InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Reason ❯ Reminiscing ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inuyasha stared at the sky, taking a break from his work. He was repairing some broken shingles on the top of the Higurashi household. Why, you ask? Because Kagome forced him to. He, along with Shippo, Miroku and Sango, were now living in Kagome's time. Why, you ask? Again, because Kagome said so. Well, actually she didn't decide it for everyone else; it's just that everyone agreed to it while ignoring Inuyasha's objections. Standing on the roof of the house, he wiped some sweat from his brow. He would've loved to remove the stupid hat he was wearing, but he wore it because once again, Kagome said so, along with everyone else again, too. They were all paranoid that someone would see his ears and tell everyone about it. They not only made him wear the damn hat, but they made him wear traditional shrine clothing. As if what he wore wasn't traditional enough! But yet again, Kagome and the others had made him wear it, now that he worked at the shrine. And that was another thing. They made him work at the shrine or else they would've sent him back to Sengoku Jidai by himself. Not that that was a bad thing, but it meant that he would've had to live with that old crone Kaede. He shuddered at the thought. But then he thought that she wasn't that much different than that old guy Kagome called her grandpa.

His thoughts turned to Kagome's grandfather. This time, he didn't shudder, but he started to get angry just at the thought of him. He was so freakin' boring! He told way too many stories, and he told them just a bit too many times. If it was just the stories, he probably could've handled it by doing the same thing everyone else did when the old man started to tell stories. Ignore him. But then there was the fact that he simply refused to give up chasing him around with those stupid pieces of paper that were supposed to exorcise demons. He wouldn't leave him alone for five freakin' minutes. He probably could've handled that too (with a couple of good `sits!' from Kagome, of course), except that he tried to sneak up on him. And it made it annoying. He set up traps everywhere, which couldn't have caught a mouse, much less an inu hanyou. Plus, Inuyasha absolutely loathed the old man's scent. He smelled like something Kagome called mothballs, whatever that was, it made him want to throw up.

He was mumbling something like "One day Kagome won't be there to keep you safe," when he heard from behind him, "Inuyasha! Get back to work!" It was Sango. She was dressed in the traditional miko clothing, but other than that she might've been wearing a kimono. She looked the same in both.

"Keh!" was his only answer as he started nailing down the shingle he had been working on.

"Have you seen Miroku anywhere?" she asked him.

"Where would I know where that hentai monk would be?" he said, then adding, "He's probably at the gift shop, admiring the view."

"I checked there already. It's Mrs. Higurashi who's there. And when I asked her where he was, she said she sent him off somewhere because he was scaring the customers."

Inuyasha snorted. "Trust the monk to scare people away."

"Your one to talk," said another voice from behind him. It was none other than Miroku. "So I hear your looking for me Sango. I never knew you cared so much," He said while stepping closer to her.

But Sango was smarter than that. As soon as he moved closer, she moved back and said, "Save it, monk. You're supposed to be unloading something with the Mr. Higurashi." Inuyasha always knew she was a smart girl. Miroku frowned and turned to go help whatever Mr. Higurashi wanted this time.

"Don't forget to scrub the floors inside the shrine," Sango said while she turned around to go and help Mrs. Higurashi in the gift shop.

"Keh!" was his only answer as she left.

He looked at the thing on his wrist that told time, what had Kagome called it again? A watch. There it goes. He looked at it and it read 3:48. Kagome would be coming home soon. As if on cue, he caught a whiff of Kagome's scent on the air before he actually saw her emerge from the stairway a couple minutes later.

She looked a little flustered as walked into the house yelling up to him, "Hey Inuyasha."

He grunted in reply. She entered the household to change into her work clothes. For the first couple days they worked, everyone was on edge because they didn't know how Inuyasha would react. The usual few insults about how Kagome looked, and that's about it. Nothing really major. No one dared to mention Kikyo, but everyone had it on their minds, especially Inuyasha. But after a while, he had gotten used to how Kagome looked. He didn't even insult her when she passed by him. Most of the time.

Inuyasha paused again as he took off his cap to scratch an itch behind his ears. He was still scratching as Kagome came out of her house and saw that he had removed his hat. As you would expect, she yelled at him. "Inuyasha!"

He stopped scratching momentarily as he answered her. "What is it, wench?"

"Put your stupid hat back on before someone sees your ears!" she yelled. She knew she didn't have to yell for Inuyasha to hear her, but she did it anyway.

"And with you yelling like that someone will see my ears!" he retorted. "Besides, someone already saw my ears, thanks to you, wench!"

"That's exactly why I'm telling you to put it back on! I don't want that happening again. And just so you know, not everyone in my time is as accepting as me, Mina and them!"

"I know that!" he shouted.

Kagome tossed her head and started to walk off and said, "Whatever!"

Inuyasha started mumbling something again about how stupid Kagome was, and how bossy she was, too. If he wasn't wearing that stupid necklace, he probably would've never done anything that he had done up until now. And she still used that stupid incident with Mina. She should've been thankful for it! If it had never happened, he and Kagome would've been stuck together all the time! He remembered the incident as if it was yesterday. Well, he remembered it as if it was more like last week, but that was pretty good, considering it happened almost a year ago.