InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Temple of the Dog ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Inuyasha. Those are the property of one Rumiko Takahashi. I thank her whole-heartedly for giving us such an amazing manga/anime to read/watch.
Please note - for some reason, chapters of fanfics I uploaded to Mediaminer lose their formatting on upload, despite the fact that I am using the same word processing program I always do and saving the file the same way. If the formatting is not correct, it is due to the upload and not in the original file. I work from an older MacIntosh and there is an incompatibility between the programming used by and my computer.
Definition of some terms. I've used several words that refer to things from ancient Egypt. So that you'll know what I'm talking about, I'll define them here. “Ka” is basically another word for spirit/soul. A “sistrum” was a metal rattle used by priestesses in ancient Egypt during religious ceremonies.
You can find some amazing fanart to go with the story at Be sure to check out the contest for a t-shirt design from the story at my page -
Temple of the Dog - Chapter 20
By Urd-chan
Inuyasha and Kagome watched the approach of the caravan. The parade of horses pulling carts and camels slung with wrapped bundles was led by Kirara. Shippou and Kohaku perched on the fire cat's back as Miroku and Sango walked beside her. It wasn't long before the returning group could see their welcoming committee.
The young priestess ran out from under the shade of the temple entrance as the priest and the others halted. Kagome gave Sango a hug and turned just in time to see Shippou launch himself at her. The kitsune nearly knocked the young woman over with his enthusiastic greeting.
“Kagome!” Shippou rubbed his furry cheek against the folds of Kagome's robes.
“Hi, Shippou,” she countered as she gave him a hug. “I guess your journey was uneventful?”
“That depends on what you mean by uneventful,” the kitsune said as he glanced at Miroku.
The priest shook his head and tried to look confused. “I'm sure I don't know what he's talking about,” he said in his most innocent voice.
“Yeah, right,” Inuyasha drawled as he stepped forward to stand next to Kagome. “So, Sango, how many times did you have to slap this guy while you were gone?”
The youkai exterminator blushed and shook her head. “Not too many.”
Miroku dodged Sango's thrown punch as he reached out a hand and firmly groped her backside. “I'm getting good at this,” he laughed. A second punch caught him off guard and he reeled from the impact, catching himself just in time to face the others and try to appear unruffled.
“I hope that was worth it,” Inuyasha said in a monotone voice. The glint in his eyes gave away his hidden amusement.
“More than worth it,” the priest said with a sly smile. “Definitely more than worth it.”
Sango glared at him and turned to help Kohaku down from Kirara. The fire cat quickly returned to her usual form, mewing as she leapt onto her mistress's shoulder.
Kohaku and Shippou were studying the temple. Kohaku's mouth hung open in awe as he studied the statues and ornate pillars gracing the front of the temple. Shippou shook his head and looked bored.
“Is this all?” he said as he wrinkled up his nose. “I figured you'd have a really big, fancy temple.” He sprinted off and ran a quick circle around the stone building. He shook his head again when he came to a sliding stop next to Kohaku. “It's so small.”
Inuyasha growled and narrowed his eyes. “It's plenty big for Kagome and me.”
“What about me?” the kitsune whined. “Where am I going to sleep?”
Kagome gathered a distressed Shippou in her arms and turned to face the deity. “Inuyasha, you really should be nicer to Shippou. He is just a little boy, after all.”
Shippou smiled innocently at Inuyasha from over the priestess's shoulder. “Yeah, remember, I'm just a kid. You have to be nice to me.”
“I have to be nice…?” Inuyasha said in a threatening voice as he took a step towards the kitsune who buried his face against Kagome's chest.
“Kagome, Inuyasha's being mean,” he whimpered.
“Inuyasha,” the priestess scolded gently. “Shippou's been through a lot. He's going to need some time to settle in and get used to things here.”
The deity glared at the kitsune and shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly when he saw the look on Kagome's face. They had been without time alone for too long already, and the idea of the priestess becoming angry with him wasn't something he wanted to deal with.
Several of the guards who accompanied the caravan moved forward.
“My lord,” the first one said as he stood at attention. “We await your instructions.”
Inuyasha smirked at Miroku. “You're the temple priest,” the silver-haired hanyou said as he turned to walk towards the temple. “You handle things.”
The priest glared at his deity for a moment and then shrugged. “As you wish, my lord,” he said with a touch of sarcasm in his voice. He sighed as he watched the others enter the temple and then turned to deal with the guards.
“Kikyou,” Inuyasha said suddenly and turned to study the caravan. There, in the second cart, was a large object draped with exquisite silk bunting. He glanced at Kagome. “We need to take care of Kikyou's remains.”
The priestess nodded and followed him to the cart containing the covered sarcophagus. Miroku joined them and gently lifted one corner of the flowing cloth to reveal the ornate outer coffin.
“I figured you would want Kikyou to have the best,” he said as he continued to pull the cloth back from the elaborate sarcophagus. The quality and detail belied the fact that the work had been done quickly. Kikyou's carved face looked up at them, adorned with gold and semi-precious gems. The coffin was shaped vaguely like a human, with the dead priestess's image gracing the cover.
“Of course,” the priestess said as she passed her hand over the edge of the sarcophagus. “Kikyou did not deserve what happened to her. I can't even imagine what she must have felt when she was brought back from the dead.”
Inuyasha placed his hand lightly on Kagome's shoulder. His eyes traveled the length of the coffin but he remained silent.
“Move this cart behind the temple,” Miroku instructed the waiting guards. One man grabbed the lead of one of the horses that was harnessed to the wheeled vehicle and clucked softly. The animals moved forward, following the guard as he slowly walked towards the read of the stone building. The priest and the others walked silently behind, watching as Kikyou's mummy was moved into place just outside her tomb.
“This doesn't seem right,” Kagome whispered to Inuyasha. “She is supposed to have a proper burial this time.”
“She will,” Miroku mumbled as he moved to walk just behind his deity. “I'll speak with the builders from the town and arrange to have her tomb enlarged. We do have quite a few offerings to inter with her.”
Inuyasha nodded wordlessly, his eyes following the cloth-covered sarcophagus as he listened to the priest.
“It's going to take some time to finish the construction, I'm afraid, but for now she should be all right back in her tomb as it is. After all, it's where her ka knows to return to every night.”
“And, we can arrange a proper funeral while the building is being worked on,” Kagome agreed.
“We need to be sure nobody disturbs her, too,” Miroku added. “We've been offered the services of two of the pharaoh's own personal guard to watch over Kikyou's tomb until everything is finished.”
“The pharaoh sent his own guards?” Inuyasha asked suspiciously.
“Of course, my lord,” the priest said with a sly grin. “You are the only living deity of the land, and I'm sure the new pharaoh wants to get on your good side - especially after what you did to his predecessor.”
“You met the new pharaoh?” Kagome's eyes grew wide with interest.
“Unfortunately, no. We were busy preparing for our return, and of course, with all the uproar at the palace, the pharaoh was far too busy to take the time to visit the temple of Osiris.”
“I wonder what he's like?” the priestess asked of nobody in particular. Her entire lifetime had been spent under Naraku's rule, and she was naturally curious about the new ruler of the land.
“I couldn't tell you,” Miroku said with a shrug. “Things at the palace were very hush-hush. I'm sure it won't be long before we know more, though.”
The priest walked forward and broke the temporary seal on the door of the tomb. The soldiers came forward and helped pull the heavy door open, revealing the dark, plain interior.
“At least let me pick out some things she can use in the meantime,” Kagome said in a hushed voice. “She's already spent too much of the afterlife without even having any necessities.”
Inuyasha nodded silently and followed Kagome as she returned to the carts in the caravan. The vehicles were filled to capacity with all types of offerings, and the priestess began to rummage through wrapped packages, setting aside items she felt would be useful to the fallen priestess.
“I have an idea,” she said suddenly and ran to the door of the temple. The young priestess disappeared into the dark interior, returning moments later with a small object in her hand. She returned to the waiting deity, extending her hand to show him the gold hair ornament she had been given when she first became priestess of the temple. “I'd like her to have this.”
Inuyasha looked at the shiny object in Kagome's hand for a moment before reaching out and taking it. He turned the item over in his hands, studying it. “It's like the one she used to wear,” he said in a low voice and he closed his fingers over the hair ornament.
“Then, hopefully she'll like it,” the priestess said softly as she placed her hand over his.
The deity placed his other hand over hers. He remained motionless for a moment before looking up at Kagome. “I'm sure she will.”
Miroku, Sango, and the others joined them. “What else does she need?” the priest asked as he glanced over the collection of items Kagome had already pulled from the carts.
“Food, for one thing,” the priestess said as Inuyasha dropped his hands to his sides. “Maybe you can put some things together for Kikyou?” Kagome asked.
Miroku nodded. “Sure, we brought plenty of offerings,” he said as he indicated several carts that appeared to be laden with nothing but edible items. It only took him a few minutes to find several sealed bottles of wine and an assortment of dried meat, cheese, bread, and fruit. He pulled a large platter from another cart and carefully arranged everything but the wine on it. “This should do for now.”
Kagome nodded and glanced at Inuyasha. The hanyou appeared to be deep in thought.
Shippou began digging through one of the carts, disappearing under the numerous wrapped packages. He reappeared a moment later holding several objects in his hands. “Kagome, can I have these?” he asked in his sweetest voice.
“What did you find?”
Inuyasha furrowed his brow and snarled at the kitsune. “Those don't belong to you!”
“Kagome?” Shippou said in a frightened voice.
“Inuyasha,” the priestess chided as she moved to where the little kitsune cowered. “It's just a couple of games,” she explained as she looked at the intricately carved boxes in Shippou's hands.
“Would you teach me how to play?” Shippou smiled sweetly at Kagome.
“Perhaps later, Shippou,” she said as she patted his head. “We have work to do right now.”
“Okay,” the kitsune said cheerfully before throwing Inuyasha a triumphant smile.
“Maybe you and Kohaku can find some flowers down by the river?” Kagome suggested as she indicated the direction to the river bank.
“Sure!” Shippou nodded excitedly, happy to do whatever the priestess asked of him.
“Is it all right?” Kohaku asked Sango, running to catch up with the kitsune, who had taken advantage of his head start. The two disappeared over a hill of sand.
“Good, we're rid of the little squirt,” Inuyasha said in an annoyed voice.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome reprimanded him quietly. “Remember, he is just a little boy, and we're going to have to be patient with him.”
The silver-haired hanyou snarled softly, but didn't say anything. He was not about to let the little kitsune disrupt his life - especially his precious time with Kagome.
The small group continued making preparations for Kikyou's temporary interment in her old tomb. Her sarcophagus was moved into the small building and placed on the raised platform that had held her small, plain coffin. Miroku carefully draped the silk bunting over it before carrying in the offerings that were being given to the dead priestess. He produced a stone pipe-like item and used a piece of flint to start granules of incense inside of it smoldering. Soon the small tomb was filled with the sweet scent of burning incense. The priest continued placing items in the tomb, taking time between each to say a prayer over each item.
Kagome had retrieved a sistrum from inside the temple, taking her place near Miroku and shaking the rattle at the appropriate moments. Sango and Inuyasha stood to the side, looking on in curiosity. Neither had seen the burial rituals being performed before. Shippou and Kohaku became bored quickly and disappeared into the temple, attempting to decipher the games Kagome had given the kitsune.
“You have to remember,” Miroku said as he placed the last items in the small tomb. “All this is just temporary, and we will perform her formal rites when the new tomb is prepared.”
Priest and priestess stood outside with the others as the soldiers pushed the large, stone door back into place. Miroku continued to chant, offering prayers and promises to both Kikyou and the gods. After several minutes, he took several small items from a fold in the cloth at his waist. He carefully unwrapped a small ball of fine clay, placing it at the line where the door met the building. He spoke another prayer as he opened a small box and removed a metal stamp, pressing the engraved end of the stamp into the soft clay. When he removed the stamp, the others could see the detailed impression left in the wet clay.
“Once the clay has set, there will be no way anyone can open the door without our knowledge,” the priest explained. He nodded to the soldiers, who proceeded to position themselves on each side of the sealed door.
Shippou came racing around the corner of the temple, launching himself once again into Kagome's arms. “I'm hungry,” he complained as his stomach agreed with a loud rumble.
The priestess looked up at the sky, surprised to see how far the sun had traveled while they were busy. “It looks like we missed lunch.” She ruffled Shippou's hair. “Sorry, I guess we lost track of the time. Our dinner should be here soon, though,” she promised.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kagura sat on her feather, hovering over Inuyasha's temple as he and the others were busy at Kikyou's tomb. Nobody had noticed her - not even the hanyou with his exceptional senses. She watched as the group below had performed the ritual, noting that nothing was out of the ordinary. The wind user had become bored, but remained where she was. She had been ordered to watch Inuyasha and the others and report back to Sesshoumaru, but her surveillance had provided nothing for the pharaoh. Sighing with relief, she finally turned her feather in the direction of the pharaoh's palace and flew away, glad for the soft rush of air after sitting for hours in the stifling desert heat. She had done as she had been ordered, and now she would have a reason to visit the mysterious pharaoh once again. A faint smile touched the corners of her mouth.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Sango and I are going to the river for a quick bath,” Kagome announced as she returned from the temple with a basket of items. Two clean gowns were draped over the crook of her bent arm as she held the basket against her. She used her free hand to reach up and stroke Inuyasha's cheek lightly. “We won't be long,” she promised as she raised herself on her toes and kissed him lightly.
Inuyasha slid one arm around her. “I should be the one going to the river with you,” he whispered with a hint of annoyance.
“We'll go to the river again soon,” she said with a smile. “Right now I really just need to wash. You're not going to want me around if I don't freshen up.”
“I always want you around,” he grumbled as he watched the priestess and youkai exterminator start walking to the river. A moment later Shippou sprinted by, shouting for the women to wait up for him.
“Lucky kid,” Miroku observed with a laugh.
Inuyasha simply grunted and walked to the entrance of the temple, where he crossed his arms and leaned against the smooth, cool stone of a pillar. It would be good to have Miroku there to handle the worshippers and other temple business, but for the first time the deity realized just how crowded his private little place had become and worried that his time alone with Kagome would become very limited.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“My lord,” Kagura drawled as she walked slowly towards the raised dais of Sesshoumaru's throne.
The silver-haired pharaoh gave no sign that he had heard her, but the wind user knew he had been aware of her approach even before she entered his audience chamber. He was gifted with youkai senses, after all. He remained motionless where he sat, appearing to be deep in thought.
So, this is the way he wants to play the game, Kagura thought to herself as she bowed her head in his direction. “It appears I have come at a bad time, my lord. I can always come back later.”
“You will report now,” Sesshoumaru said in a low, almost threatening voice. His eyes were unable to totally conceal the hint of humor in his response.
“As you wish,” the wind user said slowly, making her voice smooth and soft as she smiled and inclined her head again. To the casual observer, she appeared to be nothing more than a subservient woman, showing the respect for her pharaoh that was expected of her. To Sesshoumaru's hypersensitive senses, her response was nothing less than banter, testing him with every word and movement.
“Don't make me tell you again,” he warned as he slowly leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at her.
“Well, there really is nothing new to report,” she drawled. “The temple priest and the others have arrived at the temple, but I saw no sign of any type of weapon. Inuyasha carries no arms. The only one in the group who has any weapons on her are the youkai exterminator, and those are of human origin.”
“The sword is with Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru spoke to no one in particular as he reclined in the throne.
“Is there anything else, my lord?” The wind user bowed her head again, studying the youkai before her. Afternoon sunlight came through the skylight above him, giving his white hair a golden cast. As always, he remained passive, acting as though he were lost in his own thoughts.
“Am I being dismissed?”
Sesshoumaru turned his head slowly, taking in the tilt of Kagura's head and the mischievous expression on her face. He made a vague motion with one hand. “Do as you wish.”
I'm not dismissed. Kagura smiled inwardly and bowed to the pharaoh before her. She brushed an imaginary strand of hair from her face before moving forward, walking slowly up the stone steps leading to the dais. She moved to the side of the throne and lowered herself to the floor, positioning herself less than an arm's length from Sesshoumaru. Progress, she thought to herself as she allowed herself a small sigh.
The two youkai remained motionless where they sat on the raised dais. Faint sounds of the city filtered through the open skylight, hardly noticeable in the vaulted room. Pharaoh and lady of the court continued to sit where they were, but neither spoke.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” A raspy voice broke through the silence. Jaken appeared at a dark doorway in a side wall of the large chamber. He rushed forward, nearly tripping over his own feet as he came to a sudden halt at the base of the stairs. His eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. Unintelligible mutterings flowed from his gaping mouth.
“What is it, Jaken?” Sesshoumaru looked on in hidden amusement as his underling fought to regain his composure.
“What is she doing here?” He pointed an accusing finger at the wind user, who narrowed her eyes and smiled slyly.
“That you would have to ask her yourself,” the pharaoh said blandly.
Jaken shook with repressed anger, but managed to stop himself before saying anything that would have angered Sesshoumaru. The petite green youkai glared at the wind user, who had shifted her position and was now leaning against the side of the throne. Jaken turned to look at the pharaoh, but Sesshoumaru was either oblivious to Kagura's attention or didn't mind it.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Jaken fisted one hand at his side. He held a staff in his other hand, and the two heads on the top of it swayed as their bearer shifted from one foot to the other in his agitation.
“What is it, Jaken?”
“I…I…” The little youkai snapped his mouth closed, realizing that he really had no reason to be in the audience chamber. He had grown bored and had hoped Sesshoumaru had something for him to do. He hung his head and shrugged. “Nothing, Lord Sesshoumaru.” His disappointment was obvious.
“If you don't need anything…” Sesshoumaru's voice was unemotional, but the dismissal in it was obvious.
Jaken turned and walked slowly back to the doorway he had come through. He dragged his feet while the base of his staff scraped the ground as he walked. He turned and glared one last time at Kagura before disappearing into the dark interior of the doorway.
“Surely one such as yourself deserves a more fitting servant,” Kagura said softly.
“Jaken has been a faithful servant for many years,” Sesshoumaru said with a smirk. “What he lacks in intelligence he makes up for with his loyalty.”
“Loyalty is very important,” the wind user said as she slowly rose to her feet and stepped closer the throne. She stood near Sesshoumaru's shoulder and placed one hand lightly on the smooth carved wood of the throne.
“Loyalty comes with rewards,” Sesshoumaru said smoothly. Kagura's actions had not gone unnoticed and he allowed a brief smile to touch one corner of his mouth.
“Loyalty is given to those who are deserving,” the wind user said in a low voice.
“Then, we understand each other.”
“Of course, My lord.”
A sound and movement near the main door of the chamber caught their attention.
“Come forward!” Sesshoumaru ordered.
From the shadows near the door, a small figure stepped forward. Kagura raised one eyebrow as she recognized the small human. It was the same girl who had been in her own chambers earlier.
“Come forward!” the pharaoh repeated.
The girl nodded wordlessly as she moved slowly towards the throne. She held her head down and her shoulders drooped as she shuffled her bare feet across the hard stone of the floor. She stopped several feet short of the stairs.
“What is it you want?” Sesshoumaru asked as he studied the human girl. She appeared to be the same age of other servants he had seen in the palace, but her attire was different. Her clothing was very simple and appeared to be quite worn. He noted the bruises showing on her arms and legs.
The girl looked up at him, her eyes wide as she extended her arms towards him. In her hands was a tray of food.
“This Sesshoumaru does not eat such food,” he said flatly as he continued to study the girl. She dropped her head, her chin almost touching her chest at his refusal of the food.
“I'm hungry,” Kagura said lightly as she stepped forward, lowering herself to a seated position on the edge of the dais. Her legs dangled over the edge as she made her own observations of the girl.
The human girl smiled and moved to hand the tray to Kagura. The wind user studied the items on the offered tray as she took it from the girl. She selected a piece of cheese after she placed the tray on the floor next to her.
“She's a slave,” Kagura noted.
“That fact is obvious,” Sesshoumaru drawled. He looked on in hidden interest as the girl smiled up at Kagura. “You seem to know each other.”
“She was in my room earlier,” the wind user explained as she took a small bite from the chunk of cheese in her hand. “She's left me several flowers, too.”
Sesshoumaru nod was nearly imperceptible as he watched the interaction between the wind user and the slave.
“She must be a mute,” Kagura noted. She offered a piece of food to the girl, who backed away nervously.
The pharaoh remained silent, appearing once again deep in his own thoughts. He looked up when the door to the audience chambers opened.
“My lord!” One of the palace guards rushed in. He stopped when he saw the child at the foot of the stairs leading to the throne. “So, this is where the urchin went!” He roughly grabbed the child's arm and began to pull her behind him as he walked quickly toward the door. “My sincere apologies, my Lord,” he said nervously as he dragged the struggling girl behind him. “I'll make sure this doesn't happen again. We have tried to explain to this slave that your chamber is off-limits, but apparently she's too stupid to understand. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you again.”
Kagura looked at Sesshoumaru in surprise. “Aren't you going to do anything?”
“This Sesshoumaru does not concern himself with lowly humans.” He turned to look at the wind user. “I would like to be left alone.”
Dismissed. Damn it, Kagura thought to herself as she slid to the floor below the dais. “Since you aren't going to eat this…” she waved one hand over the tray of food before lifting it and carrying it with her as she walked slowly from the room. She picked up a piece of bread as she balanced the tray with one hand, taking a bite as she turned to glance back at the pharaoh. He appeared oblivious to her as she turned and exited through the large wooden doors.
Sesshoumaru looked up as the soldiers standing guard outside the large audience chamber closed the heavy doors. His mind's eye saw an image of the human child. The vision would not be dismissed.
Jaken peeked from the small doorway in the shadows of the chamber. “Lord Sesshoumaru?”
“Jaken,” the pharaoh said sternly. “You will find out more about that human child.”
“My lord?” the green youkai said in a confused tone of voice. “Did you want me to get rid of it?”
“You will find out what you can about her, Jaken. And, nothing else.”
“Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru!” Jaken said excitedly, happy to be of service to the pharaoh. He was happy to see that Kagura was no longer hanging around the throne. He nodded as he turned to attend to his duties.
Sesshoumaru sat on the throne, his thoughts traveling between the two females who had been in the chamber only minutes before. Kagura, it appeared, had a soft spot for the human child. He found himself unable to dismiss them from his thoughts as easily as he had dismissed them from his audience.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Food's here!” Shippou raced ahead of Kagome and Sango as they returned from their bath at the river. The scent of meat and vegetables and fresh baked bread caught his youkai senses long before the two human women detected them.
The young women followed the kitsune at a slower pace, coming over a rise just as Inuyasha was raising a hand to throttle Shippou, who had practically knocked over the villagers who were carrying their dinner.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome ran forward, pulling Shippou into her arms. “You weren't honestly thinking of hitting this child?”
“He's not a child,” the deity grumbled.
“Kagome?” Shippou looked up at the priestess with his most innocent expression. “It was an accident, honestly!”
“He stomped on my foot,” Inuyasha complained. “And, it wasn't an accident!”
“Kagome,” the kitsune sniffled as he buried his face against her shoulder. “I really didn't do it on purpose.”
“It's all right, Shippou,” Kagome said as she detangled him from her and lowered him to the ground. “Inuyasha wasn't really going to hit you.” She turned and gave the hanyou a warning look. “Right, Inuyasha?”
The deity shrugged his shoulders and grunted.
Miroku appeared at the temple door. “Good, food's here! I'm starved!” He stepped to the side and indicated to the bearers of the food that they should take the meal inside. The visitors left as soon as they had put down their offerings.
Within moments the low altar was covered with pots and platters. Shippou rushed in and stood eyeing the feast, his rumbling stomach demanding to be fed.
“I'll get the plates,” Kagome said with a smile as she ruffled the hair on top of the kitsune's head.
“I'll help,” Sango said as she sidestepped Miroku's outstretched hand. The priest shrugged and shot Inuyasha an innocent grin.
“What can I say?” he laughed. “Only one of the curses on my hand was lifted when we destroyed Naraku!”
The women filled plates and passed them around. Kagome took one for herself and moved to sit on a stone bench near Inuyasha. She leaned towards him and kissed him lightly on his cheek.
“It all smells so good,” the young priestess said as she began to eat. The others joined in, and soon the only sounds in the temple were Shippou's mumbled commentary about everything he ate.
“Do you have to do that?” Inuyasha glared at the kitsune.
“Do what?”
“Talk while you're eating.” The deity shook his head. “It's annoying.”
“I'm not talking,” the kitsune said with feigned innocence. He shoved a large piece of meat into his mouth and smiled.
The small group sat clustered around the center of the main hall, laughing and talking as they caught up on the events each had missed. Kohaku continued to look amazed at his surroundings while Shippou chatted incessantly, interrupting the others with his random comments.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha and smiled. Despite his mumbled grunts and lack of conversation, she could tell he was enjoying himself. She reached over and squeezed his hand affectionately.
Shippou was in her lap immediately, demanding attention from the young priestess. The deity growled at the kitsune.
“There's enough of me to go around,” Kagome laughed as she rescued her plate from Shippou's squirming form.
Kagome and Sango retrieved the empty plates when the others finished eating. They quickly washed the stoneware and returned to sit with the others. Inuyasha pulled Kagome onto his lap, giving Shippou a triumphant smirk when the kitsune pouted.
“So, tell me more about what you did while you were gone,” the priestess insisted.
Sango was the first to respond. “We were taken all over the city. Things are so different here than back home. It's just so exotic and beautiful!”
Kohaku interjected with his own favorites, talking mostly about the various foods he'd eaten and the statues all over the city.
“The Temple of Osiris has some interesting customs,” Miroku added. “I'm not sure if it was just because we were there, but they had some sort of celebration almost every day.”
Kagome nodded. “It's the main temple so there are always dignitaries visiting. The pharaoh used to come there quite often.” Her expression changed with her mention of the pharaoh.
“Naraku's gone,” Inuyasha reminded her gently.
“I know,” the priestess said as she snuggled deeper into his lap. “I can't help but think of the way he'd look at me when he was there.” She shivered slightly.
“Anyway,” Miroku interrupted, changing the uncomfortable subject, “they selected the new pharaoh rather quickly. I heard bits and pieces, but it seems that everyone is saying he doesn't appear to be from the land.”
“A foreign pharaoh?” Kagome gasped. “Of course, I've only known one pharaoh in my lifetime, but I don't remember hearing of any from foreign lands before.”
“It's just one of the rumors,” the priest said with a shrug. “Of course, there are more rumors than facts, so until the pharaoh makes his first public appearance, it's all we have to go on.”
“None of that will really matter to us here,” Inuyasha grunted.
“Actually, I think we can expect more attention from the palace after recent events,” Miroku warned. “Not necessarily bad attention, but it's going to be hard to be inconspicuous with everyone talking about what happened to the false pharaoh. You've become a real legend to many, I'm afraid.”
“Damn it,” Inuyasha growled. “I don't like all these people coming here. I like it quiet.”
“I'm sure it will all die down in time,” the priest continued. “But, how long before people find something else to draw their attention - your guess is as good as mine.”
“Tell me about the celebrations you went to,” Kagome suggested. “I've always loved the temple celebrations.”
Miroku, Sango, and the others took turns talking about the various celebrations they had been to. Kagome snuggled against Inuyasha, enjoying the feeling of them all being together. Shippou sneaked over to where the priestess sat on the deity's lap and wriggled his way onto her lap. Inuyasha glared at him for a moment and then noted Kagome's expression. He had never seen the priestess look so relaxed and happy, so he decided not to do anything to dislodge the kitsune.
“Don't get used to it,” he mumbled to Shippou.
The kitsune responded with a mischievous grin.
“I can't help but wonder about something, though,” Miroku said with a thoughtful expression.
Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and studied the priest. He was definitely up to something.
“And just what the hell are you wondering about?”
“Well, the Temple of Osiris is filled with so many people - not just the priests and priestesses, but temple singers and temple dancers. They hold the most delightful celebrations all the time, and I can't help but think that you, my lord, are entitled to the same type of celebrations. What better way to honor the land's only living deity?”
“And, you think we should hold this type of celebration?” Inuyasha shook his head with the realization of just where Miroku's suggestion was going.
“Of course, my lord. As I said, what better way to honor you?”
“And what better way for you to have some fun and see the women dancing,” Inuyasha grumbled.
Miroku tried to feign surprise, but the others all saw through his act.
“He couldn't get enough of the celebratory wine at the other temple,” Sango said with a shake of her head. “And, he kept on asking all the temple dancers to bear his child!” Shippou quipped from his position on Kagome's lap.
“And, of course, you suggest this for the good of me and my temple?”
The priest blushed and looked embarrassed. “I just thought that perhaps we should start doing things here that are more in keeping with what the other temples do. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be considered old fashioned here.”
“And, what is it that the priests there have that you don't?”
“Not so much things, but freedoms,” Miroku said with a shrug. “It was just a suggestion…”
“On the subject of the other priests…” Inuyasha slid one arm around Kagome and gave her a gentle squeeze. “It has come to my attention that it is customary for the temple priests to wear white.”
Miroku looked down at his black kilt and purple shoulder sash. “These colors are my family's colors, and all the priests at your temple have worn them, starting with my grandfather.”
“Naturally, I wasn't in the position to complain…” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Miroku as he gave Kagome another quick squeeze.
The priestess was beginning to enjoy Miroku's growing discomfort. She noticed Sango grinning as she observed the exchange between deity and priest.
“Well, the colors can be decided on later,” the deity said with a smirk. “What I am really wondering about is the fact that the other priests all have shaven heads.”
Miroku sprang to his feet. “Surely you can't be serious. You would demand that I shave my head?”
Sango and Kagome giggled, and even Shippou and Kohaku took notice of Miroku's unusually emotional behavior.
“That depends,” Inuyasha said as he slid his other arm around Kagome and pulled her to him. “If we are truly going to modernize and keep up with the other temples, shouldn't we follow all their traditions?”
“I did not mean any disrespect,” Miroku said nervously. “I can see that you are content with things the way they are here, and would not wish to disrupt your comfort.”
Miroku glanced at Sango, who was having difficulty keeping a straight face.
“So, we are agreed that we should keep things the way they are here at my temple,” Inuyasha said with a repressed laugh.
“Agreed,” Miroku said. His disappointment was obvious, but he was smart enough to know when he should stop.
Inuyasha lifted Kagome in his arms and rose to his feet, dislodging a complaining kitsune. He continued to keep his arms around Kagome as she found the floor with her feet. The deity glanced at his priest. “Good. Then, we understand each other.”
Kagome slid her arm around Inuyasha and returned his hug.
“Well, we suddenly have more people here than we had before,” the priestess started. “It's getting late and I think we need to figure out where everyone is going to sleep.”
“I'm sleeping with Kagome!” Shippou shouted happily.
“No you're not,” Inuyasha snarled. “You'll find somewhere else to sleep.”
Shippou gave the priestess a sad look.
“We'll figure things out, Shippou,” she said softly. “Don't worry.”
Miroku glanced at the doorway of his old room. “Just how much stuff is still being stored in there?”
“Actually, your room is ready for you,” the priestess said with a smile. “We moved most of the storage items out before we left, and the rest have been moved to the small storage room.” She indicated a door on the wall between the two bedrooms.
The priest walked quickly to his room, taking a torch out of its holder on his way. He smiled when he opened his door, noting an elaborate bed much like the one in Inuyasha's room.
“The bed was an offering,” Kagome explained. “Inuyasha felt it was too fancy for his taste, and since we already have a bed we like, we thought we'd give that one to you.”
“I'm truly honored to be given such a remarkable bed.” Miroku turned and looked at Sango, who blushed at his unspoken suggestion.
“We have cots and cushions for the boys,” the temple priestess said as she moved towards the small storeroom. “I'm not sure what they prefer.”
“Cushions,” Kohaku said softly. “The cots here are too hard.”
“I don't need any,” Shippou offered. “I'll just sleep with Kagome.”
“Like hell you will!” Inuyasha growled.
Kagome gave the kitsune a wink and a smile. “We'll figure that out in a bit.” She turned to Sango. “I'm not sure what your plans are…”
The youkai exterminator glanced at Miroku for a moment before averting her eyes and blushing. “I'm not sure.”
“You're sleeping in here with me, aren't you?” the priest asked innocently.
“Just one thing, Miroku. If Sango is to move into your room, will that make her your concubine or your wife?” Inuyasha asked.
Miroku sputtered. “I never suggested…”
“You wouldn't want to do anything to harm her reputation, now, would you?”
“Of course not,” the priest stuttered. He looked helplessly at Sango, hoping for support from her.
“I'm not sure…” the youkai exterminator started hesitantly.
“Inuyasha was just giving Miroku a hard time,” Kagome interjected. “Nothing needs to be decided right now. Just leave your belongings in the main chamber. You're free to sleep where you want, and nobody is going to think any less of you.”
“Are you sure?”
“I'll make you a bed out here. As I said, where you sleep is up to you, but this way you can decide for yourself.”
The priestess found cushions to pile on the floor for the boys. Inuyasha carried out a hard wooden cot and placed it near the pile of cushions. He moved to the great wooden doors of the temple and placed the locking bar across them, sealing them in for the night.
“I want to sleep with you, Kagome,” Shippou whined as the priestess bid him goodnight.
“I'll be right in the next room, Shippou,” she said softly as she gave the kitsune a hug. “You have Kohaku here with you, so you won't be alone.”
Shippou folded his arms across his chest and pouted. “It's not fair. How come he gets to sleep with you and I don't?”
“He's my husband,” the priestess responded. “You'll understand when you're older.”
Miroku remained at the door to his room, passing glances with Sango. The youkai exterminator sat on the edge of her cot, obviously unsure what she should do.
“The torches should finish burning out soon,” the priestess said as she followed Inuyasha to their room. She glanced back at Sango and smiled, reassuring her friend with her unspoken gesture. “Good-night everyone,” she said sweetly as she pushed through the woven mat that served as their chamber door.
Shippou curled up on the pile of cushions, complaining as he tried to make himself comfortable. Kohaku spread out next to him and quickly fell asleep.
Sango continued to sit on her cot for a while, waiting for the others to fall asleep. When the little kitsune finally fell into a fitful sleep, she walked quietly to the door of Miroku's chamber and let herself in.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Hopefully things will get back to normal soon,” Kagome whispered as she curled up next to Inuyasha on their bed. He slid his arms around her and buried his face in her hair.
“I have a feeling things will never be normal again,” he grunted. “Too many people. It's getting crowded here.
“I like it,” the priestess said sleepily. “It's like we have our own family here.”
The hanyou tilted his head and raised one eyebrow, taking in Kagome's words. He had never thought about it in that way, and he found himself smiling.
“You need sleep,” he said as he kissed Kagome. The priestess sighed as she returned his kiss. “We're not going to have much privacy from now on, I'm afraid.”
“We'll have our privacy even if I have to kick everyone else out of the temple,” the deity grumbled. “Now, sleep.”
“I love you,” Kagome whispered just before sleep took her.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The temple was quiet as its occupants fell asleep. The torches lining the walls of the main chamber burned down one by one, slowly reducing the light in the room until the only source of it was the oil brazier next to the main altar. Shippou stirred, waking from a dream and becoming confused for a moment as to where he was. He jumped from the cushions he had been sleeping on and dashed to the door Kagome had disappeared through earlier.
Inuyasha growled as the kitsune launched himself at their bed, landing in the circular hollow between Kagome's arms and legs as she slept.
“Damn it, Shippou,” the deity grumbled. “I told you to sleep in the other room.”
“I had a bad dream,” Shippou said in a trembling voice.
“What the…” Inuyasha paused as Kagome stirred. The priestess sighed in her sleep and instinctively slid one arm around the kitsune. “Okay, you can stay, but just for tonight. And, you aren't to wake Kagome up.”
“Gotcha,” Shippou said happily as he curled up on the soft bed and fell quickly asleep.
The silver-haired hanyou relaxed next to his woman, taking in the sounds of the night as they wafted in through the open window above them. He could hear sounds of movement and talking from Miroku's room and was tempted to wake Shippou and send him to sleep there instead, but decided against it. Kagome was already asleep. He would make sure their unwelcome bedmate found a different place to sleep the following night.
He lay awake for a while, noting that the sounds from the next chamber faded as its occupants also fell asleep.
Family. Kagome had used the word to describe their rag-tag group. A hanyou masquerading as a deity. A priest and priestess from the land. An orphaned kitsune. Two travelers from another land. Definitely not a typical family, but the idea of having a place to call home and people who cared had become increasingly pleasant to him and he found himself grateful that he had come to this mysterious land.
Before long, Inuyasha himself fell asleep, cuddled up with Kagome and Shippou.