InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowing Hearts ❯ Crossing Paths ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and never will. Wish I did though *sigh* and Sesshoumaru *sighs and drools*

Kagome POV

Attention: Flight 146 has arrived from Manila, Philippines. I repeat, Flight 146 has arrived from Manila, Philippines.

`Augh… Finally I'm out of that dreadful 15 hour flight. Thank God! Ok…

I have to get my baggage,

call Hojo for any urgent calls,

get a massage,

go back to the condo and

get ready for the company dinner.'

Her thoughts listed as she got off the plane while looking through her palm pilot.

Kagome Higurashi, the president and founder of Asakura Corporation, a Japanese national company for business advertising. She has the perfect job, perfect boyfriend, and perfect life. What more could a girl ask for?

"No! Hojo we cant give up on the Manta investment. That's a billion dollar investment! We need that money and publicity to widespread our company worldwide."

"Okay Ms. Higurashi, but we're gonna have to kick it up a notch because the business proposal is coming up in three days." Hojo, her personal assistant, explained calmly on the other line.

"Fine, fine I'll meet up with you tomorrow morning, in the office at exactly 8 a.m." Kagome ordered.

"But isn't that a bit too early for work?"

"Hojo, if we're gonna win this investment, we're gonna have to work our asses off for the next 3 days! Anyway, do I have any other messages?" Ms. Higurashi asked curiously.

"Oh, umm… Mr. Atari said that he's gonna meet up with you at your condo to get ready for the dinner at 7p.m."

"Oh! Ok is that all?"

"Yes ma'am" "Bye"

She continued walking while heading for the baggage claim after she hung up and waited for her bag to come around.

`What the hell is taking so long?! I'm gonna be late for my massage!' Then, as if the gods heard her prayer, her bag came around. She picked it up swiftly and headed for the limo awaiting outside. She was walking towards the door when………..

Inuyasha POV

Attention: Flight 146 has arrived from Manila, Philippines. I repeat, Flight 146 has arrived from Manila, Philippines.

`Shit! Sesshoumaru is gonna kill me. I'm late for the press conference. I need to make a good impression to the media for Sesshoumaru's new client. That bastard is my best friend, but if I screw this up, he'll hire the damn devil himself to fry me to death! Why did that flight have to be delayed?!'

After passing the bar exam, Inuyasha Watanabe accepted the job offer from his long time best friend, Sesshoumaru.

"Inuyasha, are you listening to me?! The client is definitely innocent, yet there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to prove so. You know you need to make a good impression to the public so they will believe our side of the story." Sesshoumaru said knowingly.

"OkOkOk `Mr. Atari'." Inuyasha said sarcastically knowing fully well to emphasize `Mr. Atari'."

"Alright, Inuyasha, I'll meet you at the dinner tonight. Don't be late! I have to call my sources for any new evidence or loopholes for this case, and please, for the love of God, dress nicely because I'll be introducing you to my girlfriend and soon to be fiancé "

"Ok… geez sesshoumaru! This girl has to be pretty damn special to melt your cold as ice heart"

"Inuyasha, I swear, if you do something stupid……."

Inuyasha was too caught up in Sesshoumaru's threats that he didn't notice the girl walking in his way, until………