InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Waiting ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
The wind howled, and drafts crept in through the cracks between the rough-hewn logs. With temperatures falling well below freezing and the ground already covered with a thick carpet of snow, Kagome was glad of any refuge and bit of warmth she could get.  
Shivering, she poked halfheartedly at the wood in the fire pit, then burrowed further under the half rotted blankets and skins they'd found left behind in the abandoned hut.  At times like this, she was acutely aware of just how many miles, and years, separated her from modern conveniences.
Another vicious gust of wind buffeted her shelter, bringing doubts about its sturdiness, but InuYasha had pronounced it safe, so she refused to worry.  He'd be back soon.  Separated earlier in the day from their companions, each to track a different rumor of shards, she and the hanyou had acquired their goal with a minimum of fuss, then were forced to ground by the sudden storm.
Although reluctant to leave Kagome in such a situation, InuYasha had known they needed more wood, and food.  While the prospects of the latter were slim in this weather, the need to provide for his miko was strong enough to drive him out into the bitter snow.  That had been an hour ago, and his absence WAS worrying her.
Pushing herself upright from her huddled position before the pitiful fire, Kagome gained her feet and began to pace.  Hoping the activity would keep her legs from going numb, every so often she glanced out the roughly barricaded door, seeking a glimpse of red firerat.  How much longer would he be?  How far had he had to go to find wood and food?  Of course, with the storm laying down ever more snow on top of the old, the likelihood that he would be successful at either was nil.  Animals would surely be well holed up, and dry wood nonexistent.
Frowning at the turn her thoughts had taken, she huffed in irritation, before returning to her place before the fire.  She didn't want him to see her pacing, fraught with concern.  Better she show him a determined and confident face upon his return.  After all, she was with her InuYasha, so there was really nothing to be concerned about anyway.
She gave a small "eek!" as a clump of snow dropped from an apparent crack in the roof, and fell down her nape.  Giving said roof a glare, she shifted out of the way of future assaults, and settled herself once again.
Only to be startled by a muffled but "Ho, the house!" from somewhere outside.  Dropping her wrappings, she surged to her feet just in time to greet her missing companions, followed shortly by her beloved hanyou, a deer haunch over one shoulder.  The monk carried an armful of wood wrapped in his robes, which Kirara immediately set to blaze with a fiery paw, once it was assembled in the pit.
Warmth began spreading almost immediately from this larger conflagration, and sighs of pleasure were heard all around.  Shippo peeked out from Sango's wrap, grinning widely at the young miko. Clearly he'd had a great time on his adventure with the monk and slayer.
And InuYasha stood there like a conquering hero, presenting her with the deer meat proudly.
"Oi, wench!  Everything okay?"
And she beamed. "It is now!"