InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Too Beautiful for Words ❯ Too beautiful For Words ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome had just arrived home from the warring states era to find her home empty and a note from her mom saying they went to a friend's house and wont be home until later. She ran up stairs to listen to her favorite song " Too Beautiful for Words" by Christina Aguilera.

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When I try to describe how I feel when you hold me
I get butterflies, I hear lullabies, it's hard to explain

Kagome sat in her room the rain slowly beating on her window reflecting her feelings that day, sad and cold as though she had died. She had told Inuyasha that she had a test but it was all a lie. She just needed to get away, from the demons and especially from him. She hadn't been home in a week, and now she was just sitting in her room crying her eyes out.


Like the sent of a rose or the sound of the rain
It's too precious and too wonderful to give it a name

Even though she hated to admit it she missed Inuyasha, sure she missed everyone else but just the thought of him made her heart hurt. She was in love with the stupid Hanyou, and every time she was around him she wanted to run and hug him, kiss him and play with his cute little ears, the thought made her laugh but was soon over shadowed with the thought that those ears were only for Kikiyo to touch, causing more tears to fall.


Too beautiful for words
A symphony inside me
Too beautiful for words


She cried even more at the thought of Kikiyo, just her name was enough to make her cry a river. The one he loved the one who betrayed him, but died for him, she could never be like her at all. She may be her reincarnation but she was not her.