InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Un cuento de dos amores(A tale of two loves) ❯ recollections4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: As much as I love Inuyasha sadly I do not own him. Now on with the story!
And thanks so much for the reviews! No I did not take offense to the suggestion, on the contrary, I found it quite insightful and helpful thank you. As you can see I added the English part so I don't confuse anyone who's already read some of it.
Shopping with Inuyasha could not have more bittersweet. While I liked the fact he was less impatient and didn't fight much on my taste of clothing, having to sit there while he tried it on and not drool or blush seemed to be proving quite difficult.
The first order of business was to get him to fit in so to say. So we found some jeans we both liked, he liked baggy on the legs and I liked nice fitting on the rear end. (Of course I told him I liked the fabric.) I also had thrown in a simply red button down to serve as a security blanket sort of, to remind him of his fire rat robe.
The next stop had been some tennis shoes which proved to be a much more difficult task.
“Oh come on Inuyasha, you need at least one pair of shoes!”
He may have been human but he was still as stubborn as the he was thick headed. I would have to approach this in a different manner.
Putting the shoes aside I took both of his hands into my own and looked deeply into his eyes. “Please Inuyasha, I promise you'll never have to wear them again and you can pick where we eat, please?”
Maybe it had been the pout, or maybe it had been how close I had been standing, either way I managed to get a “Keh,” out of him to let me know I had won. Score two for Kagome.
I gave him a quick hug and let out a squeal as I ran to the cashier to pay for the shoes before he changed his mind.
We made our way throughout the mall picking up more jeans and more t-shirts, most of which were red and my favorite which was a very nice tight black one. Yes I was a pervert. But could you really blame me? After all I had spent the better part of the three years in the feudal era traveling with a very hot hanyou and having to ride on his back while his claws gently caressed my thighs-
Damnit all to hell. Shaking my head I did my best to regain my composure. And there in the mall staring at me like I had lost my mind was the last person I had wanted to see.
“Hi Hojo how are you doing?”
His face had brightened up considerably at my fake cheeriness and I feared he still had a crush on me.
“I'm great Kagome, but is it safe for you to be out in your conditon?”
Inuyasha's grip tightened on my hand and I then realized that Hojo had yet to acknowledge him, that and he greatly disliked Hojo.
“Oh its okay I haven't been too ill lately and Inuyasha would take me home immediately if I didn't feel well. By the way Hojo I don't think you've ever met him, Inuyasha this is Hojo, Hojo Inuyasha.”
Hojo being the nice guy he was immediately stuck out his hand to shake his but when Inuyasha gave him a glare that could send Naraku running he quickly retracted it.
Placing my hand on Inuyasha's arm I tried to make a run for it, “Well Hojo, I really hate to leave so quickly but we're on a tight schedule, I'll probably see you at school next week.”
And that was that. We quickly dogged into the very next store and I was so relieved to be away from Hojo, a few more seconds and he would have been asking too many questions for Inuyasha's liking. Turning to look at Inuyasha I found his expression unreadable. He looked pissed off but he wasn't yelling. Trying to fix the situation as best as I could I did the only thing that could cheer him up;
I suggested food. “So do you want a snack before diner?”
This sent him off into a thinking spell of all the possibilities, after all we weren't in the feudal era anymore. On the way to the food court I explained to him all of the possibilities and we ended up at WacDonalds with shakes and burgers. Mama would not have been pleased at our nutrious selections.
Before we knew it, diner time was approaching and Mama's cash was depleting. So we concluded our shopping trip and decided to drop off our many bags at home before going out to eat.
The whole experience had been nice, aside from the uncomfortable Hojo part. Inuyasha was more at ease and we actually joked around and talked more. Many times I thought `he's just a normal guy' and then when some old man had bumped into me I quickly realized that Inuyasha wasn't just some normal guy, he was a very tough, dangerous guy that wanted to rip that old guy to shreds. And that one was the one I had grown to love.
Throwing all bags on my bed we left the shrine to find a decent place to eat. The first place that had popped into mind was this nice traditional Japanese restaurant that was a six blocks down the road. I figured that surely they would have something for Inuyasha to eat.
Waiting at the bus stop I decided to try something different. “Let's walk.”
“Huh? Are you sure I thought you said your feet were hurting?”
Giving him a smile I squeezed his hand to reassure him that I was fine. “I'd much rather walk, than have to get back on a bus.”
Shrugging his shoulders he simply said, “Alright.”
Truth be told, the sun was already setting and it would be dark soon. And even though our country had one of the lowest crime rates in the world Mama hardly ever let me go out alone at night. This would definitely be a nice change and hopefully make Inuyasha more at ease than having to ride `some kind of contraption of steel'.
Arriving at the restaurant we chose a secluded booth in the back, not for romantic purposes but I was sure that Inuyasha was tired of interactions with humans.
Our waitress took or orders before leaving us and giving a wink to my companion.
Conversations up until now had been comfortable, more like two best friends talking about everyday stuff, and hardly any arguments. But when he asked, “Kagome can I ask you something?”
I just knew our progress from the whole day had just gone out the window.
I'm evil. Hahaha Sorry guys I hate to leave it at such a horrible cliff hanger but it's really late and I haven't been sleeping much lately. But don't worry I'll finish the last part of the `1st day back' tomorrow.
Preview of next chapter: Sleeping arrangements. “You're sleeping where?!”