InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Unicorn and the Spider: Kik/Nar drabbles ❯ Too Cold to Dream ( Chapter 25 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Written for the “Dream” theme at iywiltedrose on LJ, as well as the “Weapon” theme at 30shards on LJ.
Pairings: Naraku/Kikyou, Inuyasha/Kikyou
Rating: PG
Too Cold to Dream
She was a weapon, a tool for the Shikon no Tama. Kikyou knew this well. Whenever she picked up her bow and arrow, she was reminded every time.
Her ultimate goal also reminded her. Kill Naraku - and she would be the instrument of his death, to make the Shikon jewel whole again and destroy him to get her revenge.
However, she was torn. Though she was a tool in this life and in her un-death, she still had the feelings of a woman. Weapons were used for force and aggression, yet her heart and dreams had secretly filled her with hope and love.
She dreamed of him, her lover that she had lost. He gazed at her with golden eyes and stroked his thumb down her cheek. His voice was soothing when he said, “You're not a weapon, Kikyou. You're a woman.” Then she'd fall against his chest and feel at home there.
But the dream would disappear, and she'd be staring into the red eyes of her greatest enemy. She'd ready her bow and aim the arrow. Her jaw tensed, and her finger burned against the trigger. The power of the fractured shards Naraku held sang to her the only song she could hear.
“Die Naraku!” she screamed, and in her clay body she felt so cold, so determined.
She was a fierce weapon, and the arrow fired and pierced through the purple smoke, slashing at her futile dreams that dispelled into the blackened wind.