InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The truth hurts ❯ saving me-part 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Saving me(part 1)
“where am I?”
“you are in my castle miko, make your self at home” a voice said from the window.
“who….who are you?? And why am I dressed this way?” kagome asked rubbing her head.
“I, my love, am the great Hiro no Tashio, or in other words the Tai-Youkai of the south. But you can call me hiroshi.” He said turning from the window and glancing at kagome.
“my you look beautiful in that red kimono…” he said approaching kagome, who was siting in his bed..
kagome shrieked in terror as he approached her, taking off his shirt.
“ do not worry, this will be over soon enough..” he said in a hushed voice as he once again knocked her out.
He chucked as he stared at her eminent beauty.
“you will bear perfect heirs…. Now, time to get started.” He undressed her carefully, laid her on the bed, but before he could take off his hakama, the door to his room bursted open and a blur of silver and red ran into the room and punched him in the face.
“ I told you not to touch her….” The enraged hanyou growled.
“ and you think a baka like you would stop me?” hiroshi said, getting his katana from the night table.
“like hell I do!” Inuyasha roared as he ran towards hiroshi and shoved him through the window, both landing on the ground.
“Miroku we have to get kagome out of here!” sango said as she grabbed her sleping friend and wrapped her with a blanket to cover her.
“ok” Miroku said as he lifted the now covered kagome from the bed and ran to kilala. He jumped on her, sango, grabbing kagome's katana, followed suit.
Kilala kicked off the floor of the room and jumped out the window.they saw Inuyasha and hiroshi battling it out below them.
Inuyahsa paused for a second and met sango's eyes, he nodded in silent agreement, and resumed his fight.