InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of Ever After ❯ The Chase ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Chase
By Nicluv1787
The colors of fall had begun to bleed from the vibrant green of summer to the crisp reds and auburns of fall. The autumn wind rustles from the tree’s revealing a patch of silver perched inside the warm auburn branches.
A voyeuristic Hanyou watches his Miko as she strolls through the trees near Keade’s village. Kagome walks slowly, running her hands along the trunks of the surrounding trees. Her hair blows gently in the wind, and the fabric of her red Hakama pants rustle in the breeze.
Inuyasha waits patiently until Kagome is at the base of the tree he has concealed himself in. silently he drops down next to her as she admires the colors of the season. He places his hands around her small waist; she tenses momentarily in surprise before spinning around in his arms.
“You scared me.” She says breathily.
“Keh, you shouldn’t be scared. You know I wouldn’t let anyone get near you.” He says proudly.
“But, who’s going to protect me from you?” She says playfully.
“I see how it is wench.” he attacks her, tickling her mercilessly.
“Wait, wait.” She says between gasping laughter.
“What?” He says continuing his tickle attack.
“What’s that!” she shouts pointing over his shoulder.
Inuyasha glances over his shoulder; While Kagome takes her chance to slip out of his grasp.
“There’s nothing there…” He says realization dawning as he sees’s Kagome lopping away through the trees. “So you want to play that game?” he calls after her.
Her only reply is the sound of her laughter on the wind. He pauses momentarily to give her a suitable head start, this was his favorite game, ‘the chase’ he didn’t care how long they had been mated, it always gave him a new thrill each time he chased her down.
He follows the sound of her laughter down to the river. Having lost sight of her and because her scent was covered by the rushing brook to his side, He scans the surround area. He notices a flash of red near the water’s edge, the shapely form of her rear presented to him. He growls deep in his throat, loving the ‘position’ she put herself in. He walks up casually, gently grabbing her around the waist, and moved her firm rear to his groin.
“Inuyasha what are you doing?” He hears her call behind him. He gulps turning his head slowly, to see Kagome standing behind him as she gives him a half wave, looking confused.
“Then who am I…” he trails off, to look down at the woman he’s holding. The eye patched wrinkled face of Keade’s looks back up at him.
“May I help ye?”