InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Duty Of Blood ❯ chapter 5 - The Dreadful God ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own it!

Warnings: None really. But the fic DOES take on an eerie tone towards the end. ^_^

Instructions? Read/Review! Hope you enjoy!


The Duty of Blood - Chapter 5

By Caliko

Sesshoumaru led the way into his castle, ignoring the odd servant that ran up to welcome him back. Behind him, Kagome tiredly steered the twins up the steps and into the large front room where her brother-in-law waited.

Both girls were exhausted, due partially to the impromptu lesson of ki manipulation that their Uncle gave (in an effort to get them to stop complaining about boredom). Neither girl had ever used the power that both had received from their father.

Kagome had assumed that Aika would have inherited her abilities to be a miko. It was a strange shock that the younger hanyou was more than capable of channeling the demonic heritage that she had. Tai, she expected to have the ability, since she was obviously more human than youkai, but Aika? The silver-haired twin had used the power to fly as easily as she had used it to heal.

Although - fly was not the correct term. It was more like they floated, unable to direct where they were heading with enough push to actually go anywhere. Sesshoumaru stated that this was normal in a child their age, and more than Inu Yasha had ever been capable of while under his care.

Thankfully, by the time the two-storied castle appeared out of the mists, the children were exhausted by their efforts. The trip had taken almost two days, and now they had appeared just before sunset on the second day.

The Taiyoukai turned to face a servant that was hobbling quickly to his side. By the way that the others melted into woodwork, Kagome assumed that this was the man that directed everything in Sesshomaru's absence.

"Summon Nari. Tell her that she has new charges."

The servant's eyes widened in surprise. He quickly bowed out of the room, his eyes only momentarily glancing up to stare at the twins. "Yes, My Lord."

"Who's Nari?" Kagome asked, watching the man turn at the doorway and dart down the hall.

"She was Inu Yasha's nurse. She is old, but dependable. Very committed to the welfare of her charges. It will be awhile before they find her. She has never gotten over Inu Yasha escaping her charge, and spends hours in the servants quarters acting as she things an old, useless woman should." Sesshoumaru smirked a bit, "Unfortunately, she's too opinionated to do it well."

:::Huh?::: Her confusion must have shown on her face, since the Youkai snorted.

"You will see. Until then, I will show you the nursery and your quarters. Nari will meet us there."


"Kagome!" Yasha grimaced, glancing over to his father, "Do I really have to do this? I feel stupid!"

"Then you should feel normal. Just do it, Boy."

The younger youkai hissed, then imagined how Kouga would do it. "Kagome, my woman! I love you! Come with me, so that I can show you how much!"

"Pathetic. You sound like that whiney wolf. If you must emulate someone, try the perverted priest. He, at least, knows how to tell a woman he loves them."

Inu Yasha snorted, flopping down onto the cushions they were standing over. "Yeah, but does he know how to mean it? Damn, Pop! He sounds so FAKE!"

"Look, Boy. I don't have that much time. We're having company tonight, so just hurry up and do it."

At this, Yasha looked interested. "Company? HERE? Who the hell else is trapped in this damn realm?"

Inu Taisho snorted, "Trapped? Not likely. More like just visiting. Damn fool keeps coming here in his sleep. Now stop trying to change the subject. Show me how you will tell your mate that you love her."

His son growled, squinting his eyes and trying to buy time. :::How would Miroku say it?::: He quickly thought back to all the times he walked in on the priest and his mate in an intimate moment. Then, before he could chicken out, he struck a pose and blurted: "Sweet Mistress, punish this humble sinner for failing to please you! You are my Life, my Love, and My Master! I am but your lowly slave!"

His father's eyes bugged out and a sweat drop slowly rolled down the side of his face. Suddenly, his hand lashed out, smacking Inu Yasha upside the head.

"IDIOT! That is NOT what I meant! Damn, I really thought you knew better!" Then - "Is he really that much of a pervert?"

"He's worse. I just didn't wanna go through the who speech. It's too embarrassing."

The Taiyoukai rolled his eyes as he settled back down on his cushion. Shaking his head, he muttered, "We really have to have a talk with that hoshi. He's undermining male dominance everywhere. It was bad enough when Kagome had you under the spell of those damn beads. Now, you're free of them and the Hoshi is CHOOSING to submit to a woman!"

"Blame Kikyou."

"Huh? What does your dead wench have to do with any of it?"

"She had a talk with Miroku about how to win Sango for his wife. Whatever she said, it seems to work for them." Inu Yasha shrugged, then sat down next to his father.

"You're not done yet, Boy. And it may work for them, but it's not good for the rest of us males."

"Feh. Leave them alone. Now, show me how YOU would tell Kagome that you love her, if you were me. Remember, I'm not you, so it won't work if she's suddenly suspicious of me."

"Hmph.. Maybe you should use the flower idea after all…"


Kagome followed Sesshoumaru into the nursery and stopped in the doorway. The rooms were definitely not what she would choose for the twins. The girls would waste no time using the Chinese urns to mix mud pies or the drapes around the beds to be long flowing dresses when they played house. They were rambunctious children - Destruction and Mayhem should have been their first names, never mind a middle name as the Americans said.

"Ano.. Sesshoumaru… Do you have a.. less valuable room?" She hesitated to ask, but did anyway. The Miko would feel guilty beyond belief if she didn't.

Sesshoumaru just stared at her. "These are the rooms that every royal pup occupies. If it survived Inu Yasha, it will survive his whelps. Come." He walked to the far end of the room pushed open the wooden divider that stood there.

There, past the door was a terrace that led into a walled garden. All types of rare flowers carpeted the lawn, framing the path that led to a tiny whitewashed castle. The twins squealed, then ran outside after their uncle, impatient to explore their new playground.

She was about to follow when a discreet knock sounded on the door. "Come in." Kagome called out, wondering if this was the infamous Nari.

"My Lady?" The old Inu woman said, lowering her head. "My Lord called for me?"


"Yes, My Lady. My charges?" The woman was nothing short of ancient. If Sesshoumaru was over one hundred years old, then this woman must have been well into her first millennium. Golden eyes saw everything as they darted quickly from side to side. Her hair was nearly all gray, showing single strands of jet black though out the wiry mass that reached her ankles. Deep blue robes fell gracefully over her rather stout body, and she spoke in a rushed voice that conveyed little respect for people who wasted her time.

"Outside." Kagome told her, her forehead furrowed. "Sesshoumaru took the girls outside to the garden."

Nari's face lit up, then she darted outside, not bothering to thank Kagome or say goodbye. She stopped at Sesshomaru's side long enough to bow, then squealed as she caught sight of the twins. "Oh! How wonderful! Little ones! And so much like my Inu Yasha!"

"Nari." The Taiyoukai spoke, waiting for the old one to stop gushing over the pups. "The silver haired child is Aika. She is mostly human, so you must take care that she is not injured. Her twin is the dark haired youkai, Tai. Tai is my heir, and must be protected at all times. I will trust you once again with royal pups. Do not fail me this time."

The old Inu merely smiled, then reached up and patted Sesshomaru's cheek. "You're a good boy, Se-chan." She cackled. "You always tried to make this old woman feel useful."

Sesshoumaru blushed, rolling his eyes. "Just watch the Pups, Old Woman."

He turned, ignoring the obnoxious cackling Nari made as she rushed outside to start her work. Passing Kagome, he motioned her to follow him as he left the nursery.

The Mother smirked slightly, but kept her council to herself. No matter what your station in life, you still had to deal with the woman who used to change your pants.


Shippo's nose twitched at a familiar scent that reached the young kitsune as he lay back in the field. Quickly, he sat up, knowing that Sango and Miroku had finally come back to the village. He needed to speak to them both, now, before they reached Kaede's hut. Regardless of what the elderly miko thought, he KNEW that Kagome was in horrible trouble if she had to stay with Sesshoumaru.

Soon, the scent got stronger, and when he sat up he could see the firecat in the distance with the two humans on her back.

"SANGO! MIROKU!" He shouted, dashing towards them. "I'm so glad you're back!" Within seconds, the Kitsune was yapping away, hardly taking in air to breath as he explained what had happened within the last few days.

"Inu Yasha is DEAD?" Sango yelled, hardly daring to believe it.

"Yeah, but Kaede said that she could still sense his youki in the forest"

"I don't think that Naruke is dead either, Shippo." Miroku said quietly, fingering his cursed palm. "My curse is still in effect."

"Then, Kaede may be correct that Inu Yasha still lives." Sango was thoughtful. "I think that we have to go to the West and speak to Kagome and Sesshoumaru."


The landscape was nearly barren, littered only with the bodies of the lifeless warriors that had fought some great, nameless battle. Eerie gray mist rose over the theatre of war, dispersing only from the path that led to the castle of the dead. Spears rose here and there, tattered silk dripping from their ends like fallen flags. In the background lay a massive obsidian castle - the home of the dread lord of death.

Sesshoumaru did not try to pause in his trek, knowing that his feet would take him on even without his consent. It was always like this when he dreamed. Every night, his subconscious led him to the realm of the afterlife. Every night, he visited his greatest failure.

She was waiting, as usual, in the front room, looking as she did in life. Her hair was pulled back from her face in a soft ponytail that hung over one ear, leaving a silken waterfall to tumble to her lower back. She wore a purple kimono with silver blossoms drifting over her shoulder down to the hem. Her body was perpetually young, frozen at the age of ten by the violent death that he could not protect her from.

"Rin." Sesshoumaru said, watching as her face lit up with an inner light. Even the violent rape that she experienced could not kill the innocent joy that she radiated. He never asked her about it, and she never spoke of that last, horrible day. More than once he thought that she didn't remember it, and he was loath to remind her.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! You came again!" She trilled, glad of the company. Behind her, a door opened as Jaken walked through.

"I always come here, child. How are you?" The Taiyoukai asked. "And Jaken. I haven't seen you for awhile. Does Rin behave?"

"My Lord." The toad youkai bowed. "The Lord of the realm wishes to see you before you leave tonight. And Rin.. She is as she has always been."

The dog demon smirked, knowing that his old retainer had learned tact in this dreadful place. "Then lead me to him. Rin - I will see you tomorrow night."

"Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama! I will be good until then!" She smiled, and for a moment, he missed the precocious child she had been when he first found her.

"Good, Child." Lightly, he touched her hair, then followed the toad to see the master of the land.

The room in which Jaken lead him to was dark. Two lanterns shone light on a glass throne that sat over black marble. Beyond that, lay a void that even his superior sight could not fathom. From that blackness strode a man made of night. His face was like the moon rising in the shadowed darkness that he was made from. He had inky black hair down to his feet, silver shot like stars. Black silks draped over his shoulders, blending in with the shadows around him. His lips were full and sensual under a thin, straight nose. In the living realm, he would have been labeled beautiful if not for the cold, silver irises of his eyes. They made the dark lord sinister, frightening in the intensity of their power.

"Lord Sesshoumaru." He greeted, annoyance dripping from every word. "I've been needing to speak to you. Have you any idea of the chaos that you have brought? No…I see that you do not."

"Chaos, Lord Death?" The Taiyoukai was truly puzzled.

Instead of answering, the King went to his throne and sat. " Why do you come here, night after night?" The Lord asked, anger in his voice. "The child can not move on until you stop."

Carefully, Sesshoumaru sifted his thoughts, searching for an answer that would not offend him. This creature was of the sort that even he did not want to anger. This was the God of the dead, and he could steal his life with but a thought. "I do not know, My Lord." He spoke slowly, weighing each word. "I lay in bed to sleep, praying for a dreamless night. Instead, my soul is drawn here, almost against my will."

"Almost?" Bitter amusement lay blanketed over the anger. Both were still present in the god's demeanor.

"I do not regret my journey here, Sir. Seeing Rin looking so … alive…" He floundered, still unfamiliar with the emotions the child inspired in him. "It eases my guilt."

"You are being selfish, Lord Sesshoumaru. The child must pass forward into the afterlife. Every day that she stays here uses her soul, and if she does not pass over soon, there will be nothing left of her to be reborn."

Sesshoumaru was startled, but did not allow it to show in his face. "How do I stop my visits?" No hesitation. All he had ever wanted was for Rin to be happy. For her to stay here, wasting her soul because he reminded her of her life… He could not allow her to continue.

The dark lord reached into his sleeve and pulled out an armlet. "Wear this. It will steer your soul away from my castle. Though you may still walk the realm of the dead, you will not meet with Rin or Jaken again in this life."

Sesshoumaru nodded, then donned the silver band. "Is it safe for me to travel your realm? I would avoid it if I can."

"No, it is not safe. But, you still have business here." The god smirked. "I have decided that it is time to rid my realm of a nuisance or two, and you are the only being capable of doing it."

"My Lord?" The Taiyoukai was puzzled, but knew that the answer would be given in the god's own time.

"Leave the castle from the back gate, and walk the path until you reach a white wasteland. Do not change direction - there is no path to take you where you need to be. After a while, you will see a familiar site. It is a castle that greatly resembles your own. Go inside, and wait."

Sesshoumaru bowed, then backed out of the room. At the entrance, he quickly turned and met his former retainer's gaze. "Jaken. I thought you would be with Rin."

Jaken shuddered at his tone of voice for a moment, then remembered that his lord could no longer kill him. "Rin is in the garden reading. I am supposed to lead you to the back gate, Sesshoumaru-sama."

"Then lead, Old Man. Then see to Rin. I will no longer be able to do it myself."

The toad nodded, avoiding his former master's eyes. He knew what the visit was about. He didn't like it, but knew that it was for the best. If Lord Sesshoumaru ceased his visits, then Rin could move on and his own duty to the child would be released. "Follow me, Sir." Jaken said, then led the way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < p>TBC

SURPRISE!!! Didn't expect me to update, did you? Anyway, lottsa hugs and kisses to everyone who reviewed! I'm so HAPPY that someone appreciates this fic!
