InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Duty Of Blood ❯ Chapter 12 *NEW* ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

If you recognize the characters, I don’t own them. I only own the twins, Nari, and assorted other lesser characters in this fic.

I would like to apologize for the long wait, and the shortness of the chapter.. (only 4 pages). I’ve had a tough time writing - everything I typed seemed… well… stupid. Anyway, I deleted, and retyped, and even redid some scenes. At one point, I set it aside for a LONG time, in the hopes that my well of ideas would replenish while I rested. Anyway, Sorry again, for the long wait. I haven’t QUITE given up just yet. ~Caliko


The Duty Of Blood - Chapter 12

By Caliko

The sun was just making it’s first pitiful attempt to lighten the dark clearing where Naruke now dwelled, when a small rabbit youkai wobbled to a stop in front of the dark hanyou’s den. It had just escaped a hungry wolf, with more than a few nasty scratches and a sore paw, and it’s poor little heart just refused to slow down. So exhausted and sore was she, that the rabbit did not notice the forbidden aura that hung in the air in front of the hollowed out tree.

She stretched her arms over her head, and allowed her body to fall flat on her back, content that that nasty wolf youkai wouldn’t find her. Until, that is, she heard the sound of pounding feet and scratching claws on the underbrush behind her.

Looking around, she spotted the hole that led underneath the tree, and without a thought, scrambled inside. The last thing she saw was glowing red eyes coming closer to her at a unthinkable speed. Moments later, the reborn Naruke grinned, knowing that his enemies would never guess that such evil came in such adorable packaging.

Stepping outside, he brushed off the short kimono, and experimentally wiggled the fluffy little tail for effect. Waiting for him, growling, was a ratty-looking wolf youkai. He toyed, momentarily, with abandoning the rabbit body, and taking that one for himself. After all, at least that one was the right sex. But.. Well, he liked the idea of being considered harmless, when in fact he was anything but.

Giving the wolf a flirtatious smile, he tiptoed closer, letting her kimono slide open a bit. Flashing a generous amount of skin, he smirked inwardly as the cur’s hunger switched to a more base sort. It was well known among demons of a rabbits exceptional libido, and it was obvious that the wolf was planning on having a treat before his dinner.

He came closer, eyeing Naraku’s breasts with clumsy eyes, and reached out to touch the generous swell. The former hanyou barely reached the wolfs chest, but she didn’t look intimidated. Instead, her eyes flashed as if she had come upon a rare treasure. She discovered something about this body that was interesting. When in danger, it secreted an aphrodisiac-like scent that was almost impossible to escape from.

When the wolfs eyes glazed over, he turned to his own powers, sending out tentacles filled with his evil miasma. Deftly winding up the wolfs body, starting with his feet, he encased the youkai inside of them.

Within minutes, Naraku absorbed the former predator inside of himself, using the new body mass to become taller and more voluptuous. Later, he left the clearing for the first time in weeks, and began his quest to destroy the Inu-youkai of the West.


Kagome still lay on her futon as the day began, but sometime during the night, her breathing had become stronger, becoming the healthy wisp of a normal sleep. Beside her, her husband lay snoring as he recharged his own low energy levels.

She turned in her sleep as the sun reached her eyes, snuggling deeper into his warmth. Inu Yasha’s arm encircled her waist, as he pulled her closer. It was this action of a man married for years that woke her up.

The Miko lay still, forgetting for the moment what had happened the day before. Nervously, she opened her eyes, not knowing what to expect, or who was sleeping in her futon beside her. She looked down, further confused when she saw arms that looked like her husbands, but had light, almost invisible stripes across the forearms. It was at that moment that she remembered - her hanyou husband was now full youkai, and she had brought him back to the land of the living.

:Sesshoumaru helped.: She corrected herself, reaching down to trace the stripes.

Inu Yasha stirred, then woke up. Sleepily, he breathed in her scent as his arms tightened for a moment. “Morning, Wench.”

Instead of answering, she rolled to face him. Wordlessly, Kagome touched her lips to his, hungrily welcoming him back to the land of the living.

Inu Yasha responded, at first sleepily. Then, more energetically as she touched his lips with her tongue. Lightly, he brushed down her back, stopping when he reached the firm swell of her bottom. Squeezing, he rolled to his back, bringing her to lay on top.

His mate groaned at the feel of his hardness pressing against her, breaking the kiss to sit up and straddle his waist. “Good Morning, Yasha-chan!” She smirked. “Are you glad to be back?” She rubbed against him, then sat still, teasing him as his golden eyes rolled back into his head.

“What do you think, Wench?” Inu Yasha growled, Lifting her up just high enough so that he could enter her slick body in one stroke.

This time, it was his mate’s turn to roll her eyes back, groaning as his tip brushed the back of her channel. This first time, there would be no gentleness. It had been too long since they shared each other’s body.


< br> Inu Taisho sat up, his subconscious mind listening for sounds out of the ordinary. :What woke me: He thought, then relaxed as he heard the laughter from further down the hallway. :It’s just the brat.:Then, “Sesshoumaru!”

He moved to his eldest bed side, even before the thought fully formed. Yet, there was no change. His son and heir still lay as if near death.

Hesitantly, he brushed the silver strands of hair away from the boy’s eyes, his index finger lingering to trace the crescent moon on his forehead. Sesshomaru’s nose wrinkled and his eye twitched, making him think for a moment that he might be waking up. Then, with a deep sigh, he was still. Only the even movement of his chest told Taisho that his boy still lived.

It had been a rough night for the newly resurrected Taiyoukai. He had been in conference with Kouro, Sesshomaru’s head advisor, most of the night. The meeting only ended a few hours ago, when the two youkai had finally reached agreement on a plan to strengthen the western defenses. Now, he was due to meet the demon in an hour so that he could be informed on the local state of the nobles.

The padding of small feet broke into his thoughts. Looking towards the doorway, he noticed the small child shuffling hesitantly towards the bed. Seeing him, she stopped, raising worried eyes to the elder Inu.

“What is wrong with Uncle Sesshoumaru?” She spoke low, her sweet voice hesitant in her worry.

“Aika-chan, right?” Inu Taisho kneeled down before her so that he could look into her eyes. At her nod, he held out his hand.

Wordlessly, she took it, immediately trusting this stranger that looked so much like her uncle. “What is wrong with Uncle?” She again asked.

“He is sick, pup. He was injured when he brought your father and I home.”

“Papa’s back?”

“Yes. We arrived last night.”

“Will Uncle be alright?”

“Yes, but he won’t be himself for awhile. It might be best if you stay in the nursery, away from him until he is fully recovered.”

Aika nodded, “Something is wrong with his spirit, Sir.”

Taisho was surprised, but tried not to show it. “You can tell, Pup?”

“Hmmm. It’s like it’s not all there. Huge holes all over the place. They‘re still attached, though - they‘re just not with him right now.”

The Taiyoukai hid his surprise, then gently picked the girl up and sat down with her in his lap. “Aika-chan, do you think that you can stay until the Kiba-san comes to check on him? I think that you need to tell him what you just told me.”

Aika nodded, then suddenly grew puzzled. Her face twisted up, and she tilted her head.

“Sir?” She asked.

“Yes, Pup?”

“Who are you?”

Inu Taisho smirked, then chuckled. “I am Inu Taisho, your grandfather.”

Her eyes grew round, and she sat still for a moment. Then, cuddling closer, she put her palms on either side of his face, forcing him to look at her. “Grandfather?” She asked, her voice serious.


“Can you buy me a new doll?”

The old Inu couldn’t really help himself at that point. With all the stress and worry he felt since he came back last night, it felt good to be able to have something well within his power to grant.

“Aika-chan, “ He laughed, “I will buy you a doll for each year of your life I missed, as soon as I can get to the market. In return, Pup, you try as hard as you can to help Kiba-san heal your Uncle. Promise?”

She smiled, her golden eyes bright, then nodded quickly. “Yes, Grandfather! I’ll work very hard!”

A few hours later, Inu Yasha walked into his brothers room, stopping when he noticed the youkai that were working there. Next to Sesshoumaru’s futon, Aika slept, clasping his large hand in hers. A frown lay on her face, and every now and then, a whimper would escape her throat.

In the corner of the room sat a low, obsidian table. His father knelt at one end, papers spread out before him. Three other youkai, all silver inu’s, knelt next to the table, talking low, and gesturing to the papers that lay in front of them.

Deciding quickly, Inu Yasha walked over to them, and kneeled at the foot of the table. “Father.” He nodded, respectfully. It was one thing to be disrespectful to the old man when they were alone. It was quite a different story to be disrespectful when his father was behind the mask of clan leader. “Is there any change in Sesshoumaru?”

Inu Taisho shook his head slightly. “No, but it is still too early to give up hope. Kiba-san will be by after lunch to check in on him. Until then, we are formulating a plan to secure the borders, prevent war, and keep the nobles from subterfuge.”

“What is happening, Father?” Inu Yasha dug his claws into his palms, drawing blood in the effort to remain calm. At that moment, he was thankful for his father’s lessons in nobility.

“Disturbing news has reached us this morning from Sesshomaru’s scouts. Travelers have gone missing regularly for the past week, entering the forests on the southern border, but disappearing before they reached the other side of the forest. Dark miasma has hung over the ground, killing weaker youkai who breath it in.

“Miasma? Like the stuff that surrounded Naraku?” Inu Yasha hissed.

“Very like it. It possibly is the very same.” His father confirmed. “Naraku may have escaped the explosion, as well.”

“Shit! That’s all we need!”

“The Southern Lord’s heir was one of the youkai that went missing. He was on his way here with a betrothal agreement with your brother, asking for Tai’s hand when she was old enough to marry.”

“Like I would allow that!” Yasha cursed, then he closed his eyes when he realized the consequences. “This could lead to war with the South, couldn’t it?”

His father nodded, sighing. “The Southern Prince disappeared on the western side of the border. If we do not find out what has happened to him, it could be taken as an assassination. In that case, Sesshoumaru would be honor bound to find the culprit, or take the murderers place for punishment.

It does not help that there are a number of betrothal contracts offered for Princess Tai. A suitor with less to offer than the South could have killed him to remove him from the situation. Or, he may have been murdered by the other two Lords. It’s been done before, for less cause. A marriage between Tai and the Southern heir is almost guaranteed to be unfavorable with the Northern and Eastern Lords, considering that it would give the South complete control to almost half of Japan. For this reason, most marriages between two heirs is frowned on.”

“Or,” Inu Yasha growled, “It could be Naraku is causing trouble again.”

“Or that.” Taisho confirmed, his eyes slitted.

“I’m going out, to scout around a bit. One way or another, I can’t sit on my ass and wait for the bastard to show up here!” Yasha stood, forgetting that they weren’t alone. That is, until one of the men at the table cleared his throat.

“Lord Inu Yasha - I would like to go with you.”

The Inu that spoke was the one that knelt at his fathers right. He was a large man, obviously a warrior by the scars that criss- crossed his skin. Instead of the traditional clothing worn by samurai, his clothing was tightly cut leather that hugged his chest and legs. A harness crossed his chest, securing the empty scabbard on his back. The sword was probably being housed in the armory. A dark leather patch covered one empty eye-socket, and his silver hair was caught up in a high tail. Calf-length boots finished his dress, giving the youkai the image of someone who knew his way through a fight.

“Who are you?” Yasha asked, knowing instinctively that he was a man to want on his side of an argument.

“Ichimaru. I am Lord Sesshomaru’s second in battle, and his body guard when he allows me to perform my duty.” Tired humor shown in the mans golden gaze. “I could use the practice, if you will allow me, My Lord.”

“Keh… If you can keep up, you can go.” With that, Yasha turned and left, not even waiting for Ichimaru to follow. The body guard in question smirked, then strode after the young prince.


The scenery rolled by, completely opposite to the Lord of the Dead’s realm. Instead of the vast wasteland, here there were mountains and streams. Only, these mountains stared down at him with eyes that he could not see directly. They hung there, in the corner of his vision, only to disapear when he turned his head. The streams chatted about him, about how delicious his flesh looked to them, and how he would taste if he were to get too close. There was nothing living in this land, at least, nothing that resembled sentient life to him. No animals, other than himself, was in sight.

The last thing he remembered, before waking into the strange world, was the ceremony. He could sense the Miko’s power reaching into the gate made by the swords, wondering for a moment at the taste of youkai that came from her. Then, he dismissed it when he sensed something holding the two spirits from coming home.

He did not know if either his father or his brother noticed it; He could not leave it to chance that they had. Without consulting Kagome, or telling her what he was going to do, he sent out his spirit into the gate. The Taiyoukai knew that he would have to battle the unknown force himself, distract it long enough for his kin to break free from their captor.

Sesshomaru’s plan had worked too well, unfortunately. The force that had been holding the two back let go as his spirit rushed it. Unfortunately, the gate closed tight a few seconds after his family had left the realm. At that point, a burning pain erupted throughout his incorporeal body, and the Taiyoukai blacked out.

He awoke in a clearing that made even his nerves shudder. This place could only be described as wrong. Sesshoumaru stood up, and tried to get his bearings. He had to find the god that ruled this strange realm.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Yasha and Taisho know something is going on with Naraku.. Just not what. /snicker/ Before I go much farther, I have to plot out that scene in my mind and on paper. It’s got to be just the right mixture of horror and humor………

Read and review, please!
