InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess of Two Empires ❯ CHAPTER 5: Instructions in Seduction ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Instructions in Seduction
Chapter 5
Sesshoumaru waited behind a wall, until he was certain all the women had left behind Kagura. Looks like they don't like her, Sesshoumaru thought, unsurprised. A goddess could walk in there and Kagura wouldn't like her.
At the time being, Sesshoumaru felt incredibly ridiculous. He, the great lord of the western lands, was sneaking around his own seraglio for Kami's sake! Be that as it may, if this was the only way to talk to the woman alone, so be it.
Sesshoumaru walked over to the door to the woman's room. He saw she had her back to him, with another of his concubines helping her stand. The woman's hands were clenched tightly and her shoulders were hunched over. I guess she doesn't like the idea of being in my seraglio, Sesshoumaru thought, amused at her reaction. This was going to be fun.
He smirked when he heard her hiss, “Sesshoumaru…”
Kagome suddenly felt unsteady on her feet. She looked down to see Sango on her knees on the floor, with her hands in front of her forehead that was pressed to the marble. That looks like a formal bow, Kagome thought. Which can only mean…
“You called?” Came the sardonic voice, which Kagome had come to despise so much. She felt her blood run cold. Although she was very angry with Sesshoumaru, Kagome had not forgotten what being strangled by him felt like.
Kagome took a deep breath to calm herself, before she casually spun on her heel to face her bitter enemy.
“Sesshoumaru.” She said with a curt nod of her head. “How my I serve you, my lord?” When Kagome noticed he had not reacted in the slightest bit at her words, heavily laced with sarcasm, she looked him in the eye.
The first thing Kagome noticed was that his blank eyes were focused slightly lower than her face. She followed his gaze, and immediately flushed scarlet at the sight.
The second thing Kagome noticed was that her kimono had been ripped to shreds, therefore was indecently hanging off her shoulders. A particularity large gash ran from her right shoulder almost down to her left hip. Not only did it expose her navel, but provided a lovely view of the valley between her breasts. It was obvious that Sesshoumaru was too interested in her flesh to hear to her sarcasm.
Her hands shot up to cover herself as she shrieked,
The instant the woman had turned around, Sesshoumaru had noticed her clothing situation; or lack thereof. He could see the curve where her hip met her stomach, and the gentle sloping of her breasts. He had noticed the problem before, when she was being carried away by the guard. For reasons, which he could guess, he felt his body heating up. I will not react, I will not react Sesshoumaru chanted in his head. She must not know that her body has this effect on me.
When the woman's hands flew to her chest and she called him a beast, Sesshoumaru's eyes snapped up to hers. Anger seemed to radiate from her. He gave her his practiced scowl.
“Do you honestly think a mere onna's body could attract me?” An outright lie, but she didn't need to know this. Her reply was a deep growl from her throat. Despite his better judgment, Sesshoumaru found himself thinking that extremely attractive.
Notwithstanding of his almost unnatural control over all his body's functions, Sesshoumaru still felt certain parts reacting.
He knew that if he did not distract the woman in front of him she would notice this reaction.
Using his demon speed, he sped over to Kagome, where he loomed menacingly over her. She had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye. Sesshoumaru saw several emotions swirling in her midnight-blue eyes, none more significant than the other. Those beautiful eyes, Sesshoumaru thought wistfully. I've never seen the like.
Kagome blushed and turned her eyes from his golden ones, keeping firm hands over her exposed body. She noticed his eyes were more hooded than usual. Kagome was shocked when she felt Sesshoumaru's long slender fingers gently wrap around her chin, and guide her eyes back to his.
“Don't look away from me, onna.” Kagome heard the slight huskiness of his voice as his breath caressed her neck.
She thought about pushing him away, but found she couldn't. This is just like at ball, Kagome thought as she fell under his intoxicating spell. Sesshoumaru's body heat so near to her own calmed her. Kagome's breath hitched in her throat when his hot breath found it's way to his ear.
“You should take a bath, Hime. I have a powerful sense of smell, don't forget.”
Sesshoumaru's smirk widened further when an idea entered his head. He felt Kagome shudder when he breathed on her. Slowly, he reached out his tongue and traced the shell of her ear. It wouldn't hurt to tease her would it? After all, he wasn't doing this because he had any feelings for her.
Although Kagome tried to stifle it, she could not hold back the soft moan of pleasure when she felt Sesshoumaru lick her ear. Her ears had always been more sensitive than most people's. Kagome subconsciously bucked her hips against his in her contentment.
Sesshoumaru suppressed a groan and gritted his teeth. His will to not take the beautiful woman standing before him, whether she liked it or not, was waning fast. His inner beast howled for the woman's flesh. When she subconsciously rubbed her hips against his slowly throbbing member, he almost lost it.
“Sesshoumaru…” Kagome sighed, as he moved his flaming lips down her neck.
“Go. Wash yourself, clean.” With all the self-control he possessed, Sesshoumaru slowly tore Kagome's arms, which were wrapped around his waist, away from him. With a final gentle kiss to her soft lips, Sesshoumaru left the room to go dunk his body in a very cold stream.
Kagome stood in a daze for a few moments more before she realized she was being observed. She looked down to see Sango's large round eyes staring curiously at her, with a knowing smile playing about her lips.
An even deeper shade of red spread across Kagome's cheeks. She's been here the whole time! She thought. Kagome quickly reviewed the last few minutes in her mind. Everything Sesshoumaru had said, and even worse everything he had done, had been viewed by the girl! She was so embarrassed, Kagome couldn't even force her eyes to look into the intrigued brown ones of Sango.
Sango gently placed her palm on Kagome's shoulder. She wouldn't mention what had transgressed in her presence, lest it only cause the woman's embarrassment to escalate further.
“Come,” Sango said softly, jewelry clinking lightly as she gracefully led Kagome out of the room. “I'll draw a bath for you.”
After a little gentle persuading on Sango's part, Kagome seemed to snap out of her daze and followed her down a dimly lit corridor, each side covered in doors and tapestries. Kagome noticed all the wall hangings depicted Sesshoumaru. She felt her heart beat heavily behind her chest at the lush reminders of his perfectness. I'm supposed to be in love with his brother, InuYasha! What's wrong with me? Kagome mentally grumbled, as she felt her lower abdomen twist as they passed by yet another tapestry.
Sango passed many doors until she finally stopped at an important-looking door. It was cut from dark wood and had intricately carved magnolias and cherry blossoms on it. Kagome gasped at the pure beauty of something as simple as a door.
She had to touch the carvings to make sure they were not real. She was almost disappointed to find the flowers were indeed not genuine. The wood, however, was glossed to a luminous degree and felt as smooth as glass under Kagome's fingers.
Sango smiled and watched as Kagome gently ran her digits over the woodcarvings. Sesshoumaru-sama had specifically made sure the palace had simple beauty. From a distance the sliding door didn't look like anything special, but when viewed up close, it was breathtaking.
After a few moments, Sango slid the door open slowly, so Kagome had a chance to take her hands back. The moment the door slid open, both women were enveloped in steamy air and the soft floral smells of soap. When the humid air washed over her skin, Kagome realized just how much she really did need a bath. She sighed in bliss at the thought of a nice warm bath.
Taking her hand again, Sango led Kagome through the door into the steamy depths of the chamber. Carefully sliding the door closed behind her, Sango then instructed Kagome to strip.
For what seemed like the millionth time, Kagome pushed back all thoughts of Sesshoumaru out of her mind. She helped Sango peel way the clothing from her person so she could take her bath that everyone seemed so eager for her to take. She winced a few times when Sango's fingers brushed some tender flesh. Kagome merely bit her lip and remained silent.
“All right, Kagome-san. I'll send some serving girls to help you bathe while I draw the water. Kagome nodded her head in acknowledgement at the girl's words.
Feeling a tad more then self conscious, standing naked and alone in the room, Kagome started humming to herself. She wasn't sure what the tune was, she was making it up as she went along, but it helped relieve some of her tension.
After several minutes, she heard the soft sound of wood sliding against wood, alerting Kagome to the presence of two individuals. She turned to face them, only to remember her nakedness. She `eeped!' in embarrassment and moved to cover herself. Both girls instantly kneeled and pressed their foreheads to the floor
“If my lady would be willing to take us, we have been sent by Sesshoumaru-heika to wash you.” The girl on the left said in a bubbly voice. She looked up at Kagome's face and winked. The other serving girl, on the right, remained motionless and silent.
“Oh,” Kagome said. “Well, um…okay. If that's what Sesshoumaru wants.” The girl who had spoken before gave a wide smile that matched Sango's, and jumped up from her bow.
“Great! I'm so happy I can serve you, Hime! I heard there was a beautiful human woman in the castle, but I wasn't sure. I'm sure we'll be good friends!” The girl said this with several different facial expressions. Kagome couldn't help but be reminded of her younger sister, Rin. She returned the girl's smile.
“Arigato. Watashi wa Kagome to iimas.”
“Watashi wa Yasuna to iimas! Douzo yoroshiku!” She pointed over her shoulder to the other girl. She was staring at Kagome with such intensity, Kagome felt a little uncomfortable. “That's Shihoko. We'll be serving your every need from now on.”
“That's really not necessary! I can take care of myself-” Yasuna cut her off.
“Nonsense! This is what Sesshoumaru-heika wants. Besides it's not a problem. It's not often that we have a human guest!”
“Really?” Kagome asked, genially curious. “There aren't a lot of humans here?”
“Hai!” was the energetic response as Yasuna pushed Kagome towards the huge basin full of steaming water in the center of the room. “Only you, Sango-hime, and some lower status servants.” Yasuna leaned in closer to Kagome. “To tell you the truth, I don't think Sesshoumaru-heika is too fond of humans.”
Kagome was shocked to hear this. After what had happened between her and Sesshoumaru earlier, she would have never guessed he hated humans. Maybe he was just toying with you, said a small voice in her head. Before she had time to make a smart comeback, she felt a freezing hand wrap itself around her wrist. She looked over the see Shihoko staring at her with deep purple eyes. They were almost black. Kagome almost gasped when she saw a thin silky tail dart out of her vision.
“Careful, Hime.” Shihoko said softly in a rich deep voice. “The steps are slippery.” Kagome had not expected the woman to speak to her. She nodded and carefully lowered herself into the water. A lazy smile quickly spread across her face.
“Is the water too hot, Kagome-hime?”
“Iie! It's absolutely perfect!” Yasuna smiled, and started choosing an oil and shampoo.
“Say, Yasuna-san. What kind of demon are you?” Yasuna nodded her head spoke over her shoulder as she struggled to pick what scents to use.
“It's because I'm in my human form. I am a kitsune, a fox demon. In my true form I am still rather small, so it's hard to get around the way I like.” Chewing on her small nails, Yasuna added, “Shihoko-san is a panther demon. But as you can see, one can easily tell she is not human.” Shihoko stared on as if nobody was talking about her. Suddenly her plum eyes fell upon Yasuna indecisive form.
“Magnolia blossom, honeysuckle, white sandalwood, and soft amber.” Both women turned to look at Shihoko, whose face remained expressionless.
“What's that, Shihoko-san?”
“That is what Kagome-hime smells like. Those are the scents you are searching for.” Yasuna smiled and quickly found the said aromas.
“Domo arigato, Shihoko-san.” Yasuna looked at Kagome. “Her sense of smell is much better than mine, which hasn't fully developed yet.”
Kagome nodded and leaned back, so her head could be scrubbed.
So, I hope you like this chapter. It was a real pain in the butt to update, though! I want to thank the nice people who told me to update, because I had been thinking about, but didn't have the motivation. You gave me that motivation!
If you go to, then go to authors, then find `Lady Symone' you will see this story & I have updated up to my most current chapter there. It is a lot easier to update on that site, so I do it more often. You will also find more of my stories.
Bye Bye!