InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The difference between lust and love ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Warning:< br>
This story contains consentual, graphic sexual violence, as well as non-violent sexual themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

~ The difference between lust and love ~

“That way! We’re getting closer!”

Shouting directions from her place upon Inuyasha’s back, the inu-tachi raced towards the jewel shard Kagome had suddenly felt pulse against her psyche as they’d traveled through the forest. With no demonic auras detectible in the immediate area they relied on Kagome’s senses alone, though it was proving none too difficult to track down this particular shard, as it appeared to be staying still. It seemed as though the only reason Kagome had suddenly detected it out of nowhere was because they had coincidentally already been heading towards it, and it had simply come within range.

As they continued to close the gap between themselves and the mysteriously stationary jewel shard, an uneasy feeling slowly began gnawing away at Inuyasha’s stomach, and not long after, Kirara flying above gave off an irritated growl, indicating that she felt it too.

“Man, something about this part of the forest just don’t feel right.” Inuyasha said loud enough for the others to hear him. “I think I know why there ain’t no youkai around.”

“Why is that?” Kagome asked from her place on his back.

“‘Cause this place is creepy!” Shippou shouted in reply from his spot up on Kirara between Sango and Miroku. “It’s like the forest is telling me it doesn’t like me and to go away.”

“Oh, really? Are you going to be okay, Shippou?” Miroku asked the boy with genuine concern. “Does it feel like it’s hurting you?”

“N-no…” the kitsune child spoke up after a moment, shuddering visibly. “It doesn’t hurt. I just really really don’t like being here, like I’m being stared at by a bunch of people who hate me. But so long as I’m with you guys I’ll be okay.”

“Some sort of spell to repel youkai?” Sango asked the monk behind her.

“Most likely.” Miroku answered. “I believe I can feel the lingering effects of magic in the area.”

“You doing all right, Kirara?” Sango asked her nekomata companion, leaning forward to meet the feline’s gaze with a sideways glance, a reassuring hand patting the cat’s shoulder.

Kirara gave an affirmative roar as she stiffened her posture, flying just a bit faster than before.

“Keh, Kirara’ll be fine, though I agree with her. I wanna get this shit over with as quickly as possible.”

Increasing his own speed, Inuyasha zipped through the forest as nothing more than a blur of silver and red, with a splash of black and green as the miko on his back confirmed they were still heading in the right direction.

What they saw when they finally reached their destination stopped everyone in their tracks.

Busting through the edge of the forest and spilling into a small clearing that reeked of both old and new magic, a wrinkled crone who appeared one and a half feet in the grave looked up from her cook fire with shock and terror in her eyes.

“Who are you?! What are you doing here?!”

Jumping to her feet, she grabbed the walking stick that had been leaning against the bolder beside her, adopting a battle stance similar to one Miroku might choose when using his shakujo as a weapon.

Ignoring the woman’s outburst, Inuyasha straightened as he lowered Kagome from his back, addressing the miko with a half-glance over his shoulder as he asked her, “Where’s the shard, Kagome? Does this baba have it on her?”

“She does, in her sagemono.”

Sniffing in the woman’s direction confirmed she was human.

“All right, baba, we don’t want no trouble, so just hand over the jewel shard and we’ll be on our way.” he said while purposefully resting his hand on Tetsusaiga’s hilt. Just because the sword couldn’t be used against humans didn’t mean she needed to know that.

“What my companion means is…” Miroku chimed in, sending Inuyasha an exasperated glance, “…we are on a mission to complete the Shikon no Tama.”

Snorting, the old woman replied with, “Who isn’t?” while relaxing her posture slightly at the sight of the monk.

“I think we got off on the wrong foot here.” Kagome spoke up in that moment, offering the elderly woman a smile as she bowed her head politely. “My name is Kagome, and this is Inuyasha, Miroku-sama, Sango-chan, Shippou-chan and Kirara.” she introduced.

“You may call me Chinatsu.” the woman replied with a nod of her own head.

A thousand summers? Inuyasha thought with a mental chuckle. Yeah, she looks about that old…

“It’s nice to meet you.” Kagome continued then. “Now, you see, as Miroku-sama stated we are indeed on a mission to complete the Shikon no Tama, so if you would be so kind as to hand over your jewel shard peacefully. We mean you no harm, but I’m afraid we can’t let you keep the shard. It’s my duty to collect all of them.”

“And just who put you in charge of the jewel?” Chinatsu bit back disapprovingly.

“The kami.” Sango interjected before Kagome could answer. “Kagome-chan is the reincarnation of the miko who had been in charge of the sacred jewel fifty years ago. The reason the tama was reintroduced into our world after so much time is because Kagome-chan was born with it in her body.”

“Then how did it get outside of her body, and shattered into hundreds of pieces, no less?”

“You don’t need to know our whole fucking life story, bitch, just hand over the shard!”

“Inuyasha, be nice.” Kagome chastised gently, offering the woman an apologetic smile.

“Nice hell. She’s a witch Kagome, can’t you sense that?” Inuyasha asked the miko incredulously. “How do you know she ain’t using the shard for evil, killin’ a bunch of people with her increased power? Hell, that smells like poison she’s brewing right now.” he added, gesturing to the small pot sitting over her cook fire.

“That is poison, but it is a brew meant to kill rat youkai, not humans.” Chinatsu defended herself. “It’s true, I am a witch, but I am a witch for hire. I will produce whatever spells are requested of me, but I do not take or destroy the lives of others myself. Shall a sword smith be held responsible for the lives lost at the blades he has forged? My hands are free of blood.”

“Yeah, just keep tellin’ yourself that.” Inuyasha answered with a snort, holding out his hand as he added, “But I ain’t seen nothing that tells me I should end your life today, so just hand over the shard and you can keep on doin’ whatever it is you do.”

“Forget it.” she answered defiantly, “I found it and it’s mine. It makes my potions ten times more powerful!”

“But Kagome is the rightful guardian of the jewel.” Inuyasha spoke up again, narrowing his eyes at the woman’s tone as he took a menacing step forward. “And it’s my job to help her collect the shards, by any means necessary.” he added, cracking his knuckles while simultaneously showcasing his claws.

Remaining silent, Kagome was secretly proud of Inuyasha. Were the old woman a youkai, he surely would have just started attacking her by now, but because she was human he didn’t really want to resort to physical violence. Hopefully, he would be able to bully her into giving up the shard peacefully.

Unfortunately, instead of looking intimidated, the woman’s initial panic at their arrival had almost vanished completely by that point, replaced with a look of contemplation. In fact, she almost seemed impressed as she gazed at Inuyasha in that moment.

“You must be pretty strong to have made it through my shield of despisement.” she commented approvingly.

“So you’re deliberately trying to repel youkai?” Kagome asked.

“Makes sense…” Inuyasha snorted, turning to glance Kagome’s way. “The only reason we knew about her shard was ‘cause of you. Any lower youkai that would normally be drawn to her for it will instead be driven away by her shield before they get close enough to sense it.”

“You’re pretty smart for a hanyou, too.” Chinatsu continued, earning a dirty look from said hanyou which she promptly ignored. “But you are a fool if you think I will surrender my jewel shard willingly.”

“Keh, I could drop you in two seconds, old hag. Don’t make me hurt ya.”

Laughing menacingly, the old witch tightened her hold on her walking stick, which suddenly began spewing forth a horrible smelling cloud of vapor.

“Smoke screen!” Sango shouted, slapping on her gas mask and charging forward only to bounce back as she crashed against a barrier.

Miroku briefly debated carefully using his kazaana to clear the smoke, but before he could fully unwrap his sealing glove, Kagome’s shout of “That way!” had him stilling his hand, as she pointed to a spot off to the side that looked like an empty patch of forest.

Looks could be deceiving.

Inuyasha’s nose was useless as the smoke lingered but he trusted Kagome’s senses, quickly making a run for the direction she’d indicated only to come to an unceremonious stop as he crashed against a solid form, he and the invisible form both tumbling to the ground from the impact.

“I’ve gotcha now, baba.” he claimed in triumph, yanking back on the witch’s cloak of invisibility, tossing the garment aside.

“Release me!” she cried in panic. “I mean no one any harm!”

“Then give us the shard!”


“I’ve had enough of this shit.” Inuyasha declared, snatching her wooden sagemono free from her obi.

“No!” the woman cried to deaf ears as he stomped back over towards his friends, Miroku and Sango both adopting battle stances that had the old woman thinking twice about attacking them directly.

“How the hell do you open this fucking thing?” Inuyasha muttered more to himself as he turned the intricately carved box over in his hands a few times.

“I have seen those.” Miroku spoke up, having taken a moment to glance over his shoulder at Inuyasha’s utterance. “They are puzzles, from China, built for security as only those who know the secret can open them. I’ve never seen one fashioned into a sagemono before.”

“Screw this.” Inuyasha said then, smashing the corded puzzle box in his hands.

“You fool!” Chinatsu shouted as Inuyasha recoiled at the sensation of a glass bottle breaking against his palm, a strange smelling oil coating his hand.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome called out in concern, afraid he had hurt himself.

“What the fuck is this, baba?” Inuyasha asked in anger as he dropped the smashed remains of the wooden box and the glass bottle it had contained, glaring daggers at the old woman who suddenly reeked of nervousness.

As he stared at his hand, the oil seemed to evaporate. Or was it that it was seeping into his skin? Quickly rubbing his palm against his hakama, Inuyasha cursed under his breath when he realized that some of the…whatever it was…had most likely gotten into his system. Was it poison? And why did the witch suddenly look so worried?

“What was that?” he asked again, his tone neutral as he tried to conceal his growing fear.

“A commission.” Chinatsu answered with an annoyed tone of voice. “One I will have to make again, thanks to you. You really should learn to think before you act. Had that been one of my poisons, you would be dying by now.”

Relaxing slightly once it became apparent that Inuyasha had not been poisoned, Kagome kneeled beside him, setting down her bow before sliding her backpack off her arms, leaving her quiver of arrows in place on her back. Pulling out a handkerchief from her backpack, she carefully sifted through the rubble of broken wood and glass for the jewel shard that she could see glowing a pale pink, adding it to her bottle of shards. Surely this Chinatsu woman couldn’t be all that evil if the shard had remained so pure in her possession, right? But still…

“Chinatsu-sama, what was in that bottle?” she asked, closing her backpack before rising to her feet.

“I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough, girlie.” the old witch answered cryptically with an exasperated shake of her head. Then waving a hand in Kagome’s direction as if to brush off what the miko had just done, she added, “Go ahead, take the shard. Pesky thing’s more trouble than it’s worth, I tell you. Before coming up with my shield of despisement, I could hardly sleep at night with so many youkai after me for it. Good riddance, I say.”

Growling with clinched fists, Inuyasha demanded “Why didn’t you say that before!?”

“Because you hadn’t already taken it from me before!” Chinatsu yelled back. “I may be confident in my abilities as a witch but I can still recognize when I’ve been beaten. It’s called humility, something you will learn soon enough, boy, when you find you can’t fight off that spell on your own.”

“What spell?!” he demanded again. “Just what the fuck did you do to me?”

Me? I didn’t do anything to you. You brought this on yourself!”

“Just what the fu-” Cutting himself off mid-curse, Inuyasha’s eyes were suddenly wide in panic, startling his friends, while Chinatsu laughed.

“Feel that, do you? That was what that oil was for.”

“What?” Kagome asked in concern. “What’s happening to you?” she asked Inuyasha directly only to get no response other than a ‘deer in the headlights’ look. “What’s happening to him?” she asked Chinatsu then.

“Well now, I can’t be certain. It affects everyone a bit differently, after all. Just what is happening to you, Inuyasha?” the witch mocked.


Meeting Kagome’s worried eyes with his own terrified ones, Inuyasha couldn’t ignore the searing heat suddenly flowing through his veins. He had to get away from Kagome. Now.

“Inuyasha!” said miko screamed in terror as the inu-hanyou suddenly turned and ran deep into the woods without so much as a backwards glance.

“Wait! Come back here!” Chinatsu yelled after him as well. “You fool! Doing it yourself won’t work!”

The witch was too caught up in her own dread over the situation to notice the movement of another until it was too late. Suddenly finding herself pinned on her stomach with her arms bent behind her back painfully as Sango kneeled on top of her, the aging witch could do nothing to fight off the young taijiya’s hold.

What was in that bottle?!”

“It…it was a lust potion!” Chinatsu confessed, fearing her arm would snap if the slayer bent it any further.

Grinning stupidly, Miroku shook his head to clear his thoughts as he asked seriously, “But do not all love potions require ingestion?”

Love potions require ingestion, Houshi-sama. That oil was a lust potion, quite different I assure you. It was designed to be absorbed through the skin, and thanks to the jewel shard, that batch was more powerful than any I had ever created before.”

Letting Chinatsu up once it became clear the woman no longer had any intention of struggling, Sango knelt beside the sitting woman as she asked, “How long does it last?”

“Until the spell is broken.”

Snickering quietly to himself, Miroku didn’t flinch under Chinatsu’s glare as he wished to clarify, “So, Inuyasha’s body is…reacting of its own accord, and he has run off into the woods to ‘alleviate’ the problem?”

Sheeh, Miroku-sama… Kagome thought with pity for their troubled friend. It’s really not that funny…

Kagome knew how sensitive Inuyasha was about certain things; the humiliation of this experience would probably stay with him for a long time, especially if the houshi decided to joke about it to his face once he returned.  

“This is no laughing matter, monk, and I use that term loosely.” Chinatsu criticized then, rising to her feet. Her scolding earned a smirk from Sango as the taijiya also stood up, glancing Miroku’s way. Chinatsu’s next words were a bucket of ice water to the whole group.

“Only mating with another will sate his lust. He will not be able to find release by his own hand, such is the nature of the spell.”

That got everyone’s attention, as Miroku cringed in genuine sympathy while Sango worried her bottom lip and Kagome looked more confused than anything else.

“But…” the future-born miko asked hesitantly. “Surely the spell can’t last forever, even if it isn’t…broken. Wouldn’t it just fade away after a while?”

“Quite the contrary.” Chinatsu explained remorsefully. “If left unresolved, his lust will only continue to get stronger until he is inevitably consumed by madness and finally gives into his body’s desire to mate. Being half youkai makes it even worse.” Locking eyes with Kagome, she asked the miko “Tell me, have you ever witnessed his human blood being overpowered by his youkai side?”

“Y-yes…actually that has happened on a couple of occasions. How did you know?”

“I could easily sense the unsteady balance within him. He’s much too strong to be hanyou, his youkai parent must have been an ancient daiyoukai.”

“He was. His father was very old and very strong.” Kagome confirmed.

“And that’s very bad.” Chinatsu informed them. “Having so much youki in a human body, it’s like he’s a living bomb waiting to go off at any moment. Because of the nature of this spell his inner beast will probably take over, driving him to force himself upon someone.”

Everyone gasped at the revelation, horrorstricken.

“Inuyasha would never do such a thing!” Sango defended immediately.

“Not under normal circumstances.” Miroku agreed, “But these circumstances are as far from normal as one can achieve.”

“You can’t be serious!” Sango stated in shock, staring at Miroku as if she didn’t know him.  

“I’m as serious as I get, Sango. Do you see me continuing to find amusement in this situation?”

“But…” Kagome started hesitantly. “Inuyasha’s youkai side only surfaces, taking over his human blood, when his life is in danger.”

Locking eyes with Kagome, Chinatsu’s almond orbs held honesty and regret as she stated, “For human males, if this spell were to be left untreated, it would eventually lead to death.”

“What?!” Sango demanded. “You said you never killed anyone with your magic!”

“I said I never personally killed anyone with my magic. Does a sword smith truly think all of his blades will be hung on the wall for decoration?! And besides, nobody’s ever died of this spell before, because I’m only commissioned to make the potion by women wishing to lure certain men into their beds. Trust me, it’s never gone untreated before.”

“Then how do you know it’ll lead to death if untreated?” Sango countered.

“It makes sense…” Miroku spoke up then, somewhat of a self-proclaimed expert on the subject. “If one thought about how much stress was placed on the body during certain times, how fast the heart beats, how shallow the breathing becomes, it is certainly a very unhealthy condition to maintain for long.”

One thing is certainly at risk, if nothing else… Kagome thought in a bizarre combination of embarrassment and horror, remembering the warning labels spoken on commercials for Viagra and other like-products. If an erection lasts longer than four hours…they never tell you what’ll happen, but it can’t be good if you have to go see a doctor.

That thought alone was enough to make the miko want to help Inuyasha, her cheeks flushing anew as the thought warmed her body with a combination of embarrassment and ‘other’ emotions. But could the condition really prove deadly? Could Inuyasha really be done in by something like a heart attack or stroke because of this? A human body would only be able to take something like this spell for so long before giving out, but Inuyasha wasn’t human, and he could survive a lot of stuff that a human would die from in an instant. But…but if it did end up becoming too stressful for even his body to endure…would it really kill him? Well, no, it probably wouldn’t, because just like Chinatsu had said, his beast would take over. Though it was true Tetsusaiga was a shield for his youkai blood, what were the odds that he’d keep his sword at his side during such madness? On a semi-conscious level, Inuyasha might even deliberately discard his sword, knowing it would kill him to hang onto it if a transformation was the only thing that would save his life.

“We’ve got to stop Inuyasha from transforming!” Shippou piped up suddenly, reminding the adults of his presence as the miko cringed over realizing what all he had just heard. “When he transforms, he doesn’t turn into a full-youkai like me. He’s mean, and only likes killing people. I think he would do whatever it takes to save his own life if he gets like that while his body’s like it is. Only Kagome can get through to him in his full-youkai state.”

“So you’re special to him, are you, girl?” Chinatsu asked knowingly. “Well then you best go find him, and the sooner the better. I’d say you’d know better than I what he’s capable of when his body is driven to youkai madness. The one thing I can tell you is there’s only one way to stop what’s been done, and if not with you, then it’ll be with somebody, unless his level of self-control is greater than we’re giving him credit for, in which case he’ll die.”

Options B and C are not an option, Kagome thought while squaring her shoulders in determination.

“Kirara!” she called then, grabbing her bow and backpack as her friends’ words rang in her ears, along with Chinatsu’s blunt warning.

“Kagome-chan, wait! You can’t seriously be planning on racing after him in his current condition.”

“And what would you have me do, Sango-chan?” the future-born miko asked as she mounted the transformed nekomata. “The longer I wait, the worse it’ll get. If there’s really only one way to break this spell, then I have to be the one to do it. It’s sort of a tradition Inuyasha and I have, me breaking whatever spells he falls under.”

“But, Kagome-chan…”

“It’s okay, Sango.” Shippou spoke up again, surprising the adults with his maturity. “We all know Inuyasha loves Kagome, he’d never hurt her. They’re meant to be together!”

“Thanks, Shippou-chan.” Kagome answered with a smile.

“Be careful.” Miroku spoke up seriously. “Inuyasha may not want to be found.”

“I’ll be fine.” she assured her friends with a genuine smile. “You guys all know how I feel about him.”

Sango, Miroku and Shippou all nodded their agreement.

“I know what I’m doing. I’m prepared to do this.” And with that, Kagome instructed Kirara to race into the trees, following Inuyasha’s scent.

Hopefully he hadn’t gone too far.


Almost three hours into her search, it was all the miko could do to not give up hope, fearing that he’d simply continued to run, running so far away that she’d never be able to reach him in time.

It wasn’t hard to follow his trail. As they’d continued to travel Kagome had begun noticing more and more slashed trees, leaving a path of destruction obvious enough that even someone as inexperienced as her would have been able to follow it all by herself, though she relied on the nekomata’s speed in her hope of catching up to him before he completely lost his mind. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kagome’s eyes lit up with relief when she realized she could feel Inuyasha’s demonic aura brushing up against her miko senses. He had to be fairly close by.

Sensing his presence herself, Kirara slowed down before Kagome even had a chance to say anything, coming to a stop and roaring softly to the miko that she should go on by herself from that point.

“Thanks for everything, Kirara.” Kagome said quietly, understanding the feline’s reluctance to take her any further. Inuyasha’s youki was highly agitated.

“Go ahead and head back to the others.” Kagome told the neko-youkai then. “I won’t be needing you to give me a ride back, and please don’t bring the others here, either. No interruptions. Inuyasha and I will return together, when we’re ready.”

Reluctantly, the nekomata gave Kagome a look meaning that she would obey her wishes before taking to the sky. Kagome watched her go for a moment longer, then taking a deep breath, she adjusted her quiver and backpack, her bow clutched tightly in her hand as she headed down the path of broken trees she knew would lead her to her hanyou. The arrows weren’t for him. She had simply learned after so much time spent in the Sengoku jidai that one should never wander the woods alone and unarmed. Inuyasha would be proud of her for the foresight.

That is, if he even noticed.

Coming around a curved path in the trees, what Kagome saw when she rounded the corner had her eyes opening wide in shock, a silent gasp stuck in her throat as her mouth hung open uselessly.

There was Inuyasha, all of his clothing – and sword, she noted – discarded in a pile of disarray as he lied spread out naked for her viewing pleasure, his eyes pinched tightly shut as he went to town, his right hand clutching his dark red and swollen erection desperately, jerking himself in a blur of motion that had Kagome’s heart aching and her body tingling all at the same time.

This is so wrong, I shouldn’t be turned on by this. What kind of a monster am I to find the sight of his torment so arousing?

But even as she scolded herself, the miko figured it would be better to be physically aroused for what she had planned.

“Oh, Inuyasha…”

Eyes popping open in alarm at the sound of that voice, Inuyasha’s face flushed darker than his discarded fire-rat as he focused his hazy vision on the woman standing before him.

“K-Ka…gome…” he managed to rasp out, wishing with all his heart that the ground would swallow him whole in that moment.

When Inuyasha had first taken off into the forest, he had figured that all he needed to do was take care of his little problem, and then he’d run right back to cut down the stupid bitch whose potion had put him into such an embarrassing situation. He’d just known that Miroku would have a bunch of shit to say once he returned, and he’d been worried over how he could possibly face Kagome after the girl learned what a dirty thing he’d been forced to do. Of course, knowing Kagome…sweet, innocent Kagome…she would have forgiven him, assuring him it wasn’t his fault because of the witch’s potion.

But that was before

Before he’d realized that something was wrong with him, that he couldn’t find release like he normally could whenever his body got too heated and he had to ‘take matters into his own hands’. Yanking up his hakama from where he’d first stopped against a tree not all that far away from his friends, he had continued running then, not something easy to do with a painfully throbbing erection. Finally, he just hadn’t been able to take it any more, and that’s how he’d found himself in his current situation, naked and mentally weeping as he silently begged his body to free him from this torment.

Even as he locked eyes with the miko standing above him, even as Kagome looked down on him with some bizarre combination of pity and something else he didn’t dare try to identify, Inuyasha still couldn’t stop what he was doing. His hand had stilled, for a moment, when he’d first heard her say his name and his eyes had opened in mortified shock to find her standing there watching him, but now, even now, slowly but surely his hand was moving again. It was like it had a mind of its own.

“K-Kagome…” he said again in that moment, his voice more full of sorrow and agony than she had ever heard before, and ever cared to hear again. “P-please…just go away. Don’t look at me.”

With those words, he closed his eyes, his hand speeding back up even as he remained aware of the girl standing over him.

“I will not leave you like this, Inuyasha.” Kagome spoke up softly, his ears shifting back against his head at her words as he continued on with his disgraceful act. “You cannot reach completion that way.”

“I figured that out about two hours ago.” he muttered just loud enough for her to hear, opening his eyes again to glare up at her hatefully.  

“Just what the fuck do you want, anyway?”

“I want to help you.”

Managing to still his hand for a second time, it took every last ounce of willpower he possessed to then pull his hand away from himself, jabbing his claws into the dirt to keep from touching himself again as he focused his energy on the girl before him, his eyes wide with shock at her words, even as dejection overwhelmed him.

“There’s no helping this. It’s ‘cause of that damn potion.” he spat.

“Yes, I know.”

“Well then what the fuck, Kagome?!” he practically shouted. “G-get out of here before I come after you or s-something.” he ordered as he reached for himself once more.

“That’s the only way this can end.” she acknowledged matter-of-factly, dropping her bow, backpack and quiver before reaching for the buttons on her blouse.

His eyes widened even further, this time in panic.

“Are you insane?! What are you doing?!”

“Helping you.” she replied defiantly as she removed her shirt, her hands snaking behind her back to unfasten her bra.

“B-but…” Inuyasha tried to protest, his hand pounding away at a frantic pace at the sight of her breasts bared before him. “But I’ll probably b-break you or something, hour after hour. It won’t do any good, Kagome! I can’t do that to you!”

She smiled to herself as she stepped out of her shoes before pulling off her socks. He was only resisting because of her own well-being, not because he didn’t want to be with her.

“The spell will be broken this way, Inuyasha.” she explained then. “This will stop your suffering. It won’t wear off otherwise, and I can’t let you die this way. Don’t worry about me. I know your condition, and it’s not your fault, but this way, it’ll finally come to an end. It won’t be hour after hour. Hopefully it won’t take too long at all.”

With those words, she unzipped her skirt, letting it drop to her feet before pulling down her panties. Inuyasha was speechless as he gripped himself to the point of insanity. He would’ve seriously injured himself in that moment if it weren’t for his youkai blood.

He had seen her naked before, but never intentionally…at least not on her part. This was the first time she’d ever purposefully gotten naked in front of him, boldly allowing him to look. Actually, she was boldly allowing him to do much more than look, and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

I wish it wasn’t under these circumstances… he thought forlornly, even as he knew resisting her at that point wasn’t going to be an option.

“K-Kagome…” Inuyasha growled hungrily as the nude girl before him whispered the words “I forgive you.” before lying herself down on her back across from him.

With a fearsome roar he launched himself towards her, his eyes flashing red for the briefest of seconds before settling back to gold. In one swift motion he entered her, stretching her virgin flesh and eliciting a startled cry from her lips. While she had been wet from arousal, nothing could have truly prepared her body for his massive intrusion.

“Kami, I’m so sorry Kagome, so sorry…” he repeated over and over again even as his hips hammered forward, the sensation of being buried within warn flesh ten times better than he ever could have imagined.

Kagome was in pain. Honestly, it hurt worse than she’d thought it would. But what hurt her the most was Inuyasha’s relentless apologizing.

“It’s okay, Koibito. I forgive you.” she assured him again, and Inuyasha’s eyes widened at the term of endearment.

Hearing Kagome tell him, in a roundabout way, that she loved him, was all the hanyou needed to finally push himself over the edge. His release crept up on him out of nowhere, and after being held back for so long, Inuyasha nearly went blind from the intensity of his orgasm.

Crying out in what almost sounded like an agonized wail of despair, his body stilled above her, his hips coming to a stop as he held himself as deeply within her as he could go, locking them together while spurt after spurt of hot liquid jetted into the miko’s abused body. Panting heavily, it took the hanyou a good five minutes to catch his breath, too ashamed to meet Kagome’s eyes as he kept his face to the side of hers, staring at the dirt. Finally, he pulled himself up and away from her, his face distorting into a grimace as the smell of blood assaulted his nose.

I know she said she forgives me, but I don’t think I can forgive myself…

Unwilling to leave her alone in such a vulnerable condition, but also unable to meet her gaze, Inuyasha sat with his back to the girl, his head lowered in shame.

“Inuyasha…?” Kagome spoke up hesitantly after a moment, reaching over to place her hand on his back. He stiffened at the contact.

“Don’t touch me, Kagome. I don’t deserve it.”

“We’re going to have to touch for you to carry me back to the others.” she pointed out logically.

Inuyasha almost jumped to the wrong conclusion at her words, thinking he had injured her so badly that she couldn’t even walk, until he remembered just how far away from the others they actually were. She did smell faintly of Kirara. Yeah, there was no way they’d be able to walk back at her pace; it would take over a day.

“How can you be so fucking forgiving, Kagome? How can you not hate me after I practically raped you?”

“You were rough, but you didn’t rape me, Inuyasha.” she defended, her tone of voice loving and gentle as she maneuvered herself into a sitting position behind him, wrapping her arms around him from behind as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. She could sense his unease at her proximity, but he didn’t push her away.

“You didn’t rape me because I came to you willingly. I spelled it out for you, got naked and lied down, waiting for you to take me.”

“And that’s exactly what I did. I took you, like an animal.”

“But your body was suffering from a lust potion. You didn’t want to hurt me. I think I’ve heard you apologize more in the last ten minutes than in all the time we’ve known each other.”

He chuckled darkly at that, reaching up to clasp Kagome’s hand as she held onto his chest.

“I should have been able to control myself better.”

“It wasn’t you.” she insisted. “You were under a spell, just one that only affects the body and not the mind. I’ve been possessed before.”

“It wasn’t really like I was possessed, Kagome. I just…I just couldn’t take it any more. I gave in. I was weak. I should have been able to resist.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine what it had to have been like to go through something like that, but it’s over now, okay? I forgive you, Koibito.”


“Kagome, I…”

Turning his head to glance her way, Inuyasha suddenly found his face two inches away from her own. Out of nowhere, he had an almost uncontrollable urge to kiss her, but after what’d just happened, he damped it down, knowing he didn’t have the right. Fortunately, Kagome seemed to sense the struggle within him, so she made the decision for him as she was the one to close the gap between them in that moment, moving herself forward until their lips touched. It was chaste, and over before he even had time to react, but when Kagome pulled away to be met with a pair of wide, stunned eyes, she offered him a gentle smile, and in that moment his heart melted.

She…she truly forgives me…because she loves me

“I…I’m glad it was you.” he managed to get out after a moment, his cheeks flushing at the confession. “I wouldn’t have wanted to be with anyone else. With you…I…I just didn’t want to hurt you. I can’t say I didn’t want to be with you.”

“And I can’t say I didn’t want to be with you, either. I would not have chosen such circumstances, but the only reason I was willing to do what needed to be done, was because it was you.”

He turned her way then, though he regretted it the moment the scent of their joining assailed him, mixed with her own blood. Whatever he was going to say died on his lips to be replaced with, “Fuck, I really hurt you, didn’t I?”

Kagome grimaced. The truth was, she should probably go back home. She probably needed to see a doctor. At the very least, she would need a lot of anti-bacterial wipes to ensure she didn’t develop an infection, but it was even possible she needed stitches.

She didn’t know how to tell Inuyasha any of that, but she didn’t have to; he could read it on her face.

“Kagome…” he started hesitantly, and the miko immediately gave him her full attention when she could tell that whatever he had to say was going to be hard for him.

“There’s…there’s something I could do…to help heal you…though I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want me anywhere near you after this.”

“Didn’t we just establish how I feel?” she asked him gently. “Here, I’m not ashamed to say it directly. Not after what we’ve shared. I love you, Inuyasha.”

He grinned at her words, and feeling a little more confident, he admitted, “I…I love you, too.” before getting serious once more and explaining, “One of the places inu-youkai have a high concentration of youki is in our saliva. It’s either healing or destructive. You’ve seen how Sesshoumaru’s saliva can turn to poison…” She nodded. “…He got that from his mother, ‘cause she’s a poison youkai, too. But our father, his saliva could heal. My mother told me this when I was little, just one of the things about him she’d wanted me to know. That’s where the magic came from to forge Tenseiga from his fang, because the power to heal was imbedded in his youki there. Myouga confirmed for me when I asked him once that I do have the same power. My saliva can heal your wounds.”

Kagome’s face flushed crimson when what he was suggesting fully registered, though whether or not the sudden heat she felt creeping up her face was due to embarrassment, or something else, she couldn’t be certain. One thing was for certain, though, and that was that the sooner she got healed, the better. She also had no idea what she’d tell her mother if she ended up needing to go to a hospital in her time. If he could heal her now and eliminate the worry of dealing with that then she was all for it, and if she ended up enjoying what he was doing while he healed her, well, where was the harm in that?

“Okay…” she answered then, shifting herself away from him slightly, hissing in pain as she did so.

Lying herself back down, she spread her legs a little, and closing her eyes when embarrassment grew too much to meet Inuyasha’s gaze in that moment, she told him, “Please, make the pain go away.”

Inuyasha stared at Kagome in shock for a moment longer before shaking his head to clear his thoughts, and refusing to find any measure of enjoyment in this act, he positioned himself to get to work. The sight of her tore at his heart, much like how he had selfishly torn her flesh, but he believed Kagome when she insisted that she forgave him, and so now maybe after doing this, then he’d be able to forgive himself as well.

Kagome jumped a little when he first made contact, the touch of his tongue instantly soothing her aching flesh. Quickly, the lingering sting she’d felt between her legs turned into tingles, a solitary ember of arousal sparking to life, reigniting the flame she’d felt growing in her belly at the original thought of being with Inuyasha intimately. Before Kagome even realized what was happening, her body was writhing slightly under his touch, faint moans vibrating through her throat that Inuyasha’s advanced hearing had no trouble picking up.

The hanyou remained professional in his work, doing his best to ignore his own body’s reaction to her increased level of arousal. His renewed erection ached from the way he currently had himself pinned against the forest floor, as he lied on his belly to best reach Kagome’s injuries, but now that his body’s desire was solely his own and not fueled by unrelenting, twisted magic, he had every intention of ignoring it completely. Running his tongue along Kagome’s inner lips, he continued until the color of her skin returned to its normal, healthy pinkish tone, all signs of irritation wiped away. A few times during his more thorough sweeps of her exterior his tongue came into contact with the little bead of flesh that rested just above her opening, and unable to ignore the way her body reacted at the contact, Inuyasha made the quick decision after a moment that after everything she’d just suffered through for his sake, she deserved to feel some pleasure, herself.

But not without permission.

Kagome was slowly losing her mind; the gentle pleasure of having her pain massaged away was quickly morphing into a whole new type of agony. She ached, but not from any of her injuries. Unable or perhaps merely unwilling to say anything to the man who was only trying to heal her, she mentally begged him with every swipe of his tongue to focus just a bit more of his attention on the one part of her neither region that needed it the most. Her hips were writhing of their own accord, and she was aware but made no attempt to stop the motion. She was embarrassed by her wanton display but at the same time she only craved satisfaction. Was this what it was like to be lost to lust? It didn’t affect her brain, but at the same time it did, because while she knew she was still thinking clearly, it was as if she couldn’t be bothered by such pesky thoughts for the moment. All she wanted was physical satisfaction. And this was merely her own lust, brought on by the delightful torture of the man she loved, so she still really couldn’t imagine what it had been like to have a magic spell added to the mix. No wonder he hadn’t been able to slow down.

When Inuyasha’s hesitant statement of, “Kagome…if, if you would like me to pleasure you-” echoed inside her head, she didn’t even let him finish before crying out, “Kami, yes!”

Amused despite himself, Inuyasha grinned against her as he got to work wiping every last ounce of pain from her memory. It wasn’t long before Kagome’s writhing motion turned into more of a bucking, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. Swirling his tongue around her swollen clit, Inuyasha then closed his lips around the throbbing bead of flesh, suckling gently yet firmly, flicking his tongue rapidly over the tip.

Kagome gasped before crying out incomprehensibly, her pelvis thrusting up into his face as she clamped a hand in his hair, bucking up against him violently. Grinning against her, Inuyasha road out her turbulence, growling low in the back of his throat to tease her with the vibrations. Kagome shrieked even louder, arching her back, before suddenly using the hand tangled in his hair to shove him away.

“No more…” she panted, a look of bliss in her hazy eyes.

Smirking to himself, Inuyasha crawled into a sitting position, and he was just about to back away from her when the scent of blood reached his nose again, causing him to look down at her body in concern. He had cleaned her of his mess when he’d first healed her, but now she was wet again, as was to be expected. What he hadn’t expected, though, was just how deeply she was torn.

“Kagome…” he muttered in remorse, his tone immediately causing the flushed miko to shake her lingering euphoria free in favor of granting him her attention.

“What’s wrong?” she asked at his troubled expression.

“You…you’re hurt worse than I thought. You’re torn where I can’t reach. You’re still bleeding.”

Sitting up, Kagome winced as a stab of pain traveled through her, confirming his suspicions. Looking back his way, though, Kagome caught sight of his erection, and a seductive grin climbed up her lips as an idea struck her.

“Does the saliva have to come from your tongue directly, or is it merely your saliva that can heal, regardless of the application?” she asked, the wheels of her head turning.

Confused for a moment, Inuyasha answered, “It’s just my saliva. Why? Do you have something in your bag that we could use to help heal you? One of those cotton things you use during your cycle?”

Shaking her head, Kagome answered, “I wouldn’t be able to get the tampon up far enough. No, the only thing that can reach me there to heal me is the same thing that tore me in the first place. Only you can reach me there, Inuyasha.”

Dumbstruck, Inuyasha stared at the miko as if she’d gone completely insane, but when he attempted to take a deep breath in order to calm himself and only succeeded in getting another heavy whiff of her blood, he realized that the most important thing here was getting Kagome healed. What she was suggesting would work.

“Fucking hell, woman, you’re insane. You know that, right?” he answered with a playful shake of his head.

“But that’s why you love me.” Kagome joked in return, gasping in surprise at how serious his expression turned all of a sudden.

“I do love you, Kagome. That may have been me earlier, but at the same time, it wasn’t me. I never in a million years would have wanted to hurt you like that. I lost control, I gave in to my lust, and in my mind it was no different than when I give in to the bloodlust of my full-youkai self. I want to do whatever it is I can do to make it up to you, and that includes this. This is for you, not for me, because I love you.”

With that said, Inuyasha spat into his hand and then proceeded to lube himself up, his erection thoroughly coated with his healing saliva. Kagome lied back down with a smile on her lips and love in her heart as his words continued to play out in her ears over and over again, and when she felt him crawl over her body, carefully aligning himself at her entrance, Kagome met his eyes with her own, determined to share this moment with him, this moment of healing, in both the literal and figurative senses.

Inuyasha kept his eyes locked on Kagome’s as he slowly, very slowly pushed himself back inside of her. His face contorted in blissful agony as his body once again yelled at him to move, but now that he was functioning solely under his own power, he promptly told his body to go to hell. He had no intention of enjoying this act any more than what couldn’t be avoided from the simple logistics of again being one with her body. Once she was fully healed their second joining would be over. Sheathing himself fully within her, Inuyasha held still for a moment once he was seated as deeply within her as he could go. Kagome had hissed at the initial intrusion, but already he could see the stress around her eyes relaxing as her pain faded away to be replaced by the soothing sensation of his saliva doing its job. He remained like that for several silent moments, until finally, he slowly retracted himself fully out and away from her. He repeated the process five more times, lubricating himself with generous amounts of saliva before slowly pushing his way back inside her gradually healing body. He was sure she was still sore. He was sure she had some bruising that she didn’t want him to know about, but so long as he could heal all of the external damage to her interior, then at least he knew she would be able to heal the rest of the way on her own without having to worry about any serious problems developing.

Kagome was in heaven, and for an entirely different reason than when he had been devouring her with his mouth. While that moment had been blissfully erotic with her mind submerged in a lustful haze of pleasure, this present moment in time was filling her heart with love, healing not only her flesh, but her soul as well. While she had known that Inuyasha loved her, and she was pretty sure that at least some part of him had known that she loved him, things had reached a silent plateau of acceptance between the two of them. Acceptance of the way things had been. Maybe it was because they’d both been scared, afraid that if something didn’t work out the way they hoped, that attempting to grow closer would ruin the level of friendship they’d already shared. Or maybe they had been scared for a whole different reason, because they were from two different worlds, because the outcome of their mission was still so uncertain. Who wanted to open themselves up to potential heartbreak in the end? But now that their cards had been laid out on the table for each other to see, Kagome couldn’t be happier, and she had absolutely no intention of allowing Inuyasha to pretend that none of this had happened once it was all over and done with.

Holding himself still within her for the sixth time, Inuyasha took a hesitant sniff of the woman below him, determining with a brief grin that he could no longer smell any trace of fresh blood. Her wounds were healed.

“Okay, I’m finished.” Inuyasha told her softly, shifting his hips to back away from her for the last time only to freeze in complete and utter shock at the unexpected sensation of Kagome wrapping her legs up and around his backside.

“No you’re not.” she told him simply.

“K-Kagome…” he panted, closing his eyes as his desires tried to claw their way back up to the surface. “You’re healed. Let me up.”

“Make love to me.” she whispered, reaching up with her left hand to gently massage his right ear.

Opening his eyes with a look of disbelief, Inuyasha wanted to argue, but one look at her expression had him stilling his tongue. She needed this, perhaps even more than she had needed his previous act, and if he were to be truly honest with himself, he probably needed it, also. But did that make it right? Kagome could see the look of hesitation in his eyes, his uncertainty, and she unconsciously bit her lower lip while she waited for him to make his decision, her feet dropping to his sides so that he wouldn’t feel trapped.

Torn between wanting to pound into her and wanting to run as far away from her as possible, Inuyasha closed his eyes again, exhaling through his mouth in a display of calming his frazzled nerves that Kagome had never seen him do before. Finally, his eyes opened again, and what she saw in their golden depths as he gazed down at her in that moment was nothing but pure, untarnished love. He had put the truths of everything that had just happened between them out of his mind, focusing instead on the here and now, and nothing else mattered. He was with Kagome, on top of Kagome, inside of Kagome; he was in love with Kagome and he would show her just how much she truly meant to him. Leaning his head down, he captured her mouth in a tender kiss, his hips retracting only partway before slowly pushing himself forward once more. Moaning with pleasure now that the sensation of being so full didn’t leave her in pain, Kagome again wrapped her legs up and around him, and a moan escaped his own throat at the movement.

Their hips rocked against one another languidly, neither of them in any hurry to separate. Kagome had her left hand massaging his right ear, her right hand on his left cheek as he kissed her, his right hand also on her left cheek while his left hand occupied itself with her right breast, gently kneading the soft flesh before carefully pinching her nipple. Words of endearment were whispered between them, and as Inuyasha felt the telltale tingling in his balls that revealed his second release was on its way, he resisted the urge to start slamming into her. Instead, he slowed his pace, placing both of his hands on either side of Kagome’s head so that he could raise himself up and away from her just a bit, his eyes meeting hers with an unmistakable look of love.

“Lower your feet.” he told her softly, and she obeyed, moving her legs and allowing him the freedom of movement to pull further back, leaving only his tip inside of her.

“Touch yourself, Koi.” he murmured then. “Come with me.”

Too lost in her love for him to even contemplate feeling embarrassed, Kagome smiled up at Inuyasha as she snaked her right hand down between their bodies, finding where they were connected. He continued to pump in and out of her while she rubbed herself, but his movements were slow and shallow, holding his release at bay long enough for her to catch up to him. Inuyasha watched awestruck as Kagome’s face contorted in pleasure. Finally, there came a point when she could no longer keep her eyes open, and pinching them shut in that moment, Kagome increased the pace of her hand, feeling her own release lingering just around the corner. When it hit her, her eyes opened wide, to be greeted by the smiling eyes of the man above her.

As Inuyasha felt Kagome’s walls tighten around him, he was momentarily concerned of causing her more pain, but as her body began to convulse below his, her hips jolting upward in a desperate attempt to reestablish their deeper connection, he shook his worries free from his head as he began thrusting inside of her – not as fast as he had taken her the first time, but much faster than he had been moving moments prior.

He came with a silent scream, his own eyes pinched shut as his mouth hung open, and then suddenly, his mouth was on hers again, his hips motionless as he lowered himself back down flush against her body, both of his hands on her cheeks as he kissed her long and tenderly. Finally pulling back after a moment to allow the girl below him time to breathe, Inuyasha rested his forehead against Kagome’s, panting heavily.

“Kami, what you do to me, woman.” he mumbled after a moment, and Kagome chuckled at his joking tone of voice.  

“So that’s the difference between lust and love.” she stated observationally.

“It was more like lust-flavored love, at the end there.” he pointed out, and she shrugged below him.

“Not anything wrong with that, is there?” she asked, and as he lifted himself up just enough to see her face, his eyes softened at the obvious serenity behind her statement.

“No, no there’s not.” he agreed, lowering his mouth to hers for one last kiss before finally hoisting himself up and away from her, offering her a hand to help her to her own feet.

She stood without any pain. Her body was healed, as was her heart.

“Where do we go from here?” he asked her suddenly, and Kagome paused in gathering her clothes to look his way, a genuine smile blossoming across her face at his expression.

“Well…I suppose we could go that way…” she started, indicating the direction they’d both come from, the direction of their friends. “Or…” she added, “If you think you could sniff out a body of water close by, then we could head that way first. We could definitely both use a bath.”

“That’s not what I meant, Saiai.” he murmured softly, his eyes full of love but also concern, uncertainty.

Smiling wider at his new name for her, Kagome closed the gap between them, placing a hand on his chest as she stated, “I think you just answered your own question with that statement, Koi.”

Stretching herself up onto her tiptoes, Kagome placed a chaste peck on his lips before going back to getting dressed.

As her words made sense to him, Inuyasha smiled as well before going about gathering his own clothes. He should have known there was nothing to worry about. Kagome definitely wasn’t the type to want to pretend that something like this had never happened. That became even more obvious when they reached the hot spring he found for them to wash up in, and instead of insisting that he grant her some privacy, she stated that she didn’t see any reason why they couldn’t bathe together. The most amazing part about it was that all they did was bathe, their lust for one another completely sated, though he thoroughly enjoyed washing her hair, almost as much as he enjoyed letting her wash his. There was no doubt about it. Their relationship had definitely changed forever, but also for the better, as far as he was concerned. They’d worry about potential complications such as their mission to defeat Naraku and his obligations to Kikyou later. Right now, he just wanted to concentrate on enjoying the moment, especially when that moment consisted of running a soapy loofah across his lover’s back.

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