InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds Collide ❯ 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha! I do own Kayla, and the plot, and storyline... There. I said it. (sighs)

Warnings: Adult situations, Language, and Lemons In this story.


What happens when Bankotsu goes through the well? Who is the girl he meets? How will he adjust to this strange, new world? How does he react to shopping at the mall? How does he react to learning to read and write? What happens when her ex fiance appears? How will their families and friends react? Will he ever get back to his time? Why does she have the same mark he bears? What happens when Inuyasha appears BANXOC

Opening Scene:

A young teenage boy with sapphire blue eyes and long black hair pulled into a tight braid that easily reached below his waist, wearing a white haori, and white hakamas with silver armor fitted over his chest and back, and one shoulder; sat on the ground with his back resting against the bone eaters well. This man was none other then Bankotsu, the renowned leader of the Shichinintai.
Bankotsu having had a big battle earlier that day was now sitting leaning his back against the bone eaters well relaxing when a big bear demon attacked, striking to wards him. The bear having caught Bankotsu off guard, as he had been busy day dreaming.
He snapped out of his trance like state just in time to dodge the bear demons attack. Bankotsu grabbed his Banryu and rolled out of the way in one fluid movement.
Bankotsu jumped to his feet, faced the demon and yelled, "Hey ugly, that was close! Where did you come from anyways?" The bear demon glared at him and roared, "Give me the jewel shards!" Bankotsu smirked and taunted, "Come get 'em, big dumb and stupid!" while lifting his Banryu over his head.
The bear crouched down rushed forward and slammed into Bankotsu's stomach; which caused a shocked Bankotsu to loose his grip on Banryu mid-swing and resulted in him flinging his Banryu into a nearby tree. Bankotsu narrowed his eyes at the demon and hissed, "You'll pay for that!" Then charged towards the bear with his fists ready.
The bear stood up tall again and brought a claw up and down towards Bankotsu; who quickly dodged the attack, and moved in for a kick. The bear using a claw blocked the kick knocking a surprised Bankotsu completely off balance, causing Bankotsu to falter back a bit and stumbling to regain his balance, he hit the well and the momentum as well as the weight of his armor, caused him to fall back wards as he flipped over the rim of the well and fell into the well.
A blueish white light enveloped him and he wondered the hell what was going on and he was getting just a little bit freaked out. The next thing he knew the light disappeared and he was at the bottom of the well.
He grunted as he hit the ground then rolled on to his side, got on his knees and pushed his self up while panting harshly. He then dusted his self off and looked up, immediately frowning when he saw a roof was now hanging over the top of the well.
Bankotsu wondered what the hell just happened. Unknown to Bankotsu, he had been transported to Kagome's time...

Chapter 1:

Bankotsu sighed heavily, knowing he wouldn't get any answers just standing there. He began to climb his way out of the well. Once he reached the top he hefted his self over the rim and looked around and immediately realized he was not where he fell from. He took his time taking in the foreign smells and sights of his surroundings and confusion clearly visible on his face, yelled, "What the fuck!? This can't be right!"
Kayla who was wearing a brilliant red v neck style t shirt and some red daisy duke style cut off jean shorts that both molded to her lithe voluptuous body like a second skin, with her waist length midnight black wavy hair pulled up into a high ponytail was; sitting with her back against the main part of the tree on one of the highest limbs of her favorite tree and thinking.
She became some what startled when she heard the angry yell, because she knew she was supposed to be the only person there. After thinking it over a minute and deciding to investigate; she jumped down landing gracefully on her feet. She looked in the direction the yell had come from; realizing it was over by the well house.
She began to make her way to wards the well house. Upon reaching the well house she peered inside and her eyes widened in surprise as saw a strangely dressed, man standing there. She quickly noted his strange attire, powerful build, and long braided hair.
Frowning she approached the stranger and reached out and grabbed his elbow, to turn him to face her and looking right in his face demanded, "What are you doing in there!?"
Bankotsu some what shocked by being whirled around and coming face to face with an angry woman; quickly scanned over her petite frame, noting her athletic and womanly build and angry face.
He looked into her eyes and demanded, "Hey wench where the hell am I? And what is going on!?"
Kayla stared into his eyes, noting they were a very unique shade of blue and demanded, "My name is KAYLA learn it and use it! I refuse to answer any questions until you do so!" Then she spun around on her heel and stormed off to wards her house; which was located behind the shrine.
Bankotsu blinked in shock at her audacity to actually yell at him, then shook his head to clear it and then jogged to catch up to her. He reached her, grabbed her elbow, spun her around, so they stood face to face, and demanded, "Answer me Kayla! What the HELL is going on!?"
Kayla looked at him a few seconds, sighed and said, "Well, judging by the attitude, clothes, and the jewel shards in your neck, and wrists; I assume you came through the well from the warring states era."
Bankotsu looking clearly perplexed demanded, "What the fuck are you talking about!?"
Kayla yanked her arm out of his grasp and sighed heavily then looked him in the eye and said, "To put it simply, you are five-hundred years in the future from your time! That well is a cross between the eras! Now either try going into it again or shut up and leave me be!" while pointing in the direction of the well house.
Bankotsu, stared at her a moment, then spun on his heel, and stormed back to the well house. Once he arrived, he stood by the well a minute, sighed heavily and jumped into the well again but became frustrated when he only ended up at the bottom of the same well he had jumped into.
Kayla who had followed him back to the well house; peered down at him then sighed and said, "Looks like you are stuck until the damn thing opens up again."
Bankotsu glared up at her then sighed heavily and grumbled angrily, "Just what I fucking need." as he proceeded to once again climb out of the well. Upon reaching the top he once again hoisted his self over the rim and turned to face her.
Kayla looked at him and said, "You may as well stay at my place I suppose. And if you are nice, I might even try to teach you about my era. Follow me or don't it's your choice, hot shot." She spun on her heel once again and walked off to wards her house.
Bankotsu followed her, taking the chance to get a better look at her. He realized he was checking her out and sighed heavily wondering what the hell had come over him.
Once they were inside he grabbed her elbow again and spun her to face him, and commanded, "Now explain to me what the hell you are talking about!"
Kayla yanked her arm free while glaring at him and said firmly, "Sit at the table while I make dinner and I will explain then."
He stared at her as he sat down, and propped his feet up on the table and asked, "What do you mean by your era and my era?"
Kayla who had already begun preparing the food stopped, looked at him and said, "Different time periods. My time is five-hundred years in your future."
Kayla walked over to her book self, picked up a book about the feudal era and carried it over and set it in front of him; opened to a certain page and showed it to him. Kayla stated evenly, "This book is records from your time period, or era." Kayla added, "And in this time period Demons either don't exist at all OR they hide themselves and their auras extremely well."
Kayla sighed and said, "I am guessing you fell through the bone eaters well and for some reason came through to my time; most likely because of the jewel shards in your neck and wrists."
Bankotsu shot up to his feet and demanded, "How can you know that!?"
Kayla looked him dead in the eye and said, "I can see them clear as day, idiot. Kagome told me all about the well and the jewel."
Bankotsu looked thoughtful a minute then mentioned, "Kagome huh? Oh you mean Inuyasha's wench."
Kayla hid a smile and said amused, "I suppose you could call her that, She is also my cousin."
Bankotsu looked around, not seeing any signs of another occupant looked back into her face and questioned, "Where is your husband!?"
Kayla laughed bitterly and replied, "I am not married, I don't even have a boyfriend. Apparently the guys in my era consider me to damn smart and to out spoken for a girl. They either aren't interested or get scared off because of my in your face attitude."
Bankotsu looked at her thoroughly inspecting her again, noting her killer body, then stared into her eyes and announced, "Well they are idiots then. I like when a woman isn't afraid to speak her mind."
Kayla who had seen his roving eyes, said embarrassed, "Thank you."
Bankotsu sat down again and proclaimed, "Mousy, meek females are weak and boring."
Kayla said, "One thing I will NEVER be is an air head who just waits around for some guy to notice her! I am an out spoken, up front, in your face type of girl. ALWAYS have been, ALWAYS will be. The People who don't like it, can just kiss my ass!"

Bankotsu's POV

“I can see where they would think that, but damn a feisty woman ALWAYS turns me on! I am not the type to go for a shy, quite, meek, weak, girl who won't even argue back! I prefer a woman with brains, body, and spirit!”
I sat there letting all she had told me sink in.
“Maybe I can wait for that mutt and that Kagome wench to show up and strike them then! Except, my Banryu isn't here!”

Regular POV

Bankotsu looked thoughtful, then scowled deeply and yelled, "FUCK!"
Kayla who had gone back to cooking, turned around, glanced at him and queried, "What is it?"
Bankotsu growled, "My baby is alone and in the other time."
Kayla asked confused, "Why would your baby be alone!?" Then yelled, "Idiot! Don't you know infants are helpless!?"
Bankotsu glared at her and clarified, "By my baby, I meant my precious halberd."
Kayla looked at him sheepishly and said, "Oh..uh...sorry." Bankotsu shrugged.
Kayla finished the food, set his bowel in front of him and decreed, "Here, eat up before it gets cold." Kayla sat down and began to eat her own food.
Bankotsu ate his food and with surprise clearly evident on his face, looked at her and exclaimed, "Hey, this is actually pretty damn tasty!"
Kayla mumbled, "Uh thanks, cooking is one of the few things I AM good at." She put her dishes in the sink and walked down the hall. Reaching into the linen closet, she pulled out fresh linens for the extra bedroom and walked into it.
She carried them over to the bed, stripped the bed and made the bed, then went into another room, and a minute later came back out with some sweat pants and a t shirt that used to be her father's.
Kayla walked back to the kitchen and thrust the clothes at Bankotsu as she instructed, "Here change into these for now. In the morning we will go buy you some decent clothes for my time."
Bankotsu accepted the clothes as he looked at her and questioned, "Who's are they?"
Kayla looked a little sad and she explained, "They were my father's until he died. I just haven't gone through and thrown his stuff out yet." Bankotsu nodded.
Kayla added, "Follow me and I will show you where you can sleep." Bankotsu nodded and followed her to a door about half way down the hall way. Kayla stopped by the door and informed him, "You can have this room however long you are here. The linens are fresh, and there is a bathroom right next to it."
Bankotsu nodded and said, "Uh, Thanks."
Kayla nodded and mentioned, "I get the felling you are gonna be here a while, so we might as well know each others names."
Bankotsu grinned and looked her dead in the eye and proclaimed proudly, "I'm Bankotsu, leader of the Shichinintai." He watched her closely and was secretly pleased as her eyes widened in shock as he said that.
Kayla was shocked and gasped and exclaimed, "Wow!" After getting over her shock she looked him dead in the eye and continued, "Ok Bankotsu, I have heard about you and your friends from Kagome." Bankotsu smirked. Kayla mentioned, "Good night Bankotsu." then turned to walk off.
Bankotsu reached a hand to her elbow, effectively stopping her. She faced him and staring her in the eye and he queried, "Don't you realize I could easily kill you or rape you; at any given moment I so choose!?"
Kayla jerked free of his grasp, glared at him, hands on her hips and stated dead seriously, "I doubt even you would be stupid enough to kill or harm the ONLY person in this ENTIRE era able to explain what is happening and or even willing to help you adapt."
She held his gaze as she warned, "Make no mistake Bankotsu, if you mess up even once; I will throw your ass into the street so fast your head will spin! You will be with out food, shelter, and company. Completely on your own. Understood!?"
She turned on her heel and stormed off to the end of the hall and slammed the door and went to bed. Bankotsu stood there in shock because no one had ever dared speak to him like that before!

Bankotsu's POV

I stood there completely shocked because NO ONE had ever DARED speak to me; Bankotsu the merciless leader of the band of seven, like that before.
“What the hell just happened!? I was just threatened and by a woman no less. Damn but she has got spunk. I think I might just be able to tolerate her after all.”

Regular POV

Bankotsu chuckled, carried the clothes over to the bed, deposited them at the foot of the bed, removed his armor setting it against the wall, pulled back the covers, sighed and crawled into the bed, then laid down and went to sleep.

Author's Note: Okay guys and gals there is chapter one please remember to read and review thanks.