InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Arrow of Truth with the Sword Tetsusaiga ❯ The Sacred Arrow of Truth ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

The Beginning of the Time

Kagome Higurashi was sitting in her dinning room table, She was bored to death. Of course she wondered about how Inu Yasha was. It had been 7 days without speaking to each other. they had to make up but Kagome Thought Inu Yasha was so mad at her.

In the well, Inu Yasha stared Selfishly into the well, then sighed and said " Why is it always me????? He cried!

Sango overheard his conversation with himself and sat beside Inu Yasha.

She said " Hey, what's up Inu Yasha?, you don't have to go in the well. I am just asking if you can"

Inu Yasha " I know I have to go into the well but I don't feel like it, it makes me so guilty and then I always think Kagome is mad at me, biting her head off I mean "

Sango " Well the only way is to apologize to her or else this will never end!!!"

Inu Yasha " You think I should?"

Sango " Of course"

Shipou comes out of no where and says "HI, What are you two doing?"

Sango whispers to Shipou " I am trying to get Inu Yasha into the well very calmly and slowly" she grinned.

" I HEARD THAT!!" Inu Yasha Shouted from behind her.

Sango " Well who cares?"

Shipou " Can I join?"

Sango " Sure"

Kagome sighed then gave up, she had to go back, she took the jewel shards with her, they had 2 jewel shards and Naraku had so many.

She sighed Again and went to the tree where she and Inu Yasha met, after staring at the tree for moments then she got distracted by Buyo. She petted Buyo and headed for the well, when she got there, she jumped in and then she landed in the Feudal Japan, she climbed up the ladder to see Inu Yasha and Sango calling for Kagome.

Since Inu Yasha wasn't calling all Kagome did was say " SIT BOY" then there was a Konk and Inu yasha fell to the floor flat on his face, Sango Laughed and said " Good One Kagome!" "What did you do that for?" Inu Yasha groaned.

Kagome said " For not thinking about me!!!"

"WUT DID YOU SAY?" said Inu Yasha. "HMMPH " Said Kagome.

Mirouku laughed then said " We shall get onto our Jewel Hunt shall we not?"

Kagome said " You right Mirouku"

Inu Yasha wasn't paying attention, he smelled a demon's scent. Kagura.

" Kagura ?" Kagome asked.

"Yes" I smell her scent", replied Inu Yasha