InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unbelievable But True ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes: I finally updated! ^^ isn't that great? Im sorry to say but these chapters for this fic will be short since i can think of nothing..and no ideas will come to mind. I need opinions and ideas everyone..or this fic will never be completed.

Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome

Unbelievable But True : Chapter II By: Clow Angel


Kagome woke to something furry and fluffy on her and immediately unwrapped her arm from the fluffy thing. She opened her eyes further and stared in shock at Sesshoumaru's tail. The tail which she had been clinging onto a few seconds ago. '...I'm still alive.. That's a good sign..' She gave an inward sigh of relief.

"So you've woken up from your slumber." He reclaimed his tail and wrapped it around his shoulder again.

"Arigatou..for uhm..keeping me warm with your tail."

"Don't be. I just didn't want you to freeze to death before meeting Rin."

"And WHO exactly IS this Rin??" Kagome shoots a glare at his calm figure. "Is she another arrogant demon, since I highly doubt she is human?"

"Do not speak of Rin in such a way because you will deal with me." He glares down at her with his icey eyes. "And you will soon find out who she is when you get there. I expect you to take good care of her." '..since most yokai hate humans..this is what it comes down to..'

"Yeah..sure, whatever," she snorts. 'Yeah right, as if the almighty Sesshoumaru would keep anyone with him other than youkai. A human girl is completely out of the question.'

"We have arrived." Sesshoumaru announced as they descended. Kagome landed with a THUMP on the hard ground. She stared in awe at his home, forgetting her sore bottom from the rough landing. It was a castle! She quickly gets up and dusts herself off.

"SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!!!!" A little human girl runs up to him and hugs his leg, being that she's so short. Kagome was about to pull the girl away when the girl said.."Rin missed you very much!! Jaken not be nice to Rin! Jaken call Rin stupid!"

Kagome's eyes grew wide. 'She WAS a human! A human GIRL too! What's going on here??' She grew even more surprised when Sesshoumaru placed a hand on her head and ruffled her hair affectionately and replied, "Did Rin behave? I brought someone to play and take care of you."

"Yes, Rin behaved! Rin even picked flowers for dining room and Sesshoumaru-sama's room!" Rin looks up and sees Kagome standing there in shock. "Why is pretty lady staring like that? Is you sick? Are you the pretty lady Sesshoumaru-sama brought to play with me?"

Kagome recovered from her shock and smiled down at the little girl and bent down to her level to speak with her. "I'm fine, I was just thinking. You must be Rin-chan. And yes, I'm brought here to take care of and play with you. I can see Jaken isn't much of company. By the way, my name is Kagome!" She smiles pleasantly at Rin again.

"Can Rin call you Kagome-oneechan?"

"Yes you may."

Sesshoumaru stared at the pair as they conversed. 'I guess it wasn't such a bad idea. She seems fond of children and her being human is good for Rin since she is one of their kind.' He then spoke up in a commanding voice but you can see the love in his eyes. "Rin, go play in the garden. Jaken, go with her." Jaken immediately raced after the energetic little girl.

You can hear Rin yell out "See you later, kagome-oneechan!!!!"

"We have matters to discuss. We will talk it over in the study room after dinner has been served. For now, you will get ready. I will NOT allow you to wear such indecent clothing around Rin." He then walked off after ordering a servant to take her to her room and get changed.


Meanwhile...with Inuyasha

"You need to rest again?? You weak humans! We have to rescue her from Sesshoumaru before anything happens! Being with Sesshoumaru is dangerous and we can't afford to delay!" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Well, I'm sorry we're human! We care for Kagome too, but we can't fight if we're not in top shape." Sango retorted, getting angry.

"How many more days til we arrive at our destination?" Miroku asked.

"At this pace..I'd say a week and a week is way too long!! That's why I want to HURRY!!!!!"

"We'll have to rest for tonight though. It is already nearing dark and we cannot travel so well at night." Miroku pointed towards the sun that's about to set in a few hours to indicate his point.

"Fine. We will rest, but we're heading off at sunrise!!" Inuyasha humphed and jumped into a nearby tree to keep a lookout. Miroku and Sango shook their heads and sighed. They made the campfire then proceeded to cook some ramen that Kagome left. They ate and talked about their plans. An hour or so after sunset, they all went to sleep with Shippo curled up on Sango.


Back to Sesshoumaru's Castle

Kagome had went to the hotsprings to bathe. She couldn't believe it. It was a beautifully decorated room; full of sakura trees, with the smell of sakura blossoms drifting in the air. She quickly bathe and had come back and was dressed up in a kimono Sesshoumaru had provided.

"Pretty.." Kagome stared at her reflection from the mirror infront of her as she examined herself. She was dressed in a white kimono with dark blue sleeves and midnight flowers decorated it. Her bow was also of midnight blue. She looked absolutely stunning. She turned to the servant who had kept her head bowed through the whole process of clothes changing. 'I wonder if she's human..?' Kagome wondered why she always did that. 'Are they not allowed to look up or something?' She blinks."Yes, milady?" The servant asked politely, feeling her glare on her.

"Why do you not look up?"

"We servants are to serve. We are lower than Sesshoumaru and should hold respect for him."

"Does that mean you have to bow ur head like that all the time? You can look up at me and I don't like such formalty either. Just call me Kagome."

"Yes, mi-Kagome-sama," She raises her head. She has the most stunning eyes. They were green with a silver ring around her iris. They looked so gentle. Her hair was midnight black. She had a blue stripe on each cheek. She was also dressed in a black kimono. Silver flowers adorned it.

"Just call me Kagome. And wow! You're so pretty!" Kagome beams a smile down at her. "What's your name?"

"It's Sora, mi-Kagome-san." This is when Kagome notices her wings on her back. Her eyes widen with surprise. "Wow! You have wings! That's awesome!"

"Kagome-san, I will escort you to your room now. In a few hours, I will come to bring you down to the dining room to eat with Sesshoumaru-sama, and Lady Rin."

Kagome followed her into the winding hallways. 'Never knew it would be so big inside.' She stared at each door as she passed by when Sora suddenly stopped. She nearly tripped over her. "We are here."


"Please take an hour or so to settle down and rest." She smiles, then takes her leave, leaving Kagome standing there staring dumbly at the door. She finally gets out of her trance and enters the room. 'Wow.. very nice.' It was a fairly large room, much larger than the one at her home. Everything was made from fine wood, gold, and silver. She looked at a shelf by the bed which was situated on the right and saw several kimono neatly folded. Pink sheets adorned the bed with fluffy pillows. Over her desk which was about three meters away from the bed, was a portrait of what seemed to be Sesshoumaru's parents. Inbetween the bed and desk was a big window. Silver curtains hung on either side of it. In the bottom left corner of the room, there was a wardrobe. 'It's probably filled with more clothes or some other stuff..'

'Waah.. I'm so sleepy suddenly.. Might as well take a nap..' She plopped down on her bed, yawned once, and quickly drifted off to dreamland. Her last thought was: ' comfortable...'


Author's Note: Finished!! ^__^ Crappy? I know! ;-; Boring? I know that to, but hey! I can't think of anything exciting yet and I suck at describing fighting scenes. When I think of something exciting enough, I'll write it. And also...PLEASEEEE!! I need ideas and opinions. Don't hesitate in telling me what I need to improve.