnec.
If I answer honestly, Jarnec thought to himself, lowering his eyes, not speaking, Lord Sesshomaru will surely kill me. “...You have been following me for long, my lord?” He flinched, hearing a low growl come from Sesshomaru's throat.
“Don't attempt to avert the conversation. I assure that I will be forgiven by the king more so than you if I murdered a fellow demon.” Jarnec's eyes shot wide, seeing that he had made his plans at a wrong time of the day. Sesshomaru was in a horrible mood and if Jarnec made it any worse than he would surely lose his life. Licking his lips, he glanced around him, before straightening. He pursed his lips into a straight line, taking a shaky breath.
“Is it truly any of your business what I do, Lord Sesshomaru?” Jarnec demanded, his sturdy tone shaking. He could tell that he had said the wrong thing and he hastily spoke again, “I mean - ”
“Jarnec,” he took a deep stride, his claw taking a hold of the other male's collar. His claws ripped through the material, digging into the flesh of his neck. “I would advise you to choose your words more carefully. I am in no mood for your idiocy, am I understood?” Sesshomaru had tried to keep calm, but the demon was pressing his nerves and if he ended up beheading Jarnec, it was no one's fault but his. After all, he had warned Jarnec.
“P-please, Sesshomaru - ” Jarnec's eyes widened, while Sesshomaru's narrowed into slits and he knew too late that he had made a mistake. A claw ripped through his flesh and bone, before Jarnec's head came flying off, blood spitting on the walls. As the corpse fell to the alley's ground, Sesshomaru flicked his claw, blood flying across the already blood drenched walls. He glanced at his claw, then wiped it on Jarnec's coat, not interested in licking the low demon's blood off. It would end up unsettling his stomach, no doubt. Let us hope that no one else is foolish enough to act with such impudence, Sesshomaru thought to himself, feeling his rage die down to a simple pulse.
Rin ran the washcloth over the window, feeling Julia's eyes on the back of her head. She had forgotten, in the midst of her happiness, that she was a servant and not a guest. Both Julia and Jaken had made it clear to remind her of that. Rin felt cold air pass over her ankles and she shook her dress down over her skin. A sigh came from behind her and Rin rolled her eyes upward, almost imploringly. I had better do a better job or Julia might report my mishaps to Lord Sesshomaru, she thought, hastily moving her washcloth over the windowsill. Inching over, she hurried on cleaning the next window. I would hate to no longer be in the company of Master Jaken, Mistress Julia, and Lord Sesshomaru. (A/N: Simply because I put `Mistress' does not mean that she is Sesshomaru's mistress. She's a servant, after all.) Rin scrubbed harder on the windowpane, pursing her lip together. After all, Lord Sesshomaru's the first one that has treated me so kindly.
“Rin, you don't - ” Julia began, then halted, seeing the expression on the girl's face. Deciding that there was something that was willing Rin to keep on going, she turned and left the room, convinced she needn't have to supervise her cleaning any longer. Rin paused, glancing behind her as the door swung closed. She ran her eyes over the room slowly, before she continued washing the windows. Maybe Julia finally trusts me, Rin thought with a smile. I certainly hope so.
Sesshomaru wrapped his fur around his neck more securely, a shiver going up his spine from the cold. He wished he had taken his carriage, but Sesshomaru knew better than to something so foolish. His driver was the type of man to go around in England and tell everyone about his personal affairs. Snorting to himself, he moved his fur up so it concealed near to everything but his eyes and the top of his head. If any demons recognized him, he would be further drawn from his matters. He wished to find out at least one of Rin's previous masters and he knew exactly how to find out. Sesshomaru entered a motel that was run by a family of demons. He sat down at one of the tables. A demon that was reading theTimes glanced at him.
“What are you looking for, my lord?” He murmured lowly, flipping the page. Sesshomaru slid a packet out and under a newspaper, before he moved his fur down, impressed that his `associate' had been able to distinguish him.
“I need information on a servant,” Sesshomaru said briefly, in a low voice, like the other demon's. The latter raised his eyebrows, staring down at the paper. “Her name is Rin.”
“Rin...? You could find bits and pieces about her from off the streets.” The male scowled. “Why bother me about something so simple?”
“She's a new servant of mine. I know what's been done to her - somewhat - but I wish to know her masters.”
“Hmm.” The latter took the packet with the money in it, sliding it in his pocket. “All right. Do you want to know the full story?” Sesshomaru considered that for a moment.
“Very well. Ten years ago when she was a mere age of three (that answers anyone's question of how old she is,) her parents died from a pack of demons. She was spared, but only because these demons knew they wouldn't be able to get away with killing a child. Mind you, this was before you had even arrived in England, Sesshomaru. As I was saying, she lived and went to an orphanage. However, when she was six, the orphanage burned down one hot summer day and she, along with many of her companions, had to find another place to live. Many, like her, looked for work as a servant. The first household she entered was of a human family. Here's the first name you seek, Sesshomaru. The family of Farleigh, House of York. Lord York only allowed Rin to serve in the household because he had heard of the orphanage's burning and pitied her. Of course, some problems arose as his youngest son, who was eleven at the time, started to sneak gifts to her. He beat her on the day that he found out and killed his own son in shame. His wife hastily got her out of the home before he, too, killed Rin. Are you following, my lord?” Sesshomaru nodded, carving the words, `Farleigh of York' in his mind.
“From there, Rin went to another great noble house that was of humans,” the man continued in the same low voice, his eyes on the paper. “The family was the Darling's, House of Beaufort. There was no real problem with this household, my lord. It was of Rin's own choice that she left. She was seven when she arrived here and she was seven when she lost her virginity. When Lady Beaufort and their two daughters were out, Lord Beaufort took Rin in his chambers and forced himself on her. There are various tales of what happened that night, but the truth is this: he had drugged Rin and when she had woken, he was undressing her. She was awake the whole time and from my information, she had been screaming `help' and sobbing the entire time. After that night, Lord Beaufort used her for his own passions and often lashed her with his horsewhip. There is also some...evidence from my inside information...that he cut her with a knife and like to lick her blood up.”
“One would expect that from a demon, not a human,” Sesshomaru remarked, frowning.
“Yes, I agree. However, there are some humans like that, my lord,” he flashes a toothy smile, his fangs glinting. “I know of a few women such as that. Are you interested?”
“Continue in your tale.”
“...Of course,” the male returned to having a blank face. “After three months of torment from Lord Beaufort, Rin fled from him. Disgusted by humans, no doubt, she sought out a demon family that she could serve for. Instead, she found a noble demon lord, Naraku. I fear to say that there isn't much I can tell you on his relationship with the young girl. All I know is that he used her quite a bit for his own intimate reasons and often he drained her blood and drank it. I know as much as that he's recently left to Japan. His body didn't agree with the harsh conditions of England's winter.” He fell silent and Sesshomaru glanced at him sharply.
“Is that all you know?”
“Unfortunately so. However, I am sure that she's had many other masters and mistresses. I was only telling you the names of the masters I knew, since that seems to be what you are intent on finding out, Lord Sesshomaru.” The demon nodded and stood up, bringing his fur up. “I advise you, if you care at all, not to allow this girl to go out alone. She might not know it, but she had many enemies.” Sesshomaru glanced at him.
“Why would she have enemies?”
“Jealous wives, jealous children, men that wish her to be in their service again, et cetera, et cetera. The list goes on.”
“Hmm...Very well.”
“If you need anything,” the demon straightened the papers, “I'll be here.”
Sesshomaru hailed a hackney coach, thankful that it was considerably clean one. He entered it and the mortal swallowed anxiously, recognizing him as a demon. He took a deep breath, steadying his racking nerves and sputtered, “Where to, my lord?” Sesshomaru gave him a cool look, settling himself on the seat.
“To Somerset,” he told him. The man nodded and snapped the reins, making the horses start at a trot. Sesshomaru, aware that it was going to take at least an hour or so until they arrived at Somerset, rested his head against the fur that curled around his neck, staring out the window with a frown on his lips. He wasn't too worried about the Duke of York at the moment, despite the fact that he had been the first one to beat Rin. It was Beaufort that was his main priority at that instant. The man was the one that had compromised Rin (in England, that was another way of saying that a man took away an unmarried woman's/girl's virginity. It was just a more proper way of saying it) and Sesshomaru wasn't going to forgive him for that. Especially since, because of that, Rin wasn't likely to be able to get a suitable mate with all the rumors flying around her name. Which means she'll be in my service until she's as old as that hag, Julia, Sesshomaru thought to himself irately (angrily.) Old mortal women are always difficult to deal with. Julia has proven that to me.
By the time Sesshomaru had arrived at the Beaufort home, it had all ready turned dark outside. The human scrambled towards the door, then opened it for Sesshomaru, who stepped out, looking irritable and exhausted. “Stay here, I shouldn't be long,” he informed the man, who nodded rapidly. Sesshomaru moved up the length of the stairs to the doors. He stared at them, before grasping the lion knocker and banging it against the door. An old, haggard (fatigued) woman came to the door, eyeing him with disdain (contempt,) knowing full well that he was a demon. “What can I do for ye, milord?” She asked in a mutter, her voice deep and rough.
“I'm here to see Lord Beaufort,” Sesshomaru informed her, staring down at her hunched figure. “Show some courtesy and allow me in.” Reluctantly, she opened the door fully and ushered him in.”
“I'll tell milord ye are here, sir. Ye are...?”
“He has no need to know who I am. Simply show me to where he is.” She hesitated, before nodding and directing him to the library. She shut the door behind him and Sesshomaru eyed the male behind the desk.
“Sit down, chap,” Lord Beaufort told him, gesturing to a chair. Sesshomaru glanced at the chair. “What's wrong?”
“This meeting will be brief.” Beaufort raised his eyebrows at him, none too bothered that Sesshomaru wasn't mortal. As the demon observed him more, he saw no reason why he couldn't have went to a brothel (whorehouse) and picked up a finely curved woman instead of a young girl. The man had blonde hair and was slim, but not bony. His eyes narrowed on the man. Was there something his informant had failed to mention about Lord Beaufort? “I wish to speak with you about a servant you had some time back.”
“A servant?” A chuckle bubbled from his lips. “What do you demons care for servants?” He smiled, standing in front of Sesshomaru, taking a drink of his brandy.
Ignoring his question, Sesshomaru continued, “Her name is Rin.” The room seemed to go cold as the smile was wiped off Beaufort's lips. He set his glass down and he eyed Sesshomaru with what looked like disgust. “I see you recollect (remember) her?” Beaufort frowned at him, then moved back a step, before turning and opening a draw in his desk. Sesshomaru saw the glint of metal and had a good idea of what the male had armed himself with.
“I have no desire to speak of her,” Beaufort told him coldly.
“Neither do I,” Sesshomaru moved and Beaufort's eyes widened, shocked that the demon could move so fast. The demon flung the pistol from them to the other side of the room, pinning Beaufort to the wall. “I'm here to punish you. Despite her just being a human, she is a girl and you've destroyed any hope of her marrying into a good family.” Beaufort glared at him, before smirking.
“At least...” he licked his lips. “ least she was good in bed.” His last words were sure not to be memorable as Sesshomaru's claws ripped through his throat. Blood spilled onto the carpet, but Sesshomaru wasn't too worried about it. Even if someone were to trace the death of Lord Beaufort back to him, he could easily avoid being sent from England or from death. Straightening, his wiped the blood on the couch.
At least she was good in bed. Sesshomaru snorted.
Comments like that are what get you killed...Beaufort, Sesshomaru thought, not even glancing over his shoulder at the corpse.
Rin stared out the window, her eyes moving back and forth. The rest of the household was fast asleep and she was supposed to be as well. However, since a message from the king had come and Rin had taken it, she was going to wait up for her master (even though Jaken had offered to stay up until Sesshomaru arrived.) Sighing, Rin slumped on the couch, holding the envelope up thoughtfully. She hoped that the king did not want her master to go out into the night and see him. It was already very late and still, Sesshomaru had not arrived back home. Concerned, she went on her knees and peered out the window, her brows furrowing. A shiver went up her spine and she hopped off the couch, going to the fireplace and rekindling it. I do so hope you're all right, Lord Sesshomaru, she thought to herself, sitting in front of the fireplace.
Sesshomaru entered the quiet household and almost sighed in relief at the warmth of his manor. He shut the door and shook his coat off, tossing it in the closet. He was almost past the drawing room, but he paused, seeing someone in front of the fireplace. Frowning thoughtfully, he entered the room and moved towards the fireplace. He eyed Rin, before kneeling down and shaking her gently. “Rin.” She shifted, muttering something about teacakes and milk. Sesshomaru arched a brow, before shaking her again. She frowned in her sleep, before her eyes fluttered open.
“Oh, Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin exclaimed in surprise, her eyes widening, fully awake. “I was wondering when you would be home. Um...” she stood up and went to the couch and picked up the envelope, then turned to him and held it out to him. “This came for you this afternoon from a messenger of the king's.” Sesshomaru stood up and took it, breaking the wax seal and reading over the scrawls of James'. His brows furrowed and he looked to Rin, who yawned and blinked away tired tears.
“It came this afternoon?” He asked her. She nodded. “Hmm...” He moved out into the entry hall and retrieved his coat, pulling it on. I'll never get to bed at this rate, he thought bitterly.
“My lord...?” Rin squinted up at him, making him out in the dark corridor. “Are you going out again?”
“Yes, but I shouldn't be long.” He saw her doubtful look.
“Should I wait up for you, my lord?”
“No, go to sleep, Rin. You've waited for me long enough.”
“All right.” She hesitated. “I'm sorry, Lord Sesshomaru.” He turned sharply to her.
“For what?”
“You're surely exhausted and because of all of these callings you may not get into bed until late morning!” She widened her eyes to accent her meaning. Sesshomaru eyed her, then grasped the handle.
“Go to sleep, Rin,” he repeated. She lowered her eyes, nodding.
The sleepy sentries at the doors looked at Sesshomaru in startled surprise. They had only been able to make him out in the darkness because of his silver hair and the fur that was wrapped around his neck. As he approached them, they woke each other up by slapping each other on the back. “Who goes there?” One of them demanded, grasping their spear.
“Don't bother with attacking me,” Sesshomaru told them. “I have a message from the king to see him. Open the doors.” The two sentries looked at each other, hesitant, before the one that spoke nodded. The other unlocked the door, pushing it open. Sesshomaru entered and paced down the corridor towards the conference room. He heard low voices from inside and he entered without knocking. James jumped, turning to the demon. The other male, who was his pompous advisor, glared at Sesshomaru in resentment. No doubt that he was trying to ruin the king. As if he could do any more damage than he's all ready done, he thought, shooting a dirty look at the king's advisor.
“Lord Sesshomaru,” James' jaw seemed to drop. “You are severely late! I called on you yesterday afternoon!” Sesshomaru's lips pursed, wondering just why he made it a point that it was almost four in the morning. James waved his advisor away and he reluctantly left. He approached Sesshomaru, looking stricken with - was it fear? Sesshomaru was almost certain that was what it was. “I am glad that you have come, nevertheless.” He swallowed and Sesshomaru's brow furrowed in confusion. What had made the king so nervous? “I must speak with you about something.”
“Very well...” James paced to the fireplace, then back to Sesshomaru, his hands clasped behind his back.
“You are...familiar...with a demon called Ryukotsusei?” James asked him, peering at him.
“Unfortunately. I wasn't aware that he was in England, however.”
“He isn't. He and Naraku have teamed up in Japan. As you know, Naraku was in England at one time and you see, there's the problem...” He licked his lips. “I made a business deal with Naraku before he left England. I told him that when he returned, he could have a place in Parliament and that he could live in the palace. In return, I wanted him to...Well, to eliminate Ryukotsusei. He has some blackmail over my head ever since he found out about an...incident...that happened in Japan. Now, I couldn't touch him since he could reveal my secret and what's more, he would be able to destroy me in an instant.” James swallowed. “Since Naraku and Ryukotsusei have made an alliance, I am in a bit trouble and, well...Naraku now knows my secret as well and he has been demanding more and if I don't come to his terms...” James trailed off, staring mournfully up at Sesshomaru.
“He will bring demons from Japan and override England's human population.”
“What is he asking for?” Sesshomaru asked, wanting to rub his temples. The king had gotten himself involved in a matter that no human should be involved in. Sesshomaru had a good idea how demons made agreements and it never ended up well for the human, he was sure of that.
“He wants me to step from the throne and make him the king.”
How typical, Sesshomaru thought to himself, frowning.
“I need your help, my lord. I cannot do anything at the moment and only the human population listens to me. You must go kill Ryukotsusei and Naraku for me!” Sesshomaru frowned at him.
“I have attempted many times to kill Naraku,” he told James coolly. “It's a waste of my time. Why do you think I came to England? To get away from Japan. Besides, I have more pressing matters here in London. If it were to get out that I left, the demons would run rampant. If you don't mind having your people dead on the streets, then I'll consider leaving.” James was pale with this piece of information. “In spite of this, I have yet another thing that I would have to finish before I left.”
“I beg your pardon?” James sputtered. “What the devil could that be?”
“It's a personal affair that I do not wish to speak about.” The king's lips twitched.
“I see...Then what am I to do about Naraku?”
“You have an advisor for that,” Sesshomaru told him, leaving the conference chambers, weariness falling heavily on him. The one thing he wanted to do at that moment was fall in bed and sleep. He had no desire to for any other business matters to appear before him. It was of no concern to him whether Naraku's demons came and devoured all the humans. He paused, glancing behind him. Damn it all. Sesshomaru turned back and reentered the conference rooms, surprising the king, who was sitting in front of the fireplace. “I'll help relieve you of Naraku.”
When Sesshomaru had finally fallen into bed and asleep, the sun was rising beyond the horizon. He had locked his door and was careful to make his room as dark as possible so he wouldn't wake to the abominable sun. If he was lucky, he would get at least five or six hours of sleep. Sesshomaru was pressing his luck and shooting for nine hours.