InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Battle of the Wills ❯ The Battle of the Wills ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Battle of the Wills
Title: The Battle of the Wills
Prompt List/Ficlet Number: Chopsticks - 4 - Diaper Duty
Author: Inu Hanyou Nikkie
Rating: G
Genre: Angst/WAFF/Comedy/
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: It's night time. Kagome wants to read but InuYasha senses something coming that he can't deal with.
The Battle of the Wills
A sad noise sounds softly, breaking the familiar comfortable silence of the night: Whimper?
"No." Flip a page.
A few minutes later came: Whimper. Whimper.
"No." Flip the next page, read more.
A pause then: Whine.
"No." Shuffle a bit for more light.
Another pause followed with a shuffle: Whimper. WHIMPer. Whiine.
"No." Flip another page, a little more loudly than previously.
Ears twitching madly. WHIMPER. Whimper.
"No." Flip next page with growing irritation.
Ears fold back: Whiiiineeee. .... Whine?
"No." Grip tightens on novel.
Drop head onto the edge of the bed and looks up very pitifully: Whim-per? Whiiiiiiiimper. Whiiiiine.
"No." Voice starting to take on edge.
Dramatic snuffling and more pitiful eyeing which is very soon followed by: Whimper? whimper. Whimper whimper WHI-MMPER.
"No." Flip the next page. Tiny tear appears on the paper from force of page turning.
Shuffling of body. Head angled for even more dramatic sadness effect. Eyes start to get watery. Whimper? Whimper. Whimper whimper. Whiiiiine.
"No." Flip yet another page. Starting to glare at the page.
HUGE full-bodied sigh is given. Tilt the head for increased effects. Tears now starting threaten to fall. Silent pleading in eyes. Whiiiiiimmmppppperrrrrr. Whimper whimper whimper whimp-ine. Whiiine. Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiineeeeeeeeeee.
"No." These are starting to come out with more force now. Flip the next page very loudly. Open the book more a few times for emphasis of the situation. Glares more at page.
A few seconds pass by.
"No." Book starts to shake in the hands holding it open. Flip the next page aggressively. Page tears an inch.
For a few seconds.
Body shuffles more. Head still on the bed. Eyes still locked onto their target. Tears now spilling over. WIIIIIIIIIIIMMMPPPERRRRRRRRRR!!! WHIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE!! WIMPER WHIMPER WHINE WHINE WHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ggggggrrrrrrrr. No." FLIP THE NEXT DAMN PAGE!
Lips opened in another dramatic full-bodied sigh. Breath puffs over hands. More tears. Pulling out the big guns. Wriggles up onto the bed the slowly rolls over exposing vulnerable underbelly. WHIMPER!!!!!!!!
"DAMNIT INUYASHA!!! FINE!!! I'll change our son yet again tonight!!! You big Baby, you owe me sooooooo much for this!!!" Book is slammed onto the ground as Kagome gets out of bed to tend to the incredibly deadly smell of their son's diaper.
InuYasha releases huge breathe of relief. Their son would wake any moment now because of his diaper and HE wasn't going to change THAT stomach-turning sight and smell.