InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Allies: Chosen, The Tosusaiga's True Master ❯ Of Mikos and Legends ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

{Disclaimer: See Chapter One, lovely!}

SF: My computer is having a mid life crisis, so if you don't see your review response below just email it back to me and I'll put it up on the next chapter. I don't know what the hell's wrong with this thing!

Chapter Two:

Of Mikos, Legends and Fables

Sesshoumaru slammed Inuyasha against the tree again before flicking him across the clearing like a piece of lint. Sango and Miroku landed before them a few moments later. They noticed the blood, the bodies, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru arguing, but no Kagome.

"Where's Kagome?" Sango asked as Kirara transformed into a cute kitten. Shippou started to cry, the stress of the situation too much for him.

"Naraku attacked us. He kidnapped her."

Shippou started to wail, calling for his surrogate mother pitifully. Sango and Miroku watched in sympathy then were flabbergasted as Sesshoumaru approached the base of the tree. He raised his arm, much as Kagome had done minutes before, and silently beckoned the kitsune to his shoulder. Shippou stared at him in openmouthed awe for a moment; then timidly climbed down, wiping his face on his sleeve. Sesshoumaru reached inside his pants pocket and handed Shippou a handkerchief as he settled on Sesshoumaru's shoulder. Sesshoumaru turned back to the others, his features once again calm.

"What happened?"


Sango and Miroku moved the camp to their new position as Inuyasha and Shippou explained to the very unhappy taiyoukai what happened to his 'possession'. When they were finished, Sesshoumaru sat cross-legged, a slight frown on his face.

"If I had known how incompetent you were in protecting her Inuyasha, I would have brought her with me instead of allowing her to stay with you."

Inuyasha jumped up, glaring at Sesshoumaru. "What in the hell are you talking about? Of course I can protect her!"

"Is that why I found her surrounded by youkai earlier this afternoon?"

Inuyasha faltered, but recovered quickly. "YOU kissed her! Just what are you trying to do?"

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and leaned back against a tree, heedful of the kitsune still on his shoulder. "What I want with Kagome is no concern to you."

"No concern!" Inuyasha hollered, startling sleeping birds out of their nests. "Of course it's my concern! She's MINE!"

Sesshoumaru's hand shot out and grabbed the front of Inuyasha's haori. A split second later, Inuyasha was up close and personal with Sesshoumaru's snarling face. Shippou moved to the safety of the above branches.

"Is she?" he demanded, his eyes turning red slightly. "From what I saw three months ago, you are mated to another. As I said, what I do with Kagome is no concern to you."

He unceremoniously shoved Inuyasha back across the campsite. Miroku sat down beside Sango, on the other side of the fighting youkai.

"Excuse me, Sesshoumaru-sama," Miroku interrupted. Sesshoumaru resumed his position against the tree, and Shippou returned to his shoulder. Miroku took this as a cue to continue.

"Not to dwarf the seriousness of Kagome's kidnapping, but what I've wondered about is the awaking of her powers. It seems that she has changed since her three weeks with you. What happened, if I may ask?"

Sesshoumaru sighed, then related to them the events at the miko village, leaving out him being a slave, Rin, and her dream. He didn't want them to know he had such a link with her yet and felt Kagome's dream was personal. Miroku nodded his head in concentration when Sesshoumaru finished.

"So the feathers that were there when she fought this afternoon were there when she defeated the mikos. That is strange indeed." Miroku added more wood to the fire, then sat down beside Sango. He smiled at her when her fist balled up, a silent signal that he wasn't going to try anything for the moment.

"I've never heard of a miko's power manifesting in such a way. It's almost an elemental power, with the ability to purify as an added bonus. The feathers are another mystery. Why would a miko use feathers?" Miroku scratched his eyebrow thoughtfully. "The only creature I know of is only in fables."

"What fable, Miroku?" Shippou asked drowsily. Whether Sesshoumaru realized it or not, his tail was rather comfortable and Shippou was slowly relaxing against the youkai lord. Shippou rubbed his eyes as Miroku explained.

"Well, there is a fable I was once told as a child. It was about a bird of some sort. It was white as snow and it saved the life of a mortal woman that turned out to be one of the Fates. Anyway, its said that when it attacks, it leaves white feathers in its wake."

"I have heard of such a creature," Sesshoumaru interjected. "It is said to live as long as youkai, if not longer, but walks in the world of humans. The creature is, as you said, a mere fable. Kagome is human."

"When did you start calling her by her name?" Inuyasha asked. Just as Sesshoumaru was going to answer, Shorin landed beside him. She bowed before him and the others before speaking.

"Forgive me, my lord, but there is trouble at the castle."

Sesshoumaru stood and motioned the others to do so as well. "Follow us. I expect the neoyoukai can keep up."

Sesshoumaru and Shorin disappeared in the treetops above, leaving Inuyasha and the others to follow. Sango and Miroku caught up with Sesshoumaru soon after, with Inuyasha running along the forest floor below. When they reached Sesshoumaru's fortress minutes later, they're eyes widened in horror.


SF: Well, people, Kagome is the only one with me today.

Kagome: Yeah, I stayed behind. Everyone else is at the club.

SF: Right, so maybe things might go smoother than last time.

Kagome: Let's hope so.

SF: Let's get this over with before the peace is ruined. The preview isn't below because you're supposed to push the purple button. The responses and the recommendation for the week are below.

RECOMMENDATION: Cry Me a River by Moonlight Cresendo

This is a really funny story! It's an AU about Sesshoumaru and Kagome set in the 21st century. Sesshoumaru wants Kagome's father's company, but to get it he has to marry Kagome. I suck at summaries people, like you don't already know. Trust me, this is a good one, recommended to me by our very own Sesshyangel. Everyone glomp Sesshyangel for this jewel and read 'Cry Me a River'. Make sure to leave a review so she can update.



Paige: Thanks so much! Come back anytime!

Ashleigh: Where have you been? I would have started asking about you if you hadn't showed up. Thanks for the review and don't stay away so long next time. {::sniff::} I miss you!

Sugarhighs:p: {::grabs bazooka::} Thanks! I hope I won't have to use this. That would suck! If I had the money, I'd be all over that like white on rice, but I'm flat broke. You saw how my sister turned on me on my bio page. All for a lousy hundred! I'm so bleeding jealous of you right now! I want the ones that are in Japanese with the English sub. so I can learn Japanese for cheap!

Kougagi-chan: Thanks for the love!

BeyondWords: Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Awww...I hope you get better soon. Poor thing. It sucks to be sick, that's why I hide it from my family. Grampee always tries to give me some ancient remedy made of dirt and horse piss. (at least that's what it looks like) I think they're trying to get rid of me. Thanks for taking the time to review!

Nataku: I'm coming as soon as possible! I love Sess/Kag fics too!

Arella: Thanks for the love! Sesshou isn't going to give Inu a beating- Sesshou: Why not? SF: Because I don't want you too. Anyway, before Dog Toy interrupted, Sesshou will bruise his pride a little.

Say-Chan the Pyro: Don't cry! The carpenters just put the stage floor down! I'm coming as soon as possible.

Kura: Thanks for the love! I'm glad you liked it. I'm coming with a review as soon as possible! Let me know if you want to be on my mailing list.

Tessa: Thanks for the love! Sorry about the ending, but I had to. I'm not called the queen of cliffies for nothing.

Namesake: Thanks for the review and welcome to the nuthouse! I'm glad you like it, even through Sesshou's mood change. He's not particularly thrilled about having something of his stolen from him. If you ever need to know the real summary, look the story up at

Lightstorm: I'm coming with more as soon as I possibly can! Thanks for the high praise, it doesn't go unloved.

Dark Neko-chan: Thanks so much for the picture! Do you mind if I post it on mm? I'll give you full credit, I promise! I love it! It's so cute! It almost makes me wish I'd done a 'How to Train a Taiyoukai' contest.

Setsuna Bu: Yes, the damned cliffy! Abhorred by all and loved by few! I totally forgot to put a preview for chapter one. I'm suffering from muse-exposure.

Badgerwolf: I'm hoping this one will be as funny as the last, but it's got a real angst streak in it too. As for the Sess/Kag fluffiness, there is some just for you.

Susstar-1217: Thanks for the compliment! Yup, this is a Sess/Kag fic! I love these! If you want another one, read 'To Bear Witness' by me and whatever recommendations I make at the bottom of the chapters. They're always Sess/Kag.

Kagoe-Shippo: Thanks for the review and welcome to the nuthouse! Come back soon!

PasoLover: Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it! Come back anytime!

Cherry-Wolf: Tell Tasuki-chan I said leave you alone! I won't have him calling you names on my review! {::beans Tasuki in the head with her flute::} Now behave, baka! Thanks for the love and if you need me to bean him again, give me a holler.

Kat421: Thanks!

Inu Yokai: I'm one too. It's something about Sesshou that's so 3D, you know? It's just easier to love a complicated character like him. I'm coming with more soon. Don't call yourself pathetic! I don't think you are!

Shadow: Thanks so much!

Ali B: Thanks so much! I'm coming with more shortly, but if you ever need a fix, check out one of my other fics or one of the recommendations.

Kyu-bi: I'm going to finish this, so don't worry about that. As a matter of fact, I only have one more chapter to do before the entire series is finished. You can put my stories on your site, but as a warning in advance, ff will have a watered down ending for the series and mm will have the actual ending. The last part is 'Trial of the Century'.

Neko-Vixen: I was wondering when I'd hear from you again! Thanks for the love, you always seem to lavish it so freely. I hope I don't disappoint you and that this fic lives up to all the hype. Come back soon!

Strawberry: Please don't worry about Inu-chan. I'm going to soften him up by the end of the series. He's this mean on purpose b/c he's slowly realizing that Kagome is gone, and so is the free love (that was so '60's) that she offered to him. Plus, it hurts like hell to know that she might love his hated brother. As I said, I'm softening him up as we speak. Just between you and I, Inu-chan ends up quite happy by the end of the fic.

Mistress Fluffy: It's about bloody time! Geeze, I've been waiting! ; ) Yeah, updating is hard, but the little brat makes it harder. I swear, someday I'm going to tie her to the door and get a new muse. Did you see the way she set me up on my bio page? Where is the sisterly love?

Disturbed-Demon-Gurl: Yup, Sesshou has a temper. A bad one. I think its from hanging out with me. Kagome's gotten bad about her temper too. ::shrugs:: What can you do? Plus, Sesshou's decided to fight his feelings for Kagome on a full scale level. I swear, I'm going to strangle that dog. I'm coming as soon as possible.

CleoClaudia: Don't worry. The third story isn't up yet so you haven't missed a thing. I just thought it would do to warn people, you know? Your dad watches Inuyasha? That's so cool. My moms only watches the end when 'Deep Forest' plays so she can watch my muse dance to it and try to hug Sesshou on the screen.

Chihiro Kohaku: Why didn't you tell me you wrote? Oooooo.....I think....I think....I think I'm going to cry! {::SF starts to cry as Sesshou shakes his head::} Sesshou: Look what you've started. She thanks you for the review, even if she is a little waterlogged right now.

Del-Kaidin: Thanks so much! I totally get the page turning thing! I'm glad you liked the first one and I hope you like the second one better.

Dannigurl9488: Thanks for the love and come back soon!

Anime-Otaku: Yes, Naraku certainly makes life interesting. Almost as interesting as a hole in the head. {::snickers as she reads the rest of the review::} I swear-{::giggle::} I'm not trying to torture you. {::snort::} I'm just- {::hee-haw::} Oh hell forget it! Thanks for the review and I'm coming with more soon! Thanks for the laugh too!

Kyasuri-n: Thanks so much! Five stars! Wow!

Lady Krisie: I knew of one but I forgot where it was. I even wrote a story for it's first day online, but as I said, I forget where it is. If you want to read the story, let me know and I'll email it to you. Its a I/K, so be warned. I'm coming with another chapter as soon as possible. My update schedule is on my bio page under whatever nutty thing happened onstage. If you want, email me back and I'll put you on the mailing list.

Cinderelly: Thanks so much! I'm coming with another goodie (chapter) soon!

Inuyashafan13: Sorry about the cliffies! I love them and they love me! I'm coming with another as soon as possible, so no hurting the bird!

MysticalAngel: Thanks so much! Nice to see Sesshou with some color on his face! I finally let go of him too when he started wheezing.

LovelyLioness57: Thanks!

Em Starcatcher: By the time you read this, you should have received your prize for the 'Vengeance' contest. If not, hit me back so I can hit AOL and send it again. As for Inu-chan's smart-assed remark, I have a surprise for him. It's coming Friday. Yup, being broke sucks, especially when your broke and all you want is a new shirt from I collect the t-shirts.

Paranoia-shoujo: Thanks for the love! I'm coming with more soon!

Divine-Fallen-Angel: Thanks so much! If you ever need to know when I review, check my bio page.

Reality: Naraku gets a real beating by the end of the series and in the middle of this fic Kagome goes off in a way you never thought possible.

DogDemon: Thanks!

Sesshyangel: Awwwwww....why are you leaving me? I'm going to miss you! Of course I'll send you something! As for Kagome's headband, she knew it would protect Shippou when she couldn't, since Shippou is a part of Kagome and Sesshou's deal. Your one shot isn't a bad idea, but I can imagine the bloodshed that'll follow. As a matter of fact, that's one of the chapters in 'To Bear Witness'. It's ugly too. {::shakes head at the senselessness of men::} I just don't understand.

Yura of the Hair: Welcome to the archives! Please don't poke me with the sword! I can't write like that! I'm coming with another chapter soon!

Steph: Thanks so much! By the time this series ends, you'll either cry happy tears or threaten to strangle the life out of me for being so evil.

Thundercat: I loved the Thundercats! My favorite one was Cheetara! Oh, um, thanks for the review and sorry for the late night!

AkxTp: Sorry about that! I didn't mean to make you stew! I'm not mad, I swear! I'm coming with another as quick as my wings can carry Kagome's over stuffed book bag. Geeze, what does she keep in here, the New York Yankees?

bLoOdiE HeLL: Do you know how hard it is for someone who's worked 12 hours to type your name? Thanks for the love!

Artemis: Email me when you post your fanfic! I so can't wait! Tell you're muse that if he doesn't leave you alone, he'll get beaned like I did Tus-chan in Cherry-Wolf's review.

Gold Dragon: Someone understands my pain! Thank God! Why are computers so hard to deal with, yet so addictive? It's a conspiracy, I swear! Nah, Inu causes no trouble....well, not a lot of trouble. I mean, he's Inuyasha for crying out loud. Thanks for the recommendation and come back soon.

Dark Neko-chan: Yup, I have to get rid of the pot, but I can't until the end of the series. Sucks, I swear, but my muse won't let me do it until then. Bossy little girl! I wish she were more like Rin.

Nightkid: Thanks! I thought I'd at least get a death threat or two, but a lot of people actually like suspense. Its like a roller coaster ride! I love those things, but I always keep my eyes closed. I think it makes the ride better when you can't see what's ahead, but I don't want some chick's hair in my nose. The rating doesn't change, but 'Trial' will be rated R on ff and 'NC-17' on mm.

Tessa: Thanks for going through hell and high water just to read my sleep-depraved writings.

Banana Flavored Eskimo: You know I have to comment on the name. I just wouldn't be Striking Falcon if I didn't. Hmmm...I do like it! It's so original! Unlike mine, which comes from some warped part of my grandfather's and father's thinking. Thanks for the fav list!

Youkai Yume: I don't understand Inu-chan either! I just don't! He's so strange! Thanks for reading it twice, even though you already knew what was going on.

Hinoke: {::shields herself with her flute::} HOLY CRAP!!!! At least give me a chance to defend myself! Geeze! {::Hinoke stops and waits patiently::} Ahem, that's better. I'm coming with another update as soon as possible, but if you beat me unconcious I can't! Then what would we do?

Steff: So sorry for the cliffie! I had to do that! It's just the vixen in me! Tee hee! Sesshou: Silly twit. So you're part kitsune, huh? SF: I'm not talking. Anyway, thanks for the love and for not throwing the fruit!

Shortcake: I know! I want SilverQuick to update so badly I'm dancing a jig! Somebody tell her I'm dancing the jig, and won't stop until she updates! It's an ugly jig, with a little of the funky chicken thrown in for effect, you know what I mean? You think my cliffies are bad, she's where I learned to do them from! I'm dying a slow death over here!

Anime-Cat: I'm coming with another chapter Friday, and that will be a goody indeed! Thanks for waiting!

Clow Angel: Don't worry about cursing. I'm 21 and have probably said something worse than that to my brother.

Aino Saori: I'm fixing! I don't like Kikyou either, but something inside me keeps me from slicing her head clean off with the blade at the end of my flute. Sesshou: Give it to me, I'll do it. SF: Here! Happy hunting Sesshou! Thanks for the review!

Youkai Yume: Yup, Kagome's a little stronger than she was at the beginning of 'HttaT'. I think its because of Sesshou's training. Sorry for the confusion, ff wouldn't let me put up the entire name. Its correct on mm though, so if you get lost again go there.

Aphiopsyduck: Don't feel bad, I don't like her either. She's too sneaky for me. If you want to kill someone, at least have a little honor about it. Oh God, I sound like Sesshou. {::sigh::} But he is right in this case. Don't tell him though. His ego will crush us all.

Hoshi-chan: I just realized why I can never find your bio page. I've spelled your name wrong the entire time. Duh! I'll be more than happy to read your poem. I write those too, but I'm too chicken to post them. Inu-chan: I though you were a falcon. SF: Don't start. Thanks for the review.

InuyashaGurl: I'm coming with more as soon as possible! If you ever need to know when I update, check out my bio page. I post a new schedule every week. Review when you can!

Seeker of Death: Thanks!

Lea: Sure, no prob. I'll put you on my mailing list to make sure. Thanks for the love!

Sesshoumarulover1: Thanks!

Nightkid: Thanks! I'm coming with another chapter as soon as possible!

Crystal-Chan: I'm free to answer any and all questions, just in case you have any. Thanks for the love and remembering not to glomp me so hard!

LLF: That was cruel...did you do it? I hope you did. To see RS with a mustache would be a scream! Oh yeah, thanks for the love and I'm glad you liked it. However, if you don't update soon, I'm going to crack you over the head with my flute.

Tenshi no Yami: I'm coming as soon as possible! I'm so going to fire my muse! Did you see what she did to me in my bio page?! The little brat! Thanks for the love, too, and for thanking me for the recommendation. I liked it and thought a lot of other people would like it too. I wish I could say more, but I have to go muse shopping!

Fire Phoenix: Thanks so much! Yup, I've visited 'A Single Spark' and its great! I'm thinking about submitting a fic, but I wouldn't know which one.

Eddie: If I could update more often I would but working, babysitting and (in about two weeks) going to school kinda eats up my time. The only thing I can really do is go by my bio page schedule. I try to be as on time with that as possible.

Tsukino Mesume: Thanks for the love!

Steff: I would if I could but I've lost your email address. Please send it to me again.


Sweetaznpnai4eva: Thanks so much for the praise! I love all the love and post it on my mantle. I can't tell you a lot about the fic, only when Sesshou finally finds Kagome he's in for the shock of his live. By now you should have received my review schedule. If not please let me know and I'll send it to you.

Lady Sesshoumaru: Thanks for waiting so long!