InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Through These Eyes ❯ Bully ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Through These Eyes
Chapter Two


Disclaimer: I still don't own Inu.

` thinking '
"talking "
« Flashback »
&& Scene Change &&
I walked out of the hut, yawning as I walked over InuYasha, who was currently eating dirt. I smiled as I ran over to Kagome and hopped into her awaiting arms.
She hug and cuddled me and I was enjoying every minute of it. It's really amazing how InuYasha always managed to tick off someone so sweet and, usually, calm.

I hopped out of Kagome's arms as she sat down. She handed me a bowl of stew, which she and Kaede had been cooking over the fire.

I raised it to my nose, and breathed deep. It smelled delicious.... I dug in.


InuYasha was still brooding by the afternoon. Apparently, Kagome wanted to go back home. I wouldn't blame her for that, but it just so happened that Kagome made a comment about meeting a boy on the other side of the well, Hogo or something. I know InuYasha is a stupid meanie, but I have to admit, that was a bit dumb of Kagome.

`Ah well, his fault for being the meanie that he is,' I thought as I helped Kaede pick herbs. Kagome had left about an hour ago, she had to sit InuYasha at least 20 times just to make it half way to the well.

About 5 minutes later, I got bored. Kaede is really nice, but a kitsune can only stand so much quiet, we get restless easy. I looked around me, and saw many beautiful flowers. I smiled, `I'll pick some for Kagome'. I picked a bouquet of flowers, and went inside the hut.

InuYasha was sitting against the wall, with his eyes closed. He looked calm, but I know InuYasha, and I know what it's like to be a demon. He was probably as restless as me. I bounded over to him and hopped on his head.

"Hey baka, when is Kagome gonna come back?" I asked as I hit him on the head.. just to make sure I got his attention.

"Runt!" He grabbed me a dropped me on the floor in front of him "How the hell should I know? She went to see that stupid ass, Hoto!"

I frowned, "She is coming back right? You don't think she sealed the well, do you? I mean, if I were her, and I were stuck with you, I'd hop through the well and seal it, too. But I want her to come back. You better not have scared her off!"

For that comment, I got a nice, big, round, throbbing lump on the top of my head.


Half an hour later, I was sitting outside with a box of pocky in my lap and a lollipop in my mouth.

For as tough as InuYasha acts, he sure is gullible. After that comment, I had sat there, rubbing the throbbing lump, staring at InuYasha. It really was amusing watching him fidget and try to act like my comment didn't bother him at all. I did mean what I said though. It's amazing how she puts up with him. If I were her, I would have sealed the well after going through it. Actually, I did want to run after I met InuYasha, if it weren't for Kagome, I would have too.

He's such a bully. But he's still gullible, and not as tough as he acts. He's a gullible bullying softie. And he's a baka. And he has a big mouth, too. Oh, and you can't forget his bad temper. And he's not very pretty to look at, either.


Baka: Idiot/Stupid/Dummy

So, finaaaally, another chapter. Sorry for the slow update, I've been sick. I tried working on a new chapter for so long, but it seems I went brain dead. I even went as far as to ignore my math studies (my teacher didn't even notice!), which I'm failing, to write a new chapter.. but every time I put pen to paper, nothing came.

Thanks for the reviews!