InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and its characters. I make no money from this.

Warning: May contain scenes of violence.

Inuyasha stared at the well in confusion. Kagome’s scent had surrounded the other side of the well. Her mother had assured him that she came back here. But as Inuyasha sniffed around, he could find no trace of Kagome. Actually, there wasn’t a trace of anyone at all. It was almost as if the well had been deserted for days. The bit of Kagome’s scent that Inuyasha did pick up on was old and led to the village, but no one had seen her.

Shippo was perched on Inuyasha’s shoulder. “You think someone kidnapped her?” the little fox asked.

Inuyasha shrugged. “It seems that way, but I can’t find her scent.”

“It has to be Naraku,” Sango said for the second time. “He’s the only one that makes sense.”

Miroku nodded in agreement. “He’s kidnapped her before, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he did it again,” he offered.

The hanyou sighed. He knew his friends were right, but… where was Naraku’s scent?

The monk placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “We’ll look for Naraku. I’m sure when we find him, we’ll find Kagome,” he assured his friend.

Still uneasy, Inuyasha agreed and the friends headed off to search for the demon and the priestess.


Kagome didn’t know how long she had been in the dungeon now. Her arms ached and felt almost lifeless and she desperately wanted to sit down. Or lay down. Lying down sounded nice. Plus, she really needed to use the restroom.

She looked up as she heard the lock jingle. The door opened and Bankotsu entered the room. He placed his torch in the holder and picked up the plate of food he had placed on a table outside the door. Her stomach growled in response.

He smirked. “Figured you might be a bit hungry,” he commented as he approached her.

She glanced up at him tiredly. For a moment, she wondered if he was planning on taking the manacles off of her. No such luck, she thought as he took a bit of bread and held it to her mouth. He planned on feeding her!

“I have to…”

“Eat,” he ordered as he shoved the bread in her mouth.

She choked on the bread as she tried to chew a piece of it off. To her surprise, he was trying to help her break off the piece. She finally managed to tear the bread and closed her mouth to chew the bit of food she had.

She swallowed the bread, but when she opened her mouth to speak, he shoved more bread into her mouth. She was hungry, so she didn’t protest. However, she figured she’d be smart. Once the bread was in her mouth, she decided to try talking with her mouth full.

“I nee’ t’ pee,” she said, hoping he understood her.

He smirked. “So, go ahead,” he told her.

Her eyes widened and she spit out the food. “What?!”

His eyes followed the lump of chewed bread and he stared at it. “You’re going to regret that,” he said as he continued to stare at the food on the ground.

He walked to the door and pulled the table into the room. After he placed the food upon the table, he turned to the lump of bread. Picking it up, he turned back to the priestess. Her eyes widened when she saw what he intended to do. She snapped her mouth shut.

His eyes narrowed as he grabbed her jaw and forced it open. He shoved the lump of bread back into her mouth and placed his hand over her mouth. “Chew it and swallow it,” he sneered.

She could taste the dirt and grime that had covered the piece of bread. She tried to fight him off by shaking her head. He pressed his body against hers and grabbed her throat with his free hand. “Eat it!” he barked.

Tears fell from her eyes as she quickly swallowed the lump. It was thick and it hurt going down her throat. He released her and she panted. He turned around to retrieve the plate of food.

“You really expect me to go to the bathroom right here?” she asked before he could approach her with the food again.

He raised an eyebrow as he picked up the rest of the bread and shoved it at her mouth. She took the bread with no argument and tore off a bit with her teeth. “Where else are you going to go?” he asked her, his head tilted. “You’re not leaving this dungeon any time soon.”

“Wha abou my whis?” she asked through another full mouth.

He shrugged. “What about them?”

Her eyebrows furrowed. “Dey hur!”

He glanced up at her manacled wrists and a thoughtful look passed over his face. His face lit up as an evil smirk spread across it. He turned his attention back to her. “Well, I suppose that all depends,” he told her as he placed the bread back on the plate and held a flask to her lips.

She stopped from shaking her head before accepting his offer. “On what?” she coughed when she finished drinking.

He placed the plate and flask back on the table. “On how loud you scream,” he answered as he pressed his body against her.

She felt his fingers as they dug into her and her eyes widened.


Kagome watched as the men removed her bicycle and backpack from the room. Renkotsu entered the room, sneered at the priestess, and took the table. Glancing up, he saw the sconce and looked at Bankotsu.

The leader shrugged. “It’s not like she can rip it out of the wall,” he said.

Renkotsu nodded. “I understand that, Big Brother, but she could always take the torch out of it and try to burn you.”

Kagome hadn’t even thought about that and watched in dismay as Bankotsu agreed and began ripping the sconce out of the wall. “What about light?” she asked.

The leader shrugged. “We’ll mount a bracket right outside the door and put a torch there. That way, you can see, but not do anything stupid,” he told her.  

Renkotsu knew that his leader was using double speak to also order it to be done and the man nodded. Bankotsu released the sconce and approached Kagome while Renkotsu began tearing at the sconce himself.

Grabbing the back of Kagome’s head, Bankotsu jerked so that she was looking up at him. “Just remember, Kagome,” he warned her. “I’m giving you freedom because you pleased me tonight. Continue to please me and you’ll gain more freedoms. Disappoint or disobey me and I will take them away. What I’m doing for you is a privilege, not a right.”

He released her and she nodded. “I understand,” she whispered. “Thank you, Bankotsu.”


Miroku stoked the fire with a stick. “You should try and get some sleep, Inuyasha,” he suggested.

The hanyou growled. “How can you expect me to sleep when Kagome’s somewhere out there? Who knows what Naraku has done to her?”

The monk sighed. He knew Inuyasha was right, but he hated to admit it. There was no telling what the monster could have done to her. He glanced over to where Sango was sleeping and saw that she, too, stirred restlessly.

Finally fed up with trying to sleep, the demon slayer sat up. “I can’t sleep,” she announced unnecessarily.

Miroku sighed again as he found he couldn’t argue with either of them. The only reason he was playing with the fire was because sleep was evading him as well.

Shippo, the only one of the group who had managed to fall asleep, kicked at the air before sitting up and screaming Kagome’s name. The little fox searched frantically around the campsite before he remembered that the priestess wasn’t there. He glanced at the three adults before crawling into Sango’s lap and burying his head in her chest.

Sango did her best to comfort the crying child.


Kagome glanced around the empty room as Bankotsu unlatched the shackles. Her arms dropped to her sides uselessly as she fell to the floor. She felt the blood rush back to her aching muscles and groaned.

“Don’t make me regret this,” Bankotsu told her as he tucked the key back into his obi.

She nodded as she glanced about the small space. He had even given her a pallet, pillow, and blanket, as well as a bucket for her business.

Before she could say anything, Bankotsu pushed Kagome onto the pallet. She gasped as he hovered over her.

“Fight me and I take it away,” he warned.

She trembled, but nodded. Tears rolled down her eyes as he pressed his body against hers. The key was in his obi. If she could somehow grab it, then she had a chance of escape. Knowing she would need to play it up, she gave him an anxious smile as she lay down on the pallet.

Her willingness made him smirk. She’s finally accepting me, he thought to himself as he pressed his body more firmly against her.

She gently caressed his cheek with one hand while her other hand rubbed across his chest. She knew she only had seconds. As he straddled her, intent on her breasts, she brought her knee up good and hard. He fell off of her in pain as she grabbed the key from his obi and made a dash to the door.

He grabbed her by the ankle. She fell face first, hard onto the ground as he quickly moved atop her and grabbed the hand that held the key.

“No!” she shouted uselessly as he took the key from her by force.

Then he stood up and grabbed her by the hair. “I warned you,” he growled as he threw her against the wall.

She hit the wall with a loud thud and crumpled to the floor, unconscious.