InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tenbun ❯ That Of Which You Will Need To Know ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So I've got this brand knew fanfic idea and I can't exactly put it in a note book because A: I don't have a note book to put it in, and B: well, I'm not really sure what B is so oh well! But anyways, here goes!
NOTICE: This is just the base and the idea. For instance, how the main character ends
up knowing Inuyasha. Or even the first few lines.
Hmmmmmmmmm, I guess we should go ahead and start of with how the main character, Karaki, meats Inuyasha. Because that was one of the reasons I started this in the first place!
Well, Karaki bumps into Sesshomaru, who has Rin, who knows Kohaku. Kohaku's older sister, Sango, is good friends with Kagome, whos boyfriend is Inuyasha! And that's how Karaki meats Inuyasha. *nods*
CHARACTER PROFILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love character profiles. `Cause you get to make the person whoever you want to. I mean, they could be Kouga's great, great, great grandson married into the family three times and removed 15 times. But that might be a bit confusing to explain, so I wouldn't do that if I were you.
SO, lets start!
NOTICE: This will not just be age and stuff but also past and present. Like who and what their involved in and with. And long explanations are aloud!
Karaki ::
Age:: H: 17 D: 64
Race:: Kitsune (fox)
Weapon (optional):: Her weapon is kind of a . . . um . . . necklace I guess. But it's actually pretty cool because she can turn it into anything she wants. And she doesn't even have to use her hands she just thinks it.
Appearance:: Nicely shaped body and face with asian-ish skin. Not too pretty, not too ugly. She has long hair that is never the same shape or color and hidden ears and tail that change color just as frequently (though the colors tend to be less outrageous). And she never wears the same thing either. `Cause all the people in every anime always wear the same thing every day, and that's annoying. So I took the liberty of giving them some new clothes. *nods*
Brief History:: At the age of 6 her father was taken to the Channel Prisons and executed. Her mother abandoned her when she was about 2. Then she was taken to the DCH (Demon Children's Home). There she met another kitsune and fell for him . . . HARD! It was a young, careless love and that's how Biyakuya (her lover) ended up the same as her father and they ended up with Shippo . . . their son.
Personality:: Karaki is a gentle, strict, very odd fox demon. It's often just the fact that one second she can be the scariest demon on earth and the next the sweetest. She's also very good with kids despite the fact that her moods can range from the pinkest person in town to the most depressed person you've ever known, and then to the bitchiest demon on earth.
Home:: Well she doesn't really have a home . . . . But she does run the DCH so I guess you could call that her home.
Brief Description of Who She Currently is:: Well there's not much to that. She runs the DCH. And that's all until she bumps into Sesshomaru, and, being the ditsy little 17/64-year-old she is, invited him to dinner. And then her life turns UPside-down and the world is never the same again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, your typical story line, I know, but hopefully I can put in some twists that won't make it so boring.
Age:: H: 20 D: 67
Race:: Inu (dog)
Weapon (optional):: He basically has the same weapons he has in the anime/manga. Tensaiga, Toukijin, and the powers that come to him naturally, because, well, he's a demon.
Appearance:: Well, he looks like Sesshomaru. Long, silver hair (which in this world is not uncommon) and golden eyes (which isn't uncommon either). But not the same clothes - I guess he would wear a suet or every day clothing for when he's not at work.
Brief History:: Well, I hadn't really thought of this. When he was young his parents were rich and then I guess when they died he got the family fortune . . . and business.
Personality:: The second you meet him you don't really get a feel for who he really is. See, when you first meet him he's just been found out (as a demon) and has totally lost all pride, though he doesn't show it. So he still has the harsh outer shell - cold and unreadable - but on the inside he's torn and in need of repairs.
B.D.W.H.C.:: It's just been found out that he, the powerful leader of a large corporation, is a demon. The media is shocked, the public is shocked, and his pride is severely damaged. So he's walking down the street, deep in thought - `Where will I go? What will I do? Oh no, oh no, oh no! . . . What will Mother and Father think? - when he bumps into Karaki - TADAAAAAAAAAA - who offers to let him stay at her place (the DCH) - First question answered! - . At first he declines but then gives in - “You shouldn't let your pride get the better of you during a time like this! Your cold, hungry, and you need a place to stay, so you're coming with me until we can find you a better place to stay—which I doubt we will!” - and stays at her `house'.
Age:: H: 7 D: 7
Race:: Kitsune (fox)
Weapon (optional):: Illusions. Same as in the anime/manga.
Appearance:: In this, Shippo appears as a small, scraggly, city peasant. He wears a blue and somewhat faded-orange shirt with a pair of pants that are a darker blue. When he's masked he looks like a normal little boy, but when un-masked the pointed ears and differently shaped feet come into context. Oh, and his hair is a red-ish brown.
Brief History:: I agree, his history is very brief (he is, after all, only 7). His father - Biyakuya - was taken away to the Channel Prisons on his second birthday and executed the next day. And so he lives at the DCH with Karaki, because she's his mother.
Personality:: Shippo's a sweet little prankster. He's not all that fond of Biyakuya and doesn't like him because he notices that Karaki gets sad when she talks and thinks about her former `husband'. But he also doesn't know what happened to him so you can't really blame him.
B.D.W.H.C.:: Well right now he's another little demon child running from the state. His mother is Karaki, his father was a powerful fox demon named Biyakuya, and his knew father will be Sesshomaru. There's not much to explain, the rest comes in time.
Age:: 7
Race:: Human
Weapon (optional):: Rin has no weapon. She hates being the poor defenseless little girl that everyone has to protect, but she has no powers and can't handle any weapon, so she's kind of stuck.
Appearance:: She wears a sky-blue knee-high dress and no shoes. Brown eyes, black hair, and often has the biggest smile on the block.
Brief History:: We don't know her history. Sesshomaru found her on the street one day and she's been fixed to him ever since.
Personality:: She's probably the happiest person in town. Happy to be with Sesshomaru, happy to have someone to care for her, happy to still exist for all we know. What she lacks in strength, powers, and fighting skills she makes up for by helping with other things. She'd gladly wash the dishes, scrub the floors, or even clean your clothes. If it meant she had a place to stay, food to eat, and someone to look after and care for her, she'd do it.
B.D.W.S.C.:: She is one of Sesshomaru's ward and is currently staying somewhere safe. She was the person Sesshomaru was closest to and would most likely be taken in for interrogation, he didn't want that. So right now she's at `Auntie Kagome's' house.
Age:: 12
Race:: Human
Weapon:: Kohaku does not currently have a weapon. He will eventually but not right now.
Appearance:: Your simple, 12-year-old middle-school student. Wears blue-jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Black hair, brown eyes, not really much more to explain.
Brief History:: Well he doesn't really live in a good neighbor-hood so it was bound to happen some-time. See his parents were accidentally shot in a gun-fight when he was 10. Apparently their father tried to stop the fight and their mother tried to protect the father. Didn't end well. Two shots to the head each, died in the hospital. But yeah! Sango was with Kagome and Kohaku was at school.
Personality:: He's a good kid. Nice grades, does what he's told. He can be very protective at times, too.
B.D.W.H.C.:: He's in sixth grade, takes a martial arts class, and that's pretty much all.
Age:: 16
Race:: Human
Weapon (optional):: Sango (as well as everyone else in that particular gang) has a gun and a gun license. She also does karate and takes fencing classes.
Appearance:: Brown eyes, brown hair, nicely shaped face and body. Normally she wears a school uniform or `gang outfit' but on special occasions she wears otherwise. She keeps her hair (which is pretty long) either in a high or low ponytail.
Brief History:: Same as Kohaku's except for the fact that when she was 14 she joined a street gang, this was after her parents died.
Personality:: Sango's strong girl. Both fiscally and mentally. She still smacks Miroku when he gropes her but their in a relationship now. She tends to care a lot for her brother, gets good grades in school, and is good friends with Kagome and Inuyasha.
B.D.W.S.C.:: Well, she was the last to join a gang with Miroku and Inuyasha called Kyoutou. Lives in a town called Hanshu, is in a relationship with Miroku. And that's all! I know, short, isn't it? But there's not really much to explain.
Age:: 15
Race:: Human
Weapon:: Karate, Archery classes.
Appearance:: Kagome looks like your average 15-year-old girl. Longish hair, brown eyes, nice athletic body, and she tends to wear whatever she wants and the school uniform.
Brief History:: The same as in the anime. When she was young her father . . . her father . . . well I'm not sure what happened to her father but he's gone and so she grew up with her mother and grandfather. And then in school she met Inuyasha and they hid their relationship until they could no longer. And that's all.
Personality:: Kagome and Sango are actually a lot alike. But where as Kagome, like Sango, is strong both mentally and fiscally, its on a much smaller scale. Kagome doesn't always agree with Inuyasha's gang, but she still acts like a mother to a lot of the people there. She and Sango are like sisters and have helped each other through a lot of things. When Sango's parents died she and Kohaku stayed at Kagome and Sota's place.
Notice:: As far as I'm concerned, Sota is an unimportant character, has about two lines, and no real meaning in the fanfic accept Kohaku's friend and Kagome's younger brother.
Get over it.
Oh, god. Um, I, am so sorry. I haven't typed, or even looked over this in, well, ages. Once again, I am so sorry. I barely remember the story plot or even what the characters are supposed to be like. But it'll be good. I can promise you that. It, will be good. I hope.
Um. I guess that, first