InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Publicity Stunt ❯ The proposal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Couple?The couple was staring at each other. Unspoken emotions were seen in the girl’s eyes. The boy was still awaiting her answer. It either would begin or end his life. As tears begin to spill from her eyes a soft whisper escaped her lips. At first he didn’t hear her.
“What did you say?” He himself whispered afraid by her weeping.
“Yes, YES, YES!” She shouted and threw her hands up around his neck.
His face lit up. He rose from his knees and grabbed his fiancé’s waist lifting from the ground and spinning her around. Once their laughter subsided they locked into each other’s eyes and leaned together to share a passion kiss to celebrate their engagement.
“CUT! Great will keep it. Perfect you too.” The director shouted. Everyone dropped what they were doing to prepare for the next scene, everyone except the ‘couple’.
“Nice acting, tears were a good bonus.” The boy said.
“Not bad yourself but could you put me down?!” The girls said
“Why,” Inuyasha sneered, “you know you like it. Your heart is about to beat out of your chest. “
“Put me down Inuyasha, and get your claws off my ass!” He always ruined everything! When he didn’t budge I puffed.
Inuyasha was partially right. When we first meet on the set of Tokyo High I fell completely in love with the young hanyou. He was tall, muscular, and striking with his golden eyes and white mane. He was like the king of sex and he was only sixteen! But my love soon faded after he opened his mouth. It has been four years and now he is nothing but a sarcastic atrocious bastard and I hate him. Sometimes he would be nice but then he would always ruin it. Yet sometimes when he looked at me with the golden orbs I would become lost and my heart would pound and I just got the impulse to grab the back of his neck and kiss me. But being the good actor that I am I just played it off.Flustered that he used his ears to reveal my hidden secret I kneed him in the groin and tried to make my escape. But to my horror he was still lifting me above the ground and my angry actions caused him to fall forward on top of me. The weight of his body caused me to loss my breath for a second but when my breathing became regular I finally notice our position.I was amazed and embarrassed at how perfectly our bodies fit together. My heart stared drumming when I realized my thoughts. I looked at Inuyasha to see what he would say and was surprised to see him staring at me with an unreadable expression.Our moment was quickly ended when my parent and my best friend Sango showed up.“Kagome?” My mother asked.Inuyasha quickly pushed himself off of me and I was surprised that I was already missing his warmth. I begin blushing and Inuyasha believing it was because of getting caught by my folks grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.
“I guess we should finally tell you’re your loved ones about our secret love affair.” Inuyasha jested.This caused me to blush even harder and I quickly pushed myself off his hot, smokin body.
‘Why am I thinking that? ‘I wonder but decided to ignore.
“You wish Inuyasha!” I glared at him. “Just because we play sweethearts on tv doesn’t mean I like you.” I said with as much venom that I could muster.He just smiled and leaned in closer so that our lips were almost touching and whispered.
“You know you want me Kagome. You’ve always wanted me.” And he placed a soft kiss on my cheek.He turned around and begins walking away. I could hardy catch my breath. It was either because I was so angry or Inuyasha did this to me. I really didn’t want to think about it, so I yelled out so everyone could hear.
“Inuyasha you bastard, remember that I’ve kissed you before and I know that I’m not missing anything. The room suddenly got a little too quiet. Everyone waited for his reply. He stopped in his tracks and turned around with a huge evil smile on his face. A lump caught in my throat.
“Kagome,” he replied, “ I sorry to tell that in all our ‘kissing scenes’ together that I’ve never really actually ‘kissed’ you. I’m always acting, but it sad when even my acting makes you swoon.”
And with that he walked away to his dressing room leaving me dumbstruck , furious, and blushing fiercely red. He was right. Every since the first kissing scene when Inuyasha kissed me, it was the best kiss I’d ever had and I actually moaned a little. I was so embarrassed because I knew that Inuyasha heard me but he hadn’t said anything till now. Sometimes I wanted to kill and other times I just wanted him to grab me and kiss me.I had forgotten that my parents were still here until I heard a soft cough. I was very angry at Inuyasha for saying all those comments while my parents were staring at us but I was more embarrassed. I knew I was going to have to face the music. So I turned around and prepared for the worst.
I had led my parents from the studio to my dressing room while Sango was laughing her head off at me. Once we entered I sat them down and tried to explain."Hey mom and dad I.....can explain!" I began. "We were just playing around you kno...""You know what sweetie right now it isn't the time. We actually came here to tell you some important news." My dad interrupted."Okay. What is it?" I was so relieved that my parents weren't yelling at me about Inuyasha's little comment.'Inuyasha! Next time I see that asshole I 'm going give him a piece of my mind..'"Well, the show seems to have lower rating than expected this year. As you know they weren't excepting this loss since they have already given all actors and employees raises. So right now the network is losing thousands of dollars. They need a gimmick to increase T.V ratings. The show is asking for your help." My dad stated distracting me from my evil thoughts."I don' t understand what do I have to do with this?""We need you and Inuyasha to help bring this show back on top." My mom stated."But what exactly do you want me to do?"" We propose a marriage."'A marriage! Oh I love weddings but why are they telling me this?'"Yeah so who is getting married?" I asked.My parents stole glances at each other causing my pace to quicken.I asked again more forcibly. "Who is getting married?""You, Kagome!" They both answered.The breath was knocked out of me."Who am I suppose to marry?" I whispered."Inuyasha." My dad stated bluntly.I almost fainted. My knees suddenly became very weak. The network wanted me to marry INUYASHA? How would he take this? What would marriage be like with Inuyasha as a husband? My cheek started to burn. But then I thought the network wanted Inuyasha and I to get married for publicity. How would that work? How could they demand this of me? I have free will. No one was going to boss me around.I regained my composure. “What if I refuse?""Sweetie you really don't have a choice. As your manager I have signed a contract forcing you to go through this if you don't you are out of a job and out of our lives, because we will not have a disobedient daughter." My father answered.My body suddenly became weak. I collapsed on the floor. I thought I heard a gasp from pne of my parents but right now I really didn't care.
"Get out" I told them. My mom tried to say something to me but I really wanted to be as far away as possible from my parents.
"I SAID GET OUT NOW!!" I screamed and they reluctantly exited out of my dressing room. My body started to shake either from anger or sadness; I really didn't know which.I laid there for about 30 minutes before I heard a knock at the door. I told the visitor to leave but they walked in anyway. I rose up from my heap about to tell this intruder off until I saw that it was Sango. I ran up to her and hugged her.
"What is the problem Kagome? What did your parents tell you? Sango asked. I quickly sat her down and started from the beginning.