InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Changes ❯ Party Crashers ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha,. Or anyone other than the people I create, like Jinome and the boys. blah blah blah.
Unexpected Changes
Chapter 1: Party Crashers
It was raining heavily, making it hard to see out in the twilight mist, though he kept on running as fast as he could, the demons got closer and closer, his small body was aching, he started to stumble when he finally fell with a thud. They walked up and got ready to attack. Silently he wished his mother was there with him, she'd know what to do.
His heart beat faster, the axe of one of them was about to come down on him, then all of the sudden, everything seemed to stop… that's when he heard someone calling for him,
She walked under the tree and looked up, a figure sat in the god tree “Inuyasha wake up… Inuyasha!” she heaved a heavy sigh, I'll just have to do this the hard way I guess, “Osuwari” He fell face first into the ground from his perch.
He lifted his head from the impression he made in the ground and rubbed his nose trying to take away the now numb feeling of it “What the hell did you do that for bitch?” He looked directly into the eyes of the girl who disturbed him.
Kagome crossed her arms glaring at him “I was trying to talk to you but you wouldn't wake up! And don't call me that you jerk!” She huffed at him angrily.
Inuyasha stood up “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!” he yelled, as he took a few steps towards her and pinned her with a deadly glare, fist clenched at his side.
He could be so stupid sometimes, “A jerk, cuz that's what your acting like at the moment!” She airily looked at him as though it were as obvious as his ego.
His deadly glare turned into a scowl, “I didn't do anything to you so why are you yelling at me?!” crossing his arms he put his nose to the air.
Miroku cleared his throat “If I may intrude from your delightful conversation.” They both turned and pinned a glare that if it could, would have killed the monk in a heartbeat. “I think Kagome was going to ask you something.” He rushed a little drop of sweat started to form on his forehead, now hopefully they will stop fighting and maybe forget about my comment while their at it…
Sango held Kerala in her lap and watched as her friend seemed to be remembering her reason for awaken Inuyasha from his slumber so rudely, “ Oh ya.” She clapped her hands together and turned her attention back to the moody hanyou, “I was wondering, if it would be ok if… ifIwenthometomorrowandstayedthereforadayortwo…” she spoke fast, her bold expression that she had started out with had faded into an unsure and pleading one, please say yes, oh please say yes.
Inuyasha looked at her for a moment, thinking of what he should say, I guess it would be better to let her go, otherwise she'll just leave anyway, but with outrage at my decision. He wondered when she would figure out she didn't really need his permission to go, but he liked it that she asked him anyway and didn't plan on stopping her, “I guess, but only for a the day.” He twisted on his heel and jumped back into the tree, pretending to fall back to sleep.
She sighed in relief, at least he's not putting up a fight, this is probably one of those rare moments so I better not make him mad “Thanks, its my birth day today, mom will be happy that I was able to come celebrate it with the family.”
Going to work, she gathered all of her supplies, and prepared to return to her own time. Heaving her large backpack over her shoulders, she set out for the well, waving goodbye to Miroku and Sango.
While Shippo had given her a hug and rode on her shoulder until she reached the lip of the well. “Hope you have a happy… what was it again?” he scratched his head trying to remember.
“Birthday.” She supplied.
“Oh yeah right, I hope you have a happy birthday Kagome.” he grinned, showing his baby looking canine teeth, she smiled sweetly back and set him down on the soft grassy floor of the clearing preparing to jump through the well.
She turned around for a moment to catch a glimpse of the rising sun, moms going to be making her special bacon and eggs, I can almost taste them, with one last look she leapt over the side and down the well.
Going through the same watery time warp, and feeling the slight numbness, she lightly fell on the floor of the well in her time, made it, good thing the well still lets me get back to my family I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't see them again.
She climbed up the wooden ladder that her grandpa had thoughtfully attached on the side of the well so she could climb up without help, and after throwing her legs over the lip of the well she opened the shrine door and made her way around to the front of her house.
I wonder if they remembered, walking up the little steps leading to the entrance she stopped as she opened the door, finding her mother cooking her very welcome, and anticipated, special bacon and eggs in the kitchen.
As usual, her brother Souta was in the living room playing his video games, as she walked past he waved but his eyes had never left the screen. Her grandpa was dusting off his antiques in the hallway, and as she turned the corner to the kitchen she heard him mumbling some incantations, probably putting up some new spell that's supposed to ward away demons and other such `evil' creatures.
She was setting her backpack down near the archway that connected the hall to the kitchen, when something caught her attention.
She could have sworn she saw movement, and sure enough just as she turned away, her friends jumped out from behind the sofa, and in union they started to sing happy birthday, along with the rest of her family who joined in a few seconds later, even Buyo seemed to be singing.
She blushed a little at all the attention but quickly snapped back to her usual self “Thanks you guys, your great,” she ran up to each one of them and enveloped them in individual hugs.
“No problem, by the way Kagome, we have something for you.” each of the girls brought out little boxes wrapped in glittery pink paper tied in red ribbons.
Yumi whispered in her ear quickly “So where's that crazy boyfriend of your, isn't he here yet?” she nudged her side, she gave her a wicked grin.
She was about to ask who she had been talking about when she remembered, oh she's talking about Inuyasha, ok, “I just saw him, he said he couldn't make it but he wished me a happy birthday.” She could have kicked herself, that was the lamest lie she had ever had to tell, great now there going to think he doesn't have time for me, but if they knew the truth it would all be over…
Her friends grin had turned into a slight pout/frown “Well maybe next time right.”
Kagome let out a sigh of relief, good thing my friends aren't the brightest in the bunch when it comes to being told the truth or a lie…
Kagome smiled at her “Yeah maybe next time.” she patted her friends shoulder lightly as though in a sympathizing, silently praying there never was a next time.
“I was looking forward to seeing him again, and plus we have to make sure that he's taking care of you as well.” Her friends could be so naive, well at least they care, for what its worth anyway.
Kagome had come to a decision that she'd open Edie's present first, lifting the lid she pulled out a beautiful silver necklace with her name engraved into it. “Thanks so much Edie-chan, I love it!” she set it aside carefully and started opening the other presents Ayumi and Uki handed her. Ayumi had gotten her a new, skip protected, CD player, since her other one had broken mysteriously....
Before opening Uki's gift, she sat down on the soft carpeted floor, her fat cat Buyo was running through the pile of wrapping paper playing with the sparkly bubble gum pink slices that had been ripped off, she opened the gift and found a set of silver angel shaped earrings inside, their gaze seemed to stare her down.
“Thank you so much Uki these are wonderful!” she set the gifts on the couch beside her and gave all her friends a big hug as she thanked them for their gifts.
Her mother walked up behind her “Here you go dear I picked something special out for you, I think you'll really like it.” she smiled and handed a big long blue wrapped box to Kagome, who was still sitting on the floor of the living room.
She opened the box eagerly wondering what it could possibly be, she paused, moving her hand over the silk of what was inside, slowly she lifted the lid completely off and found a long beautiful, silky prom dress, she let out a gasp, it was bluish green tinted and had a low cut top with spaghetti straps which crossed over in the back added with a dash of sparkles.
Her mouth opened slightly in awe “Mom how did you, where did you, this is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!” she didn't know what else to say, her friends had been standing behind her watching over her shoulder. She could hear them gasp as she pulled the dress out of its place in the box, and held it up as best she could from where she was on the floor, they all examined it in awe, it was like a moth to a flame.
“You like it? It was on sale at one of the stores in the mall, I had noticed that it was exactly your size and thought you might like to have it for your last prom at the middle school.” She smiled seemingly innocent, what Kagome didn't know was that she had also *cough* happened to stumble across a nice tux that would also fit Inuyasha perfectly…
She was speechless “How could you find something like this for sale at the mall!” she gawked at her mother and started laughing.
Setting the dress back in its proper place inside the box she stood up and gave her mother a hug “Thanks so much!”
Her grandpa cleared his throat and also presented a package in his out stretched hand “This is for you” was all he said as she carefully picked it out of his hand, I hope its not another water demon foot, though I'm sure Buyo would love to have some more I don't think grandpa would appreciate it much if I fed them to him again. Slowly she opened the small package, lifting the lid she found a necklace, it had a gold chain and there was a color changing gem hanging off of it, it seemed to draw you to it.
“Thanks grandpa it lovely, where did you get it?” she examined it, turning it over in her fingers looking at it from all directions, it glimmered and shone like a bright new star, it was like nothing she'd ever seen before, though it reminded her of the Shikon Jewel, but it had a more pleasant and cheerful air around it, it seemed to grow warm in her hand as it lightly glowed at the contact of her fingers.
“It was an old family heir loom, from 100s and 100s of years ago it was our great great grand fathers father's. He had gotten it from a great lord demon from the west, though I cant remember his name, blast this old age.” He scratched his head trying to remember, and then giving up he merely shrugged.
Kagome made a mental note to ask Inuyasha or one of the others about it when she got back, she opened the clasp and put it around her neck, pulling herself onto the couch just behind her holding onto Buyo making sure he didn't fall off her lap. She cuddled him up close in a hug, and looked at the group that had formed around her, of friends and family all together in one spot.
She smiled at them “I think this is the best birthday I ever had! Thanks for all the gifts and…”She heard a someone knocking on the door.
Kagome put Buyo on the floor, before quickly standing up and walking over to the small entrance and opening it to find (Dun! Dun! Dun! lol) Hojo standing outside with a thin gift in his hand.
“Hey Kagome, happy birthday… I brought you a present” he handed her the small gift and flashed that naïve smile he always wore around her.
“Hey Hojo-kun, um, thanks…” she took the gift as he stepped inside; kicking off his shoes near the door before following her into the living room.
Kagome opened the present not sure what she would find inside, he could have just given me a birthday card or something.
She found 5 movie tickets stacked neatly together, all to see “Signs”, and as her friends screamed and hugged Hojo, Kagome merely looked on and thanked him, well at least its not some sort of new medicine someone invented to be that small.
“Well what are we waiting for, lets go.” He looked at the group with enthusiasm, before walking to the door, slipping his shoes back on, before starting down the long stairway.
Kagome grabbed her jacket and followed them to the close behind, why couldn't I have just been lucky, graduated early, and told everyone that I had moved away or something, though it is nice to come back to see my other friends again once in a while.
Inuyasha pondered the subject for a few minutes before giving up, what was a birthday anyway, and why was it so important, maybe I should go after her and find out, he snorted, she couldn't take care of herself so its my job to make sure this isn't something dangerous, and besides she never told me that I couldn't come along, though he knew he was just making up an excuse, he didn't care, he wanted to see what Kagome was up to.
Jumping down from his tree, the inu-hanyou swiftly made his way to the well, shifting his head from left to right making sure no one was watching him, before quickly jumping down the lip of the well and disappearing.
When he appeared on the other side he had heard voices, the only one he could make out was Kagome's, the others he knew, just not by name. Now I know it was a good thing I came after her, that dunce, what was his name again, something like Hono, Hogo, no I think it was something like Hobo, ya that's it Hobo, with him around there's bound to be trouble and he'll be to weak to do anything about it.
Inuyasha had an air of pride around him, knowing that he could easily out do this human that sought after Kagome. A sliver of jealousy made itself known and he growled at the thought of this pathetic human having Kagome, wait what am I thinking, why should I care, its not like I'm in love with Kagome or anything I'm just looking out for her that's all.
He tried to push those thoughts aside but only managed to leave them trailing after every thought he had, giving up he focused his attention back at the little group that was now walking down the stairs, with Kagome trailing just a little bit farther behind.
Slowly he crept from one hiding spot to the next, then jumping down the long flight of stairs before him. Reaching the sidewalk he jumped from tree to tree following them until they reached a building, which was when he was able to jump from the rooftops after them.
15 minutes later they came to a big building and disappeared inside, leaving him to think, suddenly he caught the faint smell of demons in the air through all the other disgusting scents that mingled in Kagome's time. But it quickly faded before he could pin point the source, shrugging he kept his watch out for Kagome and her friends.
Inuyasha sat in the rooftop of an apartment building and could hear the noises made by its inhabitants. His mind wandered back to the subject of that Hobo boy getting Kagome when he couldn't even take care of himself, what a weakling, he has no business even associating with my Kagome. And there I go again, what's wrong with me, he fought with himself over the matter almost forgetting everything else. About an hour later Kagome and her friends came out laughing and chatting cheerfully amongst themselves, and from what he heard it must have been something good, because Kagome liked it.
“Finally, I though they died in there or something.” impatiently he followed them to their next destination.
They turned a corner to a place Inuyasha recognized as Kagome's favorite place to hang out, when suddenly a man came running out of the alleyway, grabbed Kagome, and drew a knife to her throat.
If he had any, Inuyasha's hackled would have been so straight right then and there they could have been used as needles, how dare he touch Kagome! In outrage he started growling menacingly at him from the rooftop glaring at him from above.
The man shifted his knife a little farther up her neck “Come any closer and I'll slit her throat.” he griped her neck tighter to emphasis his point.
Inuyasha was in such a rage he forgot everything, that he wasn't wearing a hat, that everyone would see him, and life itself, nothing mattered at that moment.
Jumping down from his perch without realizing what he was doing, he grabbed the man by the throat and squeezed tightly.
His eyes became tinted as his grasp on the man tightened into a bone crushing death grip, the man scratched franticly at Inuyasha's hands and then slowly went limp as his eyes became heavy and shut.
Kagome by now had been dropped by him and was sitting on her knees rubbing her sore throat; I thought I was a goner there for a second, good thing Inuyasha was here. Wait, he's not supposed to be here, and he didn't bring a hat either! that figures.
The people walking past froze and gasped as they heard the sickening sound of the neck bones being crushed.
Kagome was lightly swaying back and forth trying to catch her breath, as she regained some of it back, she looked up to see what had happened, and stared wide-eyed at what she saw, her gaze fell on his triangle ears at the top of his head and she groaned.
Oh no now everyone's going to know, she chanced a glance over to her friends and Hojo who seemed too petrified with fear to move a muscle, oh great I'm in for it now, better start coming up with excuses.
Inuyasha was still crushing the mans neck tightly, his angry features frightening, until he realized the man was dead, now after letting go, he started to walk over to Kagome, oh shit she's going to be so mad at me now. He flattened his ears in silent apology.
His faced showed concern “Are you alright Kagome?” knowing that he shouldn't have be there in the first place, but thankful that he had followed.
She made an effort to nod “Yes, I am, thanks…” She stood up and looked at him for a second before running over and hugging him, a tear started to make its way down her cheek, and her grip on his haori tightened. Not even caring about his hat anymore as the realization of what could have transpired and how easily her life would have been forfeit.
Edie was the first one to snap out of it “Kagome are you alright? And who is this guy, is that Inuyasha? Are those real dog-ears? What's going on???” The questions flooded out before she could even register that she was speaking.
She walked up to her while she was still clutching to Inuyasha's fire rat haori, a little frightened and apprehensive at first of his no doubt deadly power, but at the sight of his ears she couldn't resist.
Kagome let go of Inuyasha and turned to her friend drying her tears as she did “This is Inuyasha, and yes those are real dog-ears. It's kind of hard to explain *sweat drop*…” with an apologetic look at Edie and the rest of her friends (poor Hojo looked sooo confused).
“They are?” The group said in union.
Edie reached up and started to rub his soft ears, Inuyasha's face that had looked concerned for Kagome was now a deadly glare as he pinned his gleaming eyes on her, she hadn't even had time to register what he had done until after, he grabbed her wrist and squeezed tightly, then relaxed again as he pulled her hand from his ears, throwing them back to her sides.
“Sorry about that I just couldn't resist, it wont happen again I promise…” she blushed and looked apologetically at him then to Kagome, a little drop of sweat started to form on her brow from Inuyasha's intense glare.
Inuyasha was about to scoff her when he caught the smell of demons in the air again, this time though, it seemed as though they where standing right next to him. He pulled Tetsusaiga from it's sheath and looked around, concentration marring his hansom face as he searched for the source.
It was silent except for a growl that was starting to come from the hanyou, and the distant sounds of sirens from the police. All at once demons burst through the building on his right and landed in the middle of the street, which had by now been cleared.
They shifted their gaze slowly to the pair “We have been looking for you Inuyasha, and the Miko that travels with you and your comrades.” the demon in red, looked like the leader, there were two other demons beside him.
He gripped the hilt of his unsheathed sword tightly “Who in the hell are you and what do you want with me and Kagome?” he raised Tetsusaiga and prepared to attack.
He kept a watchful eye on Inuyasha's sword “We are of the Eastern lands, I am Jinome” He paused waving his hand at the other two “and these are my two brothers Mikolen (the blue), and Sirokol (the black).” Then his hand fell lightly back down to his side. “And if you must know we are here for you two” He looked at her with pure boredom, though he wasn't as good at it as Sesshomaru was at the stoic façade.
“Why would you want us? And how did you get through the Bone Eaters well?” Kagome spoke up, eying them suspiciously.
“What is the Bone eaters well?” Ayumi and the other girls stood shaking, all eying the sword that had transformed into what looked like a huge fang, and shooting nervous glances at the trio of demons.
“It's the well that is in the shrine at my house…” she hadn't realized what she did before it was too late, slapping her forehead.
“Wait if it was the well at your house then why would you be asking him how he got through it??? I though it was just one of those fake antiques your grandpa is always talking about as though they were real, while we are on the subject, what in the world is a Miko, and WHAT is going on here???…” Edie had been pulled out of her daze after hearing her friend's words, as she began to question them.
“You will find out soon, enough talk, now will you come easy, or do we have to do this the hard way?”
Inuyasha raised Tetsusaiga a little more “Does this answer your question?' Jinome smirked and crouched slightly lower, gathering his energy as his brothers followed suit.
“WINDSCAR” Inuyasha sent the blast at Mikolen who dodged the attack.
“Something the matter Inuyasha? Not quick enough? Why don't you give up now, you'll never defeat us that way.” Jinome sneered.
“Very well then…” His brother cut him off.
“I could care less, I just want to kill him and get this over with” Sirokol threw a hand full of acid at Inuyasha and watched as it burned threw his kimono sleeve.