InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The 500 Year Engagement ❯ The 500 Year Engagement - Never Mess with a Naked Miko ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The 500-Year Engagement
Never Mess with a Naked Miko
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: The characters from InuYasha” are not mine; they are the intellectual property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not benefit financially from these writings. I just like to play with the characters.
“Listen, you little toad! I don't care if he's doing his nails, I want to speak with my brother!”
Kagome watched as her very unhappy hanyou's foot tapped in frustration. “Why does he always have to make everything into a federal case?” She pulled out her cellphone and speed-dialed Rin.
“Moshi moshi.”
“Rin? It's Kagome. Are you near your computer?”
“Be a dear and do a search for `lingerie Kagome,' will you?” Kagome listened for a moment. “Yes, I know it doesn't make sense, but you'll see. Just do it.”
Rin's surprise was evident over the phone. “There is something.” There was a pause, then, “Oh dear.”
“Yeah, that's why InuYasha's trying to talk to Sesshoumaru right now…if he can get past Jaken.”
“Lord Sesshoumaru isn't going to like the fact that these were taken in one of his shops.”
Kagome frowned. Rin never called her mate “Lord Sesshoumaru” unless the situation was deadly serious…and she was probably right. The Great Lord of the Western Lands (and now the Lingerie Lord of Japan) would probably kill anyone who would put these pictures of his mate on the internet…let alone take them in one of his shops.
You did not disrespect Lord Sesshoumaru.
“Do me a favor. Don't tell Sesshoumaru about this yet.”
“Huh? What about InuYasha?”
Kagome looked at her mate, who was still arguing with Jaken. “I'll handle InuYasha. I just want to see if something can be done about this without killing people.”
“Hmm, I understand. Oh, and Kagome?”
“We have over two hundred thousand hits so far!”
“You can be such a flake, sometimes. Bye.” Kagome snapped the phone shut and walked up to her mate…who obviously wasn't making any progress with Jaken.
“You let me speak with him now,” InuYasha bellowed.
It was a good thing dog-boy hadn't actually seen the pictures or there would have been no stopping him. Kagome took the receiver out of the angry hanyou's hand and put it back in its cradle. “Don't worry about it right now, InuYasha. We'll go see Sesshoumaru in person in the morning.”
After explaining to InuYasha what she wanted to talk with Sango privately, she had asked the taijiya to go for a walk with her. There was a pizza place a couple of blocks from the shrine (ironically, the same one Hojo had taken Midori), so she could both tell Sango about the unfortunate pictures and introduce the taijiya to one of her favorite “comfort foods.”
Kagome had the feeling they'd need plenty of comfort food.
On the way, she described computers and the internet. She told Sango that a computer was a little like a two-way TV. But instead of only being able to watch whatever happened to be on, you could use this “special TV” to look for information and pictures you wanted and it would show whatever it found. Of course Sango didn't understand what a computer was, but she accepted that Kagome's time had such things, they weren't magic, and she had better learn about them.
Kagome explained that these “computers” were very popular and most people had one in their homes. And since they were all connected, everyone could see the same things.
“So you're saying that you can give this special TV words through this key-board thing…and it will search for anything those words are connected with?”
“Anything it can find. Yeah, that's pretty much it.”
“Why are you telling me all this?”
They had reached the restaurant. “Good. We're here.” Kagome felt she needed a little break before telling Sango the rest of it.
The two girls walked in and, while the hostess seated them, Kagome noticed a table where one seedy-looking man seemed abnormally excited to see them. She wondered if he had seen the pictures and was going to cause a scene. She was even more worried when he got his phone out and kept eyeing them while speaking into it. “This is all we need,” she thought.
“Would you like menus?”
“Huh?” Kagome returned her attention to the waitress, and Sango.
“Do you have rice…?”
Kagome put her hand on her friend's arm. “No, thank you. We'll be ready in a minute.”
“Very good, Miss.”
“You mean people would pay to look at me?” The taijiya was rapidly getting redder as she thought about what those pictures must show.
`You know, considering who you're marrying…”
“Yes…Miroku would. But why would anyone else?”
“There are plenty like Miroku in this world.”
Sango gulped. “Oh. Yes, even in my time there were men who would pay women to…oh my.” Sango stared down at the table. “And you're saying that anyone could see us?”
“Yeah, if they pay to see them, but there's another problem.”
“What's that?”
“The pictures were taken by a hidden camera, and certainly without permission, in Sesshoumaru's shop.” Kagome took a sip of her Coke. “Sesshoumaru will take it as disrespect.”
“He'll kill them.”
“This is not the good old days. You can't just kill people. It causes problems and brings unwanted attention.”
“He'll still kill them.”
Kagome sighed. “Therein is the problem. Sesshoumaru will think in terms of making an example of them. He'll want everyone to know that you do not disrespect him.”
“He'll slaughter them.”
“Would you stop with that?” Kagome sighed yet again. “That's why I wanted to know if you might help me teach these people a lesson.”
“May I kill them?”
“No. Eat your pizza.”
The seedy-looking man watched the girls leave the restaurant. Just today, he had begun casing local hangouts in the hopes of running into this Kagome Higurashi. It was a long shot, but the pizza place was, after all, only a few blocks from the shrine where the girl lived.
So he placed a quick call to Sato and the man had assured him that three men and a van would be there within minutes. All he had to do was to follow the girls and point them out to the waiting thugs.
Fortunately, the girls had talked for quite a while and the men were there when they left. The men standing beside the van looked at the girls and then looked to him for confirmation. He nodded “yes” and the two followed the girls down the sidewalk. The van idled along behind the two men.
They passed out of an area lit by a streetlight. When the van entered the next lit area, there was just the van. All very professional.
The seedy man smiled. He was going to be rich.
“We got both of `em, boss!”
Katashi Sato looked at the two sleeping girls. “What did you use on `em. If you damaged the merchandise…”
“No, boss! We used chloroform!”
Katashi scowled. That stuff could kill someone…and the girls weren't any use to him dead. “They'd better wake up.”
One of the thugs began to lightly slap Kagome, causing the miko to stir. “Ooh. What happened.” She looked around wildly. “InuYasha?”
“Strange name, girly,” said Katashi “Who's this InuYasha?”
Kagome sat up, rubbing her head to clear the cobwebs. “You'd just better hope you never meet him.”
“The other one's waking up too, Mr. Sato.”
“Don't use my real name, you idiot!”
Kagome helped the taijiya sit up. “Sato, huh? I've heard of you. You're supposed to be responsible for the disappearance of many young girls.”
“Something you'd be wise to remember.”
Kagome looked over when she heard Sango stirring. “Half the Asian porn on the internet, too, as I recall.” Kagome turned back to her friend and helped steady her. “Easy, Sango.”
“My head.” Sango had her head cradled in her hands. “What did they use on us? Some kind of miasma?”
“Miasma? What's she talkin' about?”
“Just a drug, Sango. A kind of poison. Something to knock us out.”
“A coward's way of fighting.” The taijiya stood up on wobbly legs. “I'll show them the honorable way to do battle.” Sango shook off her dizziness and settled into a fighting pose.
“What is she? Some kind of martial artist?” Katashi signaled to one of the thugs, who pulled something from his pocket and held it to Kagome's head.
“Now's not the time, Sango.”
“We'll get our chance later.”
Katashi seemed to find Kagome's bravado amusing. “Yeah, he laughed. “You'll both get a chance to pose for some pretty pictures.”
“That was a gun, Sango.”
The two girls had been thrown into a room filled with all kinds of cheap and tawdry lingerie, and told to change.
“But it was so small.”
“Nevertheless.” Kagome began examining the lingerie. “Not nearly as good as Sesshoumaru's.”
“How can you joke at a time like this? We could be killed!”
“No. Not yet, anyway. Mr. Sato wants to take pictures of us in this stuff. He wants to sell the pictures to thousands of men who want to look at them on their computers while they `play' with themselves. So we are more valuable to him alive.”
Sango was blushing again. “You mean, men would do…that…while looking at me?”
“Yup.” Kagome decided not to tell her friend about her Sota. “And they'll pay Mr. Sato money to do it.” The miko looked towards the door. “I'm sure that Mr. Sato and his thugs, and a photographer, are in that room. And I'm sure they will hold guns on each of us to get the other to pose.”
“Oh, Kagome.”
“But I have a plan.”
InuYasha sat on a branch in a tree outside the pizza joint. Kagome and Sango had definitely left the place, but they had never reached home…and he was worried.
Much as he had gotten a little more used to all the extra scents in Kagome's time, filtering out the smells from the restaurant had taken a few minutes. When he had finally succeeded, he had followed the girls' scents down the street until they disappeared.
Two men had followed them. Their scents had disappeared at the same place. There was also the lingering scent of something that made him slightly dizzy, but he shook it off. He backtracked to the restaurant and found a third scent. Obviously, this man didn't bathe often and also smelled of stale beer. He couldn't be sure he was part of the abduction, but he memorized the scent for later.
“Kagome.” Unfortunately, he couldn't track tires by their scent. Not unless they ran over something easily identifiable, and he couldn't be that lucky. No, his mate and the taijiya were on their own. He was worried and decided to start searching, using his and his mate's mental connection to try to pick up her thoughts. If he could pass within range, it would work.
Despite the depth of his concern, he smiled. He wouldn't want to try to hold his mate captive.
There was a thumping on the door. “You girls can come out, now!” There was a lot of anticipatory laughter from the next room.”
“I don't want to go out there, Kagome.”
“Just remember the plan, Sango.”
One of the thugs opened the door and pointed a gun into the room. “The boss wants you out here now.”
Kagome and Sango edged into the room. The taijiya had her arms crossed over her chest. The miko stood, arms akimbo, looking around a room which was clearly a studio. “I suppose you expect us to pose willingly.”
Mr. Sato was sitting in a studio chair amidst a host of lights and reflectors. “That's the idea.” He smiled as he addressed Kagome. “If keeping your good health isn't enough, consider your family.”
“My family? You'd harm my family?”
Katashi made a dismissive gesture. “Of course not.” He leaned forward. “But you wouldn't want them to learn about your secret life.”
“Huh? How could you…?” Kagome stopped herself before she said something she'd regret.
“Yeah, sweetie. We found out about your phony license and all your school absences. What was it? Booze? Drugs? Tch! And a shrine girl, too. Bet your family would love to hear about that.”
Kagome smiled inwardly. “He scared me for a minute, but he doesn't know.” Being over five hundred years old had its advantages. She was not nearly as self conscious about showing her body as Sango was. She glanced at the bed in the room as she peeled off her flimsy top. “I suppose you want me to pose on that.”
Everyone in the room who could got an erection.
Both Kagome and Sango were on the bed.
“What does Mr. Sato mean by `girl on girl action,' Kagome?”
Kagome whispered into Sango's ear and the taijiya reddened.
“I…I've heard of such a thing, but…”
“It's not exactly what I like, either, Sango, but I need a bit more time.” Kagome blushed and whispered. “Just play along. I've used my powers to make their gunpowder useless, and I don't think Mr. Sato will be too pleased with the pictures when he looks at them, but there's something else I want to do.” She smiled. “I think it will make our escape easier. Besides, it's only fitting.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I'll explain later. Now, kiss me…all over.”
“Ulp. Okay.”
This was hot. Unbelievably hot. The thugs standing in back of the lights actually reached into their own pants. Even Mr. Sato, who had sat in on countless photo sessions, had to adjust his position several times. After this, he would blackmail this Kagome girl into bringing her two other friends. He smirked. Young girls were so easy to manipulate. They would make him rich; then they would disappear.
He leaned back to make more room in his pants. The other girl had a sexy, athlete's body, but Kagome was incredible. Takashi begat to conceive a desire for her. He imagined having her to himself, having complete power over her, forcing her to do everything and anything he wanted. He finally gave in to temptation, reached into his own pants, and was surprised. “Why aren't I hard?”
True, he wasn't soft, but he wasn't as hard as he should be.
Unknown to Mr. Sato, his thugs were suffering the same effect, and they couldn't understand it, either.
One of them looked at one of the others and something strange happened: he got hard again. It was all very confusing.
Mr. Sato was momentarily shaken out of his self-concern when he heard a shout from the back of the room.
“Hey! What are you lookin' at me like that for?”
There was the thud of a fist hitting flesh, followed by the clatter of equipment being knocked over. Mr. Sato stood up as two of his thugs rolled past him. He realized that he was getting hard as he watched the two men wrestling.
“What the hell?”
“I think it's time to get out of here, Sango.”
The taijiya looked up and around, nervously. “The way we're dressed?”
“Can't be helped. Grab what you can find!” The miko grabbed a cover from the bed and wrapped it around herself. The taijiya found a short robe that must have been left there from a previous session. The thing was shorter than Kagome's skirts.
With everyone's attention on the fight, they almost made it to the door before Mr. Sato noticed them. He shouted to the one henchman still standing. “Stop them!”
Kagome looked at her friend. “Sango?”
Mr. Sato stared as his man crumpled to the floor. He pulled his gun and aimed. “It would be a shame to damage such valuable merchandise, but you're not leaving this way.”
He was startled when Kagome stuck her tongue out at him.
“Grrrr!” He aimed at the wall ahead of them and pulled the trigger.
Nothing. At least the door was locked, and he had the key. He smiled when the girl frowned as she tried the doorknob.
The door opened.
The girl waved at him. “Bye-bye.”
He watched, open-mouthed, as the door closed behind them.
Mr. Sato growled and turned back to breaking up the fight. He growled louder when he felt himself getting hard again.
Kagome and Sango made their way out of the building and down the street. At least it was still nighttime, and very late too, so practically no one was out.
“There.” She had felt InuYasha brush her mind. “InuYasha will be here soon.”
“How can you tell?”
The two girls had taken refuge in a small park and they were both content to wait in the shadows till the hanyou reached them.
Kagome tapped her forehead. “I can feel him, in here. If we're very close, we can even think to each other.”
“Really? That's amazing.” The taijiya had a funny look on her face. “What did you do to those men?”
“Ummm. I changed them so they wouldn't get…hard…when they looked at us.”
“Kagome!” Sango looked horrified. “You turned them gay?”
“Not exactly.” Kagome ducked as a car went by. “I merely changed a small, physiological reaction.”
“I reversed their bodies' response. They're not gay, but now they will get soft at the sight of women and hard at the sight of men.”
Sango looked back the way they had come. “Do you think we've seen the last of that evil Mr. Sato?”
“I don't know.” Kagome perked up. “But I do know InuYasha's here!”
“You found them!”
InuYasha, carrying both Kagome and Sango on his back, settled gently into the shrine grounds where Miroku was waiting.
“Keh. Yeah. They escaped on their own. I just brought `em back.”
“Thank Buddha.” Miroku examined Sango. “You are…undressed.”
The monk turned angray. “Did they do anything to you?”
“Just took a lot of…pictures.” Sango started to blush again. “They even made Kagome and I…pose together.”
“You mean…standing together?”
Sango just stared at Miroku.
Kagome gave the monk a half smile. “Not…exactly.”
InuYasha sniffed and growled. “Now you've done it.” The bouzu's horny again.”
Miroku drew himself up in righteous indignation. “Come on, InuYasha. Let us find these ruffians and teach them a stout lesson.”
“Not right now, you won't.”
Miroku looked at the taijiya. “Sango?”
The taijiya took Miroku's hand and led the monk towards their hut. “There's something I need to do…now.”
InuYasha and Kagome looked at each other. Kagome sent a mental image to InuYasha of what she and the taijiya had done on the bed back in the studio. A moment later, she found herself scooped up and being whisked back to their own bed.
“Keh! Now there's something I need to do!”
Kagome giggled the whole way to their room and until the door closed behind them.
A/N: Hmmm. Is this the end of their problem with the photos? I doubt it. Mr. Sato doesn't seem like the type to give up easily. Besides, now he has another reason to find Kagome. And what will happen when Sesshoumaru finally gets into the act?
As always, please read and review. Thanks! Oh, and again, more reviews = more inspiration for new chapters.