InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Shikon Sonnets ❯ HEART OF FIRE ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Heart of Fire

Heart of fire, fueled by desire

Longing for love so pure

Betrayed by those held so dear

Beaten, wounded, bleeding,

How much more can it endure?

It weeps, can no one hear?

Heart of fire, fueled by desire

Shielded for fear, allows no one near

Observes the world as it passes by

Vowing not to love, hoping to be well-off

No more will it feel pain

No more will it bleed in vain

No more will it love another

No more will it weep in night's cover

Sealed away in a fire bubble,

Sealed away from the world to crumble

Longing to be loved by another

Fearing the pain caused by others

Heart of fire, fueled by desire

Longing for love so pure

Hurt by those held so dear

Desperate to keep your heart secure

Sealed away in fear