InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through These Eyes ❯ Happy Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Through These Eyes
Chapter One
Oh Happy Day
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Disclaimer: Inu don't belong to me. If it were so, I'd be in the hospital recovering from wounds given to me by crazy fan girls.

' thinking '
" talking "
« Flashback »
&&& Scene Change &&&

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I smiled. I was in heaven. I jumped off the top of InuYasha's head. He was still and quiet, for once. He was as he should be... with his mouth shut. I landed in piles of pocky, lollipops and other various candy. Kagome was in the corner, she flipped over her bag, emptying more candy into the hut. I opened my mouth wide as I swam through all the delicious treats, eating as much as I could, as I moved through the candy. Off in the distance, I could hear Sango's scream of "HENTAI!" and a loud THWACK!
Oh well, some things never change.


I yawned as I slowly opened my eyes, 'Mmm...another pocky dream.' I looked up at Kagome's face and smiled. She was still sleeping. She was so warm, I snuggled up closer to her. I sniggered as InuYasha glared at me and jealousy flashed in his eyes. Feeling warm, safe and happy, I feel back to sleep.


I awoke sometime later, to the smell of stew. I opened my eyes, I was no longer in Kagome's arms. Instead, I was laying, wrapped up in Kagome scented blankets. Figures, that she wasn't there... InuYasha wasn't there either.



'Yep,' I grinned, 'Another happy day'

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Osuwari: Sit

Hentai: Pervert

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A/N: Very short, but it's meant to be like an prologue. More chapters as soon as I can manage it.