InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and its characters. I do not make any money off of this story.
Warning: May contain scenes of violence, rape, or sex.

Another month had passed and everything was going as planned. Though Kagome still tried to fight Bankotsu off, the fights were becoming less powerful. Nights were spent in passionate sex and he made sure to see her satisfied every time.

Bankotsu leaned against the door frame of their bedroom and watched her. A smirk graced his lips as she stood on the balcony and watched the clouds go by. He was being honest with her when he called her beautiful. He did not deny that she was. To him, she was even more beautiful when she was screaming his name in the midst of ecstasy.

He watched as she sat upon the floor, legs tucked under her body. She buried her face in her hands and began crying. His eyes hardened. She still cried over that pathetic half breed.

Bankotsu sighed as he knew what he had to do. He crossed the room and fixed his face to show genuine concern and sympathy for her. Sure, he didn’t really feel those things. He had no feelings towards her, in all honesty. She was just a pound of flesh and a means to an end. But if he wanted to win her over, he had to put on a show of compassion.

He joined her on the floor and pulled her into an embrace. To his relief, she did not fight him. He held her while she cried. Perhaps, if he showed her that he “actually cared” about her, she would begin to fall for him. He had begun comforting her more and more with this thought in his mind.

It seemed to work too. Last night, she had come to him willingly and had even pleasured him without being told to. In fact, last night had exceeded his expectations and he really had no idea where it had come from…

~The night before~

Bankotsu sat on the bed and opened one of the books Kagome had from her time. It was an interesting book filled with different stories, most of them fictitious. He enjoyed it as he felt it told him a bit about her culture.

He was reading one particular story about a wolf and a dog when she entered the room. He glanced up at her and smiled. “Good evening,” he greeted.

She nodded as she continued to towel dry her hair. “The spring was a bit cooler than normal,” she commented as she tossed the towel away and ran her fingers through her hair. “What are you reading?”

He shrugged. “Some story about a wolf and a dog and about how the wolf prefers his freedom while the dog likes being leashed. Interesting, to say the least,” he said.

She nodded again as she knelt onto the bed and straddled his stretched out legs. “Aren’t you cold?” she asked. “With the door to the balcony opened and no clothes on, I’m surprised you aren’t shivering.”

He threw her a half smirk. “I don’t feel the cold that easily.”

She moaned a little. “All the same,” she said softly as her hands slowly ran up is legs. “Perhaps we should do something to fight against this cold.”

Bankotsu put the book to the side and watched her with a raised eyebrow as she gently grasped his cock and began running her hands along the shaft. He missed a breath as she licked the tip of his cock before placing it into her mouth where she proceeded to suck on it.

He closed his eyes as he felt his penis harden from her touches. Interlocking his fingers, he placed his hands behind his head and leaned back against the wall to enjoy. It only took four months, but she was finally becoming a willing participate in their sex romps. Even more, she was initiating one right now.

She surprised him further when, once he was nice and hard, she released his cock from her mouth and slid her body further up his. Without saying a word, she slipped her soaked pussy over his cock and began riding him.

His eyes shot open as his hands grabbed her waist. She was so wet and tight. He had never experienced her so willing, too. With one hand, he cupped one of her breasts and squeezed. She threw her head back and moaned as she cupped her other breast and mimicked his ministrations. Her other hand rested on his shoulder and used his shoulder to help her keep her balance as she rode him.

Bankotsu leaned forward a bit so he could lick the nipple he was taunting. With a moan, Kagome dropped her hand from her breast while her other hand slid halfway down his bicep. She continued to ride him as Bankotsu took over the sex.

He turned them over so he could get better control and thrust into her. She fell back against the bed, her arms lying prone above her head. Bankotsu slipped his arms under her knees and lifted her knees up for a better angle.

Even at that angle, Kagome attempted to thrust with him. She was matching his pace and crying out. “So good!” she gasped. “Oh. Oh. Oh, yes. Yes.”

He had never seen her act so wantonly and found that he liked it. His arms released her legs and her legs wrapped around his waist. He continued to pound into her as he placed his hands on either side of her head and used them for support.

He watched her face as pleasure coursed through her body. She screamed out when she came and he quickened his pace until he came as well. When his body emptied itself, he collapsed atop her.

They were both panting as she lifted a hand to rub his back. Her legs rested against his buttocks as the lovers fell asleep. Bankotsu did not even bother pulling out of her.

~Current moment~

He continued to hold her, cautious not to say anything. He knew she’d speak when she was ready.

After what seemed like forever, she pushed herself away from him and stared at the floor. “I don’t understand,” she whispered.

His eyebrows furrowed, but as he opened his mouth to respond, she continued, “What’s wrong with me? I should be waiting for Inuyasha. I should be missing him and wishing for him to be here. And I do, on all accounts. But…”

Her soft blues eyes looked up at him. “I don’t know why, but I just wanted to feel you,” she said, confusion in her eyes. “Being close to you, feeling your body against mine…”

She turned her gaze away from him again. “What are you doing to me, Bankotsu? It seems every move you make, makes me want to just… I don’t know.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You want me,” he stated simply.

Her eyes shot to his face in immediate denial. “No! Never! You’re a pig and a murderer and a rapist and…”

Bankotsu cupped her cheek with his hand. “It’s ok, my little miko,” he assured her, while his mind reeled in elation. “It’s completely natural to develop feelings towards someone when you’ve spent a lot of time with them. There’s nothing wrong with that. And, let’s face it. You and I have been spending a lot of time together.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but stopped suddenly. Her eyes widened as she stood up and ran from the room. Alarmed, Bankotsu followed her… all the way to the pit toilet room. He stopped and waited for her.

It didn’t take her long to emerge from the toilet. “Are you ok?” he asked.

She nodded. “Yeah,” she replied. “I’ve been going to the bathroom a lot lately, it seems. I don’t know why.”

He shrugged. “Perhaps you’re drinking too much water?” he suggested.

She sighed. “Just so you know,” she said. “I haven’t been developing any feelings for you other than contempt.”

He smirked. “Keep telling yourself that, my little miko,” he snarked.


Kagome leaned against the railing and rested her chin in her hand. She gazed out into the wilderness, searching for any possible opening among the trees. That’s when she saw it. Far out in the distance, there it was.

She blinked. It wasn’t an opening or a break. She was sure it wasn’t a road, either. But… She stared at that spot, not daring to hope it was what she thought. The more she gazed at it, the more she realized what it was: The edge of the forest.

She took a deep breath and sighed. Finding the edge didn’t do her much good. Even if she managed to escape this place, Bankotsu was right. She’d never survive the demons and predators in this forest. Besides, that edge could take days, if not weeks, to get to.

Maybe she was imagining it, anyway. She wanted so badly to leave this nightmare. It only made sense that her mind would conjure up a mirage. Not that the palace was much of a nightmare.

She closed her eyes and bit back the tears. No. She couldn’t think like that. No matter how kind Bankotsu was being towards her, no matter what he did for her, he was still her captor. He was still an evil man who wanted nothing more than vengeance. He was her tormentor, abuser, and rapist.

She turned back towards the bedroom and went inside. She really did not know where Bankotsu had gotten half of the stuff he had been giving her. Aside from the flowers, he had given her some incredibly beautiful silk kimonos and some really nice jewelry. She had to assume that he had taken these things from whoever had lived in this palace before.

She hated the idea of wearing the stolen goods of a group of people Bankotsu and his men had murdered. But who said Bankotsu had murdered them? She had seen no bodies. There was no blood stained on the walls or floors. There weren’t even scorch marks to hint that Renkotsu might have burned them all.

When he wasn’t off hunting or giving her precious baubles, Bankotsu was often by her side, talking to her. She assumed he just enjoyed the company. Neither Renkotsu nor Jakotsu had returned yet and Kagome assumed it was because they were dead. Bankotsu refused to believe that, however, and was adamant that they were just keeping Inuyasha busy.

Kagome sat upon the bed and buried her face in her hands. She cried for, apparently, no reason. Maybe she missed her family and friends more than she thought. This idea only made her cry even more.

When she had exhausted her supply of tears, she stood up and walked out of the room. She really needed to do something. She was bored.

Bankotsu wasn’t in the palace. He had gone out hunting some time ago. So, Kagome had the palace and grounds to herself. She decided to explore a bit. Maybe she could learn a thing or two about the people who had lived here before?

She began walking around the palace, opening random doors and peeking inside. Most of the rooms were just that: rooms. She did find what looked to be an altar area and assumed there must have been a priest or monk living here at one point. When she came upon the weaponry, she halted.

There, sitting in a corner, were her bow and quiver of arrows. Her eyes widened. Though they were covered in a layer of dust, they did not look damaged in any way. She took a step towards them before she heard the main gate open.

Quickly, she stepped out of the weaponry and closed the door. She ran as fast as she could away from it in hopes Bankotsu wouldn’t see her. If he knew what she had found, he may do something to her or threaten her in some way.

She stopped in the courtyard and met his gaze. She could see the curiosity in his eyes and knew she had to think fast. If he had any idea of where she had been…

She flashed him a brilliant smile and ran up to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I’m so glad you’re home,” she said, breathlessly.

He returned her smile and kissed her softly on the lips. “You missed me that much?” he asked.

The past four months had taught her how to keep him occupied and distracted. Grant it, this wasn’t always a good thing, for he had a habit of distracting her as well, but it would keep him from asking her questions she did not wish to answer.

She rubbed a hand over his chest and tried not to think about how hard his chest was. The smell of blood hit her nose like a ton of bricks and she frowned.

He looked at her curiously as her eyes drifted to the deer he had killed. The smell of blood was strong and it was making her sick. She pulled away from him. “Oh god!” she said.

There was no time to run to the balcony or even to the pit toilet, but she did manage to break away from him and move off to the side as she vomited.

He dropped the deer and went to her to pull her hair back. “You’ve been sick an awful lot lately,” he commented.

She did not look at him as tears rolled down her eyes. “I’m fine,” she told him. “Just… just get that thing away from me.”

She saw out the corner of her eye as he stood up and picked up the deer. She waited for him to leave before she sat on the ground. Blood still flooded her nostrils and she willed it to go away. What was happening to her?

She fell into another fit of tears, unable to understand what was going on.