InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ True Destiny ❯ School Day Blues ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~School day Blues~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Destiny. Dest, talk to me.”
“Because I want you to.”
“Go to hell.”
A light chuckle sounded in her head, “I'm immortal…I can't”
“Fine. What the hell do you want?”
“To give you answers.”
“To what?”
“To your life.”
“I have none.”
“What about your family…ever wonder about them? Wonder why you feel so different from the others…why you have more abilities…I can answer these.”
“Because it's time.”
“Time for what?”
“Time for you to know.”
“What if I don't want to?”
“You do…trust me…I'm your guardian…I know every little thought in your head. Every desire…every wish…every hope…every dream…every fear, and the list goes on.”
“Ha, damn stalker.”
You're not making this easy for me you know.”
“Yeah…I know. You have to work for what you want. That's what I learnt.
“Quit that.”
“That, being all smart.”
“Piss off. I'm not making you stay. Why are you here anyways…are we in a dream?”
“Finally a real question…no, we're talking through our minds. You will remember everything we've talked about unlike dreams.”
“Fine, then let me think about this and let me get some sleep.”
* * *
“Good Morning, Tokyo…today is a great day to get out. Lower temperature then usual, a nice 80…”
“Damn cheery person…always an ass to wake up to.” Destiny said as she yawned. “Let's switch it up,” turning the station she catches one of the stations playing one of her favorite songs. Milkshake. (A/N: Milkshake by Kilis)
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like, It's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge
I know you want it...
The thing that makes me,
What the guys go crazy for,
They lose their minds, the way I whind,
I think it's time.
Warm it up,
The boys are waiting, (2x)
Destiny started to sing to the song as she danced around the dark room looking for her clothes. Hips swaying, and feet moving smoothly through the mess on the floor, she missed the knock on her door followed by Kira walking into the room.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like, It's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge
I can see you're on it...
You want me to teach the,
Techniques that freaks these boys,
It can't be bought,
Just know thieves get caught,
Watch if you're smart.
Warm it up,
The boys are waiting
Kira sat on Destiny's bed. She was obviously oblivious to the fact he was sitting there.
“Hey Pyro. What's up kitty?” Kira said to the jet black kitten as he jumped up on the bed to avoid being trampled by Destiny while dancing.
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like It's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge
Oh, once you get involved,
Everyone will look this way so,
You must maintain your charm,
Sametime maintain your halo,
Just get the perfect blend,
Plus what you have within,
Then next his eyes are squint,
Then he's picked up your scent,
Warm it up
The boys are waiting
The boys are waiting
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
And they're like, It's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours,
I can teach you, but I have to charge
“Excuse me. If you're done with your dancing…I believe that we have less then…oh I say…about 5 minutes to get to school,” Kira spoke as soon as the song had ended. Destiny had stopped dancing and stared at him eyes wide open.
“AH SHIT!” Destiny ran out the bedroom door leaving Kira and Pyro in the room. Kira shrugged his shoulders and lifted himself off the unmade bed, Pyro trotted at his heels as they made their way down the stairs. When they reached the bottom they were almost trampled by Destiny running around trying to get ready.
“Hey Dest, calm down. I have my car so we don't have to walk,” he grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him as he spoke, “So, quit running around and slowly grab your bag and let's go.”
“Good Morning Kira,” Mrs. Higurashi said as she walked by the two teens with a basket of laundry.
“Mornin' Mrs. H,” he replied.
“How are you two this morning?” she said.
“Fine...but I'm running late so bye grandma,” Destiny quickly kissed her grandmother's cheek and grab Kira's hand. She dragged the boy behind her as she ran down the shine stairs.
“In a rush, much?” he asked. Taking back his hand he walked over to the driver's side of his blue mustang convertible he stepped in and started the car. Destiny hopped over the side of the car, to lazy to open the door.
“Drive on James. We don't want to be late now do we?” Destiny ordered.
“Yes, my lady. So do you need a ride home after school?” Kira adjusted his mirrors and pulled of the side of the road and drove towards the school.
“I don't know right now…I'll text or phone you if I need a ride,” Destiny looked nervously at the clock on the dash.
“No worries, Baby-Girl, we'll make it,” Kira reassured.
“Why do you guys still call me that?” she asked.
“Call you what?”
Kira quickly looked at her and returned his gaze to the road. He paused for a minute to think about it. “Because you have always been Baby-Girl and you always will be.”
“Good answer. But I always wondered how I got the name.” she stared off into space as she thought. “Oh well, I'll see you at lunch, see ya Kira. Thanks for the ride.” Destiny leaned over to Kira and kissed him soundly on the cheek. Leaning over the tan leather seat, she grabbed her black school bag and hopped out of the car one again.
Kira just sat there in the car. `Why did she do that? She's…never…done that.'
“Oi Kira! You alive?”
Kira looked to the teen attached to the hand in front of his face. “Yeah, yeah, Kitch.”
The bell rang as he walked up the stairs into the school with Kitch beside him. Kira had a feeling that it would be a good day for him.
* * *
“Hey, how's my woman?” a 16-year-old boy, wearing white sport shorts and a black t-shirt, with his long black hair tied up, walked up beside Destiny and put an arm around her hip. The school bell had rung minutes ago and Destiny had headed out to the parking lot to meet up with her friends.
“Fuck off, Daichi. I ain't your fucking woman,” Destiny threw his arm off of her and walked away.
“But you're my girlfriend, Dest,” he countered. His green eyes stared at her.
“She told you to `fuck off', flee-bag,” Destiny was glad to hear the voice of her friend Kitch followed by the other guys behind him.
“Yeah, so? What are you gunna do, fuck-face? She's MY girlfriend…not yours,” Daichi replied and placed his arm once again around Destiny's hip.
Daichi put a hand to his burning red cheek. He had NEVER been smack like that before. Destiny pulled his arm off of her hips and put it behind his back, then pushed her foot off of his back, flat into a huge puddle. Quickly stumbling out of the water he glared at the teens in front of him.
“You heard her, you…you…you're to sick for words. If I EVER see you touch her again…you, me, and the rest of these guys…you are dead,” Kira spoke as he came up from behind Kitch and put his arm around Destiny the same way Daichi had done. But Destiny did not push him away. The rest of the guys just gave him a look that said `Don't mess with her, or you'll mess with us.'
“I'm gone, come on guys. I think I'm catching loser-itise.” Destiny turned around and headed for Kira's car.
Daichi just watched as the love of his life walked away with five other men, one who had his arm around her. And she ALLOWED it! `She's mine and I'm getting her back.'
* * *
“So why do you wish for me to speak with the Ookami's?”
“Because auntie… I love you?” Numair gave his aunt his best `puppy dog' eyes.
“Nice try buddy, but this goddess ain't budging. Why don't you just ask my mom or Artemis?” the goddess asked. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, shook her perfect head at her nephew. Clothed in a long floor-length pink dress, covered in diamonds, it looked beautiful with her knee length bleach blonde hair, which was left lose, anyone walking the street would have easily spotted the beauty of perfection.
“Because mother wouldn't want me to get this involved with my mission.” he replied. Unlike his aunt, and just like his mother, the young hanyou-god chose a very laid-back style of clothes, which contained kaki pants and a button-up dark green shirt.
“Bull-shit. I know my sister, she loves to dig her nose into anything and takes everything to the max.”
“Mom doesn't want me to get attached. She didn't say it, but I know her.” Numair leaned back on the leather sofa and turned his view out the tall window.
“She's worried that the same thing would happen with you and her as it did with your father and mother. Trust me hun, your mom lost her soul-mate that day. I understand where she is coming from, but I also know how much you care for this girl. I'll talk to them and make sure that their son doesn't mess around many more, ok?”
Numair looked back at his aunt and nodded. “Is it wrong to care about the person you protect?”
Aphrodite shook her head again. “No, never. Isn't that what happened to this young ladies parents? Her father guarded her mother and they fell in love. Just as your mother and father. I know you care deeply about her Numair, but try to do your duty first.”
“You know what I find ironic?”
Numair let out a light laugh before he answered. “Did you know that Koga Ookami was in `love' with Destiny's mother? And now his son is in `love' with her.”
The Goddess smiled. “Life has a funny way of stuff like that. But never fear it also has ways to sort out right from wrong…and that my dear nephew, is wrong.”
Numair smiled while he stood up. Quickly bowing to the elder goddess he turned and left the room. He had some work to catch up on.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
OI!!! I DON'T OWN EM…YOU KNEW THAT! QUIT BUGGIN ME! {Well I DO own Destiny and gang :P)
Lol Angel here again…this chap was kinda put together quickly because I'm leaving for a VACATION!! Ya…my first one in years. Ok this is kinda sad…my sis read this and didn't know who Daichi's dad was in the beginning… that's just really sad.
Thanx again to: thesoulcollector(lol I hate clowns…*shudders* the scare the shit outta me) and Celestyne( lol sry I didn't get a lot of chaps…I had a lot of summer work)
And I say thanks to my Editor Skylily (love ya hunnie) I'll grab the edites for chap 4 when I return.
Thanks y'all and I hope to read some reviews!
Love ya all and see you later,peace.
-Angel aka NyteAngelOfDarkness7