InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Vying for Dominance ❯ Soon Enough ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<u>Soon Enough</u>
Until the end of days, he would remember her beauty. Sitting there, her midnight tresses cascading over her shoulders in rippling waves as the water streamed over her, the fine silk clinging to every cure as it grew heavy under the weight of the water, her skin glistening with moisture, every rise and fall of her chest as she breathed giving off a new array of sparkling light, her trembling lips, still swollen and flushed pink from where his own had trapped them, and her eyes, those endless jewels of the clearest blue, shinning sapphires that could trap his very soul in their depths.
Her scent surrounded him, coursing with power and so pure that it ignited every one of his senses. The line between pleasure and pain was so fine, and every second he was with her he came closer and closer to falling over the edge. But it didn't matter, because it was this he wanted. The electric burn was a temptation beyond anything he had ever known. He wanted it, every part of it, to feel it, taste it, know it in every way.
He could feel the trembling of her soft body against the solid muscle of his, but he held her steady, carefully manipulating the ritual robe to expose her injuries. Every streak of crimson life that bleed into the pure white of the silk spoke to him; her blood calling to him, singing the story of her struggle and of her victory. It was not weakness that he saw, but strength. That her flesh was so fragile, and yet she had stood against the odds, brought down all who challenged her. Such was her power.
Her right arm first he lifted into the falling stream of water, cleaning away the dirt and debris from where she had impacted against the ground. The impurities were washed away, and when the water dripping from her skin was pinked with only her blood, he brought his mouth to cover the wounds, running his tongue across the marred skin in long, hard strokes.
She hissed in pain, instinctively trying to pull back from him; but he held her firm, continuing to draw his tongue over the flesh, and waiting, waiting…
“Sesshomaru!” Her voice was sharp, a mixture of pain and anger. She tried again to pull away from his hold, but still he held her firm. “What are you doing?!”
Finishing with her arm, he pulled back slowly, licking his lips lazily to retrieve that small measure of her taste. His eyes were hooded when he looked up to meet hers, the beast purring in content to have its pallet satiated by such an exquisite delicacy. “In the blood there are no secrets,” he drawled out huskily. “Yours tells me everything about who and what you are. To taste it is to know you as touch could never know.”
“Uh huh.” She wasn't appeased. “But that really can't be good for the healing process.”
He smirked slowly. She was so naive. “Is that so?” Finally releasing her arm from his hold, he let her pull it back to herself. “See for yourself, miko.”
Her features drew tight in confusion, but she did as she was told. Twisting slightly to get a better look at the scrapes that had run from her elbow down her forearm, she gasped in startled shock when instead of a long run of broken and damaged skin there was only a faint redness. She brought her left hand closer, her fingers brushing over the area tentatively. Though still tender and sore, her mortal healing not as adept as that of a youkai, most of the damage had been mended.
When her eyes lifted to meet his again, they were wide with wonder. “How?”
“There are many forms of poison,” he replied. “Some can kill any form of infection, and others possess corrosive qualities that can fuse flesh.”
Moving on to her left arm, he repeated the process, savoring every moment where her blood would burn against his tongue. Her breath hitched when the pressure he had been applying increased, and he could almost hear her mind spinning to distract her from the pain.
“Why…How do you know how to heal me? I mean, I'm human.”
Releasing her wrist, he didn't even look up to see her reaction as he replied, “Know thine enemy.”
His hand lifted to her shoulder, taking care to pull the covering away from her most serious injury. She stiffened against him, her breathing becoming sharp and panicked as the deep gouge running outwards from her collarbone was revealed.
Her voice was strained, but he understood. There was no way around it; this was going to hurt. “Ask a question, Kagome.”
“A question?”
He nodded slowly as his fingers brushed along the perimeter of the tear to orient himself with the proper alignment. “Distract yourself from the pain. Ask me a question.” When she didn't say anything, he pushed her by beginning to apply pressure against the tear in her shoulder, drawing it together so that he could seal it.
A muffled cry left her even though she struggled to contain it. He gave her a moment to recover after the initial start had passed; and after drawing in several long breaths to steady herself, she finally found her voice.
“All of this,” she said quietly, her voice forced steady against the strain. “It's so planned, so elaborate. Was that female right? Were you really looking for a mate?”
Ah, and there was the question. He might have laughed if it wasn't so unbefitting the situation. But truly, it was ridiculous. Not that she would think he was looking for a mate; but that of all the females that had answered to his summons on this night, the only one that should not have, should not have even been able to, was the only one that knew him well enough to know the truth, even if she hadn't been aware of it at the time.
He had been so shocked when she had outright laughed at the bitch's bold decree that she was vying to be his mate, and then for her to go on to say it was more likely that he would have his way with her and then dispatch of her - which in all honesty was what would have happened had the little miko not been the victor of the contest - it was so surreal.
The only bitch that knew anything about him wasn't even a bitch at all.
And now he was with her, taking the care with her that he would not have with any other, forsaking tradition to go through part of the mating ritual for a woman who would never be his mate, would never be anything more to him than a memory; and she had asked the one question that part of him wished there was a better answer for.
As it was, the only reply he could give was, “No. However, it is customary for one in my position to attend the solstice gathering with a female. So long as the choices are as intolerable as you have seen, I choose to offer the bitches up for the contests.”
With her distracted, he took the time to quickly seal over the most prominent area of damage. This time, however, instead of pulling away from him when the pain ripped through her, she reached out with her free arm and hugged herself closer. He could feel her blunted teeth digging into his shoulder as she bit through the strangled cries that were tearing from her throat; and that action alone, even if it hadn't been combined with the thick flavor and burning sting of her blood coating his tongue, was almost enough to drive him over the edge.
He growled deeply in ecstasy, his body sent reeling by a nearly overwhelming wave of primal desires. Even when he was causing her pain, still she would accept him, draw him closer, let his strength be what held her steady. Her actions were driving the beast wild, causing it to thrash against its restraints, demanding it freedom to take what was his; and she didn't even know.
“What...what contests?” she panted out against his shoulder when the haze of pain had finally cleared from her mind.
Her voice cleared a path through the red fog that had descended upon him, and though enough to pull back on the urges of the beast, still the deep vibrations of its pleasure shook through his chest as he lazily cleaned away all lingering traces of her blood from the tender skin of her shoulder.
“Males are forbidden from contesting for rights to a female outside of the gatherings.” His words whispered across her skin as he began to move lower, parting the thin covering as he went to reveal to him the lush mounds of her breast. His eyes were closed, and he followed her curves only by feeling, brushing his nose and cheeks against the softness of her skin. “If we are to fight to the death, it should be against our enemies, not against each other.”
His mouth opened to settle around the delicate peak of one of her breasts, and he was left purring in pure appreciation when a soft gasp left her lips and she arched into him to offer him more of her sweetness. Hungry for more of what she could give him, his hand wrapped around her back to press her more firmly against himself; and she replied in kind, fisting her hands in his hair and pulling him even closer.
She was so demanding, almost forceful as she pulled against him, wanting, needing more to drive the pain from her senses and have it be replaced by pleasure. It would have been so easy just to give into her demands, so easy to forget everything all over again. But he forced himself back, forced himself not to give in to her devastated whimper of loss when his mouth pulled away from her breast.
Shifting against her slowly, he lowered himself to his knees, all the while tasting her flesh with hungry kisses as he worked his way lower on her. Using his body, he coaxed her into parting her legs to allow him to settle between them. Her heart rate had quickened, excitement and anticipation mingling with uncertainty and lingering hesitations to be so exposed; but with every beat he would be assaulted by another powerful wave of her scent, so much closer now, so much more filled with the hot spices of her pulsing core.
Great Kami but it was sinful in its inescapable allure. Even to have that heavenly scent permeating his senses was enough to make him forget anything and everything except the need to taste it; but there, mixed in with her glorious arousal, was the faintest traces of fear and it held him back from the compulsion to simply devour her.
It was killing him to hold back in such a way, to take such care in his treatment of her. Had she been a true bitch, such actions would be symbolic, nothing more. But for her, for this delicate flower, it was so much more. His rational mind had been shut out long ago, the drive of instinct taking over its place; and his instincts told him that with her he needed to take care, that for this tiny female the painful longing he subjected himself to was necessary.
So he took his time, brushing his chest against the hot moisture settled between her legs as he reached up to capture her breast in his mouth again, pulling and teasing at the sensitive flesh until she was moaning and sighing in pleasured bliss once more. It was of her own accord that she shifted her hips to press against him, grinding the evidence of her need against the solid planes of muscles rippling his stomach. He took her advance greedily, his hand shifting to pull along the creamy skin of her thigh and lifting her hips up from her seat upon the rock ledge under the falls.
Her short cry of start was silenced abruptly when he tore himself away from her breast and reached up to capture her lips. She moaned into his mouth, her arms wrapping around him eagerly to give her the leverage to shift against him again. The friction between them was made slick by the layers of moisture, both from the water and from the hot nectar dripping from her core; and the very thought of her covering him with her scent had him throbbing in painful need.
Were it not for the water cooling the fires running through his veins, he might not have been able to stop himself from taking her right then and there. But she wasn't ready, and he was forced to pull back from his urges yet again.
Leaning her back against the cool rocks, he left the sweetness of her lips, intent on having the taste of her final treasure as he prepared her virginal body for the ultimate cadence. This time, however, when he lowered himself between her legs, there was no fear, no hesitation, only the soft whimpers of longing spilling from her lips and the unconscious shifts of her hips as she yearned for more contact against her aching centre.
Applying careful pressure against the inside of her thigh, coaxing but not forcing her into opening herself to him, he watched raptly as the swollen folds of her slickened heat were slowly reveal to his lustful gaze. Whatever part of his vision was not burning with the crimson fires was lost in that instant. All thought and restraint gone, he was given over to his primal urges.
His mouth closed over her tender lips hungrily at the same time as his tongue drove deeply into her core to drink from her flowing nectar. She cried out at the intrusion, her muscles both inner and outer drawing tight around him; but with the heat of his mouth wrapped around her most sensitive regions and the long, sinful pulls of his tongue, in no time he had her relaxed again and mewling softly in absolute ecstasy.
He could feel so distinctly every tiny spasm that ran through her muscles, hear every hitch in her breath and soft sigh and moan of pleasure that spilled from her lips. Her scent and taste was all he knew, surrounding him, filling him, becoming a part of him. And still there was more. For every draw against her, he could feel the power within her grow, breaking out from behind barriers of restrain, allowed to run freely as her passion were released. It was ecstasy, rapture, pleasure beyond anything he had ever known, and still it was just the beginning.
With one last deep draw against her, he began to pull back. But her devastated whimper of loss he would replace with an elated cry when instead of pulling away completely he replaced the slick heat of his tongue with a solid thrust of one of his fingers into her heated core. Her voice stilled as her body was overtaken with a powerful tremor that shook through her entire frame. Her inner muscles had clamped down around his finger, but even so she was pressing her hips forwards, greedily trying to take in more.
But he was greedy as well, and before he would give in to her desires, he would have his own satiated. His mouth wrapped around her again, his tongue flicking out to consume the sweet offering that was brought back to him as his finger slid out of her. The throaty moan that she released he replied to with a low growl of pleasure before he trust into her again.
Over and over he pushed into her, feeding the beasts desires at the same time as preparing her to take more. As her muscles relaxed, he filled her with more, always pressing deeper, stretching her further, and bringing her closer and closer to her peak.
When her voice suddenly stilled and her body tensed beneath him, he knew that it had come. Pressing into her as far as he was able with only his fingers, he pushed her over the edge to tumble into the endless abyss of ecstasy beyond. Her voice called out to him; straining and breathless, she could form no words, only tell him of her pleasure in a sound that required none.
Her body pulsed with not only the cycling waves of contracting muscles, but with brilliant flashes of energy that danced across her skin, their radiance brushing over him as they passed, each one more incredible than the last. It wasn't pain he felt when met with those burning energies, but only the heat of her release, her pleasure, her passion. It filled him, made him feel things that were impossible, things that were of her became his to experience as well. It was beyond anything he had ever known, beyond anything he had ever dared to dream. And it was she that had given it to him, and she that would give him so much more.
A ripping snarl was released by the beast when he forced it to pull away from her centre. He was panting against the effort to contain it, to hold it back from its urges. Soon enough, he soothed the beast as he slipped his arm around the miko's back and began pulling her up against him to lift her from the unforgiving stone and the cold brush of the water's fall.
Soon enough.
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Lol, I know what you're all thinking,
<i>`Soon enough? Like hell! It's never soon enough if it isn't right freaking now!' </i>
Does that about sum it up? Lol though so
Well, you know the drill. Please leave a review for your flustered authoress. Now that you've all gotten your treat, Shadow needs hers too ;P
Later days (and lots of cold showers)