InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Scrapbook ❯ Marry Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own Inuyasha and I make no money from these stories.

2 - Marry Me - Yellow

“Hey Roku?”

“Yeah Kag?” he answered before adding another block to their teetering tower.

“Someday I wanna marry you. Will you marry me?” she asked with a grin before balancing one more block on top.

The yellow block he’d been lifting to add to their project dropped from his hand and just barely bumped the base of the incredibly tall block tower. It was enough though, and the whole thing came crashing down. He heard her laughing and smiled at her. “Sure, Kag, I’ll marry you.”

It was just an hour later when snack time rolled around and Kagome and Miroku's mothers, who were also best friends, called the two children out for cookies and milk.

“Guess what Mommy?” Miroku said proudly.

“What dear?”

“Kagome and I are gonna get married!”

That had been all it took to get it started. Their parents thought the whole thing was just too cute for words and played along. They’d helped the two select their nicest clothes and her Grandfather had played his part, leading them through their vows, slightly adjusted of course, and pronouncing them boy and best friend/wife.


Miroku smiled at the memory. He’d been the one to insist on the wife part, not that Kagome had minded. For months afterwards they’d referred to each other as husband and wife. ‘Come to think of it, I think there’s a video somewhere too.’

He took in each photo lovingly, wishing everything was still as easy as it had been when they were younger. Seeing her perfect handwriting, he read over what was written around the outer edge of the page as a border. He had to turn the book as he read and this time he laughed a bit more…


She looked so pretty in what she had previously called her princess dress, but that forever after would be called her wedding dress. They’d picked her a bouquet from the garden and there were even little flowers in her hair. He had on the suit his mother had bought for him to wear when she’d had his photo taken. He was nervous but excited at the same time. Marriage was forever, which meant that Kagome would be with him for the rest of his life.

Now they stood before her grandfather who was holding the notepad on which he’d written their vows. He had helped them a lot while they were trying to figure out what they wanted to say, but the words were still mostly their own, and no one but he knew what they’d chosen before the ‘ceremony’. The old man looked down at his granddaughter and her best friend with a wide smile before starting.

“We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two as best friends forever more. Do you, Miroku, take this girl to have and to cuddle from this day forward, through booboos and naptimes, in preschool and beyond with new friends and old, even when you discover cooties?  Do you pledge to share all your favorite toys, to always split the last cookie, and to help clean up the mess even if you didn’t help make it? Do you promise to always hold her above all others in her rightful place as your best friend?”

Their families had giggled and ‘Aww’ed and Miroku had looked her right in the eye as he said “I do.”


Their vows bordered the page and ‘I do,’ was written in a little speech bubble she’d drawn from one of the photos of him. Apparently she remembered that there was a video, because there was no way she could have recalled it all verbatim. Even though he was only four at the time, he meant every word and he still lived by his vows. She was always placed above anyone and everyone else, but learning to share her with new friends wasn’t easy.