InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ The Final Truth and Attack ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Is your brain malfunctioning? Everyone knows that I don't own Inuyasha.

Review Responses:

Gold Ink: I kinda did warned you bout last chapter, sorry bout it, but anyway, thanks for reviewing.

Eddie4: I apologize for the last chapter. I wanted to get it over with.

Sakura Tenvaiga: well, the chapter wasn't all that great, but it was nice of you to say it, and thanks for being a faithful reviewer.

sparkly-angel: Ah, I don't think that can be helped now.

yuya: YUYA-CHAN, thanks for reviewing most of my chapters now onto your questions. First of all, I didn't start this whole thing LDG58 did, but she quit so I took over. Second, in chapter six, I don't think you could be in that position though I wish I could too. Lastly I am currently writing the first chapter to Reversed.

sataness-ov-desire: Well, it was there for dramatic attention.

Ra: why is it that you always say that, anyway, thanks for reviewing.

INUYASHaHOLIC: You are mistaken. The whole story is screwy. Anyway, the last chapter was like that because I wanted to get it over with. Sorry bout it.

InuYasha00: After reading a few reviews wanting Reversed to be made. I started on the first chapter.

Kagome: Well, thank you for choosing this one.

Unexpected Love Ch. 11: The Final Attack and Truth

Sesshoumaru had a lot to think about that afternoon. He was still hanging in the back trying to fully digest what his love had told him. It really wouldn't be that bad, would it? He was trying to think of how his life would be with a person from the future. It would simply complicate things to no end. He groaned, as Jaken broke his train of thought with his chatter.

"What's the matter Lord Sesshoumaru?"

"Nothing, go on looking after Rin, I'm going to..."

With that said, Sesshoumaru headed off the trail once again. Kagome turned to see Sesshoumaru leaving, and it saddened her heart.

I have to tell Inuyasha today. I can't stand to see Sesshoumaru like this. I have to tell him...

Later that night Sesshoumaru rejoined the group, and sat in a far off corner as usual. Jaken and Rin were sitting around him, drooling over the food that was being cooked.

"Ask Kagome to give you some food," said Sesshoumaru in his monotone.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, why aren't you eating?" asked the bizarre looking toad.

"Jaken, I am not hungry at the time being," snapped Sesshoumaru in a rare irritated tone.

"Are you sure, Sesshoumaru-sama?" inquired Rin.

"Yes, Rin, I'm sure."


Both Rin and Jaken ran to Kagome and she gave them their portions. He was a little hungry, but it was nothing he couldn't take. He started to think some more, when Inuyasha interrupted.

"What are you looking at?" retorted Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru hadn't realized while he was thinking, he was staring blankly at Inuyasha. Not intentionally, for he was too deep in his thoughts.


"You're staring at me, knock it off!"

All Sesshoumaru said was hmm and then looked away.

"What? Did he just... listen to me?"

"Yes, Inuyasha, he did."

"I believe he's starting to have a little more respect for you," said Sango who appeared beside Inuyasha.

"Tch... yeah right."

Sesshoumaru went for a little walk, and left the group stunned. While he was leaving, Inuyasha noticed Sesshoumaru's missing arm. He winced slightly, but still felt no remorse for what he had done. Kagome tapped Inuyasha's shoulder, signaling him to follow her. Both left the camp, leaving Sango, Miroku and Shippou all alone.

"What's up with you Kagome?" asked Inuyasha a little worried.

"Inuyasha, I have to speak with you."

"What do you have to tell me?"

"Well, this isn't exactly easy for me to say."

"Spill it already!!"

"Well, Inuyasha, I'm with Sesshoumaru..."

"What? Can you clarify?" asked Inuyasha a little bit scared of Kagome's answer.

"I… love Sesshoumaru...," blurted Kagome.

Inuyasha was utterly surprised and afraid. He should have known. The way those two acted. The way Sesshoumaru would suddenly help him. He should have known that Sesshoumaru only joined him for Kagome. He should have known that Kagome only came back because it was her responsibility to help him finish collecting the shards. He was so stupid, but he wouldn't give up. He stepped closer to Kagome and gave her a tight hug, she returned it, but he felt it wasn't the loving type as it used to be, yet he would still try.

"Kagome, you can't, you can't love him because…because…I love you. I just never told you because I thought you would reject me and then leave me…like Kikyo did," whispered Inuyasha, praying to all the gods and goddesses that his words would work.

Kagome broke the embrace gently, and put her hand gently to her first love's face.

"Oh, Inuyasha, it's so nice of you to say that, but it's too late now. If you would have said that before I left then……I would probably be with you instead of Sesshoumaru. Now my heart belongs to him. It cannot return to anyone else. You are my friend along with the others."

With that, Kagome turned and headed back to camp, hot liquid streaming down her face as she finally told Inuyasha the horrible truth to him. Inuyasha stood at his spot, head down with his bangs to hide his eyes.

Be happy Kagome, that's all that matters to me now. I knew, when you first told me, that you would never love me again as you did before. It's no use to fight back, and delay the inevitable. Sesshoumaru, you better take care of her, you bastard, or I will find a way to kill you no matter what!

He lifted his head up to face the moon, his family's marking; a tear drop could be seen slipping down his handsome face as he turned to walk back to camp.

Sesshoumaru's head snapped up as he heard a faint voice in his mind. Don't worry little brother, I will not allow you to find an excuse to kill me. He then drifted into sleep, his mind easing a bit from all his thinking about Kagome being from the future. She is still Kagome no matter where she…is…from.

A year has passed since the whole truth was told to, both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. Their journey has been perilous since then, but since the rest of the Shikon jewel scattered in the wild now rest in their hands, it was all worth it.

During the period of danger, Kagome had made it clear to everyone that she is with Sesshoumaru and no one else, everyone accepted it, and became pretty good friends with him. Miroku finally confessed to Sango of his unlimited love for her after some gentle urges or threats from his friends, particularly Sesshoumaru. Sango agreed and they became a couple. Now all that remains to do is to obliterate Naraku.

Suddenly, as the newly formed crew traveled through a clearing with trees surrounding it, the sky turned dark and wind blew from all directions. The group was blinded. Then it stopped. As they opened their eyes a man within a baboon pelt appeared. Everyone instantly went into battle position.

"Naraku," snarled Inuyasha, hatred lacing his tone.

"Inuyasha, you should be thankful that he came out of his den. The coward just saved us precious time on trying to find him," reasoned Sesshoumaru in a strategic voice.

"Sesshoumaru-sama is right, but is he the real thing is the problem and if he's carrying the rest of the jewel," intruded Miroku.

"Be assured that I am the real Naraku," said the evil hanyou as he pulled out the second part to the Shikon Jewel.

"He's real. I can sense the tainted jewel being real," assured Kagome.

"But why would he come after us himself and not with the doll along with his off springs and……Kohaku," asked Sango.

"Honestly, you people talk too much. My false self with Kagura, Kanna, and Kohaku won't be able to defeat you with Sesshoumaru in your group so my real self must be here in order to win and take the rest of the Shikon Jewel."

"Enough yapping and attack," screamed Inuyasha as he launched the wind scar.

All he destroyed were mounds of tentacles, yet that did not stop the half demon. He continued his streak of wind scars as Sesshoumaru dodged the re-grown tentacles sending poison to disintegrate them. Sango and Kirara attempted to get to Naraku by air, but were blocked. Kagome aimed a powerful purification arrow while Shippou, Jaken, and Miroku guarded her and Rin. The arrow will not be released until she was sure that it would hit her enemy so it stayed aimed, and is collecting power by the moment from the living things in the forest that surrounds the clearing.

The final battle raged on for hours; Inuyasha's side gaining some injuries, a few quite heavy. Apparently with Sesshoumaru on the team, they fared much better than they anticipated. Naraku now has a gash that is unable to heal on his chest due to the Western Lord's poison claws.

Sesshoumaru finally managed to get close to Naraku and presented him with his claws. Powerful poison seeped through the skin of Naraku, making him unable to heal his injuries and weakening him since it was quite a healthy dosage of toxin, but it wasn't enough to defeat him, yet enough to gain a slight upper hand.

"Heh, don't think you won yet," scatted the half demon.

He clapped his hands and Kanna, Kagura, and Kohaku appeared. They joined the battle and leveled the advantage. Inuyasha took on Kagura, Sango with Kanna; Sesshoumaru faced Naraku, and Miroku against Kohaku, leaving Kagome's side.

The fact that `the helpers' weren't that strong, they were soon defeated, and Inuyasha's crew, once again, gained the upper hand.

"Shit, they we're overpowered. It seems that Inuyasha's group improved quite a lot," muttered Naraku as he parried off blows against him once more.

Kagome finally aimed her arrow perfectly and the bow string gave a soft twang as the shaft was released, whistling in the air. It hit square into Naraku's heart; purification light spread around him; slowly turning him to dust. Inuyasha then used the Backlash Wave to ensure the death of his nemesis. With the extra power added, Naraku broke into pieces and dropped to the ground; each piece of him slowly decomposing into dirt that even ants can't carry.

After seeing their long arch enemy die, everyone collapsed onto the now dirt ground and sighed a big relief; even the emotionless, Sesshoumaru.

"We finally beat him," said Inuyasha softly in happiness.

His companions gave a silent yes. Then Kagome got up and picked up the second part of the jewel; instantly purified with her soft touch. She took her part out and connected the pieces. A soft glow mended the jewel and it became whole. She walked over to Inuyasha and handed it to him. He rejected and made Kagome keep it.

"I don't want to become a full demon anymore. You showed me that I am no different than others. Besides, I know I can't control myself once I become a full demon. I've experienced it before without Tetsusaiga so hold onto it until it is needed," reasoned Inuyasha.

Kagome smiled and pocketed the jewel. After another half hour rest, everyone got up and flew to the Western Castle except for Inuyasha who still had the energy to leap to his brother's home. They rested there for about a week then Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha returned to Kaede's village; leaving Kagome and Shippou behind. The parting was difficult, but was still done.


"UNCLE INUYASHA!" screamed Ryosuke as he came running out of the front gate.

"Hey, Ryosuke, now, tell me, has your father been mean to you," asked Inuyasha to his five year old nephew.

"Why do you always ask that? Of course daddy is nice to me," replied Ryosuke as Inuyasha lifted him into his strong arms.

As uncle and nephew walked down the long hall way to Sesshoumaru's office, Kagome came out of her room to greet her old friend. Inuyasha let Ryosuke down and they continued their little walk.

"Has he been good to you?




Yokkata= I'm glad/ thank goodness

AN: This is the final finish. YAY!!! Honestly, to me this story sucked yet it gave me the most reviews. Well, now that this is finished I can work on my other three stories.