InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Mark of Brotherhood ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Sessh . . . Sesshomaru . . .”
He cast a sideways glance at his younger brother, noting how he moved. He couldn't see Inuyasha's face but he could practically see the pain as it lanced up his side. Inuyasha tried pushing himself up, a sign that he'd become uncomfortable.
“What is it, Inuyasha?”
“I'm going to be sick.”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at that but came to a halt. With great ease, he lowered his brother to his feet. Inuyasha promptly tried to run but his knees gave out. He collapsed to the ground, his body convulsing as he fought against whatever was making him ill. Sesshomaru knelt behind him, his hand pulling Inuyasha's hair back then resting on his shoulder as Inuyasha's body shuddered and heaved. Once the spell had passed, Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around Inuyasha's waist, allowing him to fall against him. The scent of fresh blood permeated the air. A quick glance at his half-brother confirmed Sesshomaru's suspicions. Blood trickled from Inuyasha's lips.
'He has nothing left in him,' Sesshomaru thought morosely. 'Anymore of this and he'll die.'
Inuyasha heaved a ragged sigh. His body shuddered, the weariness of his ordeal setting in.
“I can't do this,” came the weak croak.
“Shh, don't talk like that, Inuyasha. You'll make it,” he murmured encouragingly. He didn't want his brother to die. Not now. Not ever.
“No . . .” the hanyou shook his head. “I can't take much more of this. It hurts too much. Why does it hurt like this?”
“I don't know, Inuyasha,” he murmured. “I don't know. But we must hurry if we're going to get you back to Edo.”
“Hai,” Sesshomaru confirmed. “Edo. Where your friends are at.”
A weak whimper escaped his brother and his ears drooped. Shame, it seemed, had permanently etched itself into his brother's posture. Inuyasha didn't want his friends to see him like this. Sesshomaru knew that, in the hanyou's mind, he had to be the strong one. He had to defend that strange, ragtag group of ningens. For them to see him like this . . . they wouldn't completely understand. They'd give him sympathy and possibly feel that Inuyasha would no longer be able to defend them, something that Inuyasha didn't want to happen. Not after so many years of being outcast and alone.
`It can't be helped, though,' Sesshomaru thought grimly. `Inuyasha needs to go there. His friends are probably worried.'
He stood, bringing Inuyasha to his feet in the process. Inuyasha nearly doubled over in the process and Sesshomaru's eyes flashed red for a moment.
'How dare she!' he fumed. 'How dare she do this to him! No one deserves treatment like this.'
Sesshomaru closed his eyes, trying to bring his anger under control. Anger was unbecoming of him. He was daiyoukai, after all, and he did not lose his temper. At least, not quite so easily.
As his eyes closed, images of the female demon's expression as he used his poison claws to rip her apart filled his mind and he smiled slightly. She definitely got less than what she deserved but killing her as quickly as he did had lessened the fury of his emotions. There were others who deserved to die for their crimes. All he had to do was find them and make them pay. His arm tightened around Inuyasha's waist as he began to envision their demise.
“Let go!”
Inuyasha's panicked shout tore through his fantasy the way his claws sliced through flesh. Sesshomaru's eyes flew open, and he saw just how tightly he held the boy. He could only imagine the feelings and memories his actions had sparked.
“Inuyasha, calm down,” he whispered, easing up his grip but not completely letting go. “I'm not going to hurt you. Just calm down. Calm down.”
He continued to whisper in his brother's ear as the panic surged through the half-demon's body. Inuyasha's claws began to dig into his wrist, an effort to escape as memories threatened to overwhelm him and drive him to the brink of insanity.
“Let go . . .” he moaned. “Please, let me go . . . Don't . . .”
“I'm not going to hurt you, Inuyasha. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it.”
Inuyasha stopped struggling at those words, his breathing still laboured and his grip lessening. Tears had filled his eyes, their scent mingling with his blood. Now that he had said it, Sesshomaru knew that there was no going back.
'Strange thing is . . . I meant it when I said it,' he mused.
“Don't say things you don't mean,” Inuyasha choked.
“Have you ever known me to say something that I didn't mean, Inuyasha?”
When the half-demon shook his head, Sesshomaru continued.
“Let's get you cleaned up. The smell of fresh blood will entice any demon to attack, despite my presence. There are some hot springs nearby. You'll feel better, too.”
“Promise?” Inuyasha's good eye glimmered with a hint of hopefulness.
“Hai. I promise.”
He began to lift Inuyasha up.
“I can walk.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” his brother nodded. “I'm sure. I can walk.”
Sesshomaru kept a tight grip on his brother as they began to walk to the hot springs, Inuyasha placing one foot in front of the other. It was slow going and the walk practically wore Inuyasha out, but they made it. Gently, Sesshomaru eased Inuyasha to the ground, his eyes closing before his body even stopped. Sesshomaru watched him, observed him as his chest rose up and down.
'He's still breathing. Good,' he nodded to himself. 'That'll give me a chance to get him something to wear after he's bathed.'
Sesshomaru removed his armour then his haori. He washed out the blood and hung it on a tree branch to dry out.
'Now all there's left to do is to wait for him to wake up,' he told himself, settling himself next to his brother and pulling him halfway onto his lap. 'Kami, let his dreams be peaceful, if only for one night.'
* * *
“Almost done, Inuyasha.”
The only response he got was a slight nod. Other than that, the half-demon barely moved, kept his eyes shut tight, and didn't even dare breathe. His body shivered as the water ran down his face and body, and Sesshomaru took the opportunity to further examine the damage that had been done to his brother's body. As he did so, he noticed a long, slender scar curving from his waist to his neck. The scar itself was an indication of the number of times he'd been raped . . . and marked as a pleasure slave.
It hadn't been an easy task, getting Inuyasha cleaned up. His brother was reluctant to have his clothes removed yet it was obvious that Inuyasha also wanted out of them. The fire-rat haori and hakama had been the clothes he'd been wearing when the assaults against his body had begun so it was natural for Inuyasha to associate what had happened with the durable fabrics. Then there was the fact that Inuyasha was now feeling rather ashamed. Ashamed of his body, ashamed of his half-youkai heritage . . . just completely and utterly ashamed of himself as a whole. While Sesshomaru couldn't completely relate to that shame, he could understand it. He probably wouldn't want anyone to see his body if he were in a similar situation. Also, there was Sesshomaru's missing arm factoring in. There was only so much that he could do to help his half-brother. The rest had to be done by Inuyasha and the bruising on his body made things . . . difficult, at best.
'Still, his will to survive is strong. I have to give him that. He wouldn't have survived as long as he has if it weren't,' Sesshomaru thought. 'But that scar . . . that scar will be his bane.'
A light breeze had picked up, bringing with it a few familiar scents and interrupting his thoughts. Sesshomaru fought back a sigh then led his brother out of the hot spring. He knew those scents, knew them better than he would have cared to admit. They weren't that far away - he could smell their concern emanating from their direction and they had Jaken and Rin with them. He wrapped Inuyasha in his haori and white fur wrap, the haori reaching his brother's knees. Once that had been completed and Inuyasha was resting once more, Sesshomaru lifted his head in the direction they'd be coming from.
“Sesshomaru . . .”
“Yes, Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru averted his eyes to his sibling.
“Thank you,” Inuyasha smiled faintly, his eyes drooping as sleep began to overpower him. He slept more than what he should have been but Sesshomaru attributed it to his injuries and the fact that Inuyasha probably hadn't received much of a chance to receive true rest during his ordeal. Some of the wounds were still grievous.
“For what, little brother?” he inquired lightly, having a guess as to why his brother would be thanking him.
“For showing that you care . . .” Inuyasha yawned then closed his eyes, his breathing steady. Sesshomaru watched for a moment before gazing in the direction they'd be coming from. The kitsune and neko demon . . . they would have to be his witnesses.
'Then revenge shall be mine.'
* * *
“What did you do, Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru sighed inwardly as he faced the houshi, the demon slayer, and the miko. Behind them were the neko demon, the kitsune, and his servants, Jaken and Rin, and behind him slept Inuyasha. They had arrived in record time, sooner than what he had expected. But this . . . this he had been expecting.
The houshi's face had contorted in rage at the sight of Inuyasha, as had the demon slayer's. The miko's face reflected concern and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, though her eyes never left Inuyasha. Given Inuyasha's current condition, a confrontation had been expected. And he couldn't blame them. He had been just as enraged as they were when he had found Inuyasha. Only the neko had remained calm. Sesshomaru knew that because she'd remained her smaller form rather than transforming. Carefully, Sesshomaru raised his one hand.
“I have done nothing to him . . .”
“Then why is he injured, youkai?” the slayer spat. “You are the only one capable of injuring him like that!”
“No,” Sesshomaru shook his head. “I am not capable of injuring my brother in the way that he has been injured, slayer. To do what was done to him would not only be dishonourable but a disgrace to my father's proud line. I have only helped him.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
Sesshomaru regarded them for a moment. Though he would need the kitsune as his witness, he didn't exactly want the demon child to hear what had happened to Inuyasha. And Rin . . . She, too, was still only a child. Such things were not best to be talked about in front of children. He shook his head.
“The kitsune and Rin . . . Take them somewhere else and have the neko demon watch over them. Jaken, you will accompany them.”
“What?” Four sets of eyes stared at him, blinking every so often. Only Rin, Jaken, and the neko seemed to understand the severity of his words and the current situation. Of course, he'd expect it from Rin and Jaken. They traveled with him. They saw how he behaved towards them and others. The neko . . . he wasn't too sure about. He was, however, grateful that she seemed to understand.
“Take the kitsune and Rin somewhere else and have the neko demon watch over them,” he repeated, irritation lacing his voice. The miko tore her gaze away from him and quickly led the two children away, the neko demon and Jaken following. While they were gone, the houshi and the demon slayer relaxed slightly but kept their guard up. He couldn't blame them, after the number of times he had tried to kill them. Sesshomaru lifted his head and gazed at the noon-time sky, waiting for the miko to come back.
'A lovely day,' he thought. 'Too bad the tidings I have for them are less than pleasant.'
It took the miko only a few moments to take the youngsters somewhere else then return but it was more than enough time for Sesshomaru to gather his thoughts and find the words that he knew he needed to say. They wouldn't believe him, not at first. He knew that. At least, the houshi might not believe him. The miko and the demon slayer were another matter, the slayer having more knowledge of demons than the others. Still, he had to tell them. Inuyasha's life depended on it.
'I just hope he can forgive me for being the one to tell them,' he sighed as he focused his attention on them.
“Now explain yourself, Sesshomaru. What did you mean that you are not capable of hurting Inuyasha in the way that he has been hurt? I've seen you run your hand right through him,” the houshi growled. “I've seen you try to kill him.”
“I mean that he is my brother,” he stated simply. “To injure him in this manner, as I have said, would be to disgrace my family. As much as I've despised Inuyasha, I could never, ever hurt him like this.”
“You're making no sense . . .” the slayer began but he raised a finger, silencing them.
“I am sure you have heard of Madame Yagu, correct?” he inquired. The houshi and miko shook their heads 'no' but the slayer nodded.
“Yes. She is reputed to be running a harem of female half-demons,” she began. “She finds them after they've been cast out of their families and villages and makes them work for her.”
“She can do the same to male hanyous who are to her liking,” Sesshomaru said. “Especially if it appears that they are not being claimed by their families or if they have no mate to call their own.”
“But male hanyous are harder to control in most cases, especially ones like Inuyasha,” the slayer frowned. “The wilder they are . . .”
“The more appeal they have,” Sesshomaru interrupted. “They are shackled down and taken by force by any youkai willing to pay her for the pleasure until they are broken of their spirit and their desire to live. If they escape, they do not live long after that. No one wants a hanyou who's been marked as a plaything and they are unable to take a mate, even if they've already chosen someone.”
At his words, the miko's face paled and tears welled into her eyes once more.
“You . . .you mean that Inuyasha was raped?” she whispered, a hand covering her mouth. Sadly, Sesshomaru nodded.
“Hai. I'm afraid so.”
Tears spilled from the young miko's eyes and she took a couple of steps towards Inuyasha. Then she looked at Sesshomaru, the silent question in her eyes. He gave a slight nod of his head. In a flash, she was at Inuyasha's side, brushing his hair out of his face and wincing at the site of the large bruise on his face. The houshi soon joined her. Sesshomaru stepped to the side, keeping a close eye on the half-demon, and on the demon slayer, who had walked up next to him.
“You'll be claiming him as your brother in a ritual soon, won't you?” she murmured. He nodded once.
“Kirara and Shippo will be your witnesses to the ceremony, along with Jaken?”
“Nothing gets by you, does it, slayer? I take it that was part of your training, wasn't it?”
“Of course,” she nodded. “When do you plan on beginning the ritual?”
“Tonight?” she blinked. “Shouldn't you seek out some more youkai to help you with this before you do?”
“Yes,” he replied. “Tonight. Inuyasha grows weaker with each passing moment. Some of his wounds haven't healed and won't heal until the ritual has been completed. He's exhausted and slowly bleeding to death. If he is to live, the ritual must be completed soon. Keep the miko, yourself, and the houshi at a safe distance or the spell will not work.”
“Why are you doing this, Sesshomaru?” the woman raised an eyebrow at him. “You've never liked Inuyasha. You've always gone out of your way to try and kill him whenever your paths have crossed. What gives?”
“That isn't true, slayer,” he murmured. “We were brothers . . . once.”
Quietly, he stepped away and gathered his brother's clothing. Nightfall would be upon them soon and his haori and fur wrap would not be enough to keep the half-demon from becoming cold.