InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled As Of Yet ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Konnichi wa! I'm very proud if you are here on chapter two of Untitled As Of Yet (which I will start to call "U.A.O.Y.”) because that means that you want to finish reading this story! Thanks very much! For a heads up, there will be full Japanese sentences and words within this chapter and story. I'll give the translations in the end. So, on with the next chapter:
Untitled As Of Yet
By Arhu
Chapter Two
Kagome walked off of the grounds of Yurimoto School For Girls, wearing her uniform as she had the day before. Her backpack was nowhere in sight as she moved down the streets of Tokyo, heading to her therapy session.
She felt more afraid than she ever had before, walking out where her biggest fears could get to her. I've never felt so scared before. It feels as though one of them has me within their grasp and isn't about to let go, Kagome thought, …ever….
Kagome quickened her pace, wishing only to get to her therapist.
She could see Tokyo Central Therapy Offices. I'm almost there! Kagome thought, walking even faster.
Suddenly, a familiar kimono with a sky and fire design was shoved in her face, making her slow down slightly as she had to move it out of the way.
"I'll give it to you for free!!!” cried the man from yesterday.
No!” Kagome screamed with absolute terror in her voice. She ran as fast as she possibly could to get to her therapy.
Kagome ran into the building, screeching to a halt in front of the secretary.
“Go right in, Higurashi-san,” the secretary told her.
Kagome shook her head “yes” and walked hurriedly to her therapist's office.
As Kagome walked away, she heard the secretary say to someone else who had come in, “Hello, Inuyasha. Your mother has been waiting for you.”
Kagome heard footsteps behind her as the person the secretary was talking to started to follow her. As a result, Kagome walked even faster.
Kagome reached her therapist's office and pulled the door open.
“Hello Kagome. Have a seat,” Kaoru said to Kagome as she entered the office.
Kagome slowly slid down onto the couch that was in front of Kaoru's desk. Once she was sat down, she burst into tears.
“Oh! Kagome! Are you alright?!” asked Kaoru urgently as she jumped up and landed onto the couch next to Kagome, trying to comfort her.
Both women didn't hear when the door opened and in came a boy with long white hair, a cap to cover his head, and amber colored eyes with slit pupils. He took the backpack he had slung over his shoulder and dropped it on the floor next to Kaoru's desk, while sitting himself in the chair behind the desk.
Kaoru looked up and saw the boy sitting in her chair. She turned her attention back to the crying girl. “Dou shita no, Kagome? Dou shita no?” she asked soothingly.
“N-nani mo okoru nai. I-it's just t-that I was more a-a-afraid today than ever before…” Kagome answered through her sobs.
“Daijoubu, Kagome. No one can get you here. It's perfectly safe,” Kaoru said softly. Kagome slowly but surely calmed down.
Kaoru looked up again at the boy sitting in her chair only to find him… “Are you actually doing your homework?” Kaoru asked the boy in astonishment.
“No. Do you think I'm crazy? I'm drawing,” said the boy in a matter-of-fact tone.
Kaoru sighed. "I should have known. Get out of my seat, Inuyasha,” she said.
The Inuyasha boy picked up his pencil and drawing pad and got up out of Kaoru's seat. Once Kaoru was off of the couch, Inuyasha took his place next to Kagome and went back to drawing.
“Kagome, this is my son, Inuyasha. You already know his last name, as I'm his mother. Inuyasha, this is Kagome Higurashi,” Kaoru did the introductions.
Inuyasha gave her a small wave without looking up.
When Kagome realized who and what it was that was sitting next to her, she got very afraid.
Inuyasha suddenly looked at Kagome, his eyebrows scrunched together. He turned to Kaoru. “Ma? Uh…is she okay…?”
“How do you mean?” Kaoru asked and looked over at Kagome, who looked as though she were going to break the arm of the couch because she was pushed up against it so hard. It occurred to her, suddenly, as she saw the fear in Kagome's eyes. “Oh! I am so sorry, Kagome! Because you are my client, that makes your case confidential. I couldn't tell Inuyasha why you're here without your permission,” Kaoru said with worry in her voice. “Is it alright that I tell him…?”
Kagome nodded her head a little to tell Kaoru that it was alright that Inuyasha knew of her fear of demons.
“Inuyasha, Kagome is taking therapy because… she has a fear of…” Kaoru began, looking at Kagome to see if it really was okay to tell Inuyasha.
“Of anything d-demonic, including d-d-demons…” Kagome finished for her, true fear laced with her words.
Inuyasha's eyes widened at that. “How can you be afraid of something that's all around you?” Inuyasha asked with genuine curiosity.
“Why does everyone ask me that?” Kagome said quietly, hating that question. "I… I don't know why. I j-just am…” Kagome said a bit louder, looking down at her hands that, as normal, were in her lap.
“That is another reason why she's here,” Kaoru said to Inuyasha. “We need to find out why she's afraid and after we find that, we can cure her.”
Out of the blue, Inuyasha took his hat off, revealing two furry, triangular dog-ears. He then put his drawing pad and pencil into his backpack. After a few moments of silence, he turned to Kaoru and asked, “Ma, what the hell do I have to do with any of this?”
Kirayama-san, you didn't tell him that either? Kagome thought with a bit of annoyance.
“You're here to help me find why Kagome is afraid and to help her get over her fear,” Kaoru answered his question. She then turned to Kagome. “Kagome, did you talk to your mother about that changing of schools last night?” she asked.
“Uh…I f-forgot to…. W-why?” Kagome replied.
Kaoru turned her head to look at her son. “Inuyasha, I had asked Kagome if she had wanted to change to a public school, as she now goes to a private one. She said 'yes' after some convincing,” Kaoru said. "I'd like her to go to your school, if possible. If she does go, I want you to keep an eye on her."
"What?! Do I have to?" Inuyasha asked, annoyed.
Kaoru smiled evilly. "Yes, yes you do."
Inuyasha growled and rolled his eyes.
“Um…” Kagome said after a bit of silence. “Which school would I be going to?”
Kaoru looked over at Inuyasha. “You'd be going to Tokyo High,” Kaoru answered Kagome's question.
Kagome suddenly perked up. "That's my sister's school!" she said in excitement.
"Really?" Kaoru said to Kagome's outburst. "Which sister?"
"Sango," Kagome said, still excited.
Kagome realized something. If Inuyasha is a hanyou, wouldn't that mean that they let demons into that school? Kagome thought. She looked over at Inuyasha. "I…I don't think so….”
Kaoru saw Kagome look over at Inuyasha before she gave her answer. Kaoru immediately knew what Kagome was thinking. “Kagome, don't worry. Inuyasha is the only…” Kaoru thought of a good word to use for demon. None came up. “…demon in the entire school. Not even the teachers are demons.”
Kagome seemed to reconsider her answer. "I'd still have to talk with my mother…”
“Well, talk to her tonight and tell me what she thinks tomorrow,” Kaoru said. “Anyway, your time is up with me. I'll see you tomorrow.”
“'Bye, Kirayama-san,” Kagome said. She then turned timidly to Inuyasha. “I-it was n-nice meet-ting you….”
“Oh, Kagome, Inuyasha will be here everyday after school to help with your therapy,” Kaoru said, thinking of tomorrow.
"I will?" Inuyasha asked.
Kaoru glared at her son. "Yes, you will," she said sternly yet still managed to make herself sound sweet.
“Kagome, do you need a ride? You're my last appointment tonight, so I'll be going home right after this,” Kaoru asked out of kindness, changing topics as she loved to do.
“Uh… sure…” Kagome answered slowly.
Kaoru smiled. “Come along, then. You, too, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha grabbed his backpack and stood up. Kagome slowly followed suit.
All three of them walked out to the parking lot, Inuyasha putting his cap back on to cover up his ears.
"I'm sorry, Kagome, Inuyasha. You'll both have to sit in back, as I have things in the passenger seat,” Kaoru said a bit regretfully.
Kagome looked at Kaoru's car. It was small and blue, with no real room for a middle seat in the back. Kagome got in the back onto the right.
Inuyasha got in next to Kagome onto the other side.
Kagome started to get scared being in such close proximity with the hanyou. Kagome heard a little sniff and looked at Inuyasha out of the corner of her eye, only to find him looking back at her. “Sorry,” she heard him say quietly and saw him try to move over as far as he could within the tiny car.
“Kagome, where do you live?” Kaoru asked.
“At the Higurashi Shrine,” Kagome answered too quietly for Kaoru to really hear over the roar of the loud engine.
“Where?” Kaoru asked again.
Kagome was about to say it again but was interrupted when instead Inuyasha said, “She said she lived at the Higurashi Shrine.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha again. "T-thanks,” she said to him quietly, not really expecting him to hear.
“You're welcome,” he said just as quietly, not looking at her.
Kaoru saw all of this through the rearview mirror. She smiled. She continued to look, as she had yet to start the car, when she noticed something. "Kagome, where's your backpack?" Kaoru asked.
Kagome gasped. "Um…I-it's a s-school…" Kagome said uncomfortably and looking around.
Kaoru didn't believe Kagome's answer. "Kagome, where is it really?" Kaoru demanded.
Kagome felt snagged. She looked down at where her feet should have been (it's too dark for her to see). "The other girls at school… t-they said that they were going to borrow it like they normally do and give it back to me in the morning..." Kagome said uncertainly.
Inuyasha looked over at Kagome.
"Do they do your homework for you, Kagome?" Kaoru asked, but she already knew the answer.
"N-no…. They don't do it and then they give me back my backpack so it doesn't give me an excuse as to why my homework's not done for the teachers…" Kagome could feel tears start to well up in her eyes. "They always give me detention! I can't go because my mom gets worried and… and… it's just not fair!" With that, Kagome burst into tears.
Inuyasha, not at all okay with crying girls, said rather pathetically to his mother, "Ma… s-she's crying ag-gain…"
Kaoru sighed and started to think about what to do; this girl could barely hold it together for more than a few minutes. "I'm gonna take you home now, Kagome," she said, going for her easiest option.
A/N: Now, here are your translations in the order of which the Japanese first appeared:
konnichi wa……………hello; good afternoon
-san……………Mr.; Mrs.; Ms.
Dou shita no. ……………What happened?; What's the matter?
Nani mo okoru nai. ……………Nothing happened.
Daijoubu. ……………It is alright.
And there you have it; chapter two. I hope you enjoyed it. I am so happy that this chapter is so long (okay, so it's not so long, but it's the longest chapter I have ever written). Well, sayonara.