InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unreqited Love ❯ Im Sorry ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Unrequited Love

By: Princesss Kori. ^-^

Disclaimer: i do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, and to be honest, id only want a select few of the guy characters! ^-^ he he well anyways I did make up a character in the story. Her name is Wolf Princess Kori. Shes a wolf princess if you havent guessed lol. Shes in love with Kouga, the prince of the north, and their engaged. Their parents set it up so that they'd bring the north and south clans togeather. What will happen when Ayame hears of this? What will Kagome say? If you wanna know youll have to read the story! ^-^
Please R&R. <3

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Chapter One: Im Sorry

On the night of a lunar eclipse Koga ,the prince of the north clan, was out looking for Naraku as always until he happened upon a wolven demoness. At first he thought she was the love struck Ayame but as he got a better look at her he figured out that the beauty before him wasnt Ayame. She was the princess of the South clan Kori. "Hey princess Kori. How ya doin?" He asked. She turned around with a startled look on her face. "Oh Kouga, its you, I thought you were one of the wolves from my clan that are after me." She replied. He looked at her with a questionable look on his face. "Why would wolves of your clan be after you?" He asked hoping that he wouldnt get any bad news. "Well you see..." She started. "The clan has started to dissown my royal blood and tried to kill me twice. So I flead the south in search for somewhere else to go..." She continued looking at the grownd where she was sitting. Kouga was growling with anger. "Those bastards! They have no right to do that to their beautiful princess!" Kouga said with anger in his voice. "Want me to knock some since into them for you Kori?" Kouga asked grinning. "N...No Kouga. Please, Ill be okay, besides. I have you to keep me safe now. Or do you not remember that were engaged?" She said grinning at the wolf youkai. Kouga started to blush and said, "Of course i remember. I just didnt expect you to drag our engagement into this little situation!" He said blushing. "Well why not? Isnt it the males job to keep their female and pups safe?" She said with a adjitated voice. "WH...WH...WHAT? PUPS? ISNT IT A LITTLE EARLY TO BE TALKING LIKE THAT? I MEAN WERE NOT EVEN MARRIED YET!" Kouga yelled nurvously blushing at the young demoness in front of him.
Kori started laughing at the way he overreacted. "Oh Kouga, I dont mean right now! I meant in our future!" She replied with a smile. '... but there is one thing i want you to know." She added. "Wh...Whats that Kori?" He asked. "I... I love you Kouga. I always have, ever since we were little, Ive never looked at another man since i found out the news of our engagement!" Kori said blushing as she looked into Kouga's beautiful blue eyes. Kouga didnt know what to say, he did feel the same way, but what if the future isnt bright for them? What if Naraku takes hold of her? "Kori... I..." Kouga tried to get the words out but the fear of losing her to Naraku's grasp was to much for the young Youkai. "Im sorry but I dont feel the same about you... Im only agreeing with the engagement because my parents want the north and south to join forces and stop being independant from eachother." Kouga didnt even have to finish the sentance to get a reaction out of Kori, her heart broke at the sound of her beloved saying that he doesnt love her. She took a step closer to him. "Tell me your lieing Kouga. Please tell me your not telling the truth!" She said as tears started swelling up in her eyes. He wanted to hold her in his arms but all he could do was stand there and look her in the eyes. "Im sorry princess..." He said as his face turned pale with saddness. Kori cried uncontrolably and ran off into the distance. 'I'm sorry Kori, but this was the only thing I could think of to keep you safe from Naraku.' He thought to himself. 'I cant believe him! I thought he loved me but now i know that it was all just a lie!' Kori thought to herself as she ran into the forest where the lovable half youkai was bound to a tree fifty years ago by his beloved. 'Inuyasha... I now know what it feels like to have your heart torn by the one you love the most in this world.' she thought as she sat at the trunk. A few feet from the tree was a well and not long after Kori had stopped crying she saw a young miko come crawling out of it with a yellow bag on her back, "Would you like some help?" She asked. "Oh thank you!" The young miko replied. "Your welcome." Kori replied with a smile on her face. The miko couldnt help but stare at the beautiful demoness beside her. "So why were you crying?" The miko asked. "Oh... Its nothing really, just that, the demon that I was promissed to rejected me in my hour of need. He told me that he didnt love me the way that I love him, that hes agreeing with our engagement souly because his parents are making him do it for the sake of our clans... but thats not a big deal... Im Kori and you are?" Kori asked changing the tone in her voice from low and sad to happy. "Well first, my names Kagome, and second I'm sorry about the way that Jerks treating you. You deserve someone who will treat you right and worship you to the fullest extent!" Kagome said blushing and with a smile on her face. "So basically... a night in shining armor..." Kagome added. "Well wheres your 'night in shining armor'?" Kori asked sarcastically. Kagome blushed and said "Well you see.... Hes more less a protector than a night in shining armor, and besides hes rude, stubborn, and insanely jellous! Why would I fall for a guy like that?" Kagome asked blushing. Kori smiled and looked at the ground. "I hate Kouga now..." A tear fell when she said what she had hopped would never come from her lips. "Kouga? I know him!" Kagome said shockingly. "Really?" Kori asked back. "Yes! He has a huge crush on me... and for some reason... acts like theres no other woman in his life, to tell you the truth Ayames the only other woman who i thought he was promissed to!" Kagome said Kori didnt look at kagome, she kept her gaze at the ground hiding the pain on her face. 'that jerk! Making Kori feel this way... I feel bad for her and want to help but I dont know how..." Kagome thought to herself. Kori got up and started walking away. "Wait Kori! Where are you going?" Kagome asked. "To find Kouga!" She replied with a angrily. "Well let me come with you then!" Kagome replied as she started walking with Kori.
Kagome noticed that the princess had been crying before and wanted to take all of her troubles away... just didnt know how to...

End of chapter 1.

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Writers POV

So? How'd you like it? Pretty good for the first chapter huh??? Its my first fanfic so be nice... pwease??? well if you want to get in touch with me just drop me a line on messenger or e-mail! =]
