InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Broken Heart can be healed again, If not Seealed again ❯ The deal and the coming trouble in the air ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

AN: After two months being sick and couldn't go to school, I'm finally better!!! (thanks to al the doctors that helped me!!) By the way, to remind you again, this is a sess/kag ficcie ^^;;.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu yasha and co. What's that? A Miroku who fancy's my best friend? That's just SO WEIRD.

~Title: The broken Heart can be healed again, if not Sealed again.

~Chap: The Deal and the coming trouble in the air.


Sesshoumaru was patrolling his land as he did almost every day.

With the safe feeling and knowing that Rin and his love Kagome where at his house he thought that nothing could go wrong. Sniffing as he walked into one of his forests he smelled a familiar scent.

Footsteps could be heard behind him.

He softly turned his head, eyes closed. "Why are you here?" He asked.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hea lifted herself from Hojo's bed while sniffing the air. "I'm afraid I must go Hojo-dear."

Hojo gave her a sad look.

"What's the matter, honey?" Hea picked up her clothes.

"I can feel strong powers coming this way. And I can also sense trouble. So I better go now." Hojo-kun lifted himself up from the pillows ( AN: he got allot of pillows on his bed ^.-) and kissed Hea on her cheek.

"Return soon, I have a lot more problems I want you to solve."

* * * * * * * * * *

Sesshoumaru stood frozen when he opened his eyes. Turning around he could see someone he had NOT expected.

"And let me guess why a half-bread as you could be wanting from me?" Sesshoumaru smirked when he looked at his younger brother. "So you have chosen to trade the Tetsusaiga for that human girl, haven't you?" Sesshoumaru was a little bit despaired. He did not want to trade Kagome anymore. He didn't want to trade Kagome for anything in the whole world. * Why does he have to come? * Sesshoumaru thought a little helplessly.

"So is that it?" Inu Yasha answered.

"What do you mean?" Sesshoumaru asked looking a bit bored.

"I wouldn't trade the Tetsusaiga for a human, but I bet Inu Yasha would." Inu Yasha said with a smirk on his face.

"Do you know you're nuts?" Sesshoumaru asked sounding a little harsh.

"I do." Inu Yasha answered. Sesshoumaru suddenly smelled a change in his brothers' scent.

"Naraku!" Sesshoumaru replied as calm as ever.

"You want Inu Yasha's Tetsusaiga, ne?" Naraku (still looking like Inu Yasha) mumbled.

"No, I don't. It was only an excuse. Where is the real Inu Yasha?" Sesshoumaru tried to change the subject.

"Why did you use an excuse? Why don't you want the Tetsusaiga anymore?" Naraku was getting irritated.

"What a nice weather is it today, don't you agree?" Sesshoumaru tried to change the subject again.

"Tell me!" A very anger Naraku asked. "Alright, I shall tell you if you help me."

Sesshoumaru took deep breath and then started his story. "First I wanted the Tetsusaiga very much; I captured the human girl `Kagome' to trade. I've fallen in love with her. Thanks to her I have the feeling I don't need that useless sword anymore. If my real brother comes to save her, I'm going to lost everything I've ever wanted. Than I will lose her." Sesshoumaru sounded a bit sad at the end of his lines.

"I have a deal for you!" Naraku smiled "Tell me."

Naraku took a step closer to the great youkai lord and then said: "I have captured Inu Yasha in a faerie cave in the south of your lands. You know that faeries are the strongest creatures in the world when it comes to magic. He can't escape without any help, and there's no one who can help him except faeries, extreme strong miko's and me. The strongest miko's here on earth are Kikyo and Kagome. Kikyo won't help Inu Yasha, and Kagome doesn't care. I will hold Inu Yasha prisoner there and I will keep pretending to be him. I will keep the Tetsusaiga far away from you and your lands. In that way, you can keep your excuse and your woman." Naraku smiled devilish. Sesshoumaru smirked.

"And what do I have to do for you?"

"Nothing, you just own me a favour." Naraku explained. "I guess I'll have to trust you then." Sesshoumaru said with a low voice.

"It's a deal." "Don't thank me, I will return for a favour as soon as I get one." With these words Naraku jumped away in his Inu Yasha form leaving a stunned and happy Sesshoumaru behind.

* * * * * * * * * *

It was evening when a strange young girl walked trough the forest. She seemed tired. She looked beautiful with long brown hair and green eyes as she made her way trough the forest. The girl was dressed as a miko. She eyed kind of cute. Tired of a whole day walking she collapse on a place where she most be found, by youkai or human………………………… …………………………̷ 0;………………………… 230;

* * * * * * * * * *

The Stars where shining as there was silence in the air. Kagome was asleep in the big room next to Sesshoumaru's room. Breathing silently she was dreaming about her family back home.

* * * * * * * * * *

Naraku and Kikyo where walking in the moonlight. Naraku hadn't told Kikyo about the deal with Sesshoumaru because it would upset her to much.

Still thinking about what favour he should ask from the youkai lord he bumps into Kikyo. "Watch out you!" Kikyo barked at him.

"Why did you stop?" Naraku returned.

"Because there's a youkai in front of me, off course!" A now very red Kikyo yelled. Naraku bowed when he saw the Youkai standing in front of him.

"You have news about something, haven't you, HEA." Naraku stood up.

Hea took a deep breath.

* * * * * * * * * *

Kagomes' eyes where filled with tears when she rolled over and whispered her mothers' name. A hand touched her shoulder and she didn't even noticed this, because she was asleep. Sesshoumaru, who couldn't sleep because he only could think of the one he loved most, kissed Kagome on the cheek.

She sniffed a bit and then grabbed his arm. Sesshoumaru was now lying next to Kagome and he putted his arms around her. Kagome suddenly became aware of something warm against her and she nuzzled herself deeper in whatever was holding her.

Sesshoumaru smiled sweetly (AN: YES HE CAN SMILE) when he noticed that she had nuzzled herself closer to him. He began kissing her cheek softly. She smiled in her dreams which made him feeling even better.

"O, yes," Sesshoumaru whispered near her ear "I'm definitely going to make your mine."

* * * * * * * * * *


Jaken screamed while sitting up on his futon.

"This isn't any good." He murmed while he tried to open his big eyes. He sighed heavily when he felt something strange. Someone was touching him from behind. He slowly turned around to find the frightened face of Rin.

"Jaken-sama! Jaken-sama!" She exclaimed to him.

"Now what's the matter with you Rin? Having a nightmare?" Jaken grumbled.

"Rin saw a ghost!" "Rin, I hope you do understand that there are no existing things like ghosts?" Jaken smirked.

"But there was a girl, a snow white girl!" Rin was pulling on Jaken.

"A white girl, in Sesshoumaru-sama's house? That's absurd!" Rin was still pulling at poor Jaken. "She looked strange Jaken-sama, I was scared. She frightened me!"

At that moment both Rin and Jaken began to cry. Rin because she was scared Jaken because he was nearly pulled in two pieces.

* * * * * * * * * *

The real Inu Yasha looked helpless in the gleaming light in front of him. He had lost Kagome to his brother. No one could save Inu Yasha now.

While the tears slid down his face he looked inside the sparkling light again to discover something terrifying.

"This is going the wrong way." He sniffed.

He could see Kaede and Shippou thinking of a plan to save Inu yasha and Kagome. He saw Naraku and his second choice Kikyo talking to the problem solver Hea. He saw His love in the arms of his brother while a Jaken and scared Rin where crying, and most of all he saw some strange persons.

"No, why can't I help them all." Inu cried out.

No one could hear him.


Gothic Chibi: Now that I'm better after missing three months of school I had to write the story on! Tell me what think about it ^^;; quite mysterious, ne? There is trouble in the air. Who's that miko like girl, what will Naraku ask as favour, will Inu Yasha ESCAPE????????????

Kagome: IIe, he will not. I won't let him.

GChibi: Are you sure?

Kagome : Yeh, I'm sure.

GChibi: Strange o.O

Miroku: I hadn't got any lines in this chapter at all *looking kind of sad*

GChibi: S T O P Rubbing the butt! ><'' *slams Miroku on the head*

*Sango joins GChibi*

*All female fans Join GChibi and Sango*

*All male fans join them too*

*Shippou sighed*