InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Lords Alliance ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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*Chapter 4*

It was time for the Lordship. Everyone gathered in the ballroom. Kika was standing next to her tousan twisting her hair. Kouga was looking nervously standing next to Kagome. Sesshomaru was glaring over the ballroom, everyone from all around came to see Lord Intuis Lord his son Sesshomaru. He was nervous, but he tried not to show it. 'What have I got myself into, I am going to mess everything up and he knows it' Sesshomaru said to himself. Kagome could see it in Sesshomarus eyes that he was nervous.

Kagome walked towards Sesshomaru and whispered in his ear "Everything will be alright, your tousan knows what he is doing and you my love will make a great lord, I promise."

He looked at her big blue eyes and said "Thank you my love." He kissed her lightly on the forehead and headed towards his tousan.

Lord Intuis started the ceremony. "I Lord Intuis of the Northern Lands is here to crown the next Lord of the Lands. Here stands my son Sesshomaru, he has shown me trust, hope, and love over the past few years and I am proud to bestoy the Northen Lands and this Kingdom to him."

Everyone in the ballroom started clapping. Lord Intuis drew his sword and placed it into Sesshomarus hands and said "This Sesshomaru is your gift from me as you take on this great responsibility."
Sesshomaru took the sword and bowed to his tousan. 'This is his most powerful sword why give it to me?' he asked himself.
"Introducing the new Lord of the Northern Lands, Lord Sesshomaru." Lord Intuis announced.
Everyone is the ballroom bowed and clapped. Kagome bowed and blew a kiss towards Sesshomaru.
All the Lords walked toward Sesshomaru and shock his hand. Sesshomaru really didn't know what to do. He was told of the responsibilities, but not how people would treat and react to him. All the girls in the ballroom started running towards him asking him to dance and to marry them. He knew they only wanted the title. He had his eyes on only one girl and that was Kagome.
Kagome saw the Lords come toward Sesshomaru and knew about that, but when all the girls started for him she was getting really mad. She walked over to were Sesshomaru was being covered with girls and trying to get away. Kagome grab one of the girls and threw her towards a wall knocking the breath out of her and screamed "Get away from him know or you will end up like her or even worse, know leave!" pointing her finger to the ballroom exit. All the girls screamed and ran toward the exit.
Sesshomaru was in shock when he finally recovered he walked towards Kagome and asked "What happened my love you have never reacted that way towards anyone before, so why now?"
Kagome looked up with tears pouring down her cheek and said "I am so sorry I didn't mean to hurt her I just got so frustrated, I promise it will never happen again." putting her hands over her face sombing.
Sesshomaru looked at her puzzled and lifted her chin and said "You did nothing to be sorry for my love, you were only protecting me and for that I am thankful." grabbing her by the waist and hugging her.
Kagome wrap her arms around his neck and said "Thank you Sessy for understanding me, I love you."
"I love you too" Sesshomaru said taking her bridal style to take her back to her chambers.
Everyone in the ballroom was shocked at what Kagome had done to the girls. Lord Kiushi was going to stop it, but Lord Intuis stopped him and said let them work it out Kiushi. He stopped and said "Alright, if you say so." Lord Yashui and Lord Nemsis heard the screaming, but payed no mind because they were fighting themselves.
"I Lord Nemsis will not let you make a fool of me or my daughter" coming towards Lord Yashui
"What are you going to do, kill me?" Lord Yashui said laughing
Kouga heard the two fighting and went to try and stop it.
"Tousan and Lord Nemsis please stop fighting and enjoy the ceremony." he asked
"I will not Kouga he has gone to far!" Lord Nemsis screamed
Kika heard her tousan scream and ran to get him.
"Tousan I demand that you stop this at once." Kika said
"Dear daughter why?" Nemsis asked
"Because Kouga is my love!" Kika screamed
"YOUR LOVE!" Lord Nemsis yelled
"Yes, tousan my love. I wanted to tell you after the ceremony, but I just could not wait any longer me and Kouga have been seeing each other for 3 years and he has asked me to be his mate and I have accepted."
"Is this true my son that you have been seeing Kika and asked her to become your mate?" Lord Yashui asked
"Yes, tousan its true. Me and Kika have been planning on telling you and Lord Nemsis for sometime. I am sorry that I have kept this from you, but we know how you and Lord Nemsis are."
Lord Yashui could not believe his ears that is son was keeping a secret for so long. "I can't believe that you lied to me for 3 years how dare you disrescept me like that the Lord of the Eastern Lands?" he said lifting his hand to hit Kouga.
Lord Intuis and Lord Kiushi saw the whole thing happen. When they saw Lord Yashui hand go up they ran towards him and held his hand.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Lord Yashui screamed at them
"You have no right to hit Kouga because he kept a secret and you know that." Lord Intuis said
"They are young Yashui." Lord Kiushi said
Lord Nemsis looks at his daughter and said "We need to talk now."
"NO tousan we have made up our minds." she said
Lord Nemsis looked at his daughter shock his head and left the ballroom. Lord Yashui stormed out of the ballroom.
"I knew he would do that." Kouga said
"Its ok me and Lord Kiushi will handle those two later." Lord Intuis said
"Kouga I am sorry." Kika said hugging him
"Thats alright my love I undestand." Kouga said
"You two go on up to your chambers and we will send a maid to make a bath." Lord Intuis said
"Thank you." they said walking towards their chambers