InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Unicorn and the Spider: Kik/Nar drabbles ❯ A Gift in Return ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Theme: Gift

A Gift in Return
Kikyo screamed.
He had given her his poison, gift wrapped in his own maniacal laughter. She had been a fool to think she could affect him. His heart was elsewhere, and his malicious desires were raw, bubbling to the surface. He had nothing left within his hollow frame to keep him from wanting her.
She felt his power seep into her, an extension of himself that trickled biting whispers within the internal works of her unnatural limbs. She gasped and choked feeling more human as she felt herself dying, his ominous caresses grasping away more and more of the energy that stirred her.
Falling, the wind gnashed at her body and she felt herself errantly waiting for her body to shatter like glass on the surface.
And suddenly it didn't matter. It was all for nothing.
She had returned to this world to bring him to his end, and now she would not have that chance. For all of her hard work, the time spent to hunt him and squeeze his strength from the reminder that he'd wanted her had finally dissolved.
And the reward he had given for all her hard work and determination was nothing more than a piece of himself, echoing a final adieu absent of remorse. His greatest rival and the woman he once desired more than anything would meet her demise, and the greatest gift he could receive in return was that no one would come to save her.
She would die alone, fueling his pleasure that she didn't really matter to him or anyone at all.