InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess and The Misunderstood Nightmare ❯ Acting Cival ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four: Acting Civil.
It was pitch black. He could not see anything; he kept looking around until his eyes
adjusted to the pour light in the hut. He was trying to get his bearings; trying to figure out
where he was. Then it hit him like a rock. He remembered what happened last night and
he remembered how he crawled back to his home. What he didn't remember was how his
wounds got cleaned and dressed in cloth. All he remembered was collapsing is his home.
Inuyasha was trying to figure out how his wounds got dressed, when he heard something
moving around. Then he remembered the girl. “She must have dressed my wounds”
thought Inuyasha. Inuyasha got up, and went outside. He could smell all the flowers
around him among some others things. Inuyasha took a deep breath in trying to clear his
mind. He new his wounds were semi serious and that he would have to take it easy for a
little while. Witch is one of the last things he wanted to do at this moment. Inuyasha
heard a twig snap and spun around to see Kagome standing there. “What do you want
wench?” asked Inuyasha. “I just came out here to see what you were doing that's all,”
replied Kagome with a hint of irritation. “I mean you were pretty badly injured.” “I'll be
fine wench just go inside and leave me alone.” Said Inuyasha, wanting Kagome to leave
him alone. “No. I need to talk to you.” Said Kagome, a little hotly. “I need to go home
and I can't get there by my self.” “Well how did you get here in the first place? Did you
have a whole fleet of guards and they all got slaughtered fighting off a whole bunch of
demons or something? And Besides I'm not some babysitter.” Said Inuyasha, who was
getting quite annoyed. “Well I don't care! I can't find my way back without your help!”
yelled Kagome getting more mad by the second. “Well I don't care either! I am not
helping you and there is nothing you can say to change my mind!” InuYasha yelled back
just as equally mad. “But I need to get back home!” yelled Kagome starting to sound
desperate. “You can find your way back just go they opposite way you came!” yelled
InuYasha while walking off toward the lake he new about. Kagome watched him stalk
off with a look of hopelessness in her eyes. She did not think she would ever get home.
Why won't he just take her home? Its not like it would cause him that much trouble and it
doesn't even look like he does anything anyway. This would probably give him a little
fun. Kagome went back into the home/cave that Inuyasha lived in, figuring it was better
to be doing something then nothing at all. Kagome started getting things she would need
to make some stew. She my be a princess but she wasn't stupid like most of the other
princesses. Kagome just hoped that maybe just maybe she could get him to help her.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *with Inuyasha* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Inuyasha was sitting at a huge lake with a weeping willow off to the left. He got up, and
walked up to the lake and stopped just before he hit the water. He swiped his hand into
the water where he saw some movement, striking three fish killing them instantly.
Inuyasha stood up with the three fish and started walking back to his home. Inuyasha got
back to his home, noticing smoke. He ran back to his house thinking somehow something
caught on fire. When he got inside what he saw made him mad and thankful all at ounce.
Kagome was cooking what looked like stew. Well at least his stuff wasn't on fire.
Kagome noticed Inuyasha was back but didn't say anything. She just kept stirring the
stew. Inuyasha gutted the fish, put them on a stick, and put them by the fire so they can
cook. Inuyasha looked up at Kagome; she looked kinda sad. Well she can just be sad
because there is no way he is going to leave this forest. It has been his home for far too
long. “Can I now your name?” asked Kagome. “I mean if you wont take me home I am
going to be here a while and I cant just go around saying “HEY YOU!” all the time.”
“Inuyasha” he said not looking at her. “Well my name is Kagome.” After that, she stared
at Inuyasha wondering what was wrong with him. Why did he go all rigid on her when
she asked if she could know his name? When the food was done they ate in silence. Each thinking something in their own heads. Inuyasha was wondering why this girl would want to know his name. He was a half-demon! No one ever wanted to be friends with a half-demon. While Kagome was wondering, what he was thinking and what was wrong with him. She didn't think she said anything wrong? Maybe he is just extra sensitive.
* * * * * * * * * * The Next Day * * * * * * * * * *
Kagome awoke to the sound of birds chirping and twigs cracking under some unknown
pressure. She looked around and noticed that Inuyasha was no longer I the cave. She got
up and started looking around for him. She walked for a while, starting to get scared that
he might have abandoned her. “Well it's not like I am his responsibility. Even if he did
leave, he wouldn't be abandoning me. He has every right to leave or just kick me out
since it is his home.” Kagome thought. Getting more scared by the second. Kagome
finally found him bathing in a lake. Kagome could see him very well from where she
was. The water was up to his waist showing off his well-toned stomach. Kagome could
see he was in very good shape; his abs were well defined, you could see he had a six-
pack. Kagome followed a drop of water that trickled down his neck, down onto his beautifully
tan chest, to his well-toned stomach and into the water. Leading to other places that made
Kagome blush when she though about it. (mmmm Inuyasha wet and naked…drool…)
Kagome was about to leave and give him some privacy but when she went to turn around
she stepped on a twig. Inuyasha heard a twig snap and turn around quicker then you
could blink. Kagome noticed this and turned around just as quickly due to her
embarrassment at being caught. Inuyasha saw that it was Kagome and relaxed a little bit
but then he remembered he was in a lake and his clothes were on the shore closer to
Kagome then to him. Kagome heard Inuyasha moving in the water and started to walk
away but she heard him tell her to wait and let him get his clothes. That made her blush
more but she did as he requested. Inuyasha got out of the water and put his clothes back
on he was glad he decided to wash his clothes first. Inuyasha told her she could turn
around and when she did she wished she didn't. He was standing there still a little wet
from the lake and he didn't have his shirt on yet. He looked like a god standing there with
the sun shining on him making the water glisten. (mmmm) “Uh I woke up and I couldn't
find you so I went looking. I didn't mean to intrude, sorry.” Kagome said a little
sheepishly, while trying to hold down her blush. Inuyasha put his shirt on much to
Kagome's displeasure. “You shouldn't walk around here by your self. Anyway, come
with me I have to talk to you. They got back to the cave, and sat down. Kagome was
silent; she didn't know why he needed to talk to her. She was afraid that he was going to
tell her that he wanted her to leave. “I am going to take you home. The only reason I am
doing this is because for some types of demons they are going into hibernation soon and
they need to eat a lot. And it will not be safe for you here no matter how much I am with
you. Even if I was with you all the time, it is still hard to protect myself during this season
and I don't need the extra hassle.” Explained Inuyasha not ounce looking at Kagome.
Kagome was starring at him like he was crazy, but at the same time she wanted to hug
him. The only thing that prevented her from doing just that was the memory of seeing
him half naked. “Why?” asked Kagome, curiosity getting the better of her. “I already told
you” come the short reply. “I now that but why?” she asked again. Inuyasha just starred
at her. “Where do you live and what side of the forest?” he asked. “you're avoiding the
question” she said. “Just tell me.” Inuyasha said getting increasingly annoyed. Kagome
noticed this and decided to drop it. “I live on the east side of the forest at the royal castle
witch is right by the border of the forest. I am the princess there.” She said not looking at
him. Inuyasha just starred at her as if she was crazy. Out of all the people that came in
here, he decides to take care of the human princess! He couldn't believe his luck. And to
top it all off he would have to go back there. Kagome was starting to get worried when
he didn't say anything. Maybe he was thinking about killing her since she was the
princess of the humans, or maybe he decided not to take her, abandon her and let her
starve. She was relieved when he finally said something. “Alright I am still taking you
but I am not leaving the forest so when we get close to the castle you are just going to
have to be on your own. You should be able to make there on your own where I leave
you. It won't be that far from the castle. I am not going to ask you why you ran out here,
and in return you don't ask me why I wont leave the forest or why I am helping you.
Deal?” he asked hoping she would agree. Kagome was a little skeptical but she agreed.
“OK good now it will take us at least a month traveling together. This forest is big and
when I first found you, you didn't wake up for days so I was able to travel fast but it will
take us longer now. Especially with hunting season, that is another name for hibernation
season. Where I found you is a good four days run from here to there for me. That is
about a week per day for humans and then with hunting season, it might take longer then
a month. But I will get you there.” Inuyasha finished talking and went to sleep saying
something about they will start in the morning and that she should get some rest. Kagome
settled down, happy that she will go home but at the same time not wanting to. She didn't
want to marry prince Hojo. If only Inuyasha was a prince, she could marry him. She
would actually want to marry him at least. Kagome closed her eyes and went to sleep
with dreams of a certain half-naked honyou dripping wet.
End of chapter from “The Princess and The Misunderstood Nightmare”
Hey peoples! I think I am doing good so far so tell me what you think! Its on as long as some of my stories but I thought it should stop here. Next chapter they start their journey and a few other things. ( and for all you perverts out there what you are thinking is not what I ment!I might not even mean them!) lol I am weird. Oh! And tell me whatcha think about my little Inu bathing in the lake seen! plz?!?!?! Seeya folks! Oh and R&R!!! now!!!