InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Prophecy ❯ Meet the characters ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha. Happy?

This is my first fic so if I have any spelling mistakes or I'm doing something wrong just let me know ok? I have a lot of ideas but I hate to actually let people know the idea's but my friend convinced me to do it. So in this chapter you'll meet the characters. ^_^

Name: InuYumi Youkai (Dog Arrow, Demon)

Age: 14

Race: Dog Hanyou

Gender: Female

Weapons: Sword (Tetsusuiga), Arrows (Human form)

Name: Natsu Taijia ( Summer, Demon exterminator)

Age: 14

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Weapons: Ken-rensa: A weapon much like Kohaku's. A chain with multiple blades located at the end.

Name: Kaze Chisoku ( Wind, Speed)

Age: 15

Race: Wolf demon

Gender: Male

Weapons: Hands, feet and a sword.

Name: Fushigi Youkai (Mystery, Demon) InuYumi's cousin

Age: 15

Race: Dog/ Wind Demon

Weapons: Sword ( Tokijin), wind, poisonous claws

Name: Sou Hoshi (Monk, Priest)

Age: 15

Race: Human

Weapons: Staff, Kazzana ( Air void/wind tannel)

I only added info on my own characters, by the way there will be 2 Shoppous (One older and one younger) Ok this is a very weird fic I and I had it in my head for like ever but I hope you enjoy it. Since school starts soon I will be a bit busy (I'm going to grade 7) but I'll try to update very 2-3 days.