InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four:

(Kagome's P.O.V.)

I stared at Inuyasha in horror; I was so scared my body wouldn't move. My knees were as weak as a new born kitten; the tone of my voice was all shaky as if I saw a demon from hell. My skin tone and face were plaster white as if I'd seen a ghost. I was still in the dark woods at night. The woods were howling like the wind inside a house on a very windy day. Plus Inuyasha was staring at me with those glowing red eyes that had a hungry look in them. He scared me so much now I didn't know what to do. I missed the old Inuyasha the one I fell in love with, the one who cared about me, the one who had a warm smile when he was happy. I started to cry.

"Please Inuyasha I beg you let me go!" I cried through my sobs. It looked as if Inuyasha's eyes were softening but then they turned hard again and then he grinned. "I don't think so Kagome I told were going to be my queen. I really don't want to force you Kagome but I will if it's necessary. I really don't want to though. When I turn you into my queen I want to give you pleasure not pain." Inuyasha started to advance towards me. "I want to hear you moan not scream." He put his hand under my chin. "So please Kagome just let me." I just stared at Inuyasha with pure hated. "Never in hell, Inuyasha! I will never be your queen! I would rather let hell freeze over before that happens!"

Inuyasha looked extremely pissed off now. I started to cry harder I could see his eyes become more fiery and red with anger and lust. My knees buckled even more. It was as if his gaze had made my body paralyzed. "What are you doing to me Inuyasha?" I said while looking up into his gaze. "Well Kagome since you will not come to me willingly then I guess I have to force you!" He half snarled at me. "No please don't Inuyasha don't!" I cried out to him in pure horror.

Then all of a sudden I heard a female voice yell "Hiraikotsu!" Inuyasha jumped out of the way just in time. I turned around to see Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara. "You guys" I said in a relieved voice "It's you I was so scared!" I started crying again. Sango took me into her arms. "What's going on Kagome?" Sango asked "Inuyasha is the new vampire prince and he wants me to be his queen." I said, my bottom lip quivering. Everyone except Inuyasha and me had a sweat drop on the side of their heads. Then Shippo said "You guys Kagome is telling the truth Inuyasha is scaring me more than usual." He seemed to be shaking almost uncontrollably as he said this. "He's right" said Miroku "I can feel demonic aura from Inuyasha; a very strong one too. I hate to tell you this Kagome" said Miroku "But the Inuyasha you once knew and loved is gone and is replaced by the vampire demon."

Then his voice broke in "No shit Sherlock! I think she already figured that out" We all turned around at once to see Inuyasha grinning. I almost forgot he was there for a second. "I wasn't going to go through the whole story again but since you four look so confused and scared I'll cut you some slack." Inuyasha took a breath and said "Naraku turned me into the new vampire prince. He told me that after I became the new vampire prince that I had to find my queen and also that I'd know who she was by an odd feeling. And guess what! I got that feeling from Kagome so she must be my queen. I told her that if she wouldn't change willingly that I would force her. Which might I add I have all intentions of doing." He grinned at me with those demonic looking eyes then went on. "She refused of course so now I'm going to force her."

He started walking towards me again. "No you're not, Inuyasha!" said Sango "Even though you're our friend we will never let you hurt Kagome." said Miroku while getting ready to sick his wind tunnel on Inuyasha. Said hanyou just laughed a maniacal laugh. "You guys are fools! I am the vampire prince do you really think that could hurt me? Foolish monk… oh, and Sango don't think of throwing you're weapons at me. They only got me before because I had my full power on Kagome." He laughed again. Sango turned towards me and said "Kagome get on Kirara, get away from here and take Shippo with you as well!"

"Ok I'll do it." I said grabbing Shippo before I ran.

"Where do you think you're going Kagome?" shouted Inuyasha "She's going far away from you." Sango said. "Come on Kagome get going now!" Miroku shouted "No!" Yelled Inuyasha. "Don't even think of moving Inuyasha!" both Sango and Miroku yelled at the same time. "Right! Let's go Kirara!" Said neko demon growled then took off.

Inuyasha was beyond pissed "You little fools! You let her get away! As your punishment you may have the honor of becoming my first two servants'." Both Miroku and Sango knew what that meant. "No!" they shouted. "Oh, yes" Inuyasha went after them they both gave him quite a fight but they were no match now."When you both wake up you will be my servants'."Inuyasha stated with a sadistic grin. Now Inuyasha was full from dinner but now he wanted dessert. He laughed. "I'm coming after you now Kagome! You won't get away from me!" Then Inuyasha chased after her.